Cougar House Ep. 056: Overnight Sensation


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Eric tensing up for a second hardcore nut ruptured so deeply into Anita her scream could be heard even in a muffled amount. Lured away Kim flicked her tongue all the way down his body until she could slip it in his asshole. The sensitivity made him snarl and send an added tendril of jizz into Anita, the result a spasm worthy of viewing deeply into one another's eyes forehead to forehead, lips parting.

"That was incredible!" Anita exhaled as he released her right leg as a signal to Kim to go back into hiding. Lifting away ever so slowly so as not to alert Anita of her presence Kim decided enough was enough, found her dildo under the bed then crawled from his room.

Vacating Anita's splashing hole, he released her left leg to give her freedom to stretch her limbs. Following her back he collapsed on to his belly and began eating her out. Oh, the moans of Goddess hood! Anita was keeping up with Margo and Frannie in the distance.

Kim, fascinated by the call of the wild downstairs searched for Lily, unable to find her she presumed she was downstairs with them. Scurrying downstairs without even getting dressed, Kim found Frannie Filmore straddling Brian Hancock on the polar bear rug in front of the fireplace. Hovering over her was his brother Jeffrey taking Frannie's ass DP. Margo Needy seated on Brian's face although still bleeding slightly was kissing Frannie. Heath behind Margo had his dick in her ass, balls even colliding with Brian's brow. In awe, she joined the gathering but kept her distance. Taking a seat on the sofa she watched the entangled orgy and fucked herself with Eric the toy. Fun! Fun!

Upstairs, Eric finished Anita off with his fingers then crawled away. Reaching for her she sat up then left the bed. The mounting cries downstairs Eric wanted to become a part of it all and hoped Anita wouldn't resist. "Come with me." Gnashing her teeth, Anita took the risk. Downstairs they went. Once they made it to the basement Anita dropped her jaw at the cluster of sweaty lovers. Not expecting them Kim grew so lost in her toy she didn't even know Eric and Anita were present. Anita pointing at the couch, Eric looked shocked. She didn't buy it. Smiling with a doubtful glint, she led Eric around the gathered grunts and right up to Kim. Encouraging Eric, she knelt down and motioned for him to explore the young woman. Eric mouthed, "Are you sure?" A gentle kiss to his cheek set him into motion. Noting the toy as Margo's with his name on it he delicately stopped Kim's plunging hands.

Eyes opening to see him Kim gasped, "Eric?" He sneered at her and removed the toy claiming it from her grasp. Handing it to Anita, he prodded her to suck on it. Hesitant at first, she went along with it. In its absence Eric took Kim into a slouch and penetrated her cunt. "OH MY GOD!"

Eric thought so. He fucked Kim to climax then pulled out to cum on Anita's face. Drawing Kim from her cushion he made them face one another. Kim wasn't certain what to do until Anita sat Eric the Toy aside and kissed the girl. First time for Kim making out with another woman she fell right into it. Eric left them making out and ventured around to watch Frannie. Jeff having nutted on Frannie's ass pulled out and offered his spot to Eric. Greed consuming him, that and all of his fantasies about the redhead he had to take her anus. Once in, Eric lost sight of reality. No place like home!

Jeff still aroused looked over at Anita taking Kim to the carpet, shocking even herself at the feminine decision. Kim was getting into it as well. Rubbing his chin with one hand, his dick with the other Jeffrey shrugged and dropped in behind Anita. Thinking it Eric, Anita let Jeffrey fuck her pussy. In her laying over Kim, the blonde's legs to each side of Anita's hips, Jeff realized he could reach Kim as well. Puckering he pulled out of Anita and lowered his erection to Kim's pussy. Awkward, but sampled just enough to say he had, Jeff returned to Anita and nutted in her cunt.

Once he had vacated, Anita parted from Kim, peering back over her shoulder before realizing someone new had nailed her. An oh fuck moment exhaled, Anita crawled off of Kim and discovered Eric inside Frannie. This was all too much! Standing away she wasn't certain whether to stay or get dressed and leave. Deciding Eric still worthy, she like Kim had done without her knowing, hovered behind the theater manager and kissed on him until he creamed inside Frannie Filmore's perfect tunnel.

Jeff on the other hand had Kim all to himself. Kim just didn't care anymore. She rolled with him and hopped his cock like a woman obsessed. Both Hancock's in a matter of hours. She could get used to this. Lily should have been here with her. Where was Lily?



Ben Dunn fucked Lily's face while he had the chance. So, in love! Moonlight serenade! Eyes closed to even the moon neither Ben nor Lily heard Roxie Durbin move around them and take the path in darkness. Carefully Roxie used her cellphone to gauge the path. Using her body to block it from the kids she made her way toward the treehouse. All Roxie needed to know was if the Nichol's ladies were there. If they were nearby, she could catch the boys off guard and force the women to return home with Wayne. Nothing ever went as planned.


"AAAAAAAAAAH!" Ben heard a male voice, releasing Lily, her balance making her fall forward, saliva drooling from her mouth. "Who are you?" Ben froze, unable to even help Lily up. No problem! Wayne Nichols did it for him. Dragging Lily up by her hair he warned them both. "Scream and I hurt both of you bad. Where is my wife and daughter?"

Hostage situation!


Mountain Music...

Cabot Ross had put together a bountiful feast in a very short amount of time. He was a damn good cook and luckily the Salmon broiled faster than expected, having set it out to thaw just after Melanie arrived. Listening to the intercom, the sounds of Melanie Bush climaxing at least three times since he left her at Roselyn's mercy made him smile. He was proud of Rose being able to keep her jaw that wide for as long as she had. Of course, he hadn't been viewing her, just listening in. Rose did have to use her hands to keep the bottle in motion to give her mouth a chance to relax before resuming her fate, teeth sliding on glass was not pleasant either. Mel had no plans on ratting her out. Juices flowing the tattooed beauty did flood her bottle with about two inches of tidal pool. Breathless Melanie stopped Rose with a thankful plea.

"BLAME ME MISTER MASTER! Cunt's getting sore." She yelled for Cabot to hear.

"Dinners on the table. Bring it on up!" Meaning them! Legs numb both ladies helped one another reach the elevator and head upstairs to the main floor. Following the drama of candlelight, they found an ambience most unexpected. The dining table had a silver candle holder with five candles lit. The dinner smelled delicious. "Seat yourselves and eat up."

"Nice job Mister Master. Gourmet God, you!" Melanie grinned.

"Yes, Baroque. You constantly surprise me."

"I intend to keep that up." He smiled pushing Rose closer to the table. "Eat! The night is young and I'm still horny."

"Don't you ever get tired?" Mel asked fluttering a clothe napkin over her lap.


"I rather like his energy." Rose smiled with a blush, caught off guard by Cabot leaning in to kiss her cheek. His intimate side shining in the moment became alluring, Rose was smitten. Who knew a young pup such as this dashing young and hung man could be so everything. Charm! Strength! Dedication! Not wanting her for her bank account! While not naive Roselyn told herself to give him a chance. Baroque would undoubtedly prove her wrong at some point, but until then her body craved this man's attentiveness. Should he fail her it would be unsettling but until then, what else did Rose have, besides her money and this lonely castle.

"I mean... yeah, I'm digging his energy too, but..." Melanie realized she couldn't explain herself properly. "Fish is delicious." She took one bite so flaky and moist it melted in her mouth. "Damn Cabot! Who needs culinary school? This is fivestar now."

"Thanks!" He couldn't resist smiling. "I've never really prepared salmon before. I have a habit of looking up recipes on my phone even when I'm not cooking. I happened to have had my eye on that particular meal even before I saw Rosie's freezer contents." He took his own seat and offered something even more unexpected. "Chateau Lafite?" He remembered again, Rosie's favorite wine. Pausing to stare at him as he poured her a glass Roselyn trembled. In her thoughts she begged God to let her keep her Baroque. Miracles do happen! "Wine, Tomboy?" He hovered the bottle over Melanie's glass.

"Why not! Unless you plan on using this bottle on Roselyn there. My cunts a lil wore out."

"Better get used to that. I'm tearing it up before bed. Nouveau there is going to watch and wish it were she. Isn't that right Nouveau?"

"I love to watch."

"Don't think you won't be busy. There's no relaxing on my time."

"I am yours Baroque. If I may speak openly?"

"Over dinner every time. Let's make that a rule. This table is our neutral territory. Even for you Tomboy."

"What's this tomboy crap? Do I really look tomboy? I mean yeah, I was in my teens but once I got porn star boobs and ass... the only toms were boys peeping in my bedroom window. Which I left wide open, raised, easy to climb through." She laughed. "Fuck I'm a slut."

"A toast?" Cabot raised his glass, "To a bright future for everyone at this table, and for those yet to join us." Glasses lightly clinking together they took their first official drink. Once done Cabot turned to Rose, "Finish your thought."

"Thank you, Baroque."

"At the table it's Cabot. The second that chair is slid under after dinner it's Baroque."

"Same for me?" Mel smirked with a hesitant expression.

"Are you planning on being my slave?"

"Sub... maybe... in the basement."

"Entire house or nothing."

Sighing heavily Mel shrugged, "All in to sin."

"Good! Back to you Rosie."

"No interruptions please." The owner of the citadel took on a leading persona. "I need to get this off my chest. Firstly, I'm grateful that you have chosen to change my life for the better. I will greedily serve you well as my Baroque. When not under your influence I will be your best friend and still dictate my own needs. These jobs you are creating for others is very nice of you Cabot, I just worry of scandal if they do not take to this lifestyle as Melanie here has."

"Freak! Sorry!" Mel posed her intimate desires then palmed her mouth for interrupting.

"I suppose I am. Even though I know you meant yourself Miss Bush. At any rate, what if the good Pastor's daughter cannot cope and confides in her father over what she sees here?"

"Hold up!" Mel gnashed her teeth for interrupting a second time. "Grace Goode?"

"I mentioned her. You work with her at the nursing home."

"I know... slipped my mind about you talking about her is all. Grace is a sweetheart. I'd lick her."

"That's going to happen." Cabot smirked. "She's evolving because I think she's in love with me. I warned her I'm not relationship material. We'll just see how well she adapts to her surroundings living out here."

"So, she's moving in too? Am I sharing the sub-basement with her?"

"You will. Get along!"

"I don't see a problem. Is Grace... getting paid like me?"

"Are we done interrupting?" Rose spoke up. Both Cabot and Melanie clammed up and looked for her temporary leadership. "Not a peep until I'm done." Cabot winked but kept quiet. "To answer your question, it would only be fair to offer Grace the same pay rate as you get. The same for my future pool cleaner, I'll find other odd jobs to keep him occupied. No, not sexually, unless you allow it Cabot." She feigned another blush, "I can see your authority sneering at me. I know very well you will let this Heath have his way with me."

Melanie raised her hand but withdrew it apologizing with opened palms and expression. Roselyn continued, "Now, I don't pay Bryce what I'm offering Melanie, Grace, and Heath. I would rather not if we can keep that part to ourselves around my personal trainer. Bryce is married and considering moving on as it is. I think I scare the man with my lustful ambitions. He's faithful and I try my best to honor him, but... if I'm being honest... I want his dick so bad. I have to let him go I think."

Cabot posed an index, she caving to his thoughts. "That's your decision. I can't be your personal trainer more than two days a week Rose. Hilltop works me long hours five days a week. The tips are outstanding. Sure, I know you'd offer me that five grand a week too, but I just can't accept it. I need to be my own man."

"I understand this Cabot. That in itself guides me to my knees. I adore the fact you're special in that manner." Melanie was skeptical over his game but kept it to herself. Cabot was a sweetheart, and she knew that to be a fact. Ulterior motives wouldn't change her thoughts on that fabulous cock. She just hoped Rose wouldn't kill herself once his game ended. "Regardless of your selflessness I told you I will spoil you. As Rose, not Nouveau, I ask you to understand me. I reward loyalty, just as I know you will of mine. So, please do not fight me on that Cabot."

"It all depends on what and how Rose. I will take you up on driving Wardell's cars to keep them going."

"What of his boat?"

"He... has a boat?"

"Oh yes! A sizeable cabin cruiser up at Lake Wallenpaupack. I haven't even used it since Wardell passed. I couldn't bring myself to sell it. I just bought a lakeside property there and leave it set up out of the water in drydock. It's christened, Daddy's Oar." Melanie snorted her wine thinking she said Daddy's Whore. Rose knew her first thought, "Yes, it's exactly meant to sound that way. However, Wardell couldn't use whore on any permits. He thought it was clever.

"Hell yes, it is." Mel dabbed her nose with her napkin. Devouring her food, she was almost done. "Love it!"

"You are welcome to take us boating sometime, Captain Cabot." Rose blushed. "High seas orgy?"

"Nice! I'll consider that. You up for that First Mate Mel?"

"Ai! Ai! Cap'n!" She saluted him.

"Go on Rose."

"Thank you! Anyway, should you know of any man who might replace Bryce as my secondary trainer I am open to your recommendation."

"Let Bryce go tomorrow when he's here. There's Heath's extra effort, he used to be a wrestler, so he keeps fit. I will evoke my authority over his fucking you immediately Rose. I know he'll try and override that, but I expect you to set him straight. He is NOT your Master. He has Margo as it is."

"So, Margo serves Heath?"

"She fucking sleeps in a dog cage for him. She's crazy."

"I have... a cage." She almost sounded envious.

"Wardell use to lock you up like Darryl Needy did Margo?"

"Oh, yes! He would often lock me away while he worked in his office all day making money. He would ignore me even if I needed to pee. There were many days I urinated on myself and had to clean my confinement."

"Wardell ever piss on you?"

"Such a topic over dinner." She giggled. "I'm glad we all have strong constitutions. Yes Cabot! More times than I can count. It... made me feel closer to my husband."

"Wow! No man has ever taken a leak on me." Mel pointed at Cabot, "No getting any ideas Mister Master."

"I'll make sure you're sleeping when I do." He chuckled. "Eat your food, Rose. Oh, I imagine you have an arsenal of toys, right?"

"Oh, yes! My bedroom has a sliding wall unit which you have yet to notice. There's an 8X10 toy closet there."

"Wardell was like James Bond. I'll check it out when we're done eating." Last thing said, they ate dinner. Mel burped loudly. Cabot farted! Rose giggled. So, comforting to have family again. These two youngsters were the kids she never had. Twisted, but true!

A house was not a home!

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SZENSEISZENSEIover 1 year agoAuthor

Yes! At some point. I have a lot of episodes written. The reason for my procrastinating is because I'm rewriting a ton of my older series that once I re-read them felt shame in their poor quality. It literally stopped me cold in my tracks and felt like deleting them on here. All I can ask is bear with me. I'll share more in the coming months, I promise. Thank you for caring enough to ask. God bless!


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