Could She Really be a Cougar? Ch. 01


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"Yeah, he drifted right into bed with that hot little nurse in his office."

"After we divorced," Dede said.

"Give me a break, Dede. You don't think he was warming his pecker long before the ink was dry on your decree? Gerry's not a bad guy, but he was looking for fresh pussy."

"Are you saying my pussy is stale?" Dede said trying to get her friend to back off her negative rant.

"Well, it looked plenty fresh a few minutes ago. Of course, if you want me to be sure, I'd have to taste it. What say you?"

Dede splashed Mae. "You're terrible. Someday, I just might call your bluff. Then what would you do?"

"Eat you till you passed out," answered Mae. Dede's face burned with the thought. "Anyway, we're talking about breaking the screwing drought. Cody's perfect. He's not looking for any deep relationship. He's already seen the goods and still is hot for you. And, he looks like he could fuck all night. What more do you want?"

Dede thought about what Mae said. Her friend was right. She didn't want anything more out of a physical relationship. She wondered what her daughters would think. Should she tell them? She answered that right away—never in a million years.

Mae climbed out and was sprawled on the pool's apron letting the sun dry her. Dede regarded her long, lithe body and wondered what it would be like to drop her guard and see how sex with a woman could be. Dede suspected with Mae it would be wild and hot sex.

"Penny for your dirty thoughts," Mae said.

Dede realized she had spaced out again. This was the third or fourth time today her mind wandered to think about sex. Mae was right about one thing, she needed to get laid.

"How would I do it?" she asked Mae as she lay beside her on her towel.

"Usually, spread your legs..."

"Stop it," said Dede. "You know what I mean. Do I just call him? Try to meet with him? What do I do?"

"So, you've made up your mind?"

"Well, I think I could make a decision if I can put it into concrete steps that I would take."

"OK," said Mae as she rolled on her side to face Dede. "The first question is 'where?' You probably don't want to take your boy-toy to your bedroom in case the girls find out."

"Boy-toy! You're not being helpful."

Mae grinned. "So, I also doubt that you would want to go to his place. You have no clue what his living situation is. Does he room with a bunch of other guys? Do any of them know your daughters? Does he even have a bed? God, who knows what's living on his sheets."

"Mae, are you trying to talk me out of it?"

"Sorry. OK, let's concentrate on the positives. You could get a motel. Of course, you'd probably have to book it and pay for it. But, after the dirty deed, you each go your separate ways. Nice and neat."

"That sounds so trashy," Dede said. "Renting a motel room knowing you're going to have sex. I would die of embarrassment thinking the clerk knows why I'm there."

"Dede, I'm sure you would not be the first woman to rent a room to fuck in. Anyway, that's only one possibility."

"What's another?"

Mae let her eyes roll up toward her house.

"You can't be serious. Bring him here? No way. What if Jack found out?"

"Jack is going away this weekend on his annual fishing trip, translation, a week of hard drinking and farting with the guys up in the mountains, while watching some raunchy porn. So, no chance he'll find out. Well, anyway not until I give him all the details when he returns. God, he will explode just imagining it."

"Will you be here?"

"Someone has to be the hostess."


"Yeah, put out drinks, have some snacks ready, lick his cock clean—all the usual hostess duties."

Dede laughed at her friend. "Mae, you crack me up."

"Dede, this would be the perfect option. It's totally safe. I will be here in case something goes wrong, which will not happen, of course. Call Cody and tell him to be here on Saturday by noon. In the meantime, I'll go buy a gross of condoms. Unless you think I should get two gross."

Laughing, Dede said, "You are 'too gross' already."

Mae got up and handed Dede her phone. "Do it."

"Now? While you're here?"

Mae nodded.

Thinking she had completely lost her mind, Dede hit Cody's number in her contacts.

"Hey," said the low voice on the other end.

"Some picture you sent," she said. She could hear laughter in the background and assumed he was still at her house. She hoped he was somewhere that others couldn't hear his side of the conversation. He told her to hold on. She heard a door slide open and close, and then the background noises disappeared.

"Wanted to impress your friend, who is hot. Of course, not as hot as you."

"Why do you want an old lady like me?" Dede asked.

Mae was pantomiming putting a gun to her head and pulling the trigger.

"First, I don't consider you old."

"Let's be frank, Cody. I am almost twice your age."

"Actually, you are twice my age-plus."

"Thanks, that made me feel so much better."

"No, the point is, Dede, that shit means nothing to me. You are an attractive and sexy woman. To be honest, you have a killer body. Plus, I know you're smart. And, I don't think you are seeing anyone right now. At least, that's what Alexis and Brianna say."

"Cody, one thing we need to get straight. Never mention my daughters again. Not when we are talking about getting together."

"Deal," he said. "So, we are talking about getting together. Great."

"I didn't say that."

"Dede, why else would you have called? I get it that you're nervous. I know the age thing has you a little freaked. But, believe me when I say, all those things will disappear real fast. We would be so awesome together."

"I'm not sure I can go to bed with someone who says 'awesome.'"

Dede heard the genuine laughter.

"See, that's what I mean. You are like the perfect woman-hot and funny. We would be just the best in bed."

Dede's mind was racing at supersonic speed. Was she really going to go ahead with this insane idea?

"Listen, I have two twelve hour shifts tomorrow and Friday. I'll need to sleep in a bit on Saturday. How about you come over to my friend's house around two on Saturday afternoon and we can discuss this in person."

"Your friend like the hot blond in the photo?"


"Aweso...I mean, wonderful."

It was Dede's turn to laugh.

"I'll text you the address and directions. Remember we're just agreeing to talk."

"OK," he said. "But, Dede?"


"I am going to bring my toothbrush."

Dede paused and breathed in deeply. "Do that."

She hung up with a wide grin.

Mae pounced on her. "You slut," she screamed. "Now all I have to figure out is how to rig up a camera in the guest room." Dede was trapped under Mae as she straddled her. She tried to buck her off, but her friend's long legs kept her pinned.

"Listen," Dede said as she put her hands on her friend's small boobs. "Remember what he said about a club sandwich. Maybe you won't need a camera." Mae groaned at both the thought of being in bed with both of them and the feeling of Dede's hands on her boobs. She moved her bottom back and forth.

"Don't tease me like that," Mae said.

"Like you don't tease me?"

"Fair enough. But, that doesn't mean I can't dream about it for the next couple days."

"I bet you will," said Dede. "Now, can you get off me and hand me a towel. Your pussy is making a puddle on my tummy."

Mae ground harder against her. "I can make it do more than leave a little puddle."

"Not today, sweetie, not today."

Mae dropped her head and kissed Dede. This time Dede kissed back. When Mae offered her tongue, Dede accepted it. As they kissed, Mae ground her pussy against her friend's. She moved a hand to take Dede's breast.

"Uh, I think that's enough," Dede said and rolled over to push Mae off.

"Cock tease," said Mae.

"Don't have a cock."

"Cunt tease, then," said Mae and kissed her once more.

"Mae, I can't do this," said Dede. "Not now anyway."

"You mean there's hope?"

"I mean I can't do this now. But, just so you know, you're an awesome kisser."

"If you think that's awesome—which by the way is the word you told Cody-the-Cock not to use—just think what it would be like to have me between your legs. That, my darling, would be awesome kissing."

Dede felt her pussy contract with the thought.

The rest of the week was thankfully busy and Dede didn't have time to think about her rash decision to meet with Cody. She did, however, have time to talk with her daughters. She arrived home at seven-thirty one night to find them eating a pizza at the kitchen counter. Dede grabbed a piece and sat across the breakfast bar from them.

"Girls, about the other day..."

"Mom," whined Alexis, "do we have to like beat this to death?"

"Alexis, this is the first time I've brought it up since I found you naked in the kitchen."

"Like, I get it," she said. "You don't want us to have any fun and you're happy you've ruined our lives. Message received, Mom."

Dede kept her cool. Alexis always over-dramatized every situation.

"Girls, I'm your mother, so yes, I am concerned. And, yes, I will talk about things that are important. Finding you naked with a man does concern me."

"God, mom, it's not like we were fucking or anything," said Alexis.

"Do you have to use that language? And I never accused you of that."

"What? Accused me of what?" shot back Alexis.

"Fucking," Dede said and then smiled.

The girls giggled and the tension in the room dropped to normal teenaged angst level.

"Alexis, it's just that I don't even know anything about this Cody," Dede said, convincing herself that that statement is true now, but not for long.

"Well, let's see," said Alexis. "He's twenty-two, a friend of Sean's, going to be a senior at State in the fall, works in his father's insurance agency for the summer, was on the swim team for three years, but is not doing it senior year, made dean's list all three years, is six feet two and has the most beautiful cock I've ever seen."

Dede spit out the mouthful of diet soda she was drinking. "Alexis, really!"

"Like you weren't checking it out, Mom?"

"I most certainly was not. Did he say that?" Dede asked, wondering if maybe Cody was not as discreet as he promised.

"No, but I saw you look at him," Alexis said.

"Looked, as in totally shocked to find a naked man in my kitchen. Yes, I did."

"Mom, it's no big deal," said Brianna. "All the girls think he is like nuclear hot. So what if you think so too."

"Girls, I assure you...Oh, forget it. This is a ridiculous conversation. I'm just worried that you might, you know, get in over your heads."

Alexis and Brianna shared a look.

Brianna spoke up. "Even though this is like the lamest talk we've ever had, we swear we are both still virgins. And, yes, we are on birth control, as you know, to control our periods. And, yes, we still promise that if we do have sex with a guy that we will make him wear a condom so we don't get any disease. So, how about we don't have to talk about this anymore?"

Dede nodded.

Alexis then asked, "But, seriously, don't you think he has a fabulous cock?"

Dede looked at her daughters. She realized they were growing up.

"Well," Dede said, "strictly speaking as a physician..."

Her daughters groaned.

Dede laughed. "Speaking as a physician, I would have to's an awesome cock."

The three women burst out laughing.

"So, just how many naked men have you girls seen to be able to put Cody's at the top of the list?"

"It's not like we've seen that many," said Brianna. Dede could tell the girls were relaxing and enjoying the ability to talk frankly with their mom. "But, we have had a couple skinny-dipping parties and all our friends were there."

"And, there have been a few games of 'Truth or Dare," added Alexis.

Dede recalled her teen years and how her sexual education was aided by Truth or Dare.

"My god, I'm raising sex addicts," said Dede as she pulled three beers out of the fridge.

The girls' eyes widened as their mother passed them each a bottle.

"It's mostly looking, Mom. You know, curiosity. And, what's with letting us drink. Not that we're complaining," said Alexis.

"Look, you're almost twenty. I know you drink. I just don't want a bunch of kids here drinking when I'm not around. Seriously, I could get into trouble. Like being arrested trouble. It could cost me my job and really screw us up big time."

The girls nodded and Dede felt she was getting through to them.

"So, have all these skinny-dipping parties been here?"

Again her daughters shared a look. "Not all, but a bunch of them."

"A bunch?"

"Well, not like a big bunch," Brianna said trying to smooth over her sister's comment.

"And, you girls are not embarrassed to have your guy friends see you naked?"

"At first, it was weird," said Brianna. "But, after a while, we kinda got used to it. Plus, we got to see them naked."

"And, you're not having sex?"

Again, the shared look.


"God, Mom, now this is totally embarrassing," said Alexis.

"Hey, we've come this far," Dede said. "Tell me the truth."

"Well, Alexis and I don't have sex with the guys. Honest, mom."

"OK, then what's the story?"

Alexis took a drink of her beer. "Well, sometimes we have like dumb contests."

"Uh-huh. And?"

"Well, god, mom, do you really want to know?" asked Brianna.

"No, but I think I should," answered Dede.

"OK, like a couple times there was like a blow job contest."

Dede was happy she was sitting on a stool. Otherwise, she feared she would have fallen flat on her ass. She had always spoken frankly with her girls. If they asked a question, she'd try her best to answer it. Maybe it was her training as a physician, but Dede thought being able to talk openly about sex might help the girls develop a healthy and normal attitude about it. Maybe if they didn't see it as some hidden mystery, they might not think that they had to sneak around and experiment. Up to this very second, Dede was convinced it was the right way to deal with sex. They had great conversations. At this very second, however, Dede was seriously reconsidering her approach.

"Blow job contest?"

"Yeah, you know, see who can make the guy come the soonest."

"And, you girls...Let's see. OK. Did you girls ever win?"

Brianna shook her head and Alexis turned scarlet and couldn't meet her mother's gaze.

"Ah, I see."

"Mom, it's no biggie," said Alexis. "God, it's just a blow job. I'm not going to get pregnant or anything."

"So, blow jobs aren't a big deal?" Dede asked, while wondering if things had changed that much since she was a teen. She also thought she had not said "blow job" this many times in her life. "Aren't you concerned about your reputation?"

"Not really," said Alexis. "It's like a hand job - everyone does it."


"Well, all the kids we hang around with," said Brianna.

"You mean Marcy Evans gives blow jobs?" Dede asked. Marcy was the quietest and most shy girl in their group. Dede could not imagine her participating in such public displays of sexuality.

Her daughters laughed. "Mom, she is like the BJ queen," said Alexis.

"God, I'm feeling old."

"Relax, Mom. We're not going to turn into some sex demons. Actually, Brianna and I and some of the other girls have talked about it. We think it helps keep things from getting crazy since we can sorta release tensions."

"What do you girls get out of giving blow jobs?" asked Dede.

"Well, it's cool to see the guys when they, you know, come," admitted Brianna. "And, it's way cool to see them naked and with hard-ons."

"Yes, and..." prompted Dede.

"OK, we let the guys feel us up," said Alexis.

This time it was Dede's heart that threatened to flop to the floor.

"Girls, are you sure this isn't going too far, because I certainly think this is over the line?"

"Mom, would you rather have us fucking each other? Seriously, this is a lot better," said Alexis.

"I'd rather have you both locked in your rooms and never see a man until you're thirty, but I guess that's not going to happen."

Brianna said, "Right now it's just kinda fun. I know we can control it."

Dede nodded and then said, "But, blow job contests! I don't know."

"Like you've never given a blow job," Alexis said.

Dede was taken back. All day long she was daydreaming about sucking Cody's cock. Recalling her dreams now made her blush.

"Again, we're not talking about my sex life," she said and then laughed. "Believe me, right now that would not take more than a couple seconds."

Looking at her daughters' expressions, Dede said, "Sorry, girls, TMI. You don't need to hear that kind of talk from your Mother."

"Hey, Mom, we like have eyes. Haven't seen any guys sneaking out of here in the morning with big grins on their faces," offered Brianna.

The three laughed. "You're oh so right," said Dede.

"That's why we think it's cool that you can take care of things yourself," said Alexis with a grin.


"Mom, these aren't stone walls between our bedrooms. News flash, sound like carries, you know."

"Now, I am truly embarrassed and mortified," said Dede. She got up and pulled three more beers out.

"Mom, remember when you gave us our first 'sex talk?' You said that masturbation was natural and we should not be ashamed. Well, we're not. We do it all the time. So, if you do it too, it's just part of getting on with life."

Dede shook her head. "How did this little talk spin around to getting sex advice from my daughters?" She laughed and drank some of her beer.

"Hardly advice, Mom. Just saying that without a guy, we understand that you have needs. You are a beautiful woman, who, according to all the scientific information like on-line and Wikipedia, is at the peak of her sexual drive. We say go for it. We can tolerate the buzzing and the screams."

Dede looked at the two smiling girls across from her. "You heard the buzzing?"

"Oh, yeah," said Brianna.

"Mos' def," added Alexis. "And, by the sounds you're making I think you owe it to your daughters to tell us what kind of vibe you have. That would be totally useful data."

The three shared a laugh.

"Girls, seriously, be careful. STDs are no small thing. Some of them can stay with you for life. Be careful and use your heads."

The moment the words left her mouth, Dede regretted them.

The girls both laughed, and Alexis said, "Already doing that, Mom."

Dede joined them. She then picked up the empties and told them she was going up to shower and change.

As she was about to leave the kitchen, Alexis said, "Mom, like, if you know, meet a guy. It won't scar us for life if he like stayed over, or anything."

Dede smiled and left the kitchen. "Great, now I'm getting permission from my children to fuck," she thought.

Dede wanted to sleep in on Saturday morning after two long shifts in a row, but her anxiety forced her up early. The day was already hot. Knowing her daughters never woke this early, she slipped on a summer robe and went out to the pool. She dropped her robe and dove in. She had committed herself to doing twenty laps every day. Ever since she agreed to meet Cody, she'd been eating salads and not much else. She never was fat, but she didn't want to take a chance of putting on an extra ounce.

Making the turn at the far end, she told herself to stop kidding herself. She was not going to go to bed with some twenty-two year old boy. If her body was in shape or not, it didn't make any difference. She resolved to call Cody the second she stopped her exercises and tell him not to show up. She was forty-five years old, a physician, a mother of two nineteen year old girls, no way was she going to have sex with him. As her arms pounded and her legs kicked, she continued to mentally tally the reasons why this liaison was not going to happen.