Country Club Ch. 04


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Erin sighed and gave me a bored look. "Who's in charge? With you and Amy, who calls the shots?"

"I do I guess."

"Well, with me and my man, I call the shots. Let's just leave it at that for now, okay? Ask me any more questions and you're just gonna fuck this up for yourself."

I shut my mouth and kept my eyes on the road. A short awkward silence filled the car. After a minute, I couldn't resist breaking the silence. "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, ma'am."

Erin frowned at me, or tried to. A smile broke through her façade and the two of use started cracking up. She put her hand on my knee and squeezed it. "It's mistress, David. Not ma'am: Mistress."

We both laughed again. But we didn't speak during the entire rest of the ride back to Bramble Ridge.

Unlike the morning shift which had flown by, the rest of the afternoon seemed to take forever. Day shift during the week is dominated by old retired couples. The men spend their time out golfing and smoking cigars, and the women spend their time in the spa getting pampered, making ridiculous requests, and asking stupid questions. I'm generally pretty good at dealing with it. But the prospect of getting together with Erin again, even just once, and the anticipation of whatever it was she wanted to "show" me had me on edge.

When six o'clock finally rolled around I walked over to Erin to ask if she wanted a ride to my place. She smiled at me, and waited several seconds before responding. "No, I need to pick up a few things. Don't worry, I remember how to get there."

I rushed home and jumped in the shower. After cleaning up I shaved off my five o'clock shadow, brushed my teeth and got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Then I kicked back on the couch and cracked open a beer. I wasn't in the mood for TV so I put on some music and picked up a book I'd been reading. There wasn't much point in getting antsy about when Erin was going to show up. She was going to show me some stuff I could do with Amy. I figured she was going to try and drive me nuts with anticipation like I'd been doing to Amy, so I just tried to relax and wait it out.

A couple hours and a couple beers later I heard footsteps coming up the stair to my apartment. But it sounded like more than one person. I got up to walk into the kitchen just as whoever it was started knocking on my door. When I opened the door I was surprised to see Erin and her boyfriend standing on my stoop. I was surprised to say the least, but I recovered quickly and ushered them in.

"Hi, Dave!" Erin smiled seductively at me and licked her lips. What the fuck was going on here? "Have you met Rick?" I'd seen her boyfriend around, but we'd never been introduced. He was a tall skinny blonde guy.

"Um, no. Ah, hi, man! I'm Dave." I stuck my hand out. Rick was carrying a navy blue nylon gym bag in his right hand, which he shifted to his left hand before shaking hands with me. He had one of those cold clammy limp fish handshakes that I hate. "Can I get you two a beer?"

"Sure!" they said in unison, then giggled, as if at some private joke. Erin took Rick's hand and pulled him into the living room. I grabbed three beers from the fridge and followed. Erin led Rick over to an old metal framed butterfly chair in the corner and pushed him down. She turned to me, took one of the beers and handed it to him. Then she walked over, sat on the couch, and patted the cushion next to her. I looked over at Rick, who just smiled at me and nodded. What the fuck?, I thought, and went and sat next to Erin.

"Erin, what the hell..."

Erin put a finger over my lips and shushed me, and took one of the beers from me. I decided to try and go with it, so I leaned back into the couch and took a swig of my beer. Erin climbed up over me and straddled me on the couch. Even though I was trying to go with the flow, I felt really uncomfortable with Erin being so forward with me in front of her boyfriend.

"Erin, this is weird."

"Dave, does Rick look upset?"

Rick was now leaning forward in his chair. His elbows rested on his knees and he watched us, taking an occasional sip of beer. He looked more like a guy watching an important ball game than a guy watching his girlfriend seduce a guy she used to sleep with.

"Um, no..."

"Rick, finish your beer."

"Yes, Erin," he said in a near whisper. He tipped the bottle back chugging it down, then put the empty bottle on the floor. He returned to his watchful posture.

Erin stood and walked over to Rick. She bent down and kissed him. They sucked face passionately. Then she crouched down at his feet and unzipped the nylon bag. She rummaged around inside and pulled something out and set it on Rick's lap. She pushed him back and pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it on the floor behind her. She picked something up and told him to put it on. They exchanged short whispered words that I couldn't hear, then he buckled what looked like a black leather dog collar around his neck. I watched in rapt attention, fascinated by this display. Erin pushed him back into the chair, then picked up a pair of handcuffs, which she closed around his wrists behind the chair.

"Comfy?" she asked him in a playful voice.

"Yes, mistress."

"I'm going to fuck Dave now. Would you like that?"

"Yes, mistress."

My head was spinning. A week ago, if you'd told me I'd be blackmailing Amy Holcomb for sex and fucking Erin in front of her... her sex slave, I guess... I'd have told you to pull the other one. Erin stood and turned to me, smiling. She walked over to the couch and sat down next to me, then leaned back across my lap and wrapped an arm around the back of my neck.

"See Dave, Rick is my little bitch. Isn't that right, Rick?"

"Yes mistress," he answered calmly, serenely, as if all was right with the world. My eyes were bugging out of my head.

Erin laughed at me and stretched across my lap like a cat in a particularly warm pool of sunlight. "This is for you and Amy as much as it is for me and Rick, Dave. I brought all kinds of toys. We're going to have lots of fun tonight."

"Erin, I had no idea you were into this kind of shit."

"Rick taught me."

"HE taught YOU?"

"Mmm-hmm. He and I love each other very much, and this is what he likes. I've learned a lot for him."


Erin laughed at me, then pulled my face to hers and kissed me. We made out for a while. I was hesitant at first, while I got used to the idea of fooling around with Erin in front of her handcuffed and collared boyfriend. It didn't take me much time to get into it though, and before long I was working her tank top up over her head and removing her bra.

Erin sat up and raised her arms up over her head so I could lift the bra straps up off her arms. I leaned back and she straddled me, pushing her breasts into my face. She had the biggest most beautiful tits of any girl I'd ever been with and she knew I loved playing with them. I squeezed her breasts and sucked her nipples. She moaned happily. I pulled her closer to me and embraced her while she rested her arms up over my head and covered my face in kisses. I lowered one hand to her ass and started squeezing, while I worked the button on her jeans with the other.

Erin was about as different physically from Amy as a woman could be, but she was just as hot in her own way. Like I said she had big curvy hips, and a big ass. I got her pants undone but sliding them down over her big round butt while lying down with her straddling me was a good trick. She laughed at the trouble I was having and pushed me back, standing up between me and her boyfriend. She took a few steps back so that she was just in front of Rick then bent over and smiled at me as she pulled her jeans and panties down. She stayed bent over like that in front of Rick kicked off her sandals and stepped out of her jeans, smiling at me and squeezing her tits.

Rick leaned forward in his chair and started kissing Erin's ass. She closed her eyes and released a lusty contralto laugh. I wanted in. I pulled my jeans down and stood. I was still a little weirded out by this scene but my cock appeared to be fine with it. I had a raging almost painful hard on which I lifted up and started rubbing on Erin's face. She bent deeper and leaned back into Rick's face, and started nuzzling and licking my balls.

Erin reached around and grabbed my ass with both hands then pulled back and sucked my cock into her mouth. She was sucking and licking but she started to gag a little. I don't have a huge cock or anything but wasn't much room for her to move sandwiched between me and her boyfriend the way she was. I pulled back to give her some relief. This also gave me enough room to start thrusting in and out of her mouth, fucking her face while her boyfriend ate her ass as she moaned around my throbbing prick.

The three of us were each lost in our own set of sensations so none of us noticed the footsteps on my stairs, or the sound of my apartment door opening and closing. But all three of us heard Amy's high pitched shriek when she turned the corner from the kitchen and walked into the living room. I jumped back, stumbling across the floor falling on my ass. Erin fell forward landing on all fours in front of her boyfriend who sat there, handcuffed to the chair with a comical surprised expression, his tongue still stuck out and curled up. I thought he looked so funny I couldn't help but break into hysterical laughter. This was probably not the best reaction given the situation, and Amy flew into hysterics of her own.

She seemed to fly across the room and threw herself at me, shrieking and clawing at my face. "You blew me off for this fat bitch! What the fuck? Why? I thought you... I thought I..." she degenerated into an incomprehensible stream of livid profanity.

I managed to grab her wrists and stop her from clawing at me so she started trying to knee me in the balls, still screaming at me. Clearly the girl had anger issues. I still couldn't stop laughing which only made her angrier. I scooted back across the floor trying to avoid her clumsy attempts to crush my boys, but I maintained my grip on her wrists so I carried her back with me. Eventually I hit the wall but I managed to wrap my legs around hers, effectively preventing her from crushing my junk.

Amy continued her tantrum and I stopped finding the situation funny. "Why? Why ditch me for that fat black bitch?"

"Okay, that's enough of THAT shit," Erin said, pulling something out of her bag of toys and storming across the living room floor. She squatted down behind Amy and reached around her face.

"No! Get away from me, Erin! Don't you touch m..."

Erin pulled a ball gag into Amy's mouth and buckled it behind her head. Amy started kicking again but her cries were muffled by the gag. Erin calmly caught one leg then the other, slipping leather cuffs over each ankle which she then clipped together. I pushed Amy away from me and stood. She immediately reached up and started fumbling with the buckle at the back of the gag. But I picked her up by her arms and carried her over to the couch. I sat down and pulled her over my lap. My erection still hadn't faded and it was now pressing into her belly. She and I struggled but I worked her hands behind her back. Erin walked over and slipped a pair of pink furry handcuffs around Amy's wrists. Amy writhed in my lap pulling against her restraints. I pulled down the zip at the back of her skirt, then pulled the skirt down to her knees.

I was pleased to see that she wasn't wearing underwear. I didn't say a word; I just placed my hand firmly on her ass. She immediately stopped struggling and fell silent. I left my hand there until she looked up at me, eyes wide. She looked scared. I was as unsure of what I was going to do next as she was.


If you're completely disinterested in my thoughts on this story this is the part you'll want to skip.

So there it is. I hope you enjoyed chapter four. I've been stuck on that last sentence for weeks now. In a way it seemed like an awkward place to end it. But on the other hand, since both the main characters seem unsure of what's going to happen next, it also seemed appropriate.

Now here are the problems I'm having. Where do I go from here? Part of me thinks I ought to just keep it all in the same category so I don't lose anybody who's been reading all along. But I don't think it really fits in Nonconsent/Reluctance anymore. The dynamic between the two main characters is turning into more of a consensual dom/sub relationship than anything else. So I posted this chapter in BDSM. If nothing else maybe it will get me some new readers. When I started this story I wasn't sure where to post this. The first chapter was an easy call, pure voyeurism all the way. The next two chapters were also an easy call, the (marginally inadvertent) blackmail, the coercion, a married woman forced into nonconsensual (in theory anyway) sex with a man other than her husband. Typical noncon.

So now, where to go? I don't want to give the impression I'm writing for a particular category on Literotica. But I am using them as a device to help me describe to you where I could take this. So, Group Sex. Easy. There are four of them there. A foursome seems an obvious place to take this, except for the fact that one of the people in the room is, at least for now, unhappy with the situation. Gay Male? Maybe. Dave, my male lead, is not into that. But I imagined Rick as a bisexual sub right from the beginning so it could easily go there. But that's not something I'm into writing or reading so even if I do include those elements, I doubt any story I'd be likely to write would be appropriate for the category. Back to nonconsent? Easy. Amy is tied up, scared, not sure of what's about to happen, not in control. The thing I don't like about that is that this is not a rape story. I don't have a problem with all rape fantasy stories and I admit there are some I've read that I really enjoyed. But right from the beginning I imagined this as more of a... I don't know, a nontraditional relationship between two people who are attracted to each other but (at least in the beginning) hate each other. Given that and the power struggle I've established, it seems more like BDSM to me. But a lot of the stuff I've read in that category involves things that I have both no interest in, and no personal experience with.

As far as noncon, I don't want Dave to take advantage of Amy in this position in what could only be considered rape. She can't talk or move, anything he does from here would be... clearly nonconsensual, at least from his point of view. No matter how much she might actually be into it, he really has no way of knowing at this point, and no reason to think she's anything but unwilling, pissed off, and scared. But then, stopping, removing the gag, asking if she's okay with it, establishing a safe word or a signal and diving back into it, it just seems like it would break the flow, interrupt the rhythm I've established.

Another thing hanging me up is that I'm not sure who's going to be fucking who. Dave was iffy about getting involved with Erin while her boyfriend watched. An obvious place to take this (based on other noncom/blackmail/bdsm master/slave stories) would be to have Dave make Amy fuck someone else. But how would Erin feel if Dave forced her on Rick? How would Dave feel? What if he makes her fuck Larry? Or his boss? Or... I don't even know. I think I'm over thinking this. In the timeline of the story, only three days have passed. Yeah I'm definitely thinking too hard about this.

I personally dislike stories with long extensive author's notes and I know that's what I'm doing here. But I have received a few private messages asking where the next chapter is and I feel I owe it to anyone looking for the next installment to let you know where I am and why I'm hung up. I know I'm not writing literature here. But in addition to the fact that it's just fun, I am doing this to help improve my writing. I figured I'd knock out some fun quick and dirty smut and get in some much needed practice. Now here I am agonizing over my characters' motivation and my plot path. I should probably just try and write some hot and heavy, sticky and wet stroke and get this story over with. I don't know. I'll get over it and figure it out eventually. I always appreciate feedback but I make no promises about taking advice anyone sees fit to give.

I can't say when you should expect the next installment. I have the start of one more chapter written, but it wouldn't work as the NEXT chapter and it also wouldn't work as the LAST chapter. So I guess that means there are at least three more chapters coming. But I haven't started chapter five yet because I haven't decided yet where to take this.

Like I've said in my notes on previous chapters, comments and high ratings greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great Job

Shit that was ten years ago and I'm now on the list of the admirer waiting for the 3 plotted chapters !

We have been good : publish It !

Thanks for your work !

XodanXodanover 7 years ago
Still Stuck That Sucks

I loved the 3 first chapters. This one is clearly too short.

Some coments :

If he play the game as he has begun with Amy : she disobedied and insulted him ! I think a spanking or punishing is in order (Anal maybe)

Then Emi was here to show him some tricks, I'm not mutch in the BDSM stuff myself, and Rick situation is more in the voyeur / Cuckold categorie as he "trained" Emi.

Also maybe Amy should be forced to make amend to Emi for her bad (racist even) language like pleasuring one or two strategic parts of her nemesis.

Then clearly Dave is not in BDSM himself, so one way or another, their relationship should gradually (it as already begun) evolve into less dom and more love as long as Amy control her bad temper ...

Hope to see the end of this serie someday


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Geez - dumb just met dumber

Not particularly clever. And the writing wasn't good enough to make it either interesting or entertaining. A waste of time to read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Write more Its great

BarnYardCatBarnYardCatabout 13 years ago
Hanging in limbo

You need to finish this story the way you want it to go, don't leave it hanging in limbo like some other authors do. So far I've enjoyed this story with a little bit of voyeurism/non-consent/b&d mixed together. I think Amy has an exhibitionist side that needs to be explored. Just don't get to heavy into the b&d..I'm not sure that would be fitting in this situation. This is just my opinion, take it or leave it, but finish it.

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