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Truly loving wives.
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This story could have been published in any of several categories. It contains elements of wife sharing, but is, I hope, also a romance. On balance, it probably belongs in Loving Wives, as that is how Tom and Sara's journey begins.

It also depicts unsafe sex between strangers.

This is a work of fiction. I have no interest in wife sharing personally, although I neither condemn nor condone it in others. However, in the real world, unsafe sex is, well, unsafe, and sometimes has embarrassing, catastrophic, or even fatal consequences.

For those who are offended by wife sharing, cuckoldry etc. my answer is simple: don't do it or read about it if you don't like it, but don't condemn others who do, unless it causes harm or is without consent.

For those who are still offended, this is still a work of fiction. Remember that the skill of an author, if skill there is, lies in developing believable characters and plot-lines, and engaging and involving their readers. So, if you are outraged by the behaviour of the characters, thank you. That shows you find them believable.

Since all the characters are married, sometimes to each other, you can presume that all the sex is legal and consensual in whatever jurisdiction you happen to live. In other words all characters are over the age of 18.

Linguistically, I am British: I have tried to avoid vocabulary that differs between English and American, but where spellings differ between the two languages, here they will be British.

The Latin verse at the beginning seemed appropriate, although I apologise if you find it a little pretentious. If you seem to remember hearing it somewhere before, you're right; it was used by John Fowles at the end of "The Magus."

This story has only been published on Literotica, and all the copyright and all other rights are reserved by the author whatep.

If it appears anywhere else, it is without my consent.


Cras amet qui numquam amavit,

Quique amavit cras amet.

(from Pervigilium Veneris - poet unknown)

Richard's flight was due in at 19:00, so I left work early to prepare the evening meal. Knowing my wife, she would be spending her time anxiously pampering herself in preparation for her long-term lover and would forget all about 'non-essentials' like food. If we wanted to eat tonight, it would be up to me to cook something.

I smiled, remembering how much had changed in the last three years since the 'fantasy' part of our game had unexpectedly become a reality. Aside from the regular erotic hit of seeing Richard with my wife -- which admittedly had waned a little over the years along with my jealousy -- we had all had become firm friends, with no hint of Richard's dominating persona visible outside the bedroom. The two girls, Sara and Richard's wife Abby, were as thick as thieves, spending hours on the phone together. Another benefit for me was that Sara had become less reserved as she found her sexual confidence. Although that resulted in a level of teasing about Richard's prowess, it also enhanced our own sex life immeasurably.

Opening the door, I stumbled across my wife's work blouse and a bra on the hall floor. As my eyes travelled up the stairs, I saw her skirt, a shoe and, on the top step her panties, discarded in haste.

I grinned, thinking that I might just be about to catch my wife masturbating to take the edge off her excitement. I knew she did, but she never let me watch, which was strange considering how much she liked me watching her with Richard.

I crept up the stairs, noticing the quiet creaking of the bed and Sara's soft moans through the open bedroom door.

Peeking round the door, the first thing I saw were my wife's legs, thrown high in the air, toes curled, and between them, Richard's muscular thighs and buttocks, which he was using to drive his preposterously large cock in and out of my wife. Quieter than the sounds of Sara's passionate moans, I could now hear the wet squelching sounds from her pussy, and the fleshy slap, slap, slap of their bodies as they mated.

'So, Richard got an earlier flight!' I thought to myself.

I toyed with the idea of watching them for a while but, knowing how long one of their 're-connection' sessions could last, decided to leave them to it till later and fix myself a drink before starting to cook.

I poured myself a smallish Scotch in the lounge -- no point getting wasted at 5 in the afternoon - and took a sip.

There was a quiet, feminine cough behind me. I turned sharply to see Richard's elegant wife Abby, her lithe dancer's body curled up in a corner of the sofa, long legs tucked beneath her. She put down the copy of Vogue she was reading, a wry smile on her pretty, elfin face.

"What are you doing here?" I almost squeaked in surprise, choking on my Scotch "Sorry, that came out wrong. It's lovely to see you Abby, but I thought Richard was coming alone this time?"

"It's lovely to see you too Tom. My client cancelled, so we both decided to come. Richard's original flight was full, so we got an earlier one."

I glanced up at the ceiling, noticing that the sounds from upstairs were getting louder, the creaking of the bed more urgent.

I was a little confused. "But what happened to the rules?"

She grinned "Do you mean the 'No sex when Abby's here' rule?"

"Well yes, that one. When did that change?"

"It hasn't really. When we got here and I saw her open the front door, she was almost jumping up and down in excitement at seeing him. When I got out of the cab too, she just looked so disappointed, so I told her I'd ignore the rules this one time as she wasn't expecting me to be here."

"Yes," I said, "I noticed the trail of clothes. I'm guessing she was on the bed and naked before the front door was shut."

"I think she was more worried about not giving me time to change my mind." Abby grinned.

Suddenly, the creaking increased in volume and speed, and I heard the now familiar, but still harrowing sounds of my wife crashing into a massive, Richard induced, orgasm.

Abby laughed. "As I was saying, she was excited to see him."

"Jesus!" I whispered, shaking my head to erase the insistent vision of my petite blond wife, head thrown back in ecstasy beneath Richard's broad shoulders, her splayed thighs writhing beneath his muscular buttocks as he made her cum, impaled on his massive dick. "Sounds like she needed that."

Abby looked wistful, kneading her fingers nervously. "I think Richard needs that too." she admitted, her voice low.

I looked at her, for the first time noticing the stress around her eyes.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. I'm fine Tom! We're both fine!" She brightened a little. "Actually, it's really lucky I was able to come down with Richard right now. We want to talk to you guys."

"Sure, what about?"

"Oh, just some news, and maybe a small favour."

I could tell this was making her nervous and tried to put her at her ease. "Anything. You know that. What do you need?"

"Do you mind if it keeps 'till we're all together? Richard's booked a table at La Rochelle for seven; we can talk after we eat."

"Wow! That place is pricey. Has Richard had his performance bonus?"

The sounds from upstairs suddenly escalated again into another massive climax from Sara. I heard her moaning and calling out. "Ooooooh Richaaaaaard. Fuck Meeeeeeeeee!"

Abby smiled. "Not yet, 'though I think he just got a 'performance bonus' from your wife."

"So it would appear" I joked back. "Does it bother you, listening to them, Abby? I'm used to it, but you've never been around when they've been intimate before. I've never really understood what you get out of this arrangement."

"Oh! Richard gets off on dominating a submissive woman in the bedroom. That's not my thing, so it doesn't bother me if he gets that with Sara; not really."

She thought about the answer to my first question. "We talk a lot on the phone, and Sara usually gives me a fairly graphic description of what they get up to. Strangely, it's because she's so open about the sex, and doesn't go behind my back, that I trust her with him." She thought a moment. "I'd rather it was someone I know and trust than a complete stranger."

"Yes, I noticed that my last phone bill was the size of the national debt. Joking aside, it's good you get on. Sara's an only child and doesn't have many female friends." I continued. "I think that's why I'm happy for Sara to be with Richard too. I always treat her as an equal, but she needs to explore her submissive side as well."

I suddenly noticed the luggage in the corner of the lounge. "Where are you staying by the way? Do you have a hotel booked?"

"No, it was all a bit 'last-minute' so we hoped we could stay here. If that's ok of course?"

I looked at the sofa in disappointment. Richard had obviously supplanted me in the master bedroom, as usually happened when he got together with Sara, but with Abby here too she'd presumably have the guest room, leaving just the sofa.

Abby caught my look. "Don't worry Tom, hopefully you won't be sleeping on the sofa." she grinned.

The rhythmic creaking started to increase again. Abby laughed. "Don't they ever give it a rest?"

"I don't know," I joked back "I usually have my head under a pillow so I can sleep."

Abby looked at her wristwatch. "I guess we better let them know the time. We don't want to be late, especially for La Rochelle."

"Absolutely! Do you want to interrupt them, or shall I?"

"Would you mind doing it?" Abby pleaded. "Listening is one thing, but he is my husband; I don't think I'm ready for the full technicolor reality, and you've watched them already."

I went up the stairs, collecting Sara's hastily discarded clothing on the way and noticing how wet her black satin thong was.

The bedroom door was now closed, so I hammered on it. "La Rochelle's booked in an hour and a half guys! We need to get ready."

The rhythmic creaking stopped suddenly, and I heard a moan of complaint from Sara. "That's not fair, I was just about to...hmmff" followed by silence, and a few minutes later by Richard's groan as he climaxed.

A few seconds later a very naked and sticky Sara cracked open the door and pulled me in by my shirt, pinning me against the bedroom wall.

"Baby! You interrupted us," she sulked. "I didn't get to cum. I think my husband needs to make my pussy feel better!"

She started to pull my hand down to her swollen lips when Richard poked his head out round the en-suite door. "Oh no you don't! Hands off Tom! That's my property, at least until Sunday. You know the rules."

Sara pouted at him in mock indignation. "But Richard..." she wheedled.

Richard smirked. "Well, I suppose it wasn't fair to Tom to offer him something and then take it away. Why don't you give him a big kiss to say sorry?"

Sara pondered, puzzled for a moment, then looked at him in shock, before grinning broadly "Ooh Richard! You're so bad."

My wife slinked over to me, put her hand behind my head and pulled me down for a scorching open mouth kiss. I felt her tongue push into my mouth, coaxing mine to enter hers.

After a few minutes, I heard Richard give a warning cough as I reached out to hold Sara's waist and pull her close.

Sara broke away, giving me a beaming smile and started to strut back to Richard, exaggerating the sway of her hips.

"You're really bad Richard," she scolded him smirking, "Really, really bad."

Before she reached him, she stopped, turned and prowled back to me. Reaching up, she whispered in my ear.

"He's so, so, bad, baby. Richard's suuuuch a bad boy. He let me kiss you, but he had his big cock in my mouth just before. He made me suck off all my pussy juices, then pushed it down my throat and came in my little tummy. So much tasty cum. When he pulled out it was still dripping onto my tongue! Baby, I had Richard's cum in my mouth when you kissed me."

She smirked and stalked back to him, leaving me open mouthed at how many ways she could find to tease me.

"Such a bad boy." she admonished him, wagging her finger in his face when she reached him. She wrapped herself around him, his leg between her thighs, gently rubbing her pussy against his hip. Looking back over her shoulder at me, she grasped his softening cock with one hand and gave me a smouldering look. "But it's got me soooo wet, baby."

She squealed as Richard grabbed her buttocks and spun her into the en-suite, kicking the door shut behind him.

"What took you so long?" Abby asked, smiling at my stunned expression when I returned to the lounge.

When I told her, she looked shocked.

She stood to give me a hug. "Ooh! Dirty girl!" She cupped my cheek. "Poor Tom: my husband really seems to bring out the worst in her." She stepped back, then squirmed a little. "It is kind'a hot, though."

"Thank you for that thought Abby! You certainly know how to give a guy an inferiority complex. What is it with you girls and your obsession with his cock anyway?"

She laughed at my discomfort. "Oh, you've got nothing to feel inferior about, at least according to Sara." Abby held up her two index fingers about 8 inches apart, one eyebrow raised. "She says you've got plenty to scratch her itch, or at least most of it."

"Jesus Abby, is there anything you two don't discuss?"

"Sisters share Tom, sisters share!"

I decided it was time to turn the tables. "Sisters hmm? From what Sara says she's been thinking about doing to you, that might be approaching incest."

I left Abby, mouth wide open in shock, and picked up her carry-on bag. I grinned back at her over my shoulder "You can use the shower first if you like, while I carry up your luggage."

La Rochelle was everything that could be expected from a top French restaurant, including the patronising waiters and the astronomical prices.

The meal was amazing though, and the conversation light, but over coffee and liqueurs at a quiet table in the lounge area, the mood turned a little subdued. It was obvious that both Abby and Richard were anxious and preoccupied. Sara, knowing nothing of the conversation to come, was perplexed, wondering why the mood was so downbeat and our friends so quiet.

I decided to get things started. "So, Abby says you have news?" I offered.

"Erm, yes" Richard replied, "we're moving house."

"Wow, when? Where to?" I asked.

"We're buying an old farmhouse, about 20 miles east of here. We should complete in two months."

"You'll be so close!" Sara became excited.

"Down girl!" Abby laughed. "He's mine -- most of the time at least."

Sara pouted in mock disappointment.

Richard continued. "I can work from anywhere with internet and most of my customers are here anyway, so there'll be less travelling. And we wanted to be closer to Abby's folks, as well as you guys of course" he added.

"And we've decided to start a family" added Abby, looking pensive.

"That's great. You'll be marvellous parents" I saw Sara look at Richard and decided to ask the question that must be on her mind. "Will that affect, err, you know?" I asked Abby, nodding towards Sara and Richard.

I saw the glint of a tear in Abby's eyes. "No! If it was going to be a problem, it already would have been. We actually decided eighteen months ago and have been trying ever since."

I tried to encourage them "Well it doesn't always happen straight away, and you're both young."

Abby looked me straight in the eye then looked down at her lap. "We've had tests, Tom."

I had a sudden premonition that the "small favour" might involve Sara carrying Richard's child as a surrogate mother and wondered how I felt about that, especially as it would mean her first child would not be mine. I looked at Sara who had an unreadable expression on her face.

Richard spoke, his voice heavy as if the words were being dragged from him. "It's me! I have a really low sperm count. Almost zero chance."

I tried to break the sudden silence between us in a positive way. "I'm so sorry Richard. But there must be things that can be done medically? Have you considered adoption? What about..."

I saw Sara reach out and squeeze Richard's hand. She looked at me sharply. "Tom! Hush."

I looked at Richard, noticing that he too had tears in his eyes. "Sorry" I whispered, suddenly aware of how vulnerable he looked; humbled that he trusted us enough to show it.

Richard shook his head. "It's ok Tom. I know you guys care. I just don't need anything that feels like pity at the moment, you know? I seem to have had enough of that for myself recently."

Abby broke the silence. "We've decided to go for a sperm donor."

"Well, that's positive..." My optimistic comments were brought to an abrupt halt by Sara's warning hiss "Tom!"

Abby and Sara exchanged a "women's look" - one that was full of meaning to them but totally unintelligible to mere males.

Abby went on. "Then the baby will be half me, at least." She stopped, looking like she was trying make sure she had exactly the right words.

Sara looked at me pointedly, stopping me dead in my tracks before I made another 'helpful' comment.

Abby sighed. "Tom. Err we, erm Richard and I that is, would like the donor to be you."

Sara had obviously read in Abby's face where this was going, as she didn't look anywhere near as shocked as I felt.

I looked at Sara. "Thoughts?" I asked. She looked at Abby and then back at me, deciding. "Yes! Absolutely, if you're ok with it too! They're our best friends."

"Ok then. Yes. I, er we would be honoured!" I didn't quite understand why Abby still looked nervous.

I decided to press forward. "So, what happens next? Have you got a clinic lined up? What do I need to do? What's the timing need to be?"

There was silence. Abby looked down at her drink, as her face went red.

She looked up and caught Sara's eye, words failing her, a pleading look on her face.

I saw dawning realisation on Sara's face while Richard sat next to her, totally expressionless but for a look of deep vulnerability in his eyes. The next voice was Sara's, picking her words carefully. "I think... Perhaps they... I don't think they want to use a clinic, Tom."

I saw Abby bite her bottom lip.

I thought for a few moments, the most obvious implication eluding me. "But if you don't want to use a clinic, how does it work? I mean, how do we?"

Sara kicked me under the table.

"What?" I asked.

"Tom, you're embarrassing my friend. Stop being insensitive and use some common-sense! How do people normally do it?"

I struggled for words as I sought the answer as to how artificial insemination could happen without a clinic "Er, well erm." And then the light went on, and my mouth dropped open. "Oh!"

I looked at Sara for support, who raised one eyebrow.

"You mean?"

Sara nodded.

"Abby and me?"

Knowing how close she was to Abby, I looked deep into my wife's eyes. "Did you know about this? Have you talked about it?"

"No, my love. I think I guessed a few moments before you did, but no."

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"I'm not in a position to refuse really, am I? I mean, Richard and I have been fucking for three years."

"This is very different baby. If you're not happy with this then it's going to damage us."

I thought for a moment.

"It's also 'with consequences.' I mean, I know that you can never "un-fuck" Richard, but theoretically you could stop, and life carries on as it was before you met him, hopefully with us all as friends. But this is creating a new life. If Abby conceives, there is no going back, and you'll have that child as a constant reminder for as long as Abby is your friend."

"And there's all the emotional stuff. It's natural for bonds to form; between a father and his child and between a mother and the father of her child. I'm already really fond of Abby. I'd never want to damage their marriage, or ours, by getting too attached..."