Courtesan Ch. 18


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Mr. Jackson stared at me for a moment and then he asked, "Timmy why would you feel like you were at fault?"

I smiled. "I was angry with Kelly because she wasn't paying enough attention to me, but in fact she wasn't being deliberately indifferent towards me. She was focusing her attention on what she was doing with you. Even if she had been deliberately ignoring me, why did I interpret her behavior as a lack of affection? Why didn't I instead interpret it as an expression of her dominance? Considering the discussions we've had over the past two days, that would have been a much more reasonable explanation for the way she was acting."

I sighed. "The truth is, this morning I acted like a petulant five year old. My feelings were hurt because my wife didn't pay enough attention to my masterful negotiating skills and when the two of you started playing your sex game I decided to throw a little tantrum."

Mr. Jackson chuckled. "Timmy I think you're being a little too hard on yourself, but I must admit that you are an amazingly incisive young man. I wish I could offer you an entry level position with my firm. You do understand why I can't, don't you?"

"Yes sir, Kelly and I talked about it earlier. Employing the husband of a hostess would be an untenable situation for the firm."

He nodded. "Yes, for obvious reasons most of our employees don't know what our hostesses actually do. Of course some of them have to know. We rely on those individuals to be discreet, but they are human. I'm afraid that your presence in the office might instigate gossip that could eventually compromise the activities of our hostesses."

Mr. Jackson stared at the floor. He appeared to be thinking. After a moment he looked at me. "Timmy, for the past year your wife has been a valuable asset for our firm. I hope that we've resolved any differences that we might have had so that Kelly can continue to work as a hostess."

I smiled. "I believe we have."

"Timmy I intend to honor our agreement to give Kelly a two million dollar signing bonus. If you do decide to use that money to buy a house where all of our hostesses can live together, my offer to provide another two million dollars to help with the purchase still stands."

"Thank you sir. Kelly and I really haven't had an opportunity to discuss it, but it's my belief that we're going to proceed with the plan. Antoine, Keisha, Tonya and Mandy are certainly excited about the idea."

Next to me, Kelly laughed and said; "So am I."

All three of us smiled and then we were suddenly quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence. It had been an intense discussion and I think that we were relieved that it was over. We needed a moment to catch our breath.

Mr. Jackson finally broke the silence. "Timmy, I do believe in rewarding the people who are instrumental in the success of our firm. Your wife has certainly been one of those individuals and during the past year she has been rewarded for her efforts. You also made substantial sacrifices during the past year and those sacrifices also benefited JtandR, but I don't think that you have been justly rewarded. Over the next several weeks I intend to rectify that situation."

I shook my head. "Mr. Jackson, I don't need any rewards."

"No I'm sure you don't. You appear to be a man of simple tastes. I find that to be an admirable quality. Nonetheless, brace yourself. You are about to be rewarded." He laughed. "And you are powerless to prevent it."

I grinned at him. "Very well, I'll prepare myself."

"One more thing."

"All right."

"While I can't offer you a job at JTandR, I do have extensive business contacts in this community and the firm does occasionally take over a company so that we can run it ourselves. If you'll allow me to do it, I'm quite certain that I could find a good opportunity for you."

Next to me Kelly said, "Timmy, Martin is making you a very kind offer. Please consider it."

Of course Kelly was right. I smiled at Mr. Jackson and said, "Thank you sir, I would be very eager to look at any opportunities you might find for me."

He smiled. "We'll keep in touch. Now if the two of you will excuse me, there are matters that require my attention." He turned.

As he walked towards the door I said, "Mr. Jackson, did Kelly ever finish giving you your blow job?"

Kelly's head snapped around. "Timmy!"

Mr. Jackson spun around and glared at me. He automatically assumed that I was challenging him.

I wasn't

After a moment he said, "Of course not. Once we realized that you'd left my office we were both much too concerned about your welfare to be interested in sex." There was an edge to his voice.

Next to me Kelly shook her head and said, "Timmy what are you doing?"

I had to think quickly. This was taking an ugly turn. I smiled at both of them. "I'm sorry, my question wasn't meant to be offensive. I just thought that before you go back to work, you and Kelly might like to finish what you started."

Mr. Jackson stared at me. There was a puzzled expression on his face. It was apparent that he needed further explanation.

"It's important to me." I looked at my wife. "It's also important to you."

"Why Timmy?"

"I'm afraid the problem this morning has left both of you feeling a little insecure about having sex when I'm around you." I smiled at Kelly. "I'm concerned that you're now going to be anxious anytime you're with another man and I'm in the vicinity. I fear that you'll soon start trying to avoid those situations and only meet men when I'm not with you. I suspect that will make you feel guilty. At first you'll try to avoid casual dates with other men. We both know that won't work. You'll still have the men that you entertain as a hostess, but that won't be enough. You'll want to see Chris and Mr. Jackson and all those other incredibly handsome men that are out there. Remember Kelly, variety is your passion."

I patted her knee. "It will start very innocently. One evening you'll come home a little late and just forget to mention that you were on a date. It will be all right. What I don't know can't possibly hurt me. Once you start it will get easier and soon you'll be meeting men several times a week. Of course then it will become even more important that I don't find out about your dates, so the little white lies will start. Guilt will come with the lies. Anger and resentment will follow the guilt. Eventually detachment and indifference will be the only way you'll be able to cope with your self-reproach and shame."

I smiled at my wife. "Neither of us want that to happen. If we're going to avoid it, you have to be able to trust me. You have to feel confident that I can watch without becoming hurt or angry, while you totally focus all of your attention on another man's pleasure and ignore me. Yes Kelly you still do have to reassure me and work to rebuild my confidence in your love, but I now understand something very important."

"What's that Timmy?"

"You can't be preoccupied about doing it while your with another man. You have to be able to feel relaxed and uninhibited so that you can let go and enjoy yourself. I now realize that I also have a responsibility. I have to work to build your trust. If you're going to be willing to allow me to be around you while your with other men, you're going to have to feel confident that you won't have to worry about constantly reassuring me."

Kelly shook her head. "Timmy, this is getting so complicated."

"No it's not. In fact it's really quite easy. We just have to learn to trust each other." I smiled at her. "If Mr. Jackson is willing I think we should start right now."

I looked at him. "Mr. Jackson, can you spare a few more minutes. I think we can make it worth your while."

Kelly giggled. "Timmy!"

Mr. Jackson smiled at my wife. "Kelly honey, I understand exactly what he's saying and I think he's right. If the two of you are ever going to make this cuckold hotwife lifestyle work, you're going to have to be able to relax and enjoy yourself when your with another man. If you can't, you may start sneaking around behind Timmy's back."

Kelly looked at me. "Timmy, I promise you; I'll never do that."

I nodded. "That's probably true, but I think it would be both easier and safer if we remove the potential need. What do you say Kelly? I'm sure that after all the stress this morning both you and Mr. Jackson could use a little recreation."

"Listen to you Timmy, you're trying to talk me into sucking Martin's cock."

I grinned at her. "Yes I am."

Mr. Jackson laughed. "He certainly is and if you ask me he's making a pretty convincing argument."

"Don't you want to do it?"

"Don't be silly Timmy, of course I want to do it. It's just that this morning was so difficult. I don't want to risk hurting you again."

"Kelly honey, that's exactly why we have to do it today. It's kind of like getting thrown off of a horse. You have to get right back on."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and I want you to deliberately ignore me."

"No Timmy."

"Yes Kelly, let yourself go. Forget about me."

"But I'll be too worried that you might run out of the room again,"

This stumped me. Kelly had raised a valid concern. It was going to be hard for her to relax and focus on Martin Jackson if she had to worry about me suddenly bolting from the room. And then I had an idea. It was a simple solution."

I turned to Mr. Jackson. "Would it be all right if Mandy joined us?"

Mr. Jackson stared at me. After a moment he smiled. He understood. "Yes Timmy, I think that's an excellent idea. I'll call Janet. She'll find Mandy and tell her to join us."

He walked over to Mandy's desk and picked up the telephone.

While he was talking I turned to Kelly. "Now you can relax. Mandy won't let me run out of the room."


We waited. All three of us were just a little bit nervous. After about a minute there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Jackson said, "Come in."

The door opened and Mandy timidly entered her office.

Mr. Jackson looked at her and said, "Good afternoon nymph, I require your services."

Mandy stared at us. I think she was a little surprised by the nature of the greeting. She took a moment and then she smiled and said, "Yes Mr. Jackson, how may I serve you."

He took off his suit coat and tie and held them out for Mandy. "Lay these across your desk."

Mandy took the coat and tie from him. While she was laying them on her desk, he said; "Ms. Mason and I are going to enjoy each other for a little while. I want you to supervise her slave. Under no circumstances is he to be allowed to leave this room without Ms. Mason's permission."

I glanced at my wife. She was smiling. I could tell that the dominant tone of Mr. Jackson's instructions was arousing her.

Mr. Jackson turned to me. "Dicklet, get down on the floor and crawl over to the end of the couch. You may kneel there and watch while your wife gives me head."

As I was slipping off the couch Kelly said, "Martin, please be careful. I think you may be pushing him too hard."

Mr. Jackson shook his head. "No Kelly, you heard him. He wants to be included in this part of your life. Unless he can control his emotions you aren't going to want him around when your with a lover. He just told us that he wants to demonstrate his control and earn your trust. He can't do that unless we test him. You also told me that yesterday he professed a desire to become your cuckold slave. If he's really serious about wanting that, it's time he begins to understand exactly what it's going to mean."

Kelly looked at me. There was an expression of concern in her eyes. I smiled at her. She smiled back and then she said; "Timmy remember, you can always say check."

"Yes Ms. Mason, I will remember that; but I don't believe that I'll need to use the word."

That seemed to relax Kelly a little bit. I decided to give her a little added encouragement. "Ms. Mason."

"Yes Timmy."

"I beg you, I implore you not to to humiliate me in front of Mandy and Mr. Jackson."

Kelly, Mr. Jackson and Mandy all stared at me. Mr. Jackson was smiling. Since Tonya had taught me the rules, I assumed that both Mandy and Mr. Jackson knew and used the same code.

The code is simple. It has two parts. The first part is a safe word. If any of us don't care for something that's occurring we have the option to say, "check". The moment one of us uses the word, everyone else has agreed to stop what we're doing and discuss what's happening as equals.

The second option is a little more subtle. If a submissive like Mandy or me is really enjoying what's happening to us, we can beg our superiors to stop. They understand that when we're begging them to stop we're actually inviting them to continue or even intensify what they're doing. This allows them to act like ruthless doms and callously ignore our pleas for mercy while they continue tormenting us. This second option can add a little spice to the game for everyone

Kelly quietly said, "Timmy are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes please Ms. Mason and I also beg you not to call me dicklet in front of these people. It's just too humiliating."

Kelly started giggling. She mouthed the words, "I love you" and then she took a deep breath and said; "Too bad dicklet, that is your name. Now get your wimpy little ass down to the end of the couch before I decide to punish you."

I quickly crawled to my appointed place. Once I was in position Kelly looked at me with a malicious glint in her eyes. Her sadistic streak was obviously awakening. "Slave stand up and strip down to your panties. I want everyone to see what a dainty little sissy you really are."

I stood up and began unbuttoning my shirt.

Mr. Jackson turned to Mandy. In a stern voice he said, "Nymph, I want you naked." He pointed to where I was standing at the end of the couch. "Get over there and get your clothes off, now!"

Mandy hurried over to me. She quickly removed her blouse and set it on the coffee table. Under her blouse she'd been wearing a simple white brassiere. She had small breasts. She probably didn't actually need the bra.

She whispered to me, "Timmy put your clothes on the coffee table with mine."

Mr. Jackson sat down on the couch next to my wife and possessively put his arm around her shoulders. Kelly responded by snuggling up to him. I noticed that she also placed her left hand on the inside of his thigh.

I put my shirt on the coffee table next to Mandy's blouse and kicked off my shoes.

Mandy was wearing a dark gray corduroy miniskirt with a red leather belt and a pair of black ankle high slip on boots. She kicked off her boots, unbuckled her belt, lowered the zipper on her skirt and let it fall to the floor. After she stepped out of her skirt she picked it up and flipped on to the coffee table next to her blouse and my shirt.

I suddenly realized that I'd been staring at her. I assumed that would get me into trouble so without thinking I quickly lowered my trousers and stepped out of them.

"Nice panties dicklet." It was Mr. Jackson. He was chuckling

I was humiliated. In my haste to get my pants off I'd momentarily forgotten about my panties.

"Model them for us dicklet. Show us how cute you look."

"Martin be careful. He's new at this."

"Oh come on Kelly, relax. What's the point of having a slave if you can't taunt him a little bit."

Mandy leaned over and whispered. "Timmy I'm a masochist too. I understand exactly what your feeling right now. Sweetie, this is your fantasy. It's really happening. Let go, relax and enjoy yourself. Don't worry, Kelly and I will take care of you."

The words, Kelly and I will take care of you, were all I needed to hear. I bowed my head and slowly turned in a circle.

"Very good dicklet. Kelly, I do believe that he is going to turn out to be an excellent slave. You really are fortunate to have found him."

Kelly nodded. "Yes Martin, I am." She turned to me and smiled. "Dicklet honey, you don't want your trousers to get wrinkled. Pick them up and lay them on the coffee table next to nymph's skirt."

I quickly followed my wife's instruction. While I was straightening my trousers I glanced at Mandy. She'd removed her brassiere. Her breasts were tiny, but she had large puffy nipples. They were really quite sexy.

After laying my trousers on the coffee table I kneeled at the foot of the couch. At the same time, Mandy took off her black pantyhose and white lace thong.

I stared at her again. I couldn't help myself. I hadn't seen very many naked girls in my life. I'd been to strip clubs on two separate occasions where I saw lots of naked women, but that was so impersonal that it really didn't count. There was Kelly of course, and Tonya on Wednesday afternoon. They were both voluptuous, large breasted women. Mandy on the other hand, was slender, almost sylph like. It didn't surprise me that her slave name was nymph.

After Mandy laid her pantyhose and thong on the coffee table she turned. As she walked over to me I noticed that like Kelly and Tonya, her pussy was also shaved.

Kelly must have noticed me staring at Mandy. "She has a pretty pussy doesn't she dicklet. You're being very well behaved right now. Maybe later, after Martin is gone, I'll let you lick her for a little while. I think that would be a very nice reward for you."

I'd been so focused on Mandy's naked body that I'd failed to notice that Kelly had opened Martin's trousers. His large freed erection was sticking straight up. My wife was slowly stroking it.

Mandy kneeled next to me. As soon as she was in position she leaned over and whispered. "Are you doing okay big boy?"

I nodded. "Yes."

Kelly winked at me. I smiled at her.

Mr. Jackson said, "Now that our slaves are more properly attired, I think it's time for the games to begin. Kelly why don't you do a little strip for me."

Kelly stood up and pushed the coffee table away from the couch. "I thought you'd never ask."

My wife stared into Martin Jackson's eyes while she swayed her hips to the silent beat of an imaginary song and slowly unbuttoned her blouse. He smiled as she slipped her blouse off of her shoulders and tossed it onto the coffee table next to my trousers.

Without taking her eyes off of her boss, Kelly reached behind her back and unclasped her brassiere. She held the cups in place with her hands while she continued to dance to the imaginary music. She was teasing Mr. Jackson. He grinned at her. It was obvious that he was loving every minute of this.

As I watched my wife I realized that all of her attention was now focused on Mr. Jackson. She was totally oblivious to the presence of Mandy and me. This morning when I'd noticed how completely Kelly was concentrating on her boss, I was offended. I wasn't anymore. Now I understood. Now I was actually feeling a little bit proud of my wife. Her ability to focus all of her attention on giving pleasure to the man she was with was one of the talents that made her a great courtesan.

Kelly suddenly pulled her brassiere away and exposed her breasts with a flourish. She tossed her bra onto the coffee table, kicked off her shoes and unzipped her skirt. Then, staring into Mr. Jackson's eyes, she seductively shook her naked tits and wiggled her hips while her skirt slipped to the floor.

After picking up her skirt and laying it on the coffee table, Kelly turned her back to Mr. Jackson, hooked her thumbs into the waist bands of her pantyhose and panties and began inching them down her hips.

Mr. Jackson watched with breathless anticipation as my wife slowly exposed her gorgeous ass. As soon as the waistbands of her panties and pantyhose were down to her knees Kelly turned around and lasciviously licked her lips while she fingered the moist cleft of her now exposed pussy.

Mr. Jackson's cock stood stiff and tall, proudly arching it's back. He was clearly aroused by my wife's wanton display of unrestrained lust.