Cousin Billie's Ranch

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Snobby equestrian is tamed by handsome horse trainer.
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Ann's father George owned a successful cattle ranch, and George and his wife Linda were able to spoil Ann with everything a teenager could want. Clothes, the finest restaurants, and exotic vacations. But her most prized possession was her horse, Duke. Her parents started her with equestrian lessons when she was young, and she quickly gained skill and confidence and won many competitions.

They were very protective of her though, being part of a fundamentalist religion and afraid the outside world would corrupt her. So, they decided to home school her, which resulted in her learning a lot about academic subjects, but not much in the way of social skills. Her main interactions were with other young women on her equestrian team.

These girls were from much wealthier families and had very snobby attitudes about anyone who didn't have as much money as them or were not as smart and sophisticated enough for them. Unfortunately, Ann became like them and had a very arrogant attitude towards everyone she met, especially retail workers and wait staff in restaurants she dined in with her parents. Ann was also very nasty with her mother, snapping at her whenever she didn't get her own way.

George and Linda indulged her though, as they both came from very large families, but Ann was an only child, as they couldn't have children after Ann due to medical reasons. They wished they had a large family and hoped that Ann would bear them many grandchildren.

As part of their religion, women were treated like the property of their husbands and had to obey their husbands every command, including how many children they would have. Ann loved her parents but her equestrian friends bragged about how their mothers totally dominated their fathers, so Ann was furious that her mother would allow her father to treat her mother so harshly.

Ann's bedroom was next to her parent's bedroom, as they wanted to make sure she wasn't doing anything sinful. After she turned eighteen, one day she came home from her riding lessons and found they had removed the door to her bedroom and bathroom.

She was puzzled why but their excuse was they were afraid she might start drinking and doing drugs in her room. But she often found her father staring at her when she was changing or showering, but he never did anything but stare at her. She was tall and very thin, with flowing long blonde hair and when she wasn't riding her horse, she was on the treadmill and didn't have an ounce of body fat on her.

After the door to her bedroom was removed, her parents didn't realize that she could hear them in their bedroom. She always heard muffled noises that sounded like someone crying, but thought she was imagining it. Her father had a very high sex drive and loved the power he had over his submissive wife, who was ten years younger than her father and was forced to marry her father in an arranged marriage when she was only eighteen. Linda was very beautiful and although George gave his wife all the material things a wife could want, in the bedroom it was a different story.

After the door was removed, she started hearing her father demanding sex from her mother every night, and when she wasn't in the mood, he would roughly force her. Their religion only allowed vaginal sex when the wife was not on her period, so she could be bred, but during her period her father's sadistic streak kicked into overdrive. He would force her to have rough anal sex, as she cried into the panties he had stuffed in her mouth. Or he would force her to take his large cock down her throat, until she almost passed out from lack of air.

The worst was when her father spanked her mom. She could hear her sobbing, and she would get a longer spanking if she cried. He often used a riding crop on her, as the purple welts turned him on even more. It was a weekly punishment based upon how much her mom had displeased her father that week. Ann would see her sit down very slowly the next day and was disgusted with her father and mother. She vowed to herself to escape their sick perverted religion someday. But she made the mistake of trying to talk to her mother about it one day and her father overheard them.

"Ann and Linda, are you talking about me?" George bellowed as he charged into their large living room, surprising them.

"No George, Ann and I were talking about her schoolwork," Linda lied in a shaky voice.

"Don't lie to me Linda. I heard Ann asking you why you let me force you to have sex and discipline you like a good wife should be disciplined."

Ann and Linda lowered their faces to the floor as a wave of embarrassment and humiliation washed over them. "Linda, why don't you tell Ann what is in store for her once we choose someone for her to marry."

"Choose someone for me to marry! What are you talking about! I want to marry someone I love!"

"That is not our way, Ann. Linda, tell them what our traditions are."

"Please George, don't make me say it out loud. She is too young and innocent to hear about our sex life."

"Linda, you better tell her, or you know the penalty."

Linda stuttered in a low shaky voice, as she slowly started speaking to Ann. "Ann, you know our religion requires women to obey their husbands and fathers. The father decides who their daughter will marry. We don't wait until our wedding night to have sex for the first time. The future husband gets to 'try out' his future wife to see how obedient she will be in bed, and how hard he can fuck her or spank before she cries, and judge how many children she might be able to bear."

She slowly continued, as Ann looked at her dumbstruck, finding out their secrets that she had suspected but didn't know about for sure. "Your husband owns your cunt, ass and mouth. He can take you any time he wants and can impregnate you as many times as he wants. He is allowed to have as many wives as she wants. He can also take his daughter after she is eighteen, but your father doesn't believe in that. He has been watching you lately though to see if you have a body that will be good for breeding, so he can find a good match for you."

"Mom, Dad, this is crazy! How can you believe that is a normal marriage!" she shouted.

"It is our way Ann and has been for a long time. Us women know our place in the world and must obey men."

"Linda, show Ann what your punishment is for conspiring against me and our ways."

"George, no, you can't possibly believe I would do that in front of our daughter!"

"Linda, take your jeans down now. You know you need to be punished like a good wife needs to be sometimes." Linda meekly unzipped her jeans and pulled them down to her ankles.

"Take off your top, bra and panties too and get across my lap."

"But George!"

"Don't disobey me woman or you know it will be worse for you."

Linda obediently took off the rest of her clothes as Ann sat on the couch dumbfounded. George pulled out a kitchen chair from the table and sat down and patted his thigh for her to get over his knee. She walked over and got over his knee and awaited her fate. She was thin like Ann so didn't have any padding on her ass. You could bounce a quarter off of it.

He started slapping her butt cheeks with his open hand and she soon started sobbing softly, but also tried to reach back and grab his hand, but he was too strong and pushed her hand forward. "It's okay to cry Linda. You don't have to hide our ways from Ann anymore. She needs to learn what is expected from a wife."

Linda started crying but also felt herself getting wet between her legs, which disgusted her. Whenever George would give her a spanking, afterwards he would make love to her all night, making sure she orgasmed multiple times, so like Pavlov's dog she associated spanking with orgasms.

George suddenly stopped spanking her and she sat up on his lap. She put her arms around his neck, and he softly cooed in her ear. "That's my good girl. Your cunt must be soaking and needing some relief." She nodded her head yes as his hand snaked its way down her stomach and his fingers reached into her soaking vagina. He started fingering her as she moaned, oblivious to her daughter being shocked at Linda's pleasure of being physically abused but getting excited that she would be rewarded after it. Linda tried to not orgasm in front of her daughter, but it was useless to fight it. She came in waves and waves of delight as she whispered in her husband's ear, "thank you for reminding me of our way."

Ann was excited when she found out she got into a top local college and her parents even agreed to let her commute to classes and not have to do classes on-line. But they watched her like a hawk and made sure she didn't try to date any boys. But now besides her snobby equestrian friends, she saw other girls be treated nicely by their boyfriends, even though they were bitches to them, and realized there was another world outside the bubble of her strange religion.

But Ann didn't know that her mother had gotten cancer over the summer after she finished her high school home schooling classes and was going downhill fast. She did notice that her father was being unusually nice to her mother and that he looked sad all the time. They didn't tell her that her mother had terminal cancer until shortly before Linda died in early March. She wondered if her mother had regrets about following their misogynistic religion. In the end Linda whispered in her ear, "we have a certain way, but you need to find what way is good for you."

She didn't know that her parents didn't have health insurance and by the time her mother died had racked up enormous medical debt. Her father had also made some bad investments and had neglected the ranch business. Ann became rebellious and started to date boys, which her father didn't know about in his grief, but she was afraid to go past letting them feel up her firm young B cup breasts, which she did to gain power over them.

Ann treated her boyfriends terribly, in subconscious revenge for how the women in their religion were treated. She continued her equestrian training and her equestrian friends taught her how to be a stuck up bitch to men and a mean girl to the other girls in school.

At the end of the school year, her father somberly had her come into his office. "Ann I've been avoiding telling you this, but I'm broke. Really broke. Between the medical bills and the business failing, we've been foreclosed on and have to leave the ranch next week."

"But Dad what will happen to us?"

"Well, I got a job as a ranch hand at another ranch so I can try to make some money, but it will take a long time and I am worn down and not sure if I can handle the physical work."

"Dad, what is going to happen to me? What about my horse, Duke?"

"Ann, the ranch I am going to be working at doesn't like women there because they are a distraction, so you can't come with me. You may not be able to finish school either and will have to give up Duke.

Ann started crying and got angry at her father. "You always said you would take care of the women in your life and that we needed to obey you. Look what that has gotten us!"

"I know I have failed you. But just like sometimes things are out of a woman's control, things can happen to men too. Men have a higher power they have to answer to. The ways of the universe are mysterious."

But George suddenly smiled a little. "I think I have a way out. Do you remember your Cousin Billie?"

"Yeah, his parents have a big ranch a couple of counties away. I remember going there as a kid several times. He is seven years older than me, but he always treated me really nice and was fun to be around. He was a little rough around the edges though if I remember. Is he in our religion?"

"His family and a group of other families broken away from our sect because they didn't agree with some of our harsh practices with our wives. But they believed in polygamy, while we didn't, and started their own sect of our religion. But his parents were good people, and he has grown up to be a fine young man."

"What do you mean his parents were good people?"

"Well, they passed away in an accident last year and Billie inherited the ranch. I heard about it through a mutual friend of his family and I and contacted him. Besides the cattle ranch he started a horse training business, training future racehorses. I told him about your equestrian skills, and he was excited about it."

"Why would he be excited?"

"He is a true entrepreneur and thinks it could be a business expansion for him to get into the equestrian training market. But he doesn't know the equestrian world like you do. He wants you to live on the ranch and help him."

"Would I get paid?"

"He has some cash he could use to pay your tuition, but he needs money to run the ranch, which is in the red right now. His parents left him money in trust, but he has to show he is responsible enough to be trusted with it. I understand it is a lot of money. You will get free room and board and a small salary, which will be increased once he official inherits the ranch."

"That's great Dad! But just one thing, what is his attitude about women?"

"I don't really know. I heard he has been a bit of a playboy in the past, but for some reason recently he has stopped dating and wants to find the right woman for him to settle down with. Here is a picture of him that a mutual friend shared with me."

Ann did a double take as she stared at the picture. Her nineteen year old eyes were looking at the most gorgeous twenty six year old man she had seen in her young life. He was tall and thin like her, but with big biceps from working the ranch, and thick wavy brown hair. He had a sly mischievous grin on his face, which had chiseled features and a dimple on his chin. He looked like he escaped from central casting for a cowboy movie or from the cover of a romance novel. She started feeling damp in her crotch just looking at him.

"Can I bring Duke with me?"

"Of course, you can. He said to bring everything you own with you, even your bedroom furniture. I gave Billie and mine's friend a picture of you, so at least he will know what you look like before we get there. Hopefully he will not think you are ugly."

Ann frowned at him. "Ann, you know I am kidding. You are just as beautiful as your mother, and you are going to attract a lot of men. But you must save yourself, before I arrange a marriage for you and your future husband takes you for a test ride," George mused.

"Dad, you are so crude," Ann replied in a haughty tone. "I hope the Billie and the ranch hands have better manners than you."

The next week Ann excitedly packed her bags, and her father rented a truck to bring her belongings to Cousin Billie's ranch. When she got out of the truck, Billie practically fainted looking at how beautiful Ann was now all grown up, but he tried not to let her notice.

Instead, he did the 'thousand mile stare' guys do when they don't want to let their wife or girlfriend know they are checking out another woman walking by. He felt a little gross being attracted to her even though she was now nineteen, since the last time he saw her, she was a tomboy with overalls and pigtails.

"How are you, George? It's been ages since I've seen you!" Billie exclaimed with a hearty laugh as he firmly shook George's hand.

"You look great Billie, and it looks like the ranch is doing well."

"We have been trying to grow the business but the prices we are getting for cattle is going down and our costs are going up. The horse training business is starting to go well, but cash flow is very tight. My parents tied up my inheritance in a trust because they thought I might sell the ranch and use the money to party and chase girls."

"Well, is that true Billie?" George replied with concern because he didn't want Ann living in that type of environment.

"It is not true George. I might have a drink or two every now and then, but I don't smoke and have never even tried drugs. Women get jealous that they think I am dating someone else and spread rumors about me that I am sleeping around, but I have only had a couple of long term relationships. I need, uh, want to find the right woman to marry and have children with. I respect women and would never be like that."

Ann grew excited that Billie seemed like a nice guy, and he might not get any perverted ideas about having a young college girl living with him.

George suddenly realized he hadn't introduced Ann to Billie. "I'm sorry Billie, you remember Ann."

"Of course, I do." Billie just stared awkwardly at this vision of beauty and purity. He was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so he just remained silent.

Ann felt timid standing near this hunk of male perfection. "Hi Billie, nice to see you again after all these years. Thanks for letting me stay here and helping me out financially in return for helping you too."

She couldn't believe she had just said something that could be taken the wrong way, but George and Billie didn't even react, so the double meaning must have just been in her own guilty mind.

"Ann I'll get one of the ranch hands to bring your furniture in. I cleared out the furniture from a guest bedroom on the other side of the house from my room. It is quiet over there and you will have lots of privacy."

George raised his eyebrow when Billie said this. "Billie, I assume you will keep a close watch over my daughter and make sure she doesn't get into any trouble?"

"Of course, I'll have my eyes on her all the time." Billie realized what he just said, and it was his turn to hope no one took it the wrong way.

Ann looked at Billie and the bitchiness she had recently learned came out, and she thought to herself, "I'll have this sucker wrapped around my finger in no time."

When Ann saw her huge new room, she was very excited and when she saw locks on the bedroom and bathroom doors, she was even more excited. After they all had dinner, which was served by Billie's cook, George felt comfortable leaving. "You take care of my little girl Billie. She means the world to me."

"I know George, we'll get along just fine." Ann got even more excited that Billie might cater to her even more to keep her father in his good graces, even though this wasn't rational since Ann's father was broke and if Billie kicked her out, she would have nowhere else to stay. Ann was wistfully living in the past in her mind, as if her mother was still alive and her parents were wealthy.

The next morning Billie got up early as usual, but Ann expected to sleep in like the spoiled teenage princess she was. Billie entered her room and chirped, "hey get up sleepyhead, there's lots of work to do around here."

Ann looked at Billie with a sneer on her face. "Don't you have ranch hands and servants to do the work? I thought I would just be supervising them."

Billie looked at her with astonishment. "There are no supervisors here. We all work hard, including me. We don't have money for a lot of staff, so if you don't want to pull your weight, the front door is right there. You can get on your 'high horse' and just ride away."

Ann was shocked that he got so angry and realized she had messed up. "I'm sorry Billie! I didn't mean it. I guess my mom spoiled me, and my girlfriends have been a bad influence on me. Please don't kick me out. I'll work hard. I'll do everything you tell me to." Ann again hoped Billie didn't take that the wrong way.

Ann worked hard that day and the next day, and Billie pushed her to exhaustion, hoping it would make her realize she was nothing special. But she also sometimes lapsed into being a bitch and disrespecting the ranch hands and household staff.

She also had an attitude that she knew horses better than Billie because she was an 'equestrian,' while Billie was a lowly horse trainer with dirt under his fingernails.