Cousin Pt. 02


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"Well, over the next half year, the four of got together and played spanking games maybe another eight or ten times. It always ended with sex. I found I liked getting my bottom warmed. When I came here to school, I tried a couple of times to get my date to spank me, but only one guy tried and he didn't really like it. Then I started going with Brad. One night I teased him into it."

"What do you mean, you 'teased' him into it?" Lisa asked.

"You know. I hassled him until he told me to stop. And then I asked him what he was going to do about it - spank me? He took the bait and soon I was across his lap with my skirt up and panties down getting my bottomed really warmed. Afterwards I was so turned on I practically raped him. He was really turned on by it too and pretty soon we started playing these games regularly. We used hands, a hair brush and a frat paddle. I even spanked him a couple of times. Then we got into bondage and sometimes he'd tie me bent over a chair and use his hand, the paddle, or his belt on me. Never hard enough to do any real damage, but it always turned us both on a lot." Diana stopped for a minute. "OK. Now what about you and Dan?"

"In a minute," Lisa said. Come on. What's the hottest thing you two did?"

"All right, but you've got to tell me some stuff, too. Let's see. Probably the hottest time we had was one weekend last March. You remember, I spent all weekend at Brad's apartment when his roommates were out of town. Well, Friday night we went out to dinner and then watched a video tape and spent a while necking on the sofa. Brad said I should get punished for being such a tease at dinner. We'd use almost any excuse to start our games, see. So anyway pretty soon I was naked and bent over the back of a stuffed chair. My ankles were tied to the chair legs and my wrists were pulled down and tied to the front legs. Being spread open like that felt awfully sexy. Brad slapped my ass a few times and then used the paddle to lay about ten really hard swats on me. Then he stopped and said that he didn't think that was enough. I was a little - not scared, exactly, but sort of, I guess - but I was still excited and wondering what he had in mind. He came over and started playing with my tits, getting me even wetter and making my nipples really stick out. All of a sudden it felt like my right nipple was on fire. I cried out and looked down - actually up from where I was - and saw that he had put a spring clothes pin on it. He did the same thing to my left nipple. But in a couple of minutes the real hurt began to fade and I realized the pain that was still there was turning me on like crazy. Brad ran his hands all over me, slapped my ass a few times, played with the pins and fingered me a little. During all of this I was getting hotter and hotter and started begging him to fuck me. But he kept on teasing and tormenting. He kept working his finger in and out of my pussy and then suddenly I felt him start pushing at my ass. Lisa I don't know if you're ever had your anus stimulated, but it can be a real turn on! Well, he kept on playing with me and working his finger in and out and I kept on squirming, trying to fuck myself on his fingers. Finally he pulled out and started to whip my ass with his belt. He wore a heavy leather belt about an inch and a half wide and he really laid into me. I think he put about a dozen stripes on me and then he put down the belt and started fucking my pussy from behind. I was already unbelievably hot and being tied down like that made it even more so. I think I actually passed out for a few seconds when I came. And we were half way afraid I had screamed so loudly that someone would have called the police. But I guess no one did, because they didn't come. But I sure did! Brad whipped me a couple of more times that weekend, once tied spread eagled on the bed and once with my arms tied above my head to the ceiling. I think I must have come at least fifteen times that weekend. That was probably one of the times you saw stripes on my ass. I think they were there for three or four days." Diana stopped.

"Did you guys ever get into anything that you found, you know, a turn off? Something that seemed too far out to be OK?"

Diana looked at her a second. "No, not really. There was one time Brad brought a BD magazine. A lot of it showed women - and a couple of men - tied up in all kinds of positions, sometimes being spanked or whipped. We found these pretty exciting. But there were a few pictures of some things that definitely seemed too far out to us."

"Like what?" Lisa asked.

Diana hesitated a little. "Well, there were some shots of a couple of women who had been really mistreated. I mean they had some scars and their tits and asses had cuts instead of welts. Some of the whipping pictures were faked, I'm sure, but these were real. One had pins stuck in her breasts. There was even one picture showing a woman with - I kid you not - a baseball bat stuck a ways up her ass. I hate to think how much damage must have been done to get her stretched that much. There must have been a foot of the large end in her. This stuff left us cold. In fact it was a real turn off and we cut those pictures out and threw them away. I think a lot of this stuff can be fun, but only if there's no real damage." Diana stopped again. "OK, now it's your turn. Did you and Dan get into anything that turned you off?"

"All right," Lisa said. "And, no, everything we did turned us on. That stuff you were talking about in the magazine - ugh! That's got to be really sick."

"I said I'd tried spanking before." Lisa rolled up on her side and turned on a bedside light. Neither of the girls was sleepy at all any more. "One of the guys I went with last year gave me a birthday spanking. I hadn't expected when I agreed to it that it would be bare bottom, but it was. I also didn't expect to get so turned on from it, but I sure did. I went with this guy for a couple of more months and we played several more times, including once with a belt. That still turned me on but I think he got kind of scared of what we were doing. Anyway none of the other guys I dated since then were interested in that kind of stuff. I'll admit I developed a whole new set of fantasies after that. And before you ask, a lot of them included Dan. Well, when I drove up to Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom's place last week, the first thing I saw was this really gorgeous hunk working near the barn. You remember it was in the nineties last week, even up in the mountains, and he was just wearing a short pair of cutoffs and shoes. When I stopped the car and got out I saw it was Dan. He was even better than I remembered and I think I soaked my panties right then. Well, like I said, he didn't recognize me at first. And I'll admit I've changed a lot in the last few years. The last summer we spent there I was a thirteen year old, skinny little tomboy. Anyway after I gave him a hint he did remember me and seemed pleased at the way I've changed."

"I'll bet!" Diana added. "You showed me a picture of you at thirteen once."

Lisa took a swipe at her with a pillow. "OK. Anyway he was busy trying to get some hay into the barn before it started to rain. I started to hassle. I'm still not sure why. I think maybe I was just trying to get him mad enough to grab me so I could feel those arms around me and maybe get in a good kiss or something. Then he made some remark about tying me up like he used to when we played pirates as kids. I dared him to and I think when he tied my hands I nearly came right then. Like I said he tied my hands and pulled them up over my head and tied them there while he went on and finished stacking the hay. I just hung there getting more and more turned on. When he finished he said he thought he'd have to punish me. I was sure he could tell how turned on I was, but I made some crack about a real pirate captain using a cat of nine tails instead of a frat paddle. Then he got this leather cat he'd evidently made. Things started getting really hot then and he said a real pirate captain would strip me first and then turn me over to his fifty men. Well, anyway, we ended up with his stripping me and whipping my ass with the cat. I actually came during the whipping."

"You're kidding!" Diana said. "You mean from just the lashes?"

"That's right. I didn't believe it myself. But afterwards he tied me backwards over a couple of hay bales and really fucked me. It was incredible! And after that he said something about not having the fifty man crew to give me to and I said he would just have to have me fifty more times himself. He said to give him four or five days and I made a remark about his just bragging. Well, anyway, we ended up with a bet which I'm really happy to say I lost."

"What kind of bet? You don't mean to tell me he bet he could fuck you fifty times!" Lisa smiled and nodded. "And he won!?!"

"That's right," Lisa said. "He bet he could fuck me fifty times in less than five days and he most certainly won. But it gets even better. I had to agree to be his captive for the five days and he kept me completely naked the entire time. We played some more bondage games and then one day we accidently discovered that Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom must also play these games because we discovered a whole secret dungeon down in the basement. You wouldn't believe all the stuff that was down there. Anyway we spent the rest of the week with him working me over and I loved every second of it. We tried all kinds of kinky stuff and, you were right, part of the reason I wanted to move up our trip was so I'd have a week to recover. I'm going back there next week and let him start on me again."

This last was said somewhat diffidently, as if Lisa was daring Diana to call her crazy. "Just how far are you getting into this? Are you really into slavery? Whips, chains, piercing, branding and all that stuff?"

"No, no," Lisa said. "We just like some games. There's never anything that would be really dangerous or leave any permanent marks. Nothing like that. And I always have a safeword so I can stop things anytime they seem to be too much. It's just incredible sex with a lot of games thrown in. Maybe our games include some, shall we say, really strong stimulation, but I think you know that can be fun. We're definitely not into slavery or humiliation or anything like that. And, by the way, I worked Dan over a few times and he likes it on the receiving end too. It was just a week of constant, non-stop, incredible sex."

"I still find it hard to believe: fifty times in five days! You mean really fucked. Not just fingered or teased a little."

"That's right," Lisa said. "We made the bet to include penetration and he had to actually come. Frankly I never would have thought it possible, but it really happened. And I think I must have come myself at least twenty times a day. It really was incredible!"

Diana was staring wide eyed at Lisa now. Lisa also noticed that Diana's hand had disappeared under the covers and she guessed it was probably somewhere between her legs. Lisa felt like doing the same thing herself. Talking about it and listening to Diana's experiences had turned her on. "I wish you would lend him to me for a few days," she murmured almost under her breath.

Lisa heard her but didn't say anything. Maybe she'd get the nerve to sound her out about a trio later. And she wasn't sure but that Diana might be just kidding.

Finally Diana asked almost shyly, "Can I take a closer look at those stripes?"

Lisa was a little surprised by the request, but by now wasn't really embarrassed by it. After all they had seen each other naked many times during the last year. She knelt on the bed and pulled the night shirt over her head. Diana looked closely at the few remaining marks. "That must have been a pretty good spanking. What did he use?"

"A long-tailed leather cat," Lisa said. We tried a lot of stuff we found down in the dungeon, but nothing compares with the feeling of the cat."

"I think I'd like to feel that some day," Diana mussed. "What other kinky stuff did you guys do?"

"Well," Lisa slowly said, "I did get to have a lot of firsts last week. I spent most nights tied to the bed. We used some clamps and dildos. I even got screwed in the ass for the first time."

"What's that like?" Diana asked excitedly. "I've never had the nerve to try it."

Now Lisa was excited. "It was really hot! It hurt at first, but that made it even hotter, I think. Also he tied me down while we did it and that was a big turn on too. And once I even used a strap on and screwed him in the ass. That was really hot too."

Both girls were now fingering themselves. Finally Diana said, "Look. We're both hot and we both know we've done this in the dorm before. I've got to have my vibrator out. Get yours if you want to, but I can't wait any longer." With his she reached into her backpack and dug out the device. Lisa didn't need a second invitation and soon both of the young women were moaning on the bed as their plastic toys hummed away. Both came in a couple of minutes and, finally feeling tired, they turned off the light and went to sleep.

Cousin - Ch. 12

The two girls woke early the next morning, but even though both were curious about the other's activities, nothing was said. They quickly dressed and carried their stuff out to the car. Leaving the key in the room as they had been instructed, they started north again.

An hour later they hit the interstate and soon pulled off at a small shopping center to get some breakfast at one of the fast food places. As they were eating, Lisa suddenly had an idea. "Instead of eating more hamburgers for lunch, let's pick up something at the deli in the supermarket over there and have a picnic somewhere."

"That sounds great," Diana replied. Maybe we can find a nice rest area or even a park. We don't have any schedule and as long as I get time to see the falls I don't care what else we do this week."

As they looked through the selections at the supermarket, Lisa realized that the only tableware and stuff they had was their camping gear. So she suggested they buy some plastic plates and forks so they didn't have to fool with cleaning up. They ended up with some deli sandwiches and salads, some crackers and cookies, soft drinks, and not only the plates and forks but a small foam cooler and ice to keep the stuff chilled. While they were carrying it out to the car Diana said, "You know, even including the plates, cooler and such this still didn't cost us much more than fast food. I like this idea."

Getting everything to fit in the small sports car was a little hard, but they finally managed. They drove on up into New York and several hours later decided they were getting hungry. Lisa was driving and Diana began searching the map for a likely place to stop. She found something marked as a county park about thirty miles ahead and fifteen or so off the main road. Neither of them had been here before and had no idea what it might be like, but decided to try it. They left the interstate and soon were twisting down a two lane road between small towns. They found the park on a side road off of that one and weren't too surprised to find no other cars there at all.

Lisa pulled the car off the road at a small parking lot. There were two picnic tables on a partly wooded hillside overlooking a lake. Across the lake they could see a couple of houses, but otherwise there was no one else visible at all. "This looks perfect!" Diana said.

"Let's skip the tables and just take a blanket over there under those trees by the shore," Lisa said as she dug through the car to find the blanket. The two girls carried the cooler and bag of food the fifty yards or so from the car and spread the blanket on the grass.

Lisa kicked off her shoes and lay down on the blanket with her bare feet stretched off onto the grass. Diana soon followed her example. In a couple of minutes they pulled some of the food from the cooler and began to eat. A little later Lisa said between mouthfuls, "You know, I love it out some place quiet like this. I think backpacking into a nice isolated campsite and just relaxing is one of the best things in the world. Not the best , mind you," she said with a knowing grin.

Diana laughed. "I agree. But what makes it even better is to do it with a sexy guy. Have you ever made love outdoors like that?"

Lisa smiled, remembering. "Yeah. Several times. Not even counting some of the stuff we did outside last week. Just like food tastes better when you're out away from civilization, sex is better too."

"You mean sex tastes better, too?" Diana asked laughingly.

"That wasn't what I was trying to say, but, yes, I'm sure eating cock outdoors makes it taste better, too."

Diana went on. "One weekend last May Brad and I went backpacking up in the National Forest a couple of hours from campus. As soon as you get away from the roads, you don't see anyone up there. We camped beside a nice little lake and went skinny dipping. The water was pretty cold so when we came back out, we just naturally had to find some way to warm up again."

"I'll just bet you did," Lisa interjected.

"We sure did. Three times in a row in fact. Then again that night under a full moon. That was one of the sexiest trips I ever took."

The two of them went on talking for another half hour or so before finally deciding to get going again. As they were getting back into the car, Diana said, "You know, I liked that. After we leave the falls we'll still have a couple of days, so why don't we find some nice lonely spot and camp. It would feel good to just forget the real world for a while, wouldn't it?"

"I could go along with that," Lisa said. We can pick up some more food and we've got the camping stuff with us. You can see tourist junk any time."

They started out and later that afternoon crossed into Canada and reached the falls by early evening. Even though it was August they were able to find a small motel and got a room for the next couple of nights. "Once you've seen the falls there's not a lot else to do here but haunt the tourists shops," Lisa said. "But we want tomorrow to look around. Come on. Let's go on down to the river. We've got an hour or a little more until dark, so we can get a first look and grab something to eat. They light up the falls after dark and you'll definitely want to see that."

They found a place to park near the bridge and walked along the river up to the falls. Diana had never been here before and, like most people, was really impressed with the size of everything. They ate in the tourist trap overlooking the falls and watched as darkness fell and the colored lights began to play across the falling water. Finally they made their way back to the motel and went right to sleep. They spent the next day exploring the area. They rode the boat, complete with raincoats, out near the foot of the falls and heard the stories about the few who had made it over the falls alive and the many who didn't. When night came they stayed to watch the light show again and then headed back to their room.

The next morning Lisa asked Diana if there was anything else she wanted to see. "Not really. Like you said once you've looked at the falls, there's not a lot else to do. Why don't we head out and see if we can find some place to camp for a couple of days. When we come back out we can stay in a motel one night to get cleaned up and then I guess you can take me to an airport and head back to your sexy cousin. Unless, of course, you want to take me back to him, too."

Lisa wasn't sure if Diana was just kidding or not. Still she decided not to say anything and act like it was just a joke. They drove all morning, stopping at noon for a quick bite and to buy some food for the next couple of days. They had been discussing where to go and finally decided on a section of National Forest that Lisa knew, called Maple Run. It was heavily wooded and located back up in the mountains with a river and numerous smaller streams. It was pretty well off the beaten path and she thought they would probably have it to themselves. Diana thought this sounded fine and they headed the car in that direction.
