Cousin Pt. 03


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The three put on shoes and socks, but otherwise remained naked. After they had been walking along one of the paths into the forest for ten minutes or so, Diana remarked, "I guess I'm really not too worried about other people. Even if someone should happen to get a look, they won't know me. Besides, it feels wonderful - really free - to be out here naked. Not to mention, sexy as hell!"

The three walked for about an hour and a half, stopping occasionally for a little necking and petting, and finally returned to the yard. Pulling off her shoes, Lisa called, "A quick swim, just out and back, before we go in. Come on, you two. Race you."

They plunged into the pond and swam out to the middle and back and then, dripping wet and carrying their shoes and socks, made their way back to the house.

It was near five and so they decided to eat supper before any more activity. When they had finished, Diana was ready to go back, as she put it, 'to the torture chamber,' but Lisa suggested it would be wiser to let some of the food digest. Dan asked if they would like to see another video and both quickly agreed. As they settled on the couch, Dan between the two girls, Diana realized that she had now been completely naked for a full day and had experienced more hot sex than she would have thought possible in such a short time. Well, she certainly wasn't going to complain! She slid one hand along the inside of Dan's thigh and reached over him with the other to run it along Lisa's. Lisa leaned over Dan and suddenly kissed Diana full on the mouth, at the same time allowing her hand to stroke Dan's cock and balls. Then all three settled back to watch as a series of hot sex scenes unfolded on the screen.

When the film ended, about eight, the three were ready to return to the dungeon for some more play. Most of the red lines from the afternoon's whipping had disappeared and both girls assured Dan they were ready for some more rough action.

Dan had been thinking all evening about what he wanted to do to the two. When they entered the dungeon he immediately led Diana over to the end of the padded leather vaulting horse. He positioned her facing one end and spread her legs three feet apart before fastening them in position. He then had her bend over and lie along the length of the device. Diana felt the smooth leather quickly warm as her stomach pressed against the smooth surface and her breasts settled along each side. Dan pulled a wide leather belt tight around her waist, pinning her firmly to it. He then pulled her wrists up and out and attached them to two ceiling chains located a foot or so forward of her waist. She was now pinned to the leather at the waist with her back arched sharply upward and her wrists pulled three feet apart.

Lisa, seeing this position which she had herself held only eight or nine days ago, had a good idea what Dan had in mind for her. She smiled to herself imagining how surprised and then turned on she expected her friend to be if Dan did as she suspected. However, she had little time to think about this. Dan led her to a post directly in front of and about four feet away from Diana. This post reached to the ceiling and had a high crosspiece. There was a second crosspiece located just below the height of Lisa's shoulders, but this crosspiece was heavily padded and set so that its surface was six or eight inches out from the post. While Lisa stood with her back to the post, Dan fastened her wrists to strong, heavily padded cuffs attached to the ends of the upper crosspiece. He next picked up a seven inch dildo, studded with rubber prongs which he generously lubricated. He used his finger to lube Lisa's rear hole, twisting and turning first one and then two fingers as he moved them in and out. When she had opened he inserted the end of the slick dildo and worked in its full length. Lisa had noticed a small wire trailing from the end of the dildo and assumed correctly that it contained a vibrator. Dan now pulled her legs back towards the post, forcing her back to arch against the lower padded cross and forcing her breasts out from her chest. He bent her legs at the knee and fastened her ankle cuffs behind the vertical post against some padding. He completed her bondage with a leather belt around her waist which arched her back even more severely and forced the vertical post against the dildo buried deeply within her ass. Her entire weight was then suspended from her wrists and, to a lesser amount, from her ankles where they were bound to the post.

Dan picked up a cat with two foot lashes and began to whip Lisa's front, soon covering her stomach, thighs, and breasts with red lines and making her nipples stand out sharply. He put down the whip and attached two clamps, complete with springs and six ounce weights, to her nipples. He moved over one of the dildo stands and used it to insert a large, ribbed dildo deeply into her pussy and then turned on both this vibrator and the one in her rear. Finally he took a small plastic clothes pin and placed it directly on her now extended clit. Smiling, he said, "Don't go away. Just hang around and have fun for a while."

Turning his attention back to Diana, he again picked up the whip and began to work her over, both on her bound ass and her exposed tits. When she was also covered with a network of red lines and each lash was bringing loud cries, he stopped long enough to add weighted clamps, similar to Lisa's, to her nipples. He then stepped behind her and began to really lash her exposed ass. Diana screamed at many of the blows, but it was obvious she also found them arousing, and before too long her entire ass had assumed a bright red color. Finally Dan stopped and again used a finger - and then two and three - to lubricate her anus and rectum. The sensation as he moved them in and out was diverting Diana's attention from her sore ass and aching nipples when, suddenly, Dan removed his hand. Her ass clinched in an attempt to hold him inside, but almost immediately she felt something else pushing at her rear opening. It took only a second to realize that what she was feeling was the head of Dan's hard and lubricated cock. As Diana had told Lisa, she had never experienced anal sex but the idea sounded interesting. Now she wasn't quite so sure. Dan's large organ felt like it was going to split her as he slowly worked it in and out. But she soon realized he was being very careful not to really hurt her and also that her body was rapidly adjusting to the intruder. Almost before she realized it she felt his groin press against her hot buttocks as his cock was completely imbedded within her rear. Slowly he began to move out and back in. The sensation was wonderful!

She began to try to push back against him to get him deeper, but her bonds didn't allow much movement. In the back of her mind she became aware of Lisa screaming into her own orgasm and saw her friend twisting in her own bondage. All the stimulation was driving her senses into overload. Never had she felt so excited. Suddenly one of Dan's forward thrusts was accompanied by the sting of a small cat wrapping around her flank and onto the sides of her straining tits. Each of the next several thrusts was similarly enhanced. These pushed Diana over the top and she started to come, clinching at Dan's member with her ass muscles and screaming at the top of her lungs. Her actions set Dan off and he began spurting deeply within her. Lisa, watching their action, began to come again herself.

When they began to come down, Diana hung limply in her bonds, but when Dan started to release her, she said, "No. Get Lisa first and let me hang here for a little while."

Dan took time to clean his cock and then turned to Lisa and began to unfasten her ankles. Soon she could take some of her weight on her legs again and could relax her sore muscles. She winced as he removed the nipple clamps but also sucked in her breath at the stimulation caused by the new pain of their release. When she was completely free, the two of them went back over beside Diana. Dan removed one nipple clamp, bringing a sharp cry. Lisa then removed the other and immediately brushed her hand back and forth across the brunette's nipple, adding to her new pain. She then bent over and sucked hard on the other girl's sore nipple and a second later Dan followed suit and sucked at her other side.

Diana was obviously becoming aroused again by this treatment. When the two finally pulled away from her breasts and stood up, Diana quickly said, "Don't let me loose yet. I'm still so hot and turned on. Dan, please whip me some more and then, if you can, fuck me again."

Lisa looked at her. "I told you it would be hot, didn't I?" She picked up a couple of cats from nearby and handed one to Dan. "Here, I'll help you." With that she snapped the lashes across Diana's back, letting the lashes wrap all the way around her breasts to land on her tortured nipple, bringing a scream from Diana.

For the next ten minutes both Dan and Lisa whipped Diana all over her exposed body, leaving more red lines on her already striped flesh. Diana's breathing was becoming more and more rapid and she was twisting in her bonds. Lisa grinned at her. "You're going to hurt like hell tomorrow, but it does feel good now, doesn't it?"

Diana practically yelled out, "Yes! God, yes! Please, I need to be fucked."

Lisa noticed that Dan had become hard again and gripped his cock to add a little more stimulation. "Let's take her loose, Dan. I've got an idea." As Dan began to loosen her bonds, Lisa went over and retrieved something from one of the drawers that neither Dan nor Diana could see.

When he had her free, Lisa clipped Diana's wrist cuffs together behind her back and told Dan, "Now lie down on the mat. OK, Diana, let's help you get your wish." She moved Diana so she was standing over Dan and then helped the bound girl to kneel and then impale herself on his hard cock. She stretched out atop him, but then Lisa said, "Don't move yet. Just lie there."

Lisa was doing something, but Diana was feeling very hot, was buried in a deep kiss with Dan and couldn't see. Suddenly she noticed Lisa kneeling behind her and then felt the tip of a dildo pressing at her distended anus. As this shaft slid home she became aware that it was mounted in a harness around Lisa. Her friend was now fucking her with a strap on even as she rode Dan. "Now," Lisa said and Diana forgot to be surprised and gave herself up to the incredible sensations of the dual penetration. In only a minute or two she was coming with Dan also reaching his own climax. Lisa kept thrusting and entered her own orgasm before the other two had fully finished theirs.

Lisa pulled out and rolled onto her back leaving the dildo sticking obscenely straight up. The other end was still pressing against her overly sensitive clit and she quickly loosened the harness to remove it. Diana pulled herself off of Dan and rolled onto her back on the other side from Lisa. All three were still breathing hard as Diana gasped, "Wow! That was unbelievable!"

"Everything for the last two weeks has been unbelievable," Dan said. "You two are the most incredibly sexy women anywhere. If I make it through the rest of the summer without succumbing to total exhaustion, I'll be surprised. Very, very happy, but surprised."

"Amen," Lisa added. "I feel like I've fallen through the rabbit hole into Wonderland or something. I've never even dreamed of most of the things we've been doing, but I love everything we've tried.. If you'd told me a month ago that I'd be fucking someone's ass - female or male - or that I'd enjoy being tied up and whipped, I'd have said you were crazy. Maybe I am crazy, but I love all of it."

"Exactly," Diana added. "I'd never have believed it either. Sure, we've both played a few spanking games, but this - it's better than any fantasy I imagined. I know we can't keep it up at this level. I'm probably going to be too sore tomorrow for much."

Lisa broke in. "You might be surprised."

Diana gave her a look. "Well, we'll see about that. But everything now is so new and exciting. Incredible new sensations. And I have the feeling I'm becoming addicted to this stuff."

"Not really addicted," Dan put in. "I expect none of us will ever want to give up this kind of play. But addicted means you can't be satisfied without something. I love the feeling of lashing your pretty asses - mostly, I think, because I love the way you react to it. But I could just as much love straight sex with either of you. Bad analogy, but, well, I love Mexican food - but I could still be happy if I had to give up enchiladas and tacos."

"Which am I," Lisa asked teasingly, "an enchilada or a taco?"

Dan gave her a slightly irritated look. Then he broke his serious attitude and said, "I'm not sure, but you are definitely one of the most hot and spicy dishes I ever eaten." Than he looked over at Diana and added, "And you are definitely another."

"Well, before we all get heartburn," Diana said, "maybe we'd better quit down here tonight. I'm still turned on by the thought of you whipping me again, but I don't think I could really take it. How about you guys? Maybe we could go watch some more of your dirty tapes before we quit tonight?"

Both Dan and Lisa quickly agreed and the three headed upstairs.

Cousin - Ch. 16

They dragged the couch back some and spread some thick quilts and pillows on the floor in front of the TV. Dan retrieved one of his tapes, loaded it into the VCR, turned off the lights and then joined the girls on the quilts. The three snuggled together on the floor and watched as the tape started. The plot line, such as it was, of this one had two young women, a brunette and a redhead, paddling along a river in a canoe. Both wore only bikini bottoms, their rather large breasts showing no tan lines. The canoe pulled into the river bank and the two came ashore. They tied the canoe and then spread a blanket and began to eat lunch. Soon, however, their interest turned from food to each other and they began to embrace and kiss. Within a couple of minutes, both were completely naked and the redhead had her face buried between the brunette's spread legs. While they were thus engaged, two men wearing backpacks emerged from the woods. They stopped and watched the lovers for a few minutes and finally when the brunette came, they stepped forward and applauded. Both girls appeared startled and started to run but the men quickly caught them. They used some rope from their packs to tie the women to trees and then began to sexually tease them. When the girls didn't respond as much as the men wanted, they used their belts to whip the two until their bottoms were bright red and the girls became much more cooperative. The action, if not the plot, continued for over an hour with a lot of sex, including oral and anal, in almost all possible combinations among the four. There was also some more bondage and whipping, but compared to what Dan and the two girls had been doing earlier, it seemed pretty tame.

They watched until the end and then Dan put in another tape. But by the time the second tape had barely started, exhaustion overcame them and all three fell asleep on the pile of quilts, bare arms and legs intertwined. Once during the night Diana woke to find Dan and Lisa languorously making love. Still half dozing she ran her hands over both of them a few times and then fell back asleep again.

The next time Diana awoke it was to Lisa gently shaking her shoulder and holding her finger to her lips. Diana blinked away the sleep and saw that there was light outside the window. Lisa again indicated silence and held up a piece of soft rope. She indicated Dan and mimed tying his hands. He was lying on his left side with his lower arm stretched above his head and the other resting on his right side. Diana looked a little confused but quickly joined Lisa in slowly pulling Dan's right arm up near his left. Twice he started to move, but when the girls froze for a second, he settled again. When his hands were nearly together Lisa dropped a loop of the rope over his wrists and quickly began to wrap the cord around them. Diana threw her leg over Dan's prone form and Lisa placed a knee across his arms to hold him still as he woke to the surprising situation. When she had his wrists tightly bound, Lisa joined Diana in sitting on Dan, pinning him to the floor.

By now his eyes were wide open and he looked at the two girls. Lisa grinned at him. "Today I think we'll be in charge of the ship, Captain. And I'm sure we'll deliver strong retribution for your many cruelties. Your harsh actions shall be repaid many fold."

Diana couldn't contain herself any more at the exaggerated and overly dramatic speech and broke into laugher. This triggered Lisa who also broke down and soon Dan joined them. "Well, if I'm to be your victim today, at least let me make a trip to the bathroom first," Dan said. Then he added, "And, you rebelling winches, I'll give you my parole as an honorable officer."

This resulted in more laugher, but the two let him up so he could make his way down the hall with them at his side. Lisa said, "OK, Captain. Why don't you shave - we'd hate to scratch ourselves on you. We'll grab a shower and then let's see what we can find to eat. But after breakfast we get to work you over. After all, I'm sure it's our turn. And besides I expect Diana is as sore as I am and we need a little rest." Dan agreed and in a half hour the three were back in the dinette eating leftover muffins and hot chocolate.

When they had finished, Lisa turned to Diana and said, "Well how should we punish this monster for the acts he inflicted on us yesterday?"

Diana joined in the spirit of the thing and said, "I believe the punishments should fit the crimes. We should begin down in the dungeon where he can learn the other end of the whip." The two pulled Dan to his feet and once more - this time with his cooperation - bound his hands. They then descended to the hidden room.

When they entered, Diana whispered in Lisa's ear and then Lisa nodded. They led Dan over to the center and replaced the rope on his wrists with padded leather cuffs which they fastened to ceiling chains, stretching him upwards. They then spread his legs and bound his ankles to floor rings, leaving him tightly stretched and not able to bring his heels all the way down to the floor.

Lisa went to the drawers and got something out. Dan couldn't see what but was sure that what ever it was would probably hurt. Lisa and Diana then walked around in front of him and held up two wooden frat type paddles, each about four inches across and a foot and a half long. He was right - they would hurt. But before starting the two girls used their hands to tease his cock and balls, making him hard and erect. Before he was aroused enough to come, they stepped back and a second later Dan felt a searing pain on his right buttock as the sound of Lisa's paddle echoed in the room. This was followed half a second later with a similar blow on his left cheek. For the next five minutes the girls alternated, sometimes placing their strokes all the way across and sometimes on the opposite side of his ass as well as the one nearest them. In this way Dan could never tell where the next blow would land and, in fact, several times a number of consecutive strokes landed in the same spot. The girls put a lot of muscle into each swing and soon Dan's entire bottom was bright red and he was crying out with each stroke.

When the paddling stopped, Diana and Lisa began to rub their hands over his hot rear as well as to fondle his now very hard cock. "Let's get him in a better position for some more activity," Lisa said. She and Diana released Dan's ankles and wrists and quickly pulled him - Lisa using his hard cock as a handle - over to one of the whipping benches. This device resembled a child sized version of a very narrow picnic table. The 'table' part was a heavily padded beam, about four feet long and five inches wide. It was set at a height of about two and a half feet from the floor. On either side where 'benches' would be on a normal picnic table were two, padded, two by six planks, extending a foot beyond the 'table top'. Lisa had Dan kneel on the extended portion of these two benches and lean forward along the top. This placed his pubic bone against the padded end, spread his legs widely, and left his genitals hanging in open air. Lisa and Diana quickly used leather straps to anchor his legs to the benches, both at the ankles and just below the knee. Another strap went around his waist, pinning him to the beam. They stretched his arms severely forward and fastened them to rings at the far end of the benches.
