Covid 19 Judicial Changes


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"Yes, I know." She said turning red at the thought and scared also.

"Okay then, I will bring you to your students, and you can explain what you are going to do. I will see you at one PM in the training room." Officer Thomas said as he brought Teresa and Connor to the lunchroom for visitors.

"Mrs. Scott did you get the charges dropped?" The principal asked.

"Yes, the judge vacated the summons."

"That is great news. What will be done about showing the students what could happen if they are law breakers, so this trip is not wasted?" The principal asked.

"I need to talk to you alone, so I can tell you." Teresa said.

"I was one of the Judge's teachers about fifteen years ago. I was very hard on him and he tricked me into admitting I did not treat him fairly, so for my penance I have to be the training model for the class up to the caning. I want you to make sure that I am respected for doing this."

The principal is overjoyed but needed to hide his true feelings. "Okay I will tell the group that there needs to be respect for you and you are very brave to do this for the class."

"Another thing there will be a video taken for future use."

"You're Okay with this?"

"I have no choice in the matter, that was one of the conditions associated with the judge vacating the summons." Mrs. Scott told the Principal.

"The court is supplying lunch for the group, and then we will go to the training room." Officer Thomas announced when the teacher and principal reentered the room.

The lunch was very good, but Teresa was not hungry. She will be nude in front of the class before the end of the day.

"We will assemble in the training room One hundred and seven, down the hall in thirty minutes to show you what will happen if you are on the wrong side of the law, with the help of Mrs. Scott." Officer Thomas stated.

The principal looked at his watch twenty minutes later and said. "We better get to the training room, it is almost one."

It was a short tense walk to the room for Terry losing her modesty and getting closer every minute. She walked down the hall in tears with her son holding her.

Going down the hall, they found room one hundred and seven, it could hold about fifty people at once. It was set up like the assembly room with lockers on one corner, a wooden bench in the back, facing the assembled group, a portable exam table, and caning horse. The group took in the room and let out a gasp in unison. It sent a shiver up Terry's spine.

The principal took over. "Okay everyone, first of all I would like to let you know that Mrs. Scott's summons was vacated, but we do not want to have a wasted day, so Mrs. Scott is kind enough to be a teaching aid, so that you can see what could happen if you're on the wrong side of the law."

Again, there was a gasp from the assembled group and they looked at Mrs. Scott, including her son knowing how modest she is.

Officer Thomas took over. "There will be no remarks when we start this demonstration. If there is, we will stop and I will recommend the whole class receive a zero for today. You are very lucky to have a teacher brave enough to endure the next hour or so, that will demonstrate what will be done, if you are summoned to the judicial punishment center."

Terry overcoming her anxiety and switching into teacher mode took over. "When you are summons to the punishment center you need an advocate, so my son will be my advocate, for this demonstration. An officer came to my house a week ago, gave me the summons, and had me sign for this document. Pass it around, so you can see what it looks like." Mrs. Scott stated.

Officer Thomas took over. "While you are passing around the summons, let me explain to you how the system works. Mrs. Scott wrongly accused of check fraud, because a woman stole Mrs. Scott's Identity, so she was summoned to the discipline center. The woman was sent paperwork. She filled out the paperwork that she was guilty, and then left town to have Mrs. Scott take the fall for it. This gave the woman that committed the fraud time to disappear. The woman was given a sentence of fifty strokes with a number 4 cane and being displayed for an hour. The caning would have been given over two days a month apart." The Officer prefaced. "Are there any questions?"

No one asked any questions, so the officer continued, the group couldn't believe Mrs. Scott will continue, she being so modest.

"Today at one PM it was Mrs. Scott's appointment, if the summons had not been vacated, she would have come into the reception area and handed the woman at the desk her paperwork. On it there was her first name with a number that is how she would have been known for the duration of her stay. Her number was Teresa 2025 1640. Five women are brought into the rear assembly area at a time."

Officer Thomas looked at Terry. She gave him a thumbs up to start.

"We will start now. Teresa 2025 1640." Officer Thomas stated.

Mrs. Scott came forward her face red, because she knows what will happen, as she witnessed it for two hours waiting for the judge to call her.

Her hands are shaking as she hands him her paperwork and an ID. He checks it and then says. "Go to the lockers, remove all your clothes, go back to the bench, sit down, feet flat on the floor, knees spread at least a foot apart, and wait until you're called."

The group gasped as they watched their teacher go to a locker, and start to remove her clothes.

She had trouble removing her pantie hose and almost fell over Connor was there to stabilize her.

The students thought Mrs. Scott would stop before she was naked, but she didn't. It was the first time the students have witnessed anything like this, one of their teachers naked, and the first time Connor has seen his mother naked. She went to the bench that was facing the group, sat down, spreading her legs as she saw the women do in the assembly room, without being told.

Looking at her students, seven young woman, seventeen young men, the principal, and her son, she could see they are looking at her exposed womanhood. To her amazement, this excited her and is embarrassing her even more, hoping that her excitement would not be discovered.

After sitting exposed for ten minutes, the door opened and a man in a white coat and black bag came in. "This is Doctor Carter he will make sure the client is fit for the chastisement." The officer stated. Teresa 2025 1640 Please come forward and mount the exam table. Will the advocate come forward and assist." The officer continued.

You could hear a pin drop; there was their teacher nude, and mounting an exam table in front of them. Connor standing in front of his mother he helped her put her feet in the stirrups and everyone there could see her vaginal area. She was embarrassed because she could feel the moisture building up in her sex ready to release.

The doctor knowing Conner was her son said, "Could the advocate stand to the side and open Teresa 2025 1640 vagina for me."

This caused the hapless woman's secretions to flow down between her legs in front of the assembled group. They now knew she was sexually excited to be exposed in this way.

The doctor giving her an abnormally long internal in front of the group stated. "No lubricant is needed as her natural lubrication is sufficient."

The doctors comment causing the humiliated woman to tear up, thinking. "My son and the class must think I am a slut."

He checked her heart rate, pulse and marked her ready for her chastisement.

"The first part of the punishment is the display. Teresa 2025 1640, get off the exam couch and sit in front of the group legs spread and open your vagina for them."

The officer says. "At least five people have to examine her, before the hour is up or she will receive a heavier punishment, so we need five volunteers to examine her including her advocate." The officer continued.

No one got up. "Please someone has to examine me." Teresa pleaded, as she wants to get this humiliation over as soon as possible.

Finally, her son, two female students, and three male students examined her in front of the group. Officer Thomas per the judges orders made sure all the students and specially her son examined her thoroughly putting at least two fingers in her pussy and one in her brown star.

"Now for the final part of the punishment, Teresa 2025 1640 please go to the caning horse and lay over it."

She did as instructed with her back to the group she laid over it and Officer Thomas adjusted it so that her legs were spread showing her vaginal opening and her anus to the group present. Her breast were hanging over the horse on each side. The officer secured her legs in a spread position and arms to the front of the horse with a strap over her back. She could not move.

Leaving the teacher in this position, he asked, "Are there any questions?"

The hands started going up. "Are male's and female's disciplined together?"

"No, if you noticed there are two different sections Male and Female centers." The officer stated.

"Can anyone come to see the discipline session?"

"No, you have to put your name on a list and they will contact you." The officer stated.

The question and answer period went on for over thirty minutes with Mrs. Scott in the punishment position. She was mortified to be exposed for so long, but unbeknown to her Officer Thomas was instructed by the judge to maximize the mature teachers' exposure, to the group assembled.

After the Officer answered all the questions, he released the hapless teacher from her bonds.

Feeling that she could not be humiliated more, she turned to the group and asked. "Do you have any questions for me?" Anne said, standing proud in her nudity, looking each of her students, the principal, and her son in their eyes.

Embarrassed they looked away, she thought it was funny she is nude and they looked away embarrassed. She went to the locker and started dressing as the group came to her with a cheer and thanked her for the demonstration.

They walked out together Terry going to her car with her son and the group to the bus.

The principal walked over to Terry and said. "Thanks for being a good sport and doing this."

"Your welcome, but remember you owe me."

Terry and her son rode in silence for a few minutes then Conner asked in a voice laced with embarrassment. "What was it like to be nude in front of your students and me?"

"Humiliating, and embarrassing to begin with, but I got used to it, and felt that I was in control after a while. When I talked to the students and I was nude they gave me their full attention." The mature mother said to her son and then giggled.

"You sure had my attention mom!" Conner turned and flashed his mother a smile.

"What does that mean? I should be more open with you?"

"Well you really looked great during the question and answer period." Conner blushed admitting he likes seeing his mother that exposed.

"You mean you like to see my vagina?"

"Yes I do." He said blushing.

"Okay, seeing you know what I look like anyway, maybe I can be more comfortable around the house and at the pool seeing there are no neighbors to spy on us."

"Really mom you will do that?"

"We will see." Terry said as they pulled into their driveway.

It was a very warm day in May. The mother and son exited the car.

"I will see you at the pool, so we can relax, after the stressful few days we had."

Conner went to his room to put on is bathing suit and went to the pool a half hour later to find is mom nude sunning on a lounger.

"What are you doing mom?"

"Sun bathing, but now I don't have to worry what time you are coming home."

"You mean you have been sunbathing nude out here?"

"Yes, dad and I always sunbathed nude when you were out."

"Wow, you hid that well from me!"

"We also went to nude beaches when we could."

"Really, that is not anything I could picture my mom and dad doing. Both of you seemed so conservative."

"You mean boring right."

"Well the cat is out of the bag now. Why don't you join me?"

He stripped off his suit self-consciously and tried to hide his hardon from his mother.

"I can see you like me." She giggled to break the ice, pointing to his erection, and they had a great time after he became used to their nudity.

That night Connor brought out the zip drive that has the video taken of her ordeal saying. "Mon you want to see the video that was done today?"

"Where did you get that?"

"Officer Thomas handed it to me as I walked out of the training room."

Connor started the video, as his mother didn't say not to.

It didn't take long for Terry to start blushing. "The women are really exposed aren't they."

"Yes Mon you were totally exposed." He said looking over at his mom naked next to him and him with an erection watching his mother's debasement.

Both had dinner, cleaned up and watch TV that night. Connor put on a pair of shorts and a tee.

When Terry saw him dressed, she asked. "Do you want me to put something on?"

"No mom you look wonderful the way you are. I got dressed to hide my boner."

They both giggled at that remark.

They sat on the couch together, and after a while Terry put her feet on her son's lap, rubbing his manhood with her fee, while he was rubbing her legs almost to her pussy. He loved to catch a glimpse of her womanhood from time to time, but that is as far as it went.

The next morning Terry went into the principal's office first thing in the morning.

"We need to talk." She stated forcefully.

"Okay, Mrs. Scott how can I help you?"

"I don't want you to show that video they made of me yesterday to anyone, it is too humiliating." She cried.

"We will work something out Mrs. Scott." The principal said smirking as he turned away.

"Thank you for understanding." She said, as she walked out of the room toward her classroom.

When the first class of the day came to order they gave her a standing ovation for her bravery yesterday. Thanking her for the insight into the judicial system.

After the class quieted down Mrs. Scott asked. "Now that you saw what could happen if you break. How many of you are going to be more law abiding? Raise your hands please."

The whole class raised their hands.

This brought a smile to Terry's face as she said. "Then the humiliation I endured yesterday was worth it."

All rights reserved 2020 to 2050

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Gym52Gym52almost 3 years ago


A well prepared and written story of humiliation/embarrassment and preparation for judicial punishment, witnessed by a close relative, her supervisor and her senior school class.

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