Covid 19 - Pete Turned into Charleigh Pt. 02

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His wife finds him locked on a fucking machine he's banished.
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Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/22/2020
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Again it was as though she'd slapped him back into reality, just as she intended, she'd noted his angry response earlier that day and wanted to trigger him again, but trigger him much more this time. She simply would not accept rudeness or attitude from him. Pete had to realize that as Charleigh took over his psyche, that she would need to be more and more submissive to her superior, her Mistress.

He tried to talk through the gag, if he could have spoken he would have said. "But Mistress it's me, it's Pete and I'm fucked, don't call me Charleigh." But he just sounded angry.

"Don't get aggressive with me bitch. You came on the fucking phone begging for my protection, for me to take you in, when no one else would. You didn't have a single idea in that tiny little submissive mind of yours on what you should do, did you. You had to ring good old Mistress Red to come to the fucking rescue of a pitiful little sissy, and now I want to talk to Charleigh, not whining pathetic Pete, so let her out right now. "

She was purposely messing with his mind, reinforcing his submission and his sissiness. Emasculating him bit by bit, stage by stage. It was all going to plan and made he smile, not that Pete could see.

"Now fucking breathe in again, one, two..." she counted to 10 again with the poppers to Pete's nose and guided Pete to the bondage chair. As he stood in front of it she unlocked the zip at the front of his crotch releasing his rock hard cock and large shaved ball sack, grasping his cock and balls inside the suit she yanked them out letting his huge balls swing loose.

His head was swimming again as she said "release." The poppers hit even harder this time.

She pressed down on his shoulders to ensure the plug was in as deeply as possible. Massaging his shoulders, pain then intimacy had always been one of her mantras. Holding his chin in her hand, gripping it as hard as she could, and making Pete grimace, her face inches from his, she spoke "Look at it this way Charleigh, we've got most of the day and all of the evening and night together, how much fun can we have, we've never had this long together, this is what you've always wanted. I know after every session, you've never wanted to leave. Last time as I looked down on you bald and beautiful, prostrate on the floor before me, licking my spiked shoes, I knew you'd be mine, one day, and here you are my beautiful creation. For now I have to make it look like a real session anyway for Scott. Doesn't that sound like some serious fun?"

Pete nodded exaggeratedly. It really did sound like fun.

"Great so just calm down, there's absolutely no choice for you, you'll just have to stay the night. Then we can work on getting you home tomorrow and sorting things out. OK Charleigh?" Red couldn't believe how this was all falling into place. Could she actually have been gifted the sissy slut she needed?

"And if you're worried about Scott my partner, then don't, he was laughing so hard he was in almost in tears, as you tottered in looking like a degenerate, desperate sissy. I told him you wanted an overnight session, starting as though you'd been thrown out by your wife, for cheating on her. Haha, I find the best lies, are always close to the truth."

For some reason this humiliation hit Pete hard. The fact that Mistress Red not only took him for who he was, but also for all his kinks and proclivities, made her partners ridicule even more humiliating. It made him feel pathetic, but it also excited him a little.

"Although he wouldn't be at all happy if I tell him that you are in need of somewhere to actually stay, for a while, but he doesn't need to know that yet."

"He's fine that you and I are having an all nighter, there is one problem which I'll have to sort out, that is that every time I've had an all night session with a sub, he's done some of the overnight checks in the dungeon, so that I can get some sleep, so we'll have to account for that." She talked to him as though he were a child. But the gag made responding impossible for Pete.

"Don't worry Charleigh, he normally only checks that the subs in sensory deprivation are OK, and not in too much distress, he doesn't get involved at all, but it will have to be, or at least look like it's a real session. I've told him that you want to be restrained overnight. That I'm using you as a guinea pig, how perfect for my little dirty piglet. He knows you help me to work on sessions for others, so he thinks this is practice for me."

"So we'd better make it look as real as possible, in case he comes down and after all, you'll love getting an intense few hours for free won't you. You tight skate."

God yes, thought Pete it was a massive turn on for him. Pete had gone from frightened to sub heaven in the space of ten minutes. He simply nodded, once more in her thrall.

"So I'm going to strap you to this chair and keep you sniffing, while I ask Scott to bring in the stockade and all your gear, he'll just think it's for the session. So relax, enjoy the plug fucking your sissy hole and breathe in deeply. I'm also going to put on your favorite Mistress Stella hypno for you to enjoy, 'Cock Slave', I know you love that one."

Mistress Red put headphones over Pete's ears and pressed play on her phone. She pulled, tightened and buckled the thick leather straps over his ankles, calves, thighs, waist, chest, wrists, elbows, shoulders and finally the chin and forehead strap, holding him completely immobile and pressed hard onto the chair, pushing the plug in deep. Then on with the blindfold.

She took two rolled up pieces of toilet paper, soaked them liberally in poppers and gently pushed them into each of Pete's nostrils. With the ball gag still in all his mouth, his only air was through his nose, loading his brain up, more and more with each and every breath.

"All clear Scott." She called out.

Scott came in "So this is Pete, your famous fucking Sissy, what's tonight about? All a bit last minute wasn't it."

"Well yes and no, I had a video call with him this morning, he's just got a brand new, state of the art, fucking machine which I wanted to see in action and to see if I could add it to my collection."

"Far out he's going to give it to you?"

"Well not exactly, I got him to dress up as he is, to lock himself into self bondage on a stockade which was locked onto the fucking machine and then to hand me control of the fucking machine."

"And he did that willingly? Fuck these subs never cease to amaze me."

"Yes, he did it willingly, in fact he was desperate to. You know that I have him wrapped around my little finger, anyway, once I had complete control, and he couldn't get free, I texted his wife, to say that he was cheating on her and that she should hurry home."

"Jesus Red, that's seriously harsh."

"Not really, now he's free of her, and he can be the sissy he's always fantasized about being. In truth, I've simply given him his freedom to be his true self. I know it's going to be a shock for him for some time, but he can have so much more fun. I wanted to make sure I could get him here and have him helpless, before I told you my grand plan."

"What a fucking surprise. You've got a grand plan."

"Look, you know that I often need a helper in the sessions, and Pete's helped me with a couple of them already, that Hen party and the overnight guy, well, more and more customers are asking for forced bi or to be able to be Dom to a girl or a sissy, Pete'll be perfect for those sessions, but I have to change him first and train him fully as Charleigh my Sissy sub slut and make him look a lot sexier."

"Now that his wife's thrown him out, I want to turn him into a true sissy slut, and with the potential lockdown, I won't be seeing any customers, so I might as well make the most of the dungeon. Then he'll not only be able to help me, but he'll help bring in more money. And he'll be in here all the time, he won't be allowed out at all."

"Shit so you're going to keep him here as a prisoner?"

"Hell no, he'll sign a contract that details his role and responsibilities and he'll sign to accept my training in all it's nasty forms. Once he's signed, I will train and transform him into his alter ego, Charleigh and she'll be fucked, literally, haha and she'll be fucked every day for the next month as an absolute minimum."

"But look at the size of him, sorry her, she'll eat us out of house and home, it'll cost a fortune."

"Don't worry about that, I want him to be much skinnier than he currently is, to be a proper shapely Sissy for me, I want him to to look as much like a girl as possible, so he'll be on a very restricted diet and I mean very restricted, until he becomes 'she'. I'm not sure how much yet, but I'm thinking at least 30kgs to be lost, maybe even 50 kgs.

"That's a massive amount, what the hell will his diet be?"

"Believe me hun, you don't want to know. But I've got at least 4 weeks to manage it, just imagine what I can do with her in that time, just imagine." Mistress Red stood looking wistfully at Charleigh, as far as she was concerned, Pete was gone for now and if the next twenty four hours played out as she wanted, she'd have weeks to develop and turn Charleigh into the Sissy slut she needed and desired.

This was her chance to make the most of all her extensive psychological training, and to use all the reading she'd done on the topics of forced feminization, Female Led Relationships, hypnosis, and body modifications. This was her chance to take a fat, fifty two year old married guy with a small cock and big balls and to turn him into a sexy T girl. She was also pretty sure that by videoing much of it, she could make money from selling the transformation videos. There were lots of real life stories of guys becoming girly on fetlife, showing their progress through pictures, but none of them were done from the Mistresses point of view in real life.

It was time to let Emma know that her husband was in good hands.

Mistress Red took a picture of Pete, sitting resplendent in his PVC outfit, restrained by the leather straps, she took the photo to show as much of the dungeon as possible including the implements and sent it to Emma with the caption. "Safe and sound, ready for your revenge to truly begin."

When Emma got the text, Sarah and Karen were still with her, now onto their second bottle of chardonnay, "OMG look at this, he went to her, the little fucker went to her and now he's in her dungeon."

"Good riddance I say, he was never good enough for you Emma." Sarah had never really warmed to Pete and had enjoyed his disgraceful fall today.

"Far out, It looks as though he's in for a tough time." Karen commented, "Just look at the whips and canes, and hell those dildos and butt plugs are fucking huge."

"That's what the bitch needs, to be stretched, trained, and fucked, that's what I say." Sarah was actually getting turned on at the thought, she wanted to make sure Emma wouldn't back out, not that she had any choice now that Pete was with Red.

"Fuck him I say, turn him into a pathetic Sissy bitch." Emma said it with real venom.

"Text his Mistress to say that, then she can use that text on him later and show him that you had the last laugh." Sarah had a nasty streak, in fact she was realizing that she was jealous of Mistress Red.

"Great idea Ses, how does this sound "Go for it, turn him into a pathetic sissy bitch and please, please show me the progress, he has nowhere to go now, so go for your life."

"Great send it."

Red opened the text, bloody brilliant, that's one to keep to show Charleigh later. That will really hit home, that's for sure."

"In fact I want him to be forced to suck cocks, really make him feel like the men are using him like a little fat slut, make him feel as dirty as possible." Emma was enjoying the thought of her sissy husband on his knees, being forced to suck cock after cock.

Pass me your phone Emma, let me text her. Sarah wanted this to go further. Emma passed the phone.

"Let's make sure this is as bad as it can be for Pete, shall we?" Sarah looked at Emma, who simply smiled and said yes.

"OK here goes then, how about this for the text, "Mistress please make sure that Pete gets as much cum in his diet as possible, make it his main protein source, so that I, as his wife know just what he'll be tasting every day, after the times he wanted me to swallow, now make him, is that at all possible?" are you OK to send that Emma?"

"Fuck, you really are nasty aren't you Ses, fuck it, OK, send it."

"Shit, look at this one Scott, his wife has condemned him, completely." Red held out the phone to her partner.

"Can you blame her? I don't. But how are you going to get enough cum to feed him? Shit thinking about it, don't tell me. I don't want to know."

"No you don't, but he'll not go hungry or thirsty, let's say that. Now if you can empty the car for me please, and attach the fucking machine to the stockade that would be great."

"OK, but that might take a while."

"No worries she's not going anywhere."

Red texted Emma back. "I'll make sure he, sorry I should say she will get all the cum she can eat, she'll drown in the stuff. She'll go to sleep with the taste in her mouth and wake up with it twice as strong. After your sexy text just now, I'll try and see if I can make it her only source of calories for a while, how does that sound?" It wasn't a stretch for Red, she'd always planned on that.

"Ohhh my fucking God, look at this ladies." The three of them read the email, Sarah laughed, Karen screwed up her mouth in disgust and Emma simply said "Fuck the bitch."

Scott spent twenty minutes emptying the car and connecting the bits together. He kissed Red passionately, he didn't get this BDSM thing at all, but he knew that the harder and nastier the session Red had, the more passionate the fucking would be later, when the two of them were in their bed. He figured he was in for a month of being fucked to within an inch of his life.

Whilst he'd been sorting the machine out, Red had hung Pete's sissy clothes on the hanging rail in the corner which also held an array of straight jackets, frilly skirts, tops, harnesses, corsets, full rubber sleep suits and a myriad of kinky wear. Pete's favorite summer dress looked lost among the shiny black kink wear.

She stopped the hypno recording and removed Pete's headphones, then she set up her phone on a tripod to the side of Pete's chair, to record the conversation she was about to have with him. It was a crucial chat and she wanted it on tape. She set the phone to record and removed the ball gag. Pete stretched his jaw.

Taking his blindfold off, he could now start to fully take in the room around him. He knew it well, but hadn't visited for 6 weeks and Red had added a mattress in one corner, a new fucking bench and a few other additions. he could also see his fucking machine and the stockade ready for use.

"Let's sum up Charleigh. Your wife has thrown you out and is divorcing you, end of!!'

"You're sitting here in your Mistress's dungeon wearing full make up and a stunning sissy slut outfit. You're strapped in, locked up, plugged, and wearing heels, you have tits and let's face it, you are seriously turned on, just like the dirty little slut you are."

"Your little sissy clit is as big and as hard as I've ever seen, which by the way I'll solve for you in a few minutes."

"So your life's in tatters, but still, you're as horny as a pubescent teenager on prom night and completely under the control of your clit, when I insist on it being the other way around."

"You're fucked six ways to Sunday and yet you still want to be my sissy slut, does that about sum it up?"

"God yes Mistress it does." he was almost crying, but also plainly extremely turned on.

"Thought so, now we get to the nitty gritty, you can stay the rest of today and overnight and then try going back to her."

"She won't have me back." He was tearful now.

"Or you can stay here as my Sissy for the duration of the lockdown, you knew it was coming and they've just announced that it will be for at least four weeks. Which is it to be Charleigh?" Red was keen to reinforce Pete's Sissy side and name.

Pete hesitated for a few moments.

"If you're not sure then go back to that bitch of a wife of yours." She increased the mental pressure on him.

"No Mistress, please let me stay, just so I can get back on my feet."

"This is not about getting back on your feet slut, this is about obeying and committing to me, can you do that properly."

"i'll try Mistress, i'll try."

"Trying is not enough, are you absolutely sure, because once you say yes, you'll be agreeing to all my rules and training as a proper Sissy, the training will be hard, and a lot of it will not be at all to your liking, in fact you'll probably hate most of it. But if you say yes, I'll need you to sign a contract that legally binds you to me, and to my rules for the duration of the lockdown."

Even in his addled horny state Pete still noted the words, hate, hard and contract. This sounded serious. He loved his time with Mistress Red, what could he possibly hate. Then again what choice did he have, he had nowhere to go and if it got too hard he could just use his safe word.

"A contract, what contract?"

"A sissy contract, one that will detail the control, you'll be handing over to me."

"No Mistress Red, I'm happy to commit to you, but I can't sign a contract."

"You can't?" now was the time to really ramp up the pressure.

"You can't, well let's see what you have to say once I've given you a few marks."

Pete was beginning to speak, and sobbing gently, but Mistress Red roughly gagged him once more with the ball gag. "Shut the fuck up sissy."

She then unbuckled the straps and pulled him by his arm to get him to stand up and led him over to the bondage bench she had. Constructed like an old fashioned vaulting horse, but with adjustable rests for his knees which when flared outwards would open any submissives legs as wide as the Domme desired.

She guided him to lie with his chest on the bench, quickly locking his ankles, wrists, collar in place and then pulling a 6 inch wide leather strap over his back which she tightened until he thought his ribs would crack. Pete's breathing got ever more shallow. His ragged breath being dragged in through his filled nostrils and gagged mouth. Causing him to get ever more light headed.

She lifted the locking bolts out of the legs and splayed the legs out to the side, making them go as wide as possible, so that Pete's ass was wide open, his balls hanging low and swinging gently. The highcut pvc body was tight in his ass crack, holding the big plug deeply in place, but leaving both half globes of his fat ass accessible for his Mistresses ministrations.

"You can watch another hypno, this one is all about eating cum, I know that idea truly disgusts you, you've told me so many times, how you just cannot eat cum and that the few times you have been forced to, that as soon as you have cum, you feel guilt and not at all submissive, we'll I intend to solve that, so you're going to be watching a lot of them for some hours. Now enjoy Deep Slut puppy 6, bitch." She set the tripod up in front on Pete and pressed play, the volume ramped up to full.

Taking the two bits of toilet paper from Pete's nostrils and re-soaking them with poppers she shoved them back in place. He was flying once more. Now for a beating to weaken his will power and to get her more aroused, Pete might not need it but Mistress Red did, God she needed this for her soul.

Red had always loved the idea of beating men, from when she'd been a teenager, just the idea fueled her fantasies, and had the added advantage of turning her on and making her horny. In her early sexual years, apart from the odd boyfriend who could cope with a light spanking, she hadn't been able to enjoy and develop her proclivities. It was only once she set up as a Pro Domme that her fantasies could truly be fulfilled, this progression was one of her ultimate thrills.