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"I promise I'll be good. Lighten up already! This is a Halloween party. Let's have fun!"

Cassie took a step forward.

"Is that slow enough?"

"Yes, no faster. Wait a few seconds for him to come to you before you take the next step."

"Like that?"

As Cassie took her third step, Ned felt his head being pulled. He saw the rope stretched from the cow halter to Cassie's hand. He tried to resist, but when Cassie took another step, the strain made his neck muscles hurt and he shuffled forward as much as he could with the spandex flap connecting his thighs and the latex udder between his legs restricting him.

"That's it," Alice said. "He'll follow you now."

Ned seethed under the costume, but he continued to let himself be pulled around the party. He saw the guests turning to gape at the two milkmaids and the bizarre cow. He overheard snatches of conversation and loud laughter.

As they circulated, he not only felt embarrassed and demeaned, but the strain on his neck and back became increasingly painful.

"Can we stop a second?" he asked, wondering if anyone could hear him above the party noise and music. Alice was by his head with the pail, and Cassie was a few feet in front of him.

"Hold it, Cassie," Alice yelled. She moved to where he could see her. Cassie joined her.

"What is it, Ned?" Alice asked.

"I'm in pain," he gasped.

"Of course you are," Cassie said. "Are you ready to go down yet?"


"The costume isn't made to be worn standing up. Why do you think you have all that foam padding inside your front hooves and where your knees are?"

"It's my fault," Alice said. "I thought you'd prefer to be standing up and not go down until the skit. I didn't realize it would be this painful."

"Why does it hurt for me to stand up?"

"Because you're a cow in bondage," Cassie said. "The cow costume is made to force you to crawl on your hands and knees next to your domina milkmaid. Get down and try it. I promise you, you'll feel much better."

She was right. Once he was on his hands and knees, the relief was instantaneous. He felt happy for a minute until Cassie tugged on the rope again and they continued to thread their way through the guests. Though they didn't go fast, they never stopped, and moving his hands and knees against the resistance of the spandex began to tire him.

Now that the pain in his neck and back was gone, he moved his head from side to side and looked at the guests as they moved through the party. Most of them didn't wear masks, and he was relieved that he didn't recognize anyone.

He relaxed until he saw one of the guests dressed in a costume that startled him. Cassie saw the costume at the same time and felt his reaction.

"Let's go this way," she said as she turned sharply and pulled his cow head so that he could no longer see the bull.

He kept looking but he didn't see it again. What had shaken him was that the bull's costume looked almost exactly like his except the bull had horns on his head and no udder. There wasn't anything between the bull's legs, and the spandex costume was tight enough that Ned could see the bull had big breasts and, underneath the tail, a great ass. A woman was wearing the bull costume.

The bull wasn't restrained in any way. The costume looked almost like it had been painted on the woman because in the few seconds he observed her, her frenzied dancing showed she had complete freedom of movement.

The disco music was loud and fast, and the dancing got wilder as the drinking got heavier. Everyone was laughing and shouting and having a good time, except for Ned. To him, it seemed as though the party went on forever before the contest was announced.

"After we win, we'll go home," Alice said to Ned as they got in line. "I can tell you're exhausted. Cassie and Brett came in separate cars, so they can stay."

"I didn't know Brett was here."

Alice didn't say anything as she watched the contestants take their turns going up on the stage to be in the spotlight. Most were couples, but some were alone and some were in groups of three or four. Many of them performed brief, funny skits.

"I don't see any competition," Alice whispered to Ned. "The prize is as good as ours. Did I tell you we get the whole five thousand? Brett and Cassie don't want any. They're loaded anyway, so they don't need it as we do. I already know what we're going to buy with it."

Finally, it was their turn. Cassie led Ned slowly up the stairs on his hands and knees with Alice walking behind them. He was so beat that he could barely drag himself along. There were enthusiastic cheers and whistles. Cassie grabbed the microphone and spoke.

"Thank you! Thank you! This is my bondage cow. My boyfriend's sick, so a friend from work is helping us out. For some reason, he wants to be anonymous."

She stopped to acknowledge more yelling and cheering.

"Were you wondering what two milkmaids and a cow could do for you? Any ideas?"

There were a few loud yells from the audience, followed by laughter.

"Did I hear someone say, 'Milk it!'""

Everyone cheered.

"It sounds like you all vote for that one. But we can't do that."

In unison, the audience responded with a loud "Awwwwww!"

"The reason is this cow has never been serviced. All you farmers know that a cow doesn't give any milk until it's serviced by a bull. I'm sorry."

There was a commotion in the back of the room and some shouts.

"What's that you say?" Cassie asked into the mike and cupped her ear.

"No! Really? I don't believe it. You say there's a bull here. It must be a bashful bull because I don't see him."

The crowd packed around the stage began shifting as there was a movement in the back pushing toward the front.

"Everyone to my right move further right and everyone to my left move more to the left," Cassie shouted. "I think I see something. Make some room! Let it through!"

Ned turned his head and gasped. As the crowd cleared a path to the stage, he saw the woman in the bull costume dancing from side to side as she moved toward them. But this time something was flapping between her legs. She had strapped something onto her costume that gave her a cock and balls.

Alice leaned down to his ear hole and whispered.

"It's Brett. Don't worry. She knows my vow. She will not hurt you as much as you hurt me. She wanted to use a monster dildo on you, but I picked out one that's the same size as your cock. I know that's still pretty big, but I've got a big plastic syringe full of liquid lube in the bucket, and Cassie is going to shoot you up with it before Brett sticks her cock in."

While he was trying to hear what Alice was saying, he was watching Brett dancing up to the stage and around him. He didn't notice Cassie behind him until she lifted his tail, stuck the syringe into his ass, and flooded his insides with greasy goo. A moment later, he felt Brett's dildo cock poking at his crack.

The instant he felt it, he freaked out and quickly jerked his ass away. The thought of what Brett was trying to do scared the wits out of him, but his exaggerated reaction brought loud laughter from those watching it.

"Cows are fickle," Cassie explained to the audience. "They'll lure the bull and then sidestep quickly when he tries to mount them. Milkmaids love to watch the mating dance and make bets on when the cow finally stops teasing the bull and lets him enter her."

The room was hushed as the partygoers watched Brett thrusting at Ned and Ned dodging her. With the rope attached to the halter, Cassie pulled his cow head down so it was near the floor. That put his neck, back, and ass into a straight diagonal line. It looked like a mountain peak that Brett was climbing to stick her flagpole into.

Ned was so worn out that his quick moves soon began slowing down. It wasn't long before he didn't get his ass out of the way fast enough and one of Brett's thrusts hit the mark. He groaned and the audience cheered.

He felt intense discomfort as Brett slowly pushed the long dildo all the way in. For a moment, he thought of what he had done to Alice, but that thought was quickly driven from his mind by the horrible feeling deep in his guts, the humiliation he felt, and the cheers and laughs of the party guests.

Brett slowly pulled all the way out and plunged all the way in five times. She stopped with the dildo buried in him to the hilt. He didn't see her disconnect it from the harness, step away from him and bow to the audience. But he did hear the disappointed yells of "More! More!"

Cassie stepped forward and motioned for silence.

"I'm sorry," she said. "As you farmers know, it takes a bull only a few seconds to service the cow. Humans have a lot more fun than cows.

"Now that our bondage cow has been serviced, are you ready for her to be milked? We have a milkmaid, but she can't do it without a milking stool."

The cheering was deafening, and one of the women brought up some cushions. Alice sat on them and pushed close to Ned's udder.

Cassie no longer held the rope connected to Ned's halter, and his head was at the same level as Alice's when she sat on the cushions. Alice leaned in and whispered into his ear.

"This isn't going to hurt at all. The red teat comes off and leaves a hole that your cock sticks out of. Then I twist something around the base of your cock so no more air escapes the udder."

As she exposed Ned's cock sticking out of the udder where the red teat had been, the audience was speechless for a moment and then began cheering again.

"Most of the men are jealous," Alice whispered into his ear. "They've never seen a cock as thick and long as yours. I think you could have your pick of rich sluts later if you want. Now get ready for a hand job that you'll never forget."

Alice reached under his tail and rubbed both hands around until they were covered with lube that Brett had pushed out of his ass with her dildo.

She began stroking him using a motion similar to a milkmaid, grabbing his cock in one hand at the base and pulling as the hand slid down through the grease. As one hand come off his cock, the other hand replaced it. The hands went back and forth slowly, and the room was hushed again.

Her hands felt good, but Ned didn't respond because his mind was in turmoil, the dildo stuffing his ass felt awful and his body was exhausted. Alice leaned in and whispered again.

"I thought this might happen. That's why Brett didn't pull the cock from your ass. Look at this."

She held something up in front of his eyes. It was a remote control. She pressed a button and he felt the dildo in his ass begin to vibrate. She pressed it again and the vibrations got more intense. She pressed twice more and the vibrations were so strong he felt them in his balls.

The combination of Alice's hands and the vibrator in his ass slowly got him hard. He heard women's voices giggling. The men were silent.

"I think she's ready for the milk bucket soon," Cassie said and handed it to her. Alice put it on a cushion and pushed it so it was just below Ned's bulging cock.

"Would anyone like to hear the milk going into the bucket?" Cassie asked the audience.

"Yes!" came the loud response from the voyeurs.

Cassie handed Alice the microphone, and Alice put it under the bucket.

"What does a cow say when she squirts milk into the pail? Anybody know?"

Cassie had to yell above the audience uproar now since she no longer had the microphone in front of her.

"Moo!" offered a woman's voice.

"That's exactly right! The milking isn't over until the fat cow says 'Moo!' Let's encourage our cow! Ready?

Moo! Moo! Moo!"

Her slow chant was gradually picked up by the audience.

"Not so fast! Soft and seductive. Only contented cows give good milk. That's it. Moo! Moo! Moo!"

Alice continued working on it as the crowd chanted softly.

"Start saying 'Moo!' with them," Alice said as she bent down to his ear.

He ignored her. She took her hands away. He groaned.

"I know you're ready to come, but I won't let you until you moo."

She began stroking him again and chanting softly with the crowd. He was silent. She stopped again, and once more he groaned.

"I could keep doing this until you give in, but we're going to wear out our welcome and lose the five thousand. Let's finish up. You've earned the money. Don't throw it away!"

A few seconds later, his choked voice began chiming in with the others.

As Ned began mooing, she resumed stroking him and spoke again.


He raised his voice three times in response to her orders. Cassie signaled with her hands for the audience to be quiet.

Now the only sound was his voice. As Alice began working on him again, his mooing became more agonized and higher pitched.

"Keep in time with me," she whispered as she increased the tempo of her strokes. His voice matched her rhythm. As she pumped him faster, his moos got faster, higher, and louder until he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, a huge cannon went off in the room, followed by a second and third smaller cannon. Everyone's ears were ringing.

Alice took the microphone from under the pail and handed it back to Cassie, who held it away from her mouth and spoke quietly, but her voice still boomed.

"Has anyone ever heard milk squirting like that? Three cheers for our cow! Thank you, everyone. We're done."

As the audience's ears slowly recovered from the blasts of Ned's sperm, they broke into applause.

Alice leaned over and spoke in Ned's ear.

"Let's get off the stage and make room for the next contestants. Cassie has taken off the halter, so crawl as slowly as you want. As soon as we're out of sight, I'll pull the rubber cock out of you."

The couple behind them got on the stage, and the woman in a unicorn costume with a horn that looked like a phallus grabbed the mike.

"I hate anticlimaxes, so I move that we give the prize to the cow and the milkmaids by a unanimous vote and get the music going again."

Everyone stood up and cheered.


"Do you mind if I talk?" Alice asked once they were on the road home. There was no response.

"I'll take that to mean you don't care. You probably don't want to hear it, but I'm bursting to tell someone how I'm feeling, and you're the only one here. I feel higher than I've ever felt in my life, and at the same time, I feel scared.

"Everything went way better than I ever imagined, and I got carried away with our show, so much so that I completely forgot the reason we were doing it. I never realized how much of an exhibitionist I am. I've got to watch myself from now on.

"What I'm saying in other words is that I never got my revenge. I didn't enjoy your humiliation, but I don't care. I was totally focused on the audience and what we could do to shock and delight them. I am in awe of your performance. You wowed them - and me.

"I want to thank you so much for giving me this unforgettable evening, but I'm scared, too. It's not because I think you'll do anything to me when I take your costume off. I was thinking just now that if you call the cops and have me arrested, I'd gladly do the time if you visited me in prison and picked me up when I'm released, like in the movies.

"But I've seen you at your worst, so I know you won't do that. There's no contest about who's worse is worst. I win, hands down. I'm the evilest bitch on the face of this planet.

"Probably also the most delusional. I'm fantasizing that you'll forgive me and we'll still get married. I want to spend the money we won on our honeymoon trip. I'm trying to persuade myself that you'll realize I would never do anything like this to you again and will love, honor, and cherish you from now on. I want to be with you long enough to have hundreds of fights and reconciliations without hurting each other. I want thousands of chances to prove how much I adore you. That could take the rest of my life. Most selfishly of all, I want your children, so they will have the best father on the planet.

"In my fantasy, you call me up at my parents' and tell me to come home, and a minute later I call up the therapist Cassie's going to and book my first appointment to work on my anger issues."

In the living room, Alice carefully extracted Ned from his costume. He was so exhausted, he collapsed onto the floor. She rolled his naked body on his back and put a pillow under his head, then sat down on the couch and looked at him. She wanted to know what he was thinking, but she was scared to ask.

"If I draw your bath, do you think you can crawl up the stairs by yourself, or would you like me to stay and help you."

He slowly sat up on the floor and then stood, walked slowly to the furthest chair from where Alice was, and sat down. He was giving her a demonstration and a message at the same time.

"I think I'm fine."


Alice understood his demonstration and symbolic message. She also knew he was lying. She brushed a tear from her eye and ran up the stairs.

As soon as she disappeared from sight, Ned stood up and gingerly made his way to the hall closet. He reached for something hidden in the shadows on the top shelf.

When she came down ten minutes later, he was sitting in the same chair as before. She sat down on the couch and turned to him.

"The water in the tub is super hot because it may take a while for you to get upstairs and I didn't want it to cool down. So be careful."

She took a step toward her suitcase, which was by the door, then turned and took a few steps back toward Ned.

"I forgot to tell you, I put the five thousand on the dresser. It's all yours."

She waited for his reply. After a minute, she spoke again.

"You don't want to say anything before I leave?"

Ned looked at the floor and muttered something.

"What was that? Don't hold back. I can take it. Tell me whatever you want to tell me."

He spoke a little louder but still faced the floor.

"Suitcase? What about a suitcase?"

He lifted his head and looked at her. The lighting was dim and she couldn't make out his expression. He spoke slowly and enunciated every word.

"Open the suitcase."


"Just open the fucking suitcase."

"Okay, don't say it again. I'll open it."

As she walked to the suitcase, she wondered for a moment whether it would explode in her face when she opened it. She sprung both latches, opened it, and looked inside.

On top of her clothes, she saw the open ring box and the sparkling diamond. She screamed, reached for the ring, pushed it onto her finger, ran to him and jumped onto him, knocking him off the chair. They tumbled to the floor together as she grabbed his head and began kissing it all over while tears streamed down her face.

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

No fucking way would any normal guy put up with that shit! Then put a ring on her finger? To me this Was a waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Damn, Ed. You must be on some really high grade medication.

fregenfregenover 2 years ago

This story is passing strange.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I agree with the next comment.

Worst sickest story in Literotica.minus 50 stars.

God, I can’t believe I read all of this.


trandall9991trandall9991about 3 years ago

First of all, I swore I would never read another of Ederiders stories again. Against my better judgement I tried this one. I made it to page one half way down and stopped. This author is "supposedly" one of the better ones on this site. Yet all I read are man hating stories. If your one of the better ones, what does that say about the site?

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