Cowboy Steak and Beans


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She opened three long neck Bud's. After she set them on the bar she leaned over to me. "Honey is that your wife over there with Bobby Jefferson?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"A word to the wise. If you let him sit there like that with his arm around her; I guarantee you he's going to be in your wife's panties before this night is over."

My voice got very quiet. "My wife is a very independent woman. I have very little control over her behavior."

Trisha stared at me. "Are you telling me that you aren't going to do anything to stop Bobby Jefferson?"

I sighed and slowly nodded my head.

Trisha took my hand. "Honey what's your name?"


"Well Louis I sure do hope that your wife is using some pretty good birth control. If she isn't, Bobby Jefferson's going to make you a daddy tonight."

Trisha patted the back of my hand. "Louis the advice is free. Three bottles of beer is six dollars."

I gave Trisha a ten dollar bill.

She picked it up. "I'll get your change."

I put my hand up. "We're good, thanks for the advice."

Trisha put my change in the tip jar and looked at me. "Louis, later on tonight I suspect you're going to be alone for awhile. When that happens, you come over and sit at the bar with me okay?"

I picked up the three bottles of beer. "I'd like that Trisha."

As I walked away from the bar the man who was sitting next to me started to snicker. Trisha glared at him. "Shut up Zack."

When I got back to our table Sarah was sitting on Bobby's lap. She had her arm around his neck. They were openly flirting with each other. I looked around, it seemed like everyone in the bar was staring at us.

Bobby turned to me as I set the beer on the table. "Thanks buddy, that's real generous of you to buy a couple of beers for me and my woman." He started snickering and kissed Sarah on the lips.

She kissed him back. While she was kissing Bobby she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye. Sarah was making sure I was paying attention. The thrill she got from torturing me was every bit as important to her as the thrill she was getting from kissing her cowboy.

I turned and looked up at the television. Fortunately the football game was starting. I desperately needed something to distract me from what was happening across the table.

I did my best to focus my attention on the game, but it was difficult. Directly across the table, my wife was sitting on another man's lap laughing and giggling like a teenager on her first date.

Sitting in that bar watching Bobby and my wife flirt with each other was the most humiliating experience of my life. There were at least fifty people in Benny's saloon and I was certain that everyone of them knew exactly what was happening.

Bobby was popular. From time to time a cowboy would stop by our table to say hello. Bobby would greet him and introduce Sarah as his new girlfriend. I was of course, ignored.

After about a half hour of this flirting Bobby whispered into Sarah's ear. She giggled and said, "I'd love to."

They stood up. Sarah turned to me. "Louis, Bobby and I are going to the back room to shoot some pool."

I nodded. "Have a good time."

Bobby Jefferson took my wife's hand and led her away. As they disappeared into the backroom I looked around. At every table people were snickering or whispering to each other. I was the laughing stock of the saloon.

I buried my face in my hands and sighed. I was now all alone in a room full of people that were all staring at me. I tried to watch the football game, but I felt foolish sitting by myself.

Suddenly, I remembered Trisha's invitation. This was exactly the situation she was talking about. I decided I deserved a little comfort. I got up and walked over to the bar.

My new friend was waiting for me with an open bottle of Budweiser. As I at down she placed the beer in front of me. "It looks to me like you can use this."

I took a deep breath. "I sure can."

Trisha leaned over the bar and patted my cheek. "Honey, why do you put up with that?"

I spent the next twenty minutes telling Trisha about my marriage to Sarah.

After I was done she stared at me. "You're telling me that it gets you off when your wife plays with other men?"


She shrugged. "Well it certainly doesn't hurt anyone, so I guess it's okay." She laughed. "Louis honey if you ever break up with your wife again, come look me up. I'd love to have you for a husband."

I smiled at her. "I'll keep that in mind Trisha."

Occasionally two people meet and immediately realize that they are destined to become friends. That was true of Trisha the bar maid and me. We both knew that our friendship was going to be very short lived so we made the most of our time together. When Trisha wasn't busy waiting on customers, she and I chatted and watched the football game.

At halftime I looked at my watch and took a deep breath. "I guess I'd better go see what's happening in the backroom."

Trisha nodded. "You're right, it's about time. If I know Bobby, he'll be wanting to get your wife to some place a little more private pretty soon."

When I turned to leave, Trisha stopped me. "Louis, you're a nice man. You deserve better."

I shook my head. "No Trisha, I'm very happy."

She laughed. "Well if you ever change your mind, don't forget about me. I'll be waiting for you right here in Benny's saloon."

I leaned over the bar and kissed her cheek. "Trisha, I'll always remember that."

I turned and slowly walked to the back room of Benny's Saloon. As I made this journey I realized that I loved Sarah and I knew that Sarah loved me. Our relationship excited both of us. I savored the torment and pain that she put me through and she reveled in the thrill she got while she was doing it. Still it was nice to know that the warm love provided by a woman like Trisha was available to me if I should ever want it.

I stepped into Bennie's back room and immediately stopped. Sarah was bent over the pool table trying to make a shot. Bobby was behind her leaning on her back. He was in a position that would ordinarily suggest he was trying to teach her how to line up her shot.

A quick glance was all I needed to realize that wasn't the situation at all. My wife's blouse was completely unbuttoned. Bobby's hands were on her exposed breasts. He was rolling Sarah's erect nipples between his fingers.

Sarah was giggling. "You can't stop me from making this shot."

She was trying to sink the four ball in the corner pocket. She hit the shot, the four ball hit the rail next to the pocket and rolled back onto the table.

Bobby let go of my wife's breasts, slipped his hand between her legs and goosed her.

Sarah shrieked and jumped.

Bobby laughed. "Now it's my turn."

Sarah handed him the pool stick. "This is war buddy. You haven't got a chance."

"Oh yeah! Just watch me."

"Bobby, I have absolutely no intention of just watching."

As Bobby bent over the pool table Sarah put her left arm around his waist and pulled down the zipper of his jeans with her right hand.

When my wife pulled Bobby's enormous erection out of his pants he yelled, "Hey that's not fair."

Sarah laughed. "Oh yeah, I thought this was full contact pool. You said it yourself buddy boy, there are no rules." My wife dropped to her knees and put Bobby's cock in her mouth.

As soon as she started sucking him, the cowboy shook his head and dropped the pool stick on the table. "I think I just lost interest in this game."

Sarah took his cock out of her mouth for a moment. "I was hoping you'd come to that decision."

My wife's lover jumped up on the edge of the pool table. As soon as he was seated Sarah put his cock back in her mouth and continued her blow job.

Bobby was just about to close his eyes when he noticed me standing in the doorway. "Hey Sarah, your husband just joined us."

Sarah stood up and turned so she was facing me.

It was immediately obvious that Bobby and my wife had been spending most of their time in the back room making out. Sarah's hair was a mess, her lipstick was smeared, her blouse was unbuttoned and her large breasts were shamelessly exposed.

She gave me a smug look. "I was wondering when you'd get here. What took you so long Pussyboy?"

Bobby Jefferson laughed. "Nice name."

Sarah turned to her lover. "Oh I have lots of names for my wimp husband, pick a favorite." She started laughing. "They come in categories. Let's start with the dicks. We have tiny dick, limp dick, needle dick and of course dickless. The next category would be the boys. That includes pussyboy. sissyboy. wimpboy and slaveboy. You get the idea."

My wife stared at me. Her face was flushed, She was obviously very aroused. When Sarah gets excited and I'm around; her sadistic streak frequently takes over. At this moment it was hard to tell which she was enjoying more, having sex with her cowboy or tormenting me.

My masochistic streak was now wide awake and I was also having a pretty good time, so I played my role to the hilt. I obediently bowed my head and stood in silence while my wife and her lover verbally abused me.

Bobby laughed. "I kind of like Pussyboy."

Sarah smirked at me. "Well Louis, it looks like you have a new name for the rest of the night."

"Yes Mistress Sarah."

When Bobby heard me say that he whistled. "Damn, I've heard about this kind of shit, but I never thought I'd actually see it."

Sarah put her arm around her cowboys waist. "Honey you are seeing it. Pussyboy over there is my slave. I can make him do anything I want."

She turned and kissed Bobby. "Enough about him. Why don't the three of us go back to our motel. He can wait on us while we enjoy each other in a little more private environment."

Sarah fastened the middle button of her blouse. Her breasts were now just barely concealed. At the same time Bobby put his penis back in his jeans and closed his zipper. His huge erection created an obscene lump along the inside of his left thigh.

"Come on Bobby, we can wait in the car." Sarah grabbed her lover's hand and led him out of the back room. As they passed me she said, "Pussyboy stop at the bar and buy a six pack of beer. My lover may get thirsty while he's fucking me."

I obediently followed Bobby and my wife back into the main room of Benny's Saloon. As Bobby walked back into the bar he possessively put his arm around my wife's shoulder and grinned at everyone in the room. He was putting on a little show.

Several of his cowboy buddies clapped and yelled, "Way to go Bobby."

As he led my wife out the front door Bobby brazenly slipped his hand inside Sarah's blouse and fondled her right breast while he triumphantly waved to his friends.

My face was beet red as I slunk to the bar.

Trisha was waiting for me. "Louis, you certainly are a sucker for punishment."

I gave her a sly smile.

She laughed. "You're enjoying every minute of this aren't you sweetheart?"

I slowly nodded.

Trisha shook her head. "Honey you might be one of the most interesting men I've ever met. I'm very envious of your wife."

I leaned over the bar. "Trisha I need a six pack of Budweiser to go."

Trisha found a bag and put six long neck bottles of beer into it. "If I know Bobby, he'll drink this whole six pack by himself."

I shrugged. "If I know my wife, I won't be allowed to have any of it anyway." I pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Trisha.

She smiled at me. "I'll get your change."

I shook my head. "No, were good."

"That's an awfully big tip."

"Trisha, you're a nice person. You deserve it."

She leaned over the bar and kissed my cheek. "Louis, have a good time at the motel."

"Thanks Trisha, I have a feeling that it's going to be very exciting evening."

I left the saloon and walked across the street to our Cadillac. I could see Bobby's head in the backseat, but I couldn't see Sarah anywhere.

I wasn't fooled. I knew precisely where my wife was and I knew exactly what she was doing. Sarah loved sucking big cocks and I was certain she was taking full advantage of this opportunity.

My suspicions were confirmed when I got to the car and looked in the back seat. Sarah's head was leaning against Bobby's flat stomach. She had his cock in her mouth.

When she realized I was standing next to the car, Sarah sat up. She took the keys from her purse and tossed them into the front seat. "You're driving Slaveboy. My stud cowboy and I are going to be busy in the backseat."

They were both laughing as I got into the car and started the engine.

As soon as I started backing the car into Janderville's Main Street Sarah's head disappeared again. I looked in the rear view mirror. Bobby Jefferson had a very happy expression on his face. I understood why, my wife gave an excellent blow job.

When we got to the motel I parked in front of our room. The Slumber Rest was an old fashioned motel. Each room had it's own exterior door and a parking place in front of it.

We were in room 22. As soon as I parked I glanced into the back seat. My wife's blouse was lying on the seat next to her. She was naked from the waist up. Bobby's jeans were open. His big cock was out. It was sticking straight up.

Sarah looked at me. "Pussyboy, go open the door so we can run into the room without having to get dressed."

I got out of the car and unlocked the door to the room. As soon as it was open, the back door of the Cadillac flew open and Sarah and Bobby popped out of the back seat. They were both giggling. My wife was still naked from the waist up. Her large breasts were bouncing up and down as she tried to get into the room. Bobby was hanging on to her waist. He was having trouble running because his jeans were down around his knees. His erection was pressed into the small of my wife's back as they wrestled their way into the motel room.

Once they were inside I looked around the parking lot. I was relieved to see that it was empty. There was no one around. Our little exhibition had fortunately gone unnoticed.

I retrieved the beer and Sarah's blouse from the car and joined my wife and her lover in the motel room. Bobby was sitting on the edge of the bed. Sarah was on her knees sucking his cock.

As soon as I closed the motel room door Bobby grinned at me. "Hey Pussyboy, get me one of them beers. I need something to quench my thirst while your wife works out on my dick."

I opened one of the bottles of beer and brought it to Bobby.

He took a big swallow, set the bottle on the night stand next to the bed and lifted up his right leg. "Thanks for the beer Pussyboy, now pull my boots off."

I stood still. I was shocked. As Sarah's slave, I've been forced to submit to a multitude of indignities, but somehow having to pull a man's boots off while my wife sucked his cock was a humiliation that I'd never even imagined.

I didn't move. Suddenly I heard Sarah's voice. "Pussyboy do as you're told. Pull off my stud's boots."

I looked at my wife. She was holding her lover's cock in her hand while she glared at me. "You don't want me to pull your panties down, take you across my knee and give you a spanking in front of Mr. Jefferson do you?"

"I shook my head. "No Mistress Sarah, please don't do that."

"Then do as your told!"

"Yes Mistress."

Both Sarah and Bobby watched as I got down on my knees and obediently pulled Mr. Jefferson's boots off.

After I was finished Bobby grinned at me. "Very good Pussyboy. Now take your wife's jeans and panties off."

Sarah lay back on the bed. I unsnapped her jeans, pulled them off and set them on the chair next to the bed. My wife was now only wearing a pair of thong panties."

Bobby stared at me. "Take her panties off Pussyboy."

I nodded "Yes sir."

Both Sarah and Mr. Jefferson smirked when they heard me address him as sir.

As soon as I pulled Sarah's panties off; Bobby lay back and smiled at her. "Honey you can take my jeans off."

I heard my wife take a deep breath. She liked being dominated by a strong man. She particularly enjoyed it when I was present.

As she stood up, Sarah giggled and said, "Yes Sir."

She pulled Bobby's jeans and boxer shorts off. As soon as he was naked he grabbed my wife's arm and pulled her down on the bed next to him. "It's time for us to get down to some serious fucking."

Sarah giggled with delight when her macho cowboy rolled her onto her back, pinned her to the mattress and climbed on top of her.

As Bobby was rubbing the tip of his large erection against the lips of my wife's sopping cunt she looked at me. "Pussyboy I want you to kneel at the foot of the bed and watch. Mr. Jefferson is going to show you how a real man makes love to a woman."

I got down on my knees at the foot of the bed. I was mesmerized by what was happening in front of me. I'd seen Sarah give several blow jobs to other men, but this was the first time I was ever allowed to watch while a man was fucking her.

Sarah's eyes were closed and she was biting her bottom lip as Bobby slowly pushed his huge cock into her cunt. I couldn't be sure if she was reacting to pain or pleasure.

Once he had his cock all the way inside my wife, Bobby stopped and remained perfectly still. He was obviously letting Sarah get used to the feeling of having his huge penis inside her. This macho cowboy actually appeared to be a gentle caring lover.

After a moment Sarah seemed to relax. She sighed and opened her eyes. I was kneeling to one side of the end of the bed. I wanted to be able to watch my wife's face while Bobby fucked her. When she saw me she smiled and gave me a wink. I think she was trying to let me know that she was all right.

When Bobby noticed that Sarah was ready, he started to slowly push his cock in and out of her cunt. He was making long slow strokes. Sarah synchronized her breathing with his movement. As Bobby pushed his cock into her, my wife took a breath. When he pulled it back out she exhaled. They soon fell into a nice steady rhythm.

I was overwhelmed with envy as I watched Bobby fuck my wife. I could only imagine the incredible pleasure he was feeling as he pushed his cock in and out of Sarah's warm moist pussy.

Bobby started to quicken his pace. As he fucked Sarah, each of his thrusts became increasingly powerful. My wife responded by bucking her hips in an effort to meet each of these vigorous strokes. It wasn't long before it looked like they were attacking each other with the blind fury of two savages fighting for their lives.

Sarah dug her fingers into Bobby's back and started to cry. I immediately recognized the cry. It's a sound I've become quite familiar with over the past several months. I hear it several times a night when my wife is entertaining a man in her bedroom.

I also knew that this cry was merely a prelude to the uncontrolled scream that was coming. Sarah arched her back and started to shake. Suddenly she screamed. As I watched, it was very clear that this scream was an expression of excruciating pleasure.

This was the first time I'd ever witnessed Sarah having an orgasm from intercourse. She was much more vocal during this climax than she was when she came while I was licking her cunt.

When I was giving my wife head, I always backed away when she had an orgasm. Bobby didn't do that. He just ignored Sarah's cries and kept fucking her. He was obviously much more concerned about his own pleasure than my wife's. I guess that made sense. After all, Bobby was a total stranger.

Gradually Sarah's orgasm started to subside, but Bobby continued pumping his cock in and out of her cunt. Suddenly he made a series of quick short thrusts followed by one long slow stroke that penetrated deep into my wife's womb.

Sarah seemed to sense what was happening. She wrapped her legs around Bobby's thighs and held him inside her. Bobby stopped moving. As I watched him I realized that he was ejaculating.