Crashing at the Office

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Sometimes, things are just meant to be.
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This one's for the On The Job Challenge 2023, and I hope you enjoy it.

As always, your comments and votes are very much appreciated.

"Riley, what are doing under your desk?"

Slowly peeling open my eyelids, I found myself staring up into my boss's gorgeous silver-blue eyes. And I could tell he looked pretty concerned about finding me under my desk, curled up on the floor.

Probably my stupid feet were sticking out, which he would have thought kind of odd, if he came into my office looking for me.

As I struggled to get up and crawl out, without embarrassing myself even more by hitting my head on my desk, I made a mental note that if I'm going to sleep under here, I'd better make darn sure that I lock the door, so that no one can walk in and find me drooling and snoring.

From the way his eyes were flaring, I realized, looking down at myself, that my navy-blue wool dress was hiked up to my waist, giving him a show of not only my tiny white bikini panties, but my bare tummy, almost up to my breasts. Probably from the way I was tossing and turning all night, trying to get comfortable on the rock-hard floor, my darn dress made its way almost up to my neck.

Of course, I'd love to be able to wear a nightie, like I normally did to sleep, but I couldn't risk getting caught in my nightgown. Though it was bad enough that I'd just been caught sleeping in my office.

Tugging everything back into place, I ran a hand through my long, reddish-blonde curls hoping my hair didn't look too crazy, as he asked, "What were you doing under there? Did you fall?"

"Um..." I stared up into the worried look in his eyes wondering what I should say. The truth would probably get me fired, but so would almost any other excuse I could offer, like being so drunk or high that I wound up collapsing on the floor. Considering he knew I didn't drink much and wasn't the type to dabble, neither of those would work, because obviously he'd never believe me.

I shrugged and quietly told him the truth, "I was um... sleeping?"

"You were sleeping on the floor, under your desk? Why would you do that? Were you working late last night?"

Wincing, I shook my head. "No, not too late."

"Then I don't understand."

Heaving a sigh, I thought I'd better fess up and tell him what happened. "Till a few months ago I had a nice little basement apartment, only about an hour from the office. Then the owner's son lost his job, and she asked me to move out, so that he and his wife could move in."

He nodded for me to go on. I took a deep breath and told him the rest. "A friend of mine offered to let me sleep on her couch, until I found somewhere else to stay. But then her boyfriend moved in and started hitting on me whenever she wasn't around. So, I had no choice, I had to leave."

Now he really looked concerned. "Are you saying that you haven't got anywhere to live?"

"Not at the moment, no." Though I quickly added, "But I've been looking really hard. It's just that everything's so expensive, unless I want to move out of state. Then I'd probably have to find another job."

"Well, we wouldn't want that." He eyed me for a moment, like he was mulling something over, till he asked, "How long have you been sleeping in here?"

"A little over a month." I flinched, hoping he wouldn't fire me for crashing at work.

He glanced around my office, still looking confused. "But, where have you been showering?"

"After everyone's gone, I go down to the company gym and use the shower. Sometimes I freshen up and brush my teeth in the ladies' washroom just down the hall."

"And where are you keeping your things?"

I pointed at one of the filing cabinets. "That big long one has always been empty, so I've got all my stuff in there. And I stashed my suitcases at the back of the supply closet."

He still looked kind of stunned, like he could hardly believe what I was saying. I had a feeling he was trying to decide if he should hand me my walking papers, considering I'd stepped over the line, since obviously normal people didn't live in their office.

I mean, who in their right mind would want a homeless assistant? And basically, that's what I am, now that I'd lost my apartment, I'm homeless.

"You know I've got a shower in my office, that you're welcome to use. I've also got that mini-fridge that I only use for drinks, if you want to put any perishables in there."

I could hardly believe what he was saying. Instead of showing me the door, he was trying to do whatever he could to make me comfortable.

"Thank you for offering, but I don't think I could use your shower."

He smirked. "Well, it's not like I'd be joining you in there. You could go in and clean up whenever I'm gone."

I got the biggest lump in my throat, as I realized how understanding he was being about the whole thing. "That's so nice of you," I said, willing my voice quivering as I tried not to cry.

"There's some clean towels in there, if you want to go in now." He took a look at his watch. "I just came in to tell you that I've got an early breakfast meeting upstairs with the boss, and I probably won't be back till after ten. So, you can take your time."

Just the thought of enjoying a long, hot shower, had me smiling. As I imagined how incredible it would feel to give myself a proper wash, instead of having to race like a maniac to get out, like I had to do at the gym.

"Okay. I think I will, then."

Till I found myself with nowhere to stay, I never realized what a luxury it was to be able to get under a showerhead and get myself squeaky clean at my leisure, instead of having to make do with spot-washing in the ladies' room, when I couldn't get into one of the showers downstairs.

He stroked my arm. "And I'll bring you back some breakfast, okay?"

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I've been going down to the cafeteria for whatever I need, and I usually make my morning tea in the office kitchen."

I laughed at the way he wrinkled his nose. "I think I can find you something a little nicer than that stuff they serve downstairs."

He really was a sweetheart, and I knew I was lucky to work for him.

Since he lost his wife to cancer a few years ago, I don't think he'd had ever been on a date. Though I'd always hoped he'd find someone. He was a real catch, too. Especially with that silver fox thing he's got going on; tall and handsome, with his nicely styled salt and pepper hair. He really kept himself in shape too, working out at the gym downstairs most nights.

I sighed, wondering, not for the first time, what it would be like to get busy with him. Though I knew it would never happen. Considering he's the company VP, and almost fifty, and I'm only twenty-four, I doubt he's ever thought of me as anything more than his young assistant.

Once he'd left to go to his meeting, I grabbed my toiletry bag, and a change of clothes and headed into his ensuite executive washroom. Staring wide-eyed at the all marble and shiny brass, I never realized how posh it was, considering I'd never had a reason to wander inside before.

But wow, the big rain-shower showerhead felt amazing on my bare skin, as I soaped up the twins, and enjoyed the feel of smoothing my peach-scented bodywash over every inch of me.

For the first time in ages, I took my time washing my hair, and even enjoyed massaging my scalp, since he said he'd be gone for a while. And I knew our receptionist Tess would pick up his phone if it rang, and leave me a voicemail if it was anything important.

It just felt so nice to be able to wash without wondering if someone was standing outside, impatiently tapping their foot, waiting for me to get out, so they could have their turn.

I felt so blissed-out, I almost wished I could have stayed in there forever, but eventually I turned the water off and stepped out. Then I had pleasure of drying off with a pair of his uber fluffy white towels. If nothing else, it was interesting to see how the other half lived.

Since I do my laundry downstairs at the laundromat in the building's big airy concourse, once I was dry, I folded up the towels, deciding I'd wash them tonight when I went to do a few of my own things.

I was just about to get dressed when I realized that I'd forgotten to grab some pantyhose. Slipping on my little pink robe, I stepped out into his office barefoot, and smiled at the feel of my toes sinking into the plush carpet. Since our offices have an adjoining door, I figured I could pop in and get my stockings and be back in a flash. But suddenly the door to his office opened and I froze watching my boss walk back in.

The way his eyes popped, he looked just as shocked, seeing me in my tiny robe, that barely covered me down below, and probably made me look like I was nothing but legs.

Stopped in his tracks, letting his gaze slide over me, I noticed he had to swallow pretty hard before he cleared his throat and held out the huge bag he was holding. "I got you some bedding, so you can sleep on my couch, and you won't have to sleep on the floor anymore."

Forgetting I was barely dressed, I rushed over and threw my arms around him, and gave him a big hug. "I can't believe how understanding you're being about this whole thing," I murmured into his chest.

He quickly dropped the two bags he was carrying, and wrapped his arms around me.

I imagined he was just being kind though, since all he did was carefully pat my back, though I noticed his hands did wander down to my lower back, as he inhaled and remarked, "You smell like peaches."

Pulling back, I looked up at him. "That's just my bodywash. Sorry I'm wondering around like this, but I forgot my pantyhose. I'll just go get them and get dressed. Oh, and thank you so much for letting me use your shower. I can't even describe how good it felt to have a proper wash, without having to rush."

"Well, feel free to use it whenever you want. I've only ever showered in there once or twice. But I'm glad it's finally coming in handy."

Then I remembered that I'd folded up his towels. "Oh, and don't worry, I'll wash your towels at the laundromat tonight, so they'll be clean for you in the morning."

"Riley, you don't have to do that. Remember, I just live upstairs, and my cleaning lady does all my laundry."

"You're lucky to live so close."

"Which is exactly why I decided to buy a place in the building, as soon as I took this job, considering that the company owns all forty floors. I can be home in five minutes, no matter how late I work. Though, living upstairs, sometimes it feels like I never leave."

Now that I'd been sleeping in my office, I could appreciate how convenient it was to be staying on the premises, though I'd never tell anyone else where I was resting my head every night.

He must have thought of it too, because he said, "I was thinking, we should probably keep this to ourselves, just to be on the safe side."

"Oh, I know. I haven't told a soul. To be honest, it's kind of embarrassing to have to admit that I haven't got anywhere to live right now."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed. With things the way they are these days, I think a lot of people are having a hard time finding affordable housing."

I rolled my eyes, thinking of all the places I'd looked at. "No kidding. I should show you some of the dives I've looked at online. Yet, the rents are still crazy."

"Why don't we look together later, and see what we can find. I think you're due for a raise too, so that should help."

I had no idea I was up for a raise. Relieved, I heaved a sigh and said, "Thanks. Maybe it will."

I couldn't believe how tasty the breakfast was he'd brought me. Smoked salmon and cream cheese on a toasted bagel, a yogurt parfait, loaded with fresh berries, and a foamy cappuccino to wash it all down. He really was unbelievably thoughtful. I told him so too, when I thanked him.

But he brushed it off and said, "I'm just glad you enjoyed it."

I'd just finished going over my emails, when I felt someone come up behind me, and realized from his musky, uber masculine scent that it had to be Stewart.

"Riley, show me a few of the places you've been looking at," he said, pointing at the screen.

I had bookmarked a few, though I had no idea if they were still available. Most of the them were awful, though I imagined with hard it was to find a anything livable, they'd still get snatched up pretty quick.

When I showed him the first one, I almost laughed out loud at the way his mouth dropped open when he saw it was about the size of a shoe-box, and still crazy expensive, even in a sketchy neighborhood.

"How can they possibly ask that much for something that small? I mean, you could barely turn around in there."

I sighed. "I know. Believe it or not, that one's pretty spacious compared to some of the others."

I showed him another place that was basically just a tiny room that would barely fit a single bed, with no kitchen, toilet or sink. Apparently, it had a shared bathroom, down a dimly lit hallway.

"Riley, you couldn't possibly live in any those places." he said, looking even more discouraged after we'd we checked the last few listings.

"Well, at least they're mostly in my price range."

"I think you're better off staying here, at least for now," he said, glancing around my office.

"As long as I don't get caught," I muttered more or less to myself, knowing that the company president, and owner Jim Cowan, wouldn't exactly be thrilled to find out I was calling this place home.

Stewart checked his watch. "I've got a dinner date tonight, so I'd better have a look at those contracts you put on my desk before I go."

I had no idea he was seeing anyone. "Oh, that's great, I'm happy for you. And I hope you have a good time."

He shrugged. "It's not really a date. My sister-in-law's sister is in town. And Claire asked if I could meet with her, just to offer some advice on what to see while she's here."

I grinned, looking him over. "Well, you never know."

"I've met her before, so I know. I'm definitely not interested, at least not that way. She's sort of quirky, and not in a good way."

"Well, I hope you enjoy your dinner."

A few hours later, he didn't look too hopeful when he popped his head in to wave goodbye, as he was leaving to meet his date.

After work that night, I met the girls for drinks and wings at our favorite bar down in the concourse.

"So, how was your blind date on the weekend, Tess?" I asked our receptionist, who'd been doing the online dating thing, hoping to meet Mr. Right.

We all laughed at the dramatic groan that came out of her along with a shudder, before she pulled herself together enough to explain. "I can't believe I went to the trouble of getting a Brazilian, for a creep like that."

We all looked at each other surprised, before I repeated what she'd told us, about how perfect he sounded. "But I thought you said he sounded kind of special."

"Yeah, he was special alright. We had a really nice dinner at a little Italian place around the corner from his apartment. The food was great, and we talked and laughed all through dinner. And I thought we were really hitting it off. After we'd finished, he suggested that we go back to his place for coffee. And I thought it was a great idea."

"Then what happened?" We all asked, sitting on the edge of our seats.

"Well, once we'd had our coffee and a few drinks, he got a little frisky and pulled me into his lap. We kissed for a bit, and I noticed he just kept squeezing my ass, like he was trying to milk the thing. And he just couldn't keep his hands off it. Till finally he told me that he was really into back door stuff, and couldn't get off any other way."

"Ew," we all said, cringing at the thought of it. "He actually told you that on your first date?"

"Yep. First and last. Then when he mentioned that he'd also love to tie me up, I told him I had a headache, and I got the heck out of there."

"Gee," Marianne, the oldest in our group at nearly forty, staring off into space, said wistfully, "I can't remember the last time I enjoyed any front door stuff, never mind back door."

We all laughed, even Judy from payroll, normally the more sober one in our group.

"Well, till all the weird stuff started, at least you had a nice dinner, and enjoyed a night out," Marianne said with a sigh, since we all knew she hadn't been on a date in years, ever since she'd lost her husband.

Reaching for her drink, Tess agreed, "I guess. But I think it'll be a while before I agree to meet anyone online again. You just never know what kind of character you're meeting up with." Then she turned her attention to me. "So..." Tess gave me a nudge with her elbow, wiggling her eyebrows. "How's Mr. Hottie these days?"

"You mean, Mr. Hutton?"

"Oh, come on, every woman in the office calls him Mr. Hottie, and for good reason. You are such a lucky bitch to be working for a guy like him. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably get nothing done, because I'd be too busy admiring that tight ass, and wondering what he'd look like if I were to peel him out of his suit."

Everyone turned and looked at me, waiting to see my reaction. Not sure what to say, I just shrugged and mumbled, "He's actually really nice to work with."

"I'm sure he is," Tess agreed. "But you can't be immune to his charms. I bet you find yourself fantasizing about him, just like the rest of us, especially working so close."

No way was I going to admit that I'd had more than my fair share of fantasies featuring everyone's favorite silver fox, Mr. Hottie. Of course, usually after I'd slipped him out of his perfectly fitted suit, I'd imagine him hovering over me, ready to pound me into the mattress...

Everyone laughed out loud at the dreamy look I had on my face, because there was no way I could deny that I found him attractive. Especially with the way I was staring off into space with my cheeks turning red, as I went off into fantasy land, picturing all the naughty things we could be getting up to.

"Okay," I agreed, "so he's hot. But obviously, nothing's ever going to happen."

Tess grinned. "Oh, you never know. I'm sure he's not exactly immune to your charms, either. I mean, look at you. You're not only pretty, with those big blue eyes and that gorgeous strawberry blonde hair, you've got a body that any of us would kill for. I mean, just look at those girls. Considering I have to wear a padded bra to even look like I've got something going on up there, I think the boob fairy was extremely kind to you."

While the girls laughed at that, I took a look down at the twins and shrugged, because I'd never really thought of myself as anything special.

When our waiter came and set down a huge platter of nachos, dripping with cheese, along with a load of napkins, I was glad the conversation switched gears, as everyone dug in. Between bites, we all agreed that in addition to being perfectly located, just downstairs from the office, it had to have the best bar food in the city.

Next morning, I made a point of showering early, so I wouldn't get caught again. I was dressed and sitting at my computer when his hotness walked in.

"So, how was your date, Stewart?"

The way he stood, looking kind of stunned, shaking his head, I had a feeling that I'd had a much better time with my friends, than he'd had with his date.

"Do you have any idea how many different types of begonias there are in the world?"

Not sure, what that had to do with anything, I shook my head. "No. I haven't got a clue."

"Neither did I, till she told me, and showed me-- every single freaking flower she's got growing in her garden. I kept thinking eventually she'd put her phone away, and change the subject, but she was still pulling up pictures on her phone by the time I asked for the bill. I almost went to the washroom to call you, so you could call me back. Then I could pretend something had happened that would give me an excuse to leave."