Craving for My Mother


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Looking back, I now realise that it was something that I couldn't have changed. I was brought up by this wonderful woman all alone. She gave me all the love and care in the world. But my developing sex drive would only sense the presence of a fertile woman and nothing else. My raging hormones kept reminding me to fill the void created by the absence of a dominant male figure in the house. The images of naked girls in the magazines always morphed into my mom whenever I was nearing orgasm. I would imagine fucking her in different fantastical scenarios. Each and every time, I would cum over and over again.

I slid down the bed and rested my head on the pillows. I looked up to the ceiling with my drowsy eyes. My mind frolicked in the many thoughts that was eventually making me tired. Slowly, I found my eyelids getting heavier and I went in to a deep sleep.

I don't know how I woke up but it wasn't the same way I fell asleep. It was also in a strange place. I was sitting on a bed inside a hut. It looked like a hotel suite and it was beautiful and spacious. It reminded me of one of those treehouses in those sunny tropical islands that I have visited for projects. I knew I was dreaming but it felt so real. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I looked down and saw that I was wearing a tuxedo. I could make out that I wasn't alone here. I was feeling very happy. Before I could scan the place completely, the door which I presumed to be the bathroom opened.

"Hello darling." I heard a very familiar voice speak out.

My eyes were prepared for the sight of my mom in the way she presented herself. Wearing a bathrobe that was fastened up, my mom stepped out. Her hair was left open but she wore what I believe was a white translucent veil that covered her face.

"Hi mom." I heard my voice and it was confident. My mom slowly walked towards me and slipped her bathrobe away. My eyes literally popped out. It feasted on the sight of my mom posing in a sexy white lingerie. You could see how flimsy the material was as it was easily stretching from the volume of her large tits. Her crotch and her boobs were covered by the same material that was her veil. I have been sneaking peeks at her tits and ass all my life that I knew how to visualise them without her clothes. She stood there with her hands on her tilted hips giving me the most seductive look. She spoke in a sultry voice.

"Like what you see, stud?"

"Fuck, mom." I heard myself gasp. She turned slowly and walked an imaginary ramp from the wall to where I was sitting.

"That's exactly what you're gonna do, son." Her voice was needy and impatient like I never heard before but it still had the motherly affection from reality.

Images blurred in and out of my state of dream. She was on top kissing me and the next thing I knew, I was fully naked and lying on the bed. I was looking down as my mom's head bobbed her pretty lips up and down on my big cock. It was the most erotic scene I was ever seen. Oodles of saliva dribbled down from the corners of her mouth that was eagerly nourishing my cock. More visions blurred in and out. She was on all fours now, and I was fucking her. I had her thick wavy locks wrapped around my wrist pulling her towards me while fucked her like a bitch in heat.

"Fuck your mother whore, darling. Fuck her good." Her voice grumbled to me through the hazy visions.

"Fuck me, my precious boy..."

The next thing I remember, she was lying back on the wooden chair with her legs high up in the air. I was holding the arms of that chair and banging away her folded body. I could literally feel the tightness of her cunt squeezing my cock as I pummelled in and out. I saw us on the balcony now. The fuck fest continued and it went on and on ...


The bright morning sun blinded me as I slowly opened my eyes. I knew that mom had left the large windows open when she had gotten up. I looked down to find a raging hard-on that formed a huge tent up my track pants. I tried to recollect the beautiful dream as I settled into the mattress for a few more minutes. Reluctantly, I got up and staggered into the hall to find my mom on the dining table. My arms were stretched out right in front of me to hide my obvious boner. I quickly moved towards the chair to avoid exposing it. I wondered whether she took notice of it when she left the bed.

"Good morning." She had her coffee mug and a magazine in each hand. I wondered if mom took notice of my very disobedient hard on.

"Morning, mom."

"I'll make you some coffee." As she neared the coffee cupboard, I saw the large clock on the kitchen wall behind her. It was 9 in the morning.

"When are you coming to the shop? Because, I have some wedding arrangements to do with Sangeetha aunty at noon."

She was still at it. Wedding planning to yoga sessions to organic gardening, she was only a call away from her friends who needed an extra hand. She wanted to be active and visible all the time. It was her way of keeping oneself preoccupied.

"I'm going to meet peter uncle, Mom. I'll give you a ring before I come over." I sipped on my coffee.

"Have you completely thought over it?"

"Yes I did, mom. Bye. I'm going to get ready." I finished the last gulps of the coffee as I got up to freshen up.

"And have breakfast before you go. It's on the table. I really have to leave now."

"Sure, mom."

"Son?" I heard her call me from behind.

"It just crossed my mind... Does my son have a lady now? She opened the magazine in her hand towards me. It was of a beautiful altar. "Just crossed my mind after seeing this."

I wasn't completely convinced whether it was the picture of a destination wedding that made her ask that question. I had already made it clear that I wasn't going to marry until I'm 30. It was more of a question whether I was intimate with another woman. And there's nothing more effective in reminding one about fucking than seeing a big cock bulge first thing in the morning. She was trying to hide a mischievous smile too.

"I have thought about beautiful marriages, mom." She recognised the tone which I always put on whenever I start kidding with her. She crossed her arms and prepared herself for more nonsense.

"Just yesterday I had thought about it, mom. In my dreams..."

"Really now?" a sarcastic smile was hanging on her lips.

"Yes. But I'm single for now. And happy."

"You can tell your mom anytime, you know." She smiled.

"Oh I will. Mom, I will." I winked at her animatedly. She responded with a cute chuckle.


I was actually looking forward to meeting peter uncle. Typically, it may have been an odd situation for a guy to go meet a man who once loved his mother. But he was a good man. Even then, there was a part of me that was always jealous of him. Past or not, He was the other guy who wanted my woman. There was a little scoundrel in me who was aching to innocently rub in the fact that I'll be the one who might actually take her away for good.

It was a quick ride on my bike to his restaurant. The place looked like it was seeing some good times. The outdoor area has been expanded. More tables were there than I remember. In the far corner, peter uncle was there. He was a tall, slender man with a calm face. The moment he saw me, his eyes lit up and he came towards me.

"Young man. When did you come?" His baritone was just the same.

"Yesterday." He hugged me affectionately. "The place looks great, uncle."

He ordered one of his staff to get me a drink. We caught up with a lot of things over the freshly made pineapple juice that came in no time. After that, I got straight to the point and asked him about his proposition about buying our place. He was very much interested and told me he was willing to go for it. We again spoke at lengths about his plans to expand his business and I told about my promising career.

"Thanks for everything, uncle."

"There is no need for that. We watch each other's back around here."

"And yea, mom is going to come with me this time." Peter uncle gave me confused look.

"Come with you?" He asked.

I explained to him that she felt the need to move on and that I have decided to take her with me. I also told him that it was going to surprise her if everything goes well. He acknowledged my decision with a nod and we bid our goodbyes.

I got on my bike and went directly to meet my mom. She and her friend Sangeetha were at the marriage hall. I could make out that the decorations were beginning to take final shape. I told them that I was going to meet a few of the others whom I was close to. But before leaving, I took mom to the side and told her that Peter uncle was willing to go ahead with the idea. I told mom not to worry about it and that I'm going to handle everything. This time around when I came back home, I knew that she saw me as a more responsible person.

Time flew quickly in the company of different people. I was at the receiving end of their hospitality as everyone was happy to see the 'world famous photographer'. The day ended with me having dinner at one of my old schoolmate's house. When I reached home at around 11pm, my mom was busy reading through some stuff. It was the land agreement. Just as she promised, my mother gave me all the necessary documents. I studied the papers and saw that it was free from any technical legalities. It was going to be smooth.

"And it seems you like mommy's room more now." She must have seen how I dumped my stuff all over my bed. "I'm not complaining. It feels good to have company in bed. Just like old times."

"Really, mom?" But won't you like a different sort of company though?" I smiled.

"Huh?" my mom had a quizzical look on her face. I was still smiling at her. "What do you mean, son?"

"What would it mean to a single beautiful woman?" I discovered that her quirky replies gave me the perfect loopholes to slip in seemingly innocent but warped questions. It was ok to joke on such things anyways as long as it wasn't directly personal. That was the unspoken rule.

"Son! I wasn't talking about anything like that." I could tell that she didn't expect such a bold banter from me.

"I know, mom. But I was." I stressed. "You're beautiful, mom. You should find a guy." I grinned.

"Is this because I asked about your future wife? Ahem!" She shot back. I was expecting this sort of reply from her. Her guard was never down.

"I asked because you are one beautiful woman." I continued. "And I'm sure guys are checking you out all the time."

"Checking out a woman and wanting to be with a woman is something entirely different."

"So they do check you out a lot." I looked at her with a wide grin. Her cheeks blushed a deep pink. Her eyes squinted and threatened me with another witty remark.

"So, mom..." I kept my tone upbeat and casual. "What you're looking for is someone who checks you out a lot and still wants to be with you." I wanted those words to rest in her mind.

"Hush! I think you need to get yourself a lovely woman than discussing about your mother."

"You'll be the first one to know, mom." I quickly replied.

I didn't hang on to the conversation much. It wanted it to be a light hearted jest. Our topics changed as we spoke about the different options that mom can have after the sale of her shop. I entertained her with a lot of ideas when only one was actually there in my devious plan. The day winded up with me catching up on some emails and mom going to bed early.


The next day, I tagged along with mom to our little shop. Business was good. There wasn't much to do as mom did most of the transactions with the customers. But I was extra attentive towards her. I constantly reminded her how good she was at handling everything. I may have overdone it on another day but everything seemed perfect for all the right reasons. There wasn't a single awkward moment. When a cheapskate tourist stormed out of the shop after unsuccessfully bargaining for a two piece bikini, I told her that the tiny bathing piece would suit her much more than that young broad. She could only laughed whole heartedly for my rather crafty observation. It was all precisely timed.

"After spoiling me like this, I'll be very sad if you go back this week."

"I may have to go, mom. You know that I'm enjoying turning into a workaholic." I looked at her and saw that her eyes were intensely studying me.

"You know..." There's something different about you. I really can't pin it down though."

"Is it bad?" I asked her. She narrowed her eyes curiously over the features of my face.

"It's good... I mean it's not bad at all. It's just different." She smiled.

"Haha. Ok, mom."

I, on the other hand, knew that I got into her mind. I saw the mild confusion in her attitude. My mother was unknowingly enjoying the attention that I was giving the woman in her and not the mother. I was a smooth talker and I knew it. Such insights were clearly visible from her body language. The happy trot and the glimmer in her eyes were unmistakable signs of a woman who just enjoyed sufficient flattery and attention. It was exactly what I wanted. By the time we closed the shop, she seemed livelier than before. Night time was just the same except for the slightly jolly mood mom was in. And my hopes were high for the days to come.

On the second day, I again had all my attention to her. My long glances to her weren't deliberate though. She may have caught me more than once but she didn't seem to mind. I would also notice an occasional smile or two for no reason. I knew her reactions were all innocent and nothing more. Nonetheless, I was proud from seeing such reactions squeezed out from her primal wirings.

At the end of the day I proposed to go out for dinner. She usually cooked wonderfully even for herself and there wasn't any need for her to go out usually. But I wanted things to be exciting for her. It would be surely different than going out with her girlfriends who's all around the age of reaching menopause. I took her out to an expensive five star hotel that had the most beautiful balcony beneath the stars. She loved the food and the ambience. It was a great night.

On the third day, it was just the same. She must have stopped thinking about this new unexplainable part of me. I only took it as an open invitation to pamper her more.

It was late afternoon when Jenny aunty strolled in from the usual pack of customers. Old memories were rekindled when I saw her. She was one of the women whom we buddies used to gossip about when we were teenagers. Whenever the topic was about the neighbourhood 'fuckable' beauties, she would top the list. Bottom heavy, short and thick, she was the Milf whom you would just want to scoop her up and fuck her standing tall. Her long generous locks were perfect to yank back if you would find yourself behind her banging away that sexy booty.

"You aren't meeting up with your friends, darling? Your mom told me you have been spending time with her a lot." Jenny aunty voice always spoke in a high pitch.

"Oh, I met my friends just yesterday. Most of them aren't here also, so..."

It was true. My closest friends were scattered all across the state pursuing their own desk jobs. Besides, I wouldn't sacrifice the time that I'm getting around mom. Just watching her work around the shop was so satisfying. My eyes were getting the opportunity to feed my obsession with her sexy ripe body and I could covertly flirt with her all day long.

"Not many grown up boys stick around and help their moms like this. You should be proud, Mary!" Jenny Aunty noted.

"I'm the proudest mom right now." She beamed.

In that exact moment, my phone rang. It was Peter uncle and I came out to answer it. He gave me the good news. It was done. I looked up my phone to check my bank statement and there it was. We had negotiated on an amount that was a lot higher than what mom had conveyed to me. I instantly hopped onto my bike and went to his hotel. I met him and thanked him with all my heart. As soon as I got out, I transferred the complete amount to her bank account and called mom.

"Where did you disappear to?" Mom questioned.

"Did Jenny aunty leave?"

"Yes. She..."

"Check your bank balance and call me, mom. Ok?" I hung up. I kept looking at the screen waiting for her to return the call. The deal was almost twice the value of the real estate here. My phone ran with the name "Mommy" on it.

" did you manage such an amount? What did peter uncle say?" She hushed into the phone.

"It's done, mom. That's all you need to know now. And kisses to you." I was pretty excited.

"I can't believe you acted so quickly...It just happened so fast." Her voice, still surprised.

"Close the shop early today, mom." I wanted to see her alone, the both of us in our house sharing this new beginning. I was also going to set my final thoughts into action.

"Ok then...give me an hour's time." I could make out that she was still lost in the new developments.

"Ok, Mom. Bye."


The TV was on when I entered our living room. She greeted me with a tight resounding hug. It was a definitive moment for her. In a matter of weeks, the life which she had all these years was going to be the past now. We settled back into the sofa where I explained all the fine prints that went along with the contract. We were to vacate the shop in the beginning of the next month. She listened patiently to all details without saying a word until she looked at me.

"So in two weeks' time, I wouldn't know what to do with my life." She had a sad smile on her lips. I know she wanted to move on but letting go off something that's been there for so long can be difficult.

"I love you, mom." I sighed. I wanted to tell more, but that's all I could reply. Suddenly, my mind grasped the intensity of the situation I put myself in. Everything went exactly the way I wanted it. There was nothing left but for me to make a move. A move that will change everything for life. My palms were sweaty and my stomach churned.

"Are you...all right, son?" It was obvious I wasn't looking my usual self. And like always, mom caught me. I was silent. My tongue literally felt numb. I was nervously playing with my fingers on each hand.

"Is there something you want to..." Mom began to speak but I cut her off midsentence.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, mom." I blurted out.

I was surprised to find that the perfect lie roll out of my mouth. Maybe it was habit that made me talk in a very manipulative way whenever I needed to seal a deal. I pushed my feelings of guilt away while the deranged voices in my head urged me on. For the first time ever, I didn't feel bad lying to her.

"What!?'" She was more than shocked. She was completely rattled.

"I had a call right now. They want me back in two days." I spoke in a matter of fact kind of way.

Her silence reminded of all the times I had tried to hide something from her. She always called me out each and every time I showed hesitation in opening up to her. I knew her drill thereafter too. She would act really sweet and come closer to me to enquire more in the calmest possible way. She was acting sweet now. And just as I predicted, I felt her scooch one space nearer to me.

"What is it, son?" Her worried tone from the evening was all gone from her voice. She always kept my problems before her own feelings.

"I want more of you, mom." I knew it sounded stupid. I consoled myself that I at least told about my intentions to her face even though it was encrypted and meaningless.

"More? Did I do something to make you feel bad?" Her voice was full of concern.

"No, mom. Never." I paused. "Like I love you a lot and... I can't seem to love you more, in other ways."

It would have been easier for me to just ask her to come with me. I knew that she would pack her bags and come with me that instant. On some exotic land, I could seduce and confess my deepest feeling to her. But that wasn't what I wanted. As much I was selfish in my actions, I didn't want to isolate her in a foreign land where her only son just proposed the unthinkable. I always cared for her even in my most selfish state of mind.