Creation's Guardian Ch. 03

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The mission, its aftermath, Bob fucks Athena.
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Part 3 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/09/2014
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Bob, Cassandra, and Kadir walked down to the beach. He looked up and yelled, "Aphrodite, get your horny little ass down here sweet cheeks!"

Aphrodite appeared. "What's up Bob? You missing me already?"

Bob explained everything to Aphrodite. Then added, "I don't know why, but you're supposed to lead the team this time. I'll be busy doing something else. I'm not sure what yet.

Aphrodite asked. "You're not sure what we're supposed to do, or what we're getting ourselves into are you?"

"I haven't got a clue. I only know what weapons you'll need and how I'm supposed to prep you. I also know that time is extremely short."

Aphrodite replied. "In that case lets get to it."

"Okay ladies, battle dress! Cassandra, you already know yours. Instantly Cassandra was in full battle dress.

He dressed Aphrodite in the same black dress that Cassandra wore equipping her with the sword and shield of Roland. Next he dressed Kadir the same way equipping her with the sword and shield of Oliver.

Aphrodite said, "these are the weapons of two of the greatest paladins in history Bob. This must be some serious shit we're getting into."

"I think so too, Aphrodite. I get the feeling there may be some casualties. I don't know which side they'll be on. I also think it's a rescue mission, and that you'll be facing magical beings. If anyone wants to back out at anytime, just say so. Cassandra, Kadir, don't feel you have to do this. It's not a command. It's a request. You're free to decline."

Cassandra replied. "If it's important enough for you to ask, count me in master."

Kadir replied. "I'm with you too master."

Aphrodite said, "it's unanimous Bob. Now let's get to work! Show us what we need to do!"

"Okay. Aphrodite get on your hands and knees. Cassandra, Kadir, stand in front of her. In the actual mission you'll be on opposite sides of Aphrodite. But there's only one of me. I can't hit both sides at the same time."

Cassandra asked. "Can you please explain that a little better master?"

"Sure baby. In the actual mission, you and Kadir will have to protect Aphrodite while she does whatever she's supposed to do. There will be at least two dozen magical beings throwing plasma balls from both sides. You're gonna have to deflect them away from Aphrodite and whoever she's rescuing."

Kadir said, "so you're gonna be tossing plasma balls at us and we have to practice deflecting them. Is that right?"

"That's the plan sweetie. I've given the three of you shields that are immune to plasma balls. I'm not worried about any of you getting hurt. The problem is that any plasma balls hitting Aphrodite may interfere with my teleporting the four of you back out. Especially since Aphrodite's shield is gonna have to be extended over whoever she's rescuing."

Cassandra looked at Kadir. "We can do this sis! Trust me. I've already done it once."

Kadir said, "I wasn't worried about me. I was worried about you. I've had plenty of combat training. I can handle anything they can throw at me."

Cassandra replied. "I'm pretty sure I can too." She assumed a combat stance, sword at the ready. She nodded as Kadir did the same.

Cassandra said,"Let's do this master!"

Bob replied. " One more thing. If you get the chance to deflect one back at me, do it. Part of your objective will be to put down as many opponents as you can without compromising Aphrodite's mission."

Bob hurled plasma balls at them. He started out slow. Testing their reflexes. He gradually picked up speed until he was throwing them so fast their movements were almost a blur.

Cassandra and Kadir blocked every one of his plasma balls, even managing to deflect more than half back at Bob.

After about twenty minutes of hurling plasma balls as fast as he could Bob said, "okay. That's enough. I think you two can get the job done. You both did great! I'm really proud of you!"

Aphrodite stood brushing the sand off her hands and knees. "What about me? I spent all that time on all fours and I wasn't even getting fucked!"

Bob laughed. "Maybe not sweet cheeks. But that perfect little ass of yours looked great sticking up in the air. You did great. I'm proud of you too."

"Aphrodite giggled. "It was your fault that I was sticking my ass up so high Bob. You forgot to put clothes on! That beautiful cock of yours was flapping in the breeze. It's got my poor little pussy soaked!"

Bob realized she was right. "Stop complaining. You loved the free show!

"Damn right I did! But it's a wonder Cassandra and Kadir did so well, being distracted by that scrumptious hunk of man meat!"

By now, it was morning. Bob said, "I need a coffee. While I'm at it, I think I'm gonna cook me some breakfast for a change. I'm in the mood for some steak, eggs, home fries, and toast to go with my coffee. Anybody else want some?"

He got a chorus of, "yummy, yes please!"

When they got to the kitchen Bob said, "you three can take off your gear and relax. When I command 'battle dress' you'll be ready instantly."

Aphrodite laughed. "Tell the truth Bob. You just wanna enjoy our naked bodies."

"Shucks. You caught me Aphrodite."

After breakfast, they all took a shower to wash the sand away. This time, there were four pairs of hands playing 'grab ass' in the shower. By the time the showering was finished, they were all horny as hell.

Bob spent the next few hours taking turns with his three beauties, fucking one while another rode his face, and the third was suspended in air being taking care of by magical cocks and mouths.

A few minutes after five o'clock Bob said, "shit! Hera's show's already started. Let's go watch it on the big screen downstairs!"

When Bob turned on the big screen, he was shocked. Hera was surrounded by about two dozen Djinn. She was getting pounded by plasma balls. He knew instantly, this was their rescue mission.

He also knew they couldn't do it alone. The Great Caliph had another forty caliphs in hiding inside the citadel gates. Waiting to intervene in any rescue mission.

"Zeus we need to talk!"

"What do you want now?"

"I haven't got a lot of time so just listen close. Hera's in the Djinn citadel. She's being pounded by plasma balls from about two dozen Djinn. I've got a rescue team ready to go, but I need your help.

There's a bunch of caliphs hiding just inside the gates. I need you to distract them for a couple of minutes so I can teleport my team into the throne room and get her out alive."

"She'll be okay. They can't bust her shield. We can fight our way in and get her out."

"I don't have time to debate this with you! The Djinn found a weakness in your shields. If they hit the same spot over and over, they can punch holes in it. Fuck! They've just punched two more holes in her shield. I gotta go. You gonna help or not?"

"Yeah. I can hit the front gate with seven of us. But we won't be able to hold out long if they can do that."

"I only need a minute or so to get in and get her out."

"Okay we're ready when you are."

"Go now!"

Bob said "battledress! You go in 3,2, 1, NOW!"

Bob appeared in the throne room at the same time as Aphrodite's team. He checked on them quickly. They were doing exactly what was expected of them and were ready to go. He teleported the four of them directly to his bedroom.

Now he could accomplish his mission. He sent a huge plasma wave through the throne room rendering the few survivors unconscious. He grabbed the Great Caliph and the chairman of the council of elders teleporting out himself.

"Zeus. We're clear. Hera's in bad shape though. She might not make it."

"Can I come see her?"

"Sure, just let me know when you're ready. I've got a shield covering the island."

"I'm ready now!"

"Okay, come now. But be quick. I don't wanna leave my shield down too long."

Zeus popped in and Bob restored the shield over the island.

Zeus looked at Hera. "Wow she really is in bad shape! Can you help her?"

"A lot of that depends on Hera. Right now it's taking everything Kadir's got to hold Hera's spirit in her body. The faster I can get to work on Hera the better chance she's got."

"Is there any way I can help?"

"You can help best by making sure she has a home to go back to. I've given you a plasma proof shield. It'll hold up for about twenty four hours. When you get back to Olympus, have everybody link hands. The shield will spread to all of them. Olympus will be safe for now.

"Can I check on her later?"

"I'll open the block so you can see her from Olympus. I know you love Hera. But your duty lies there right now."

"You're right. I know that. Okay. I'm ready to leave whenever you can drop the shield."

"It's a one way shield, I don't have to drop it."

"Zeus looked at Hera with tears in his eyes. "Take good care of her for me." Then he was gone.

Bob put on a head cam feeding directly to a DVR. He put his hands on Hera's shoulders, searching for her mind with his.

"Hera? Where are you sweetie? I know you're in here somewhere. Come on honey, answer me. I wanna help you. But I need your help to do it. Talk to me, please baby."

He heard her voice faint and weak.

"Ohh! I hurt so bad! Just let me go, please."

"Hera honey. If you let me help you, I promise, in a few hours you'll be good as new."

"No I won't! I'll have all kinds of scars from those plasma burns."

"I promise you won't have any scars at at all baby. I just finished healing the burns on your left tit. It's perfect. There isn't a mark on it."

He felt a weak smile in his head.

"Really? Are you sure it's not sagging just a bit?"

He replied playfully. "No honey. It's round full, and firm. Just the kind of tit I like to suck on."

"Umm. If you're a good boy, I just might let you.

He had just discovered that a little flirting would help keep Hera's mind busy while they healed her!

"Your right tit is healed now too sweetie. Holy shit! You've got two perfect mountains sitting on your chest baby!" I could slide my cock between them for hours."

"Umm. That does sound nice. I've never been titty fucked before. I think Zeus is afraid his cock will get lost in the mountains."

"Okay baby. Your whole chest is healed. I'm starting on your belly now. How's the pain?

"Not quite as bad. But it still hurts like hell."

"The more we get healed, the less it's gonna hurt. You got beat up pretty bad though. So it's gonna take time. You're doing really good baby. I'm proud of you."

"Thank you. I'm trying. But it's sooo hard with all this pain!"

"Let me see what I can do to ease it up a bit. Don't go anywhere baby. "

Bob asked Kadir. "Can you take on some of her pain?"

"Yes master. My grip on her spirit won't be as strong. But I can handle about half her pain."

"Can you still grab her spirit and hold it if you need to?"

"Yes. That's why I said only half. I could probably take almost all her pain if I didn't need to hold her spirit."

Bob turned to Aphrodite. "Can you take some of her pain and while you're at it pour as much love into her as you can?"

"I can do that. But she may not want to accept love from me."

"Try it anyway. Take what pain you can and smother her with love. Some of it will get through. Okay?"

"Okay Bob. I'll try."

"Cassandra, can you take some of her pain too?"


Yes master. I can take quite a bit of her pain. I think I can pour a lot of strength into her too if you want."

"Do that for me, please baby."

"Hera. You still with me sexy?"

"Of course I'm still here silly boy. Where else would I be?"

"How's the pain now baby?"

"Much better, thank you. Whatever you did, it's helping a lot."

" Aphrodite's team is absorbing most of it for you. You should be feeling stronger too."

"I do feel stronger now that you mention it. What do you mean by Aphrodite's team?"

" Aphrodite led the team that rescued you. She and the rest of her team are pouring everything they have into healing you."

"All this love I'm feeling. It's coming from Aphrodite isn't it? After everything I've done to her, she risked her life to save mine! Damn I've been such a bitch! Thank her for me please."

"Yes, the love is coming from Aphrodite. You can thank her yourself in a little while. I have to roll you on your side now so that I can start healing your back. I hope you don't mind if I sneak a peak at your sexy little ass while I'm at it."

He heard her giggle.

"Nah I don't mind. Look all you want. I wouldn't even mind if you copped a few quick feels. Might just get my little pussy all wet and cheer me up a bit."

When he saw how bad Hera's back was, Bob was stunned. There was almost nothing left to work with. This was gonna be a long and painful process!

"Hera sweetie. Your back's a real mess! It's gonna take me some time to heal it. The pain may become very intense at times. Once I repair the damage done to your spinal cord, you're gonna feel every bit of this mess. I need you to promise you'll bear with me and tough it out."

"All I can promise is that I'll try Bob."

"I have a better idea. It means that you're gonna have to climb out of that little corner you've got yourself hidden in. If you can trust me enough to do that; I can absorb any pain you may have."

"I don't know if I can do that Bob. It's not that I don't trust you; I do. It's just that I'm really scared right now. I'm not sure my mind is ready to take it all in."

"I'll be with you every step of the way sweetie. We'll take it real slow . If it starts to get too much; we'll stop until you're ready to go on. Okay? Besides, I think it best that you're awake while I heal the damage done to your spinal cord. You don't wanna be thinking about scratching your itchy nose with your right hand, and have your left foot kicking you in your sexy little ass instead. Do you?"

"That would be funny as hell! But I don't think it would work very good. Okay. You win. I'll come out. But slow and easy like you said. Okay?"

"Good girl sweetie! I'm really proud of you! Just picture yourself stepping into your unconscious mind. Look around. Is there anything here that your afraid of?"

"No, I'm okay here.

"Are you feeling any pain yet?"

"A little. But it's nothing I can't handle."

"I'm gonna take it from you. I don't want you feeling any pain right now. Is that better?"

"Yeah, I don't feel any pain at all now."

"Good. Rest here a few minutes. Absorb some of the love and strength that Aphrodite and Cassandra are sending you."

"Cassandra's helping too? That poor child! I was sooo mean to her! I'm really gonna have a lot of apologizing to do aren't I?"

"Don't worry about any of that right now baby. Let's just concentrate on getting you fixed up first. Okay?"

"Okay. But I still feel horrible about the things I've done to both of them."

"I'm sure you do sweetie. Are you ready to take the next step?"

"Um...I guess so."

"Picture yourself being asleep. You'll feel some pain again. But it won't last long. I'll take it from you as fast as I can. Okay?"

"Ohh! That really hurts bad. I seem to be able to handle it better though. I can really feel the love and strength coming from Aphrodite and Cassandra now. It's helping me a lot."

"Good! That's what they were hoping for. The pain should be gone now too."

"Yeah the pain's gone. I feel much better now. Thank you."

"Only one more step to go baby. When you open your eyes, I don't want you to try to talk unless you're in pain or something doesn't feel right. Okay?"

"Damn! I guess that means no more flirting. Huh?"

"Not for a little while sweet cheeks. I'm gonna need to focus on rebuilding the mess those assholes made of your back. After I've got it started we can flirt all you want."

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

Hera opened her eyes. She started to scream. But before she could finish, Bob took on every bit of her pain.

Hera looked back at Bob, "thank you! That's much better!"

Bob replied, "shhh no talking. Remember? Just lie there and rest. Let us do all the work."

"Okay. You're the boss...for now anyway."

Bob frowned. Hera smiled. But she didn't say anything else.

Bob looked at Kadir, "You can release Hera's spirit now. I need you to check her arms and legs for injuries before we start on her back."

After a few minutes Kadir replied, "Hera's arms and legs are fine now master."

"Great! Thanks Kadir. Hera honey. I'm gonna start working on your spinal cord and the muscles that control your shoulders and arms. When I think I've got it, I'm gonna ask you to try to move them. It may hurt like hell. But I need to make sure their working right before I move on."

Hera nodded and smiled.

It took quite a while. Bob wasn't a doctor. He had to rely on the knowledge his magic was giving him. He was finally satisfied he had done all he could. He hoped he hadn't made any mistakes.

"Okay Hera honey. Time to see if I screwed up or not. Try moving your arms.

Hera grimaced in pain. But everything seemed to be working like it should.

"Kadir, can you restore the rest of the tissue and skin up here while I work on the rest of her spinal cord?"

"Sure master. That's no problem."

"Thanks Kadir. Hera honey. How you doing, sexy woman?"

"My arms are a bit stiff. They hurt like hell when I move them. I seem to be getting a lot better thanks to the four of you. She giggled. "Did you check out my sexy little ass yet handsome?"

"Damn right I did. You've got a scrumptious little ass just made for fucking honey!"

"Keep those compliments flowing Bob. They're really cheering me up!"

"With that sexy body of yours, it's no wonder Zeus made you his queen. If you weren't already queen of Olympus, I'd add you to my stable in a heartbeat. You really are one hot fuckable little bitch, Hera."

"Ohh I like that compliment Bob! I think I can feel my little pussy getting wet. Just because I'm queen of Olympus doesn't mean I can't hop in your bed for a romp now and then."

"I don't think Zeus would appreciate his gorgeous wife riding my huge nine inch cock. I'm not even sure I could handle that hot sexy body of yours. You'd probably fuck me brainless sweetie."

"Nah, Zeus wouldn't care. He'd probably wanna watch. Do you really have a nine inch cock? I've never seen one that big before!"

"Yeah I do. Maybe if you're a really good girl, I'll show you someday."

Kadir finished healing Hera's upper back just as he finished restoring the lower part of Hera's spinal cord.

"Okay Hera. Time to see if you can move your magnificent ass and those luscious legs sweetie."

She wiggled her ass moving her legs as she groaned in pain. "They hurt like hell. They're really stiff. But everything seems to be working okay."

After about fifteen minutes and with Kadir's help; Hera's back looked good as new.

"Okay Hera. Time for the real test! Let's see if you can sit up."

Hera rolled onto her back then sat up with a groan. "Everything's stiff as a board and aches like hell. But I can move."

"Good! Now try standing."

Hera swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood. She grabbed onto Kadir and Bob for support. "WOW! My legs are weak and shaky!"