Creation's Guardian Ch. 05

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Bob adds Hera and Stacy to his stable.
14.6k words

Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/09/2014
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Bob looked around his war room then back at the forward screens. Most of the Earth's leaders were in meetings and the talking heads were spouting their usual useless crap. Things looked quiet.

He stood taking Cassandra's hand pulling her to him as he waved Kadir over. He wrapped his arms around both their waists pulling them close. Then he looked over at Aphrodite and asked, "sweet cheeks, I have a few things to do. Can you take the command seat for now?"

"Sure, no problem Your Majesty."

"If anything comes up call me. I'll be here instantly."

"You got it Your Majesty."

"Thanks sweet cheeks. Destiny, I guess it's time we explained things to the boss."

Destiny said, "I'm sorry Bob. Cassandra can come, but Kadir can't. Before you get upset, let me explain why.

My mother, my sister, and I exist outside of creation. There's a barrier between Creation and our plane of existence. Kadir can't cross it. The attempt would destroy her. It's a little complicated. There three basic types of beings. Chaos good, chaos neutral, and chaos evil. Only those beings recognized as chaos good can survive crossing the barrier.

Cassandra may not be a goddess, but she's still an Olympian. That makes her automatically chaos good. Not only that, she's your wife and queen.

When you inherited our powers, you became chaos good as well. Otherwise you wouldn't survive crossing the barrier.

Humans and Djinn are chaos neutral. All that means is they're neither good nor bad, but can be either one at any given time. I don't have the power to change Kadir's chaos status. I'm sorry Bob."

"It's okay Destiny. Believe it or not I understood what you said. I actually knew all of that. It just never registered in my mind. Thank you, you saved me from doing something very stupid. Baby girl, why don't you grab a seat next to Aphrodite. You can keep her company and help her keep an eye on things until we get back."

Kadir said, "okay master."

Destiny said, "take my hands. You don't know where we're going. I'll have to port you. This is the first time you'll be going there while you're awake."

When they got there Bob chuckled. They were in the same meadow standing on the same blanket from the dream.

Destiny smiled. "mother thought you'd be more comfortable with familiar surroundings. She and Life will be here in a minute. Why don't we sit and relax while we wait?"

A minute or so later, the boss and Life appeared. Life ran to Bob kissing him on the cheek. "You did good! You did REAL good!" She sat next to her sister.

The boss sat in front of Bob and smiled. "She's right you know. You did great! I'm really proud of you! Then with a twinkle in her eyes she said, "I know I asked you to get rid of the nukes, but did you have to scare me half to death to do it?"

Bob said, "sorry boss, I didn't mean to worry you. But you did say it didn't matter how I did it," he chuckled.

"I didn't realize what you were up to until the Djinn began shooting down the missiles. Then when you demanded their surrender, I put it all together. It was a brilliant plan. You timed it perfectly. It was extremely risky. But it worked perfectly, so I can't complain."

"There was never any real risk at all boss. Kadir was my back up plan. One word to her and every missile would have disappeared instantly."

Destiny laughed. "you little shit! Why didn't you tell ME that? I was there! I saw what you were doing. I was terrified something would go wrong. You made me worry for nothing you brat."

Cassandra said, "none of us knew Destiny. He never said a word to any of us."

Bob grinned. "It was one of those need to know things. I was the only one that needed to know."

The boss said, "always the military man. Huh captain?"

"Old habits die hard boss. Actually, I had faith in my people to get the job done right the first time. I knew they wouldn't let me down. The back up plan was there more out of habit then anything. I never thought for a second it would be needed. The best part was watching Destiny. She's really cute when she squirms like that," he laughed.

Destiny looked at Bob shaking her fist. "Ooh you, one of these days...,"she laughed.

Bob said, "I'm sorry Destiny. It just kinda slipped out. You and Life have been a part of me for so long that you're both like sisters to me. Like any little brother, I can't help teasing my big sisters once in a while. Forgive me?"

The look on Destiny and Life's faces was priceless. Both were shocked by Bob's words. After a few seconds Destiny smiled gently. "Yeah little brother, I forgive you."

Life looked over at Destiny. "He's right you know. We are sorta like brother and sisters. I never really thought about it before. I kinda like the idea of having a little brother to tease me once in a while. As long as I get to tease him back," she laughed.

Destiny said, "Yeah, somehow it just feels right. But remember little brother, I owe you one."

The boss said, "okay children, playtime's over. Back to business. You got rid of the nukes and stopped the wars. What's your next step Bob?"

"I honestly don't know boss. I've got a few ideas running around in my head but nothing solid yet. All I've really done is take away their ability to kill the masses. They can still kill each other. Just not as many at a time and only within their own boarders. They're beaten but not broken."

"So let them stew in their juices for a few days while you figure things out."

"I'd rather toss a handful of things at them, giving them a specific amount of time to get it all done. That would keep them busy for a while and buy me some time. I wanna keep them off balance as much as possible. There isn't anything they can do to stop me, but I wouldn't put it past the idiots to try boss."

"Stop trying so hard. Earth has a multitude of problems. You can't solve them all at once. Pick one, solve it. Then move on to the next one."

Bob chuckled. "That's good advice boss. As soon as I figure out how to follow it, I'll let you know. I have to get back. I have a lot of work to do."

"Good luck my child. Next time bring Kadir. I'd love to meet her."

Bob was shocked. "I can't boss. She's chaos neutral."

"No she's not. You're not just bound together, you've bonded. When that happened, her status automatically changed to yours. She's chaos good. You're welcome to bring her here anytime."

Destiny said, "I'm sorry Bob. I forgot you had bonded."

"It's okay Destiny. I didn't realize it made a difference either."

He stood taking Cassandra's hand. "Time to go home sweetie."

Bob and Cassandra popped into his war room. "Anything happening sweet cheeks?"

Aphrodite replied, "nah. I've been listening to some of the talking heads. Everyone's wondering whats next."

Aphrodite and Kadir took their battle stations as Bob and Cassandra took their thrones. Bob looked over at Athena."Give me a two way tie in to everyone sexy."

Athena replied, "tied in Your Majesty."

"By now your governments have realized there's no way they can fix the mess they've made. Your fate lies entirely in my hands. If I can't bring peace and prosperity to the Earth, I WILL destroy it. I've been given a free hand to do whatever I think is necessary. By launching nuclear missiles, your governments have shown Earth's technology has far out paced it's wisdom and maturity. You're gonna have to grow up folks. It won't be easy, and it's definitely NOT gonna be painless."

Bob paused to gather his thoughts. "Earth has a multitude of problems. They're so intertwined that solving one creates a whole litany of new ones. I don't give a damn about your so called morality. I couldn't care less about your religious beliefs, and whatever laws you have, or don't have on your books mean absolutely nothing to me. All I care about is you doing what you're told, when you're told.

The way women are treated on Earth is an absolute disgrace. From now on, women everywhere will have the same rights as men. They will be treated equally in all aspects of society including the courts. No longer will it take the word of two women to equal the word of one man.

In fact let's make all of Earth clothing optional. If a woman in Riyadh, or anywhere else on Earth for that matter, decides to drive to the university to attend classes wearing nothing but a smile, that's her right. Of course the same applies to men as well.

It's time to grow up a little boys. Women aren't your property, your slaves, your toys, or your damn punching bags. Neither are Earth's children. They're a gift from creation not your possessions to kick around, molest, rape, abuse, or neglect. It's the duty of both parents to see to a child's health, safety, and well being. If parents terminate their relationship, both will share responsibility for the support of their child as well as joint custody. Unless there's a compelling reason for a court to order otherwise.

These orders take effect immediately. They override any existing laws to the contrary including Islamic or Sharia laws. All countries have thirty days to change their legal codes to reflect these changes. There will be no attempts to enforce existing laws in the interim.

All of you have a ton of money left over from your defense budgets. If you're smart, you'll use it wisely.

Your infrastructure is a total mess. Your inner cities are just short of disaster areas. Your educational systems are underfunded and under staffed. Your public safety forces, police, fire, search and rescue units are under funded and short handed. Your health care systems are a fucking joke. Too many people getting ripped off by greedy politicians and insurance companies. You've got plenty of places to spend all that money. You've just got to be mature enough to spend it where it's needed most."

Bob glanced at Athena. She cut the link laughing. a "You're gonna stir up a hornet's nest with those orders Your Majesty."

"I certainly hope so. Or I'll have to try harder next time. I want someone to publicly refuse to obey my orders. That way I can make an example of them driving home the message my orders are to be obeyed without question."

Cassandra giggled. "maybe you should have said wearing clothing was forbidden in public. That would have got to them going for sure."

A couple of hours later, Asimah said, "look at the Iranian capital your highness."

Bob glanced at Athena. She switched Tehran to one of the front screens. "Yup. It's starting."

The Iranian Supreme Leader was standing in front of a crowd of about two thousand young men. All were cheering as he said that Iran would never pass a law that allowed the baring of a woman's body or face.

Bob took Cassandra's hand waving Kadir over to him. "It's time we made a personal appearance. We're going down there. Sexy thing, give us a second to get there then tie this in worldwide."

Athena replied, "ready when you are Your Majesty."

When Bob, Cassandra, and Kadir appeared behind the Iranian Supreme Leader, the crowd was shocked into silence.

Bob spun the Iranian Supreme Leader around facing him and in a deadly quiet tone of voice said, "you dare defy me? Who do you think you are little man? It's time I taught you a lesson in manners and respect. You wanna control women? Let's see how you like living the rest of your miserable life as a woman."

He turned the Iranian Supreme Leader into a naked woman. "From now on, all you'll want is a cock and you won't care where it goes. Whenever you try to put on any piece of clothing, your skin will burn like fire. Let's see how you like that asshole"

He turned to the stunned crowd. "On your knees you worthless bunch of worms! You will live as women as well. None of you will ever be able to wear clothing.

You will spend the rest of your useless lives servicing horny men. By the time you finally die, you'll have swallowed hundreds of gallons of their hot gooey cum and had hundreds more pumped into your assholes and cunts.

Now get out of my sight before I send you all to whorehouses with your sisters, daughters, mothers, wives, and girlfriends. Oh I forgot, you don't have wives and girlfriends anymore. Any daughters you may have in the future will come out of those horny cunts I just gave you. Now begone!"

In seconds the square was empty.

Bob, Cassandra, and Kadir returned to his war room. Everyone there was laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes.

As Bob, Cassandra, and Kadir took their thrones Aphrodite said, "gods Bob, when you said you wanted to make an example of someone, we all thought you were gonna have Cassandra lop of someone's head again. When you went down there, we didn't know what to expect. Then you turned them all into women catching us all by surprise. The look on their faces when you did it was just so funny, we had to laugh."

Athena said, "I think they're gonna find a couple of thousand dead bodies in Tehran tonight. I don't think any of those fuckers have what it takes to live the rest of their lives as a woman."

"You may be right about that sexy thing. That ayatollah had been in touch with a few other clerics. There were supposed to be some other speeches made after his. I doubt the others will dare to open their yaps after seeing what just happened though."

He took a deep breath letting it out slowly. "Those assholes really piss me off. They're willing to risk the lives of over six billion souls just because they don't wanna give up their control of women. Ya know what? Fuck this! We've been at this for days. I'm gonna take the rest of the night off. Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Cassandra, Kadir, you're with me. Let's go sit in the hot tub. We need to talk. The rest of you go relax. Just be back here at eight in the morning."

Once they had all stripped and climbed in the hot tub, Cassandra sat between Bob's legs resting her back against his chest pulling his arms around her. She laid her head on his shoulder softly asking, "okay my love, what's got you so riled up? It's not the Iranians being idiots. There's something else bugging you. Isn't there?"

Bob gently kissed the top of her head. "You read me like an open book. Don't you sweetie? I told Destiny I wouldn't even think about this until I was finished with Earth. But it's driving me up a wall.

The boss thinks Olympus needs another goddess to fill Casandra's place. She's asked me to be the father of that goddess. I get to pick the mother. The new goddess will inherit her mother's powers along with whatever additional powers, if any, I decide to contribute. I haven't even decided if I want to do it yet. Before I make any decisions either way, I need to know how each of you thinks and feels about it."

Everybody was stunned. It was the last thing any of them expected to hear.

Cassandra was the first to speak. "Wow! Okay, now I understand why you're so riled up! Speaking as both your wife and your queen, I have no objections to the idea. I think the boss meant exactly what she said when she asked you to be Creation's Guardian. I have a feeling that Earth is just the first in a long litany of problems you're gonna have to deal with. She has a reason for asking this of you. I'm not sure what that reason is, but I suspect it means you're gonna need the additional help."

Zeus said, "I'm not sure how all this would work out in the long run. But I think Cassandra's right. You're gonna need all the help you can get. There hasn't been a god or goddess born on Olympus since Cassandra was born. That's not saying we haven't tried, we have. But I think we were being punished for what we did to Cassandra. Bottom line is Olympus is really short handed. We could use the help ourselves."

Bob nodded. "Hera, you're Olympus's queen. What do you think?"

Hera giggled. "what do I think? I think I've waited a very long time to take your monstrous cock for a test drive! I volunteer to be the mother!"

Everyone laughed. Bob said, "okay sexy thing, your thoughts?"

Athena said, "ya got another volunteer right here Bob," she giggled.

Bob chuckled. "sweet cheeks, let me guess, you're volunteering too."

Aphrodite laughed. "Damn skippy I am Bob!"

"Baby girl, I wish you to speak your mind openly and honestly.

Kadir said, "master, I agree with everything Cassandra said. I also agree with Zeus, Olympus is short handed. Considering we don't know what the future holds, and considering who the request came from, it may be a wise idea to do it. You certainly have no shortage of volunteers," she laughed.

"Not a naysayer in the group. You've given me a lot of good reasons to do it. But there are reasons not to do it as well."

Bob looked at all three goddesses in turn. "How am I supposed to choose? I love every one of you. You're all so beautiful. If I choose one, I'll disappoint the other two. How's that gonna affect my relationship with the two that don't get chosen? Cassandra grew up extremely unhappy on Olympus because of the tension her presence caused. I won't let that happen again.

Right now, the power on Olympus is balanced between six major gods and six major goddesses. Adding another major goddess throws that balance out of whack. We all know, any child of mine would certainly be powerful enough to be a major goddess.

For me, the bottom line is I'm being asked to choose which of three very beautiful goddesses deserves to be the mother of the next Olympian goddess. I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna solve it the easy way. I'll get all three of you pregnant. That way nobody gets left out."

Zeus laughed. "well I guess that's one solution. From the looks on their faces, I don't think any of them have a problem with that idea. So who goes first? Are you gonna give them all goddesses?"

"I promised Hera a ride. She hasn't gotten it yet. She can be first. Followed by Aphrodite, then Athena. I can't decide if I want them all to have goddesses. How about I just give them one of each and call it a day?"

Hera stuttered, " You wanna give me twins?"

Bob laughed. "Why not? I think those mountains on your chest are big enough to feed them both. Don't you?"

Hera giggled. "Okay, you win. When do we start?"

"As soon as we get permission from my wife."

Cassandra looked at Bob. "Huh?"

"Well sweetie, with you sitting the way you are, the only one I can fuck right now is you."

Cassandra wiggled her scrumptious ass against Bob's huge cock.

"Umm I like that idea master. But it's Hera's turn to get the ride of her life. So I guess I'll have to move." She moved, sitting between Aphrodite and Kadir. "He's all yours Hera. Have fun."

Zeus said to Hera, "I have a few things to do on Olympus. We've been away for days. I wanna catch up some while I can. I'll be back later. Have fun honey."

Hera replied, "okay, see you later honey."

Bob moved Hera and himself to the bed. He laid next to Hera as she looked at him with wanton desire. He pulled her on top of him. "It's your show baby. Do whatever you feel like doing.

Hera grinned. "All I wanna do right now is fuck!"

She sat up drawing her legs under her. Then lifting herself up, she wrapped her small hand around his huge cock. "Fuck! It's even bigger than I thought! I don't know if I can take it all. But I'm about to find out!"

Hera rubbed the huge mushroomed head up and down her outer lips coating it thoroughly with her lavish juices. Then placing the plum colored head against the opening to her tight, soaked cunt, she slowly lowered herself taking about half of his enormous shaft into her hot velvet slickness. She stopped to let her tight cunt adjust to his generous girth. "Your cock is so big! I don't know if I can take it all. You're stretching me so wide!"

She raised herself up a little, then taking a deep breath, she lowered herself taking another couple of inches of his enormous shaft. "Gods you're huge! I can feel every throb and pulse of this monster inside me! It's gonna take me a bit to get the rest of it in me; that is if I can."