Creation's Guardian Ch. 08

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Major changes...Olympus falls.
24.2k words

Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/09/2014
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Author's comments:

My apologies to my readers. This chapter's far too long overdue. Life has a way of disrupting the best laid plans. I'll try to do better getting the next chapter finished and posted.

There's A LOT of sex in this chapter, but it was necessary for plot development. Also there's a parody of an old Leslie Gore song, so credit where credit is due.

Enjoy! and PLEASE let me know what you think!

The next morning Cailin woke Bob by showing everyone how a Tyrillian pleasure bot sucked cock. When Bob opened his eyes, Cailin was doing a handstand over his massive cock fucking her throat and pumping her warm, wet mouth up and down his enormous shaft by doing pushups with her arms.

Bob was amazed. He'd never seen or felt anything like it before. Cailin's throat muscles rippled up and down his huge shaft like she was jerking him off and her tongue swept back and forth across his giant nut sack every time his cock slid in to her throat.

"By the gods Beautiful, that feels fantastic," he groaned.

Cailin pushed herself up enough to pop Bob's cock out of her mouth. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself master." She gave him a mischievous grin. "But the real fun hasn't even started yet." She slurped his monstrous cock back in her mouth and a few seconds later Bob was stunned when he felt a second tongue swirling around his huge glans and stimulating his highly sensitive frenulum.


He was pumping his hips fucking Cailin's face fast and hard as he groaned in pleasure. Cailin began rocking her shoulders from side to side creating a corkscrewing motion with her mouth as she fucked her throat with Bob's enormous shaft.

Bob was breathing in short shallow gasps as he slammed his nine inch cock in and out of Cailin's clenching throat. Suddenly Cailin began humming. That was all it took. Bob slammed his huge cock deep in Cailin's throat and with a long, loud, primal growl, pumped spurt after spurt of hot, creamy, white goo straight in to Cailin's belly.

Cailin raised herself up until just the giant mushroomed head of Bob's cock was in her mouth. She sealed her lips tightly around it swirling both tongues in opposite directions as she made like a vacuum cleaner, enthusiastically milking his enormous cock for every drop of his scrumptious cum. She looked at Bob with a twinkle in her eyes. "Thank you for breakfast master. It was sooo yummy!"

Bob plopped his head back on his pillow with a soft groan. "No, thank YOU Beautiful! That was fantastic! I've never felt anything like that before. If anyone else wants a drink, now's the time. We've got a full day ahead of us."

Cailin giggled as the other women took their turn at getting their morning treat. "Well it was as much fun for me as it was for you master. But if you think that was fun just wait until you fuck my ass. You're in for a few surprises there too."

Bob chuckled softly. "I'm sure I am. But don't tell me about them. It's more fun if you just surprise me."

"For me too master. I love seeing your reactions to my surprises," Cailin giggled again.

They were siting in the dinning room sipping coffee and munching on doughnuts when Aphrodite, Athena, and the rest of Bob's council popped in. Everyone grabbed a coffee and doughnut as they sat down. When they were all seated Bob looked around the table with a smile.

"As I'm sure you all know by now, we have five additional Earth type planets to work with, thanks to our beautiful and brilliant Cailin. That's the good news. The bad news is, once again, we have to completely revise our plans. But in the end I think it'll be worth it. If we do our jobs right, we won't have to worry about population or resource issues for thousands of years." Bob turned to Cailin, "speaking of population issues, what are we looking at as far as the number of applications to immigrate goes?"

"Um...well they um...really picked up a lot overnight. I haven't had a chance to tell you. But right now we're looking at a little over three billion applications. If they continue at the current rate, we could easily have double that number by nightfall. Wait a minute... what the... Master, every public internet server on Earth just went offline! The only servers still up and running are government and military servers! Earth's governments are issuing a joint statement. They've ordered the shutdown of all internet servers to prevent a mass exodus of the planet and calling everyone who's already applied to come here traitors! Evidently they've caught wind of the numbers and are afraid that if it keeps up there won't be anyone left for them to govern."

Bob threw his head back and groaned. "Fucking idiots!" He looked around the table. "Anyone got any ideas on how to handle this? Or should I just be my usual bullheaded self?"

Cailin spoke up. "We could bypass their servers using their own satellites against them. But even if we add our observation satellites to the mix, we're still looking at a significant reduction in the speed applications can come in."

"That's a good idea Beautiful. Especially since speed isn't really a major problem considering the numbers we already have. However, the real problem is those assholes still think they can pull shit like this even after everything I've already done to them. Anyone else have any ideas?"

"Send them all to Hades," Zeus growled.

Bob chuckled, "I'm already considering that one Zeus. How about you Athena? You have any ideas?"

Athena shook her head. "I tend to agree with my dad on this one Bob."

"I see. Aphrodite, can you think of a gentle way to handle this mess?"

"Not really Bob. I think this is one of those times you almost have to go the way of the warrior."

"Maybe I can intimidate them into doing things my way. If not... well heads will just have to roll. Let's get to the war room. BATTLEDRESS!" Instantly Cassandra, Kadir, and Aphrodite were in full battle gear.

When the got to the war room Bob looked at Cailin. "Okay Beautiful, tie me in planet wide."

"You're tied in to every available system on Earth master."

"You idiots have really pissed me off! As of right now, I'm annexing Earth and ordering the immediate restoration of all internet services. You have one hour to comply. Any nation that doesn't meet the deadline will find their leaders declared traitors and executed on the spot. Every one of you know I have the power to do it. So go ahead, push your luck. You won't live long enough to brag about it."

Bob nodded to Cailin to cut the outgoing link. "Now we wait. I don't think the assholes will be stupid enough to try me, but you never know."

Fifteen minutes later Cailin reported, "internet services slowly coming back on line in every country on Earth master."

"Thanks Beautiful. I thought they'd see things my way."

"You're welcome master. How did you know they'd react so quickly?"

Bob explained how he had Cassandra take the head of the American President in the middle of the Cheyenne Mountain fortress. "That was only one of the things we've done to them. I'll fill you in on the rest some other time."

"No wonder they acted so fast." Cailin paused for a second, giggled, then continued. "They don't know about the other five planets yet. They're guessing you're gonna destroy the Earth, so you're trying to move as many people as possible before you do."

"Good, let's kick them while they're down. Tie me back in."

"You're all set master."

"One more thing folks. In about ten days, the Earth as you know it will cease to exist. Think about that one before you allow your leaders to cut internet services or pull some other dumb stunt again."

Bob glanced at Cailin. She cut the outgoing link. "Are you really gonna destroy the Earth Master?"

"I never said I was gonna destroy the Earth Beautiful. Once we get enough people off to even out population rates between all six planets, I'm placing the remaining population in suspension long enough to restore Earth back to a pristine planet. Then we'll spread them out the same way we did on the other five planets. That way everyone on all six planets gets an equal chance. Anyone who's willing to work hard can prosper. Those that don't, won't."

Cailin nodded. "Okay that makes sense. But where's the seventh planet fitting in to all of this?"

"Let's go back to the dinning room where we can all sit and relax."

When everyone was seated again Bob looked at Cailin. "The seventh planet is Neuveia. I wanna keep her in reserve for now. I want you to select an area on each planet, including Neuveia, to be used as a location for a central government. Use exactly the same location for each planet and make it about a hundred square miles. Preferably near a beach."

Cailin created a holographic map of Neuveia and studied it closely. She pointed to an location that would correspond roughly to Houston Texas on Earth . "I think this will do nicely. It's got a decent climate with fairly mild winters and good beaches. There's plenty of room for a good sized city and you can expand in almost all directions. A hundred square miles isn't really a lot of room for a centralized government, so having space to expand is important. There's a lot of game in the area and plenty of room for farming. It's also easily accessible by land or sea."

Bob was somewhat surprised by Cailin's choice. He'd been expecting her to pick somewhere like the fertile Nile Crescent. But he realized she was right. A centralized government city would need a lot more room to expand in the long run. "That's a good location. I like it. Thank you Beautiful." Bob sipped his coffee then continued, "I think before we go any further we need to name star systems and planets." He brought up a holographic map of the galaxy arm where Neuveia and the other five planets were located. "I'm gonna call Neuveia's star Aphrodite since she practically lives here anyway. This is as much her home as Olympus is."

"I do NOT practically live here," Aphrodite giggled.

"Yeah ya do Sweetcheeks. I just wish you'd make it official and move in completely," Bob chuckled.

"I love you too Bob. But I'm still the Goddess of Love. As much as I love having my holes stuffed by your big cock, I still have my duties to preform on Olympus and I need my temple for that."

"All right Aphrodite. You win...for now." Bob pointed to the map. "Athena, this planet and it's corresponding star is gonna be named after you."

"I'm honored. Thank you Bob."

"You're welcome Sexy thing. Hera, this ones yours."

"Never had a whole planet named after me before," Hera giggled. Thank you Bob."

"Well it's about time you did. You're welcome Hera. These three are Artemis, Demeter,and Hestia in that order."

"You haven't even fucked them yet and you're already naming stars and planets after them? Gods those three are REALLY gonna fall in love with you Bob. Especially Hestia and Artemis. You know they're both still virgins?" Athena giggled.

"That's what the myths say. But they also said you were a virgin too."

"Well I WAS, up until about ninety years ago. I got really bored one day and decided to party on Earth. The next thing I know, I've got some guy's tongue down my throat and his finger in my twat. One thing led to another and I ended up fucking his brains out. I loved it so much that I took on about twenty other guys in the bar that night. I've been a little slut ever since."

Zeus was shocked. "Is THAT what you've been doing on Earth all these years Athena?"

"Don't give me that look Daddy. You had to have some idea of what I was doing. Besides it really doesn't matter anymore. Bob's got the only cock in creation that can keep me satisfied. I'm one of HIS little sluts now. I don't need to look anywhere else.

" I'm only gonna say this once Daddy. You've got two daughters in this room. We both would've given anything for a little attention from you when we were younger. Maybe if you had spent some time with us as we were growing up, things might have turned out differently. You've got nobody to blame for this but yourself. I'll tell you something else. Cassandra is my sister and YOUR daughter too. She loves you almost as much as she does Aphrodite. It breaks her heart that you won't man up and acknowledge her as your child! Don't give me any damn lectures Daddy. You're more of a fucking slut than I could ever be!"

Cassandra stood running to Athena's side, kneeling down hugging her. "Whew! All that in one breath! Feel better now that you've got it all out in the open Sis?"

"Yeah, I do. I'm sorry Sis I know this is your home. I shouldn't have exploded like that. But it's been bugging the hell out of me ever since I realized how much it hurts you that he won't even admit you're his baby girl!"

"It's okay Athena. Bob and I aren't mad at you at all. I love you sooo much Sis! Thank you for sticking up for me!" Cassandra glanced at Bob and the message in her eyes was crystal clear.

Bob stood. "Okay everyone, party's over. Zeus maybe you should go back to Olympus for a bit. I think Cassandra and Athena need some time to calm down before things really get out of hand. I'm not mad at you or anything like that. It's just that I'm not sure what happened or why and I don't want it getting any worse."

"Okay Bob. I''ll see you tomorrow."

After Zeus and Hera left, Aphrodite asked, "do you really not know what just happened or why Bob?"

"I know exactly why Athena exploded like she did. But I thought it best to let Hera explain it to Zeus. I was watching her out of the corner of my eye while Athena was going off. Hera understood everything Sweetcheeks."

"That wouldn't surprise me at all Bob. Ever since we rescued her, Hera's been...I don't's hard to explain. It's like she's a totally different woman. I know she treasures the twins she's carrying. I hear her talking to them sometimes. Her voice gets so soft, and gentle, so loving. It's hard to believe she's the same woman who put me through hell for thousands of years. If anyone can get through to Zeus, it's Hera."

Cassandra spoke up. "It doesn't matter either way Mom. I don't know about Athena, but I've already given up on Zeus. Anything he does is gonna be too little, too late, as far as I'm concerned."

Athena wiped the tears from her eyes sighing deeply. "It's funny, I put up with Zeus's bullshit and his ignoring me for thousands of years. I never realized how bad it hurts me until you went off on Aphrodite about how he treats you a while back. Then, it hit me like a freight train. I understand exactly how you feel. It hurts Sis, it really does. But maybe we're both better off without him."

Athena looked down at her swelling belly rubbing it gently. "Shh, settle down darlings. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise." She looked over at Bob. "Would it be okay if I moved in with you and Cassandra for a while? I really don't think Zeus would be stupid enough to hurt me after what you and Cassandra did to him over Aphrodite. But you never know. He can be a crazy bastard sometimes." She rubbed her belly again. "Our babies are far too precious for me to even think about taking that kind of chance."

"Athena, you sexy thing, of course you can move in with us. You're Cassandra's sister. This is as much your home as it is ours. You're welcome to stay for as long as you want. Is there anything on Olympus you need? Cassandra and I can escort you there and make sure you get whatever you want."

"Only my whole damn temple. But you don't have enough room for that here, so it'll keep until after our twins are born."

Bob created a holographic map of Neuveia. "I have an entire planet at your disposal! Pick a spot and I'll put your temple there for you Sexy Thing!"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would! You mean the world to me Athena! There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you safe. You're carrying my children. They're as precious to me as they are to you. So just tell me where you want your temple already."

Athena studied the map for a few seconds. "Didn't you say this whole island group we're in was restricted?"

"Yeah I did. Why?"

She pointed to a big island about ninety miles north of their position. This island is big enough for two temples and it's restricted status will keep the curious away once you start bringing people here. I think it's the perfect spot for it."

Bob looked at Kadir. "Can you move Athena's temple to that island for me Baby Girl?"

"I'm sorry Master. I can't grant that wish. The laws of creation forbid me from directly interfering in the affairs of Olympus." Kadir gave Bob a sly smile. "I can however, indirectly interfere by duplicating Athena's temple and everything in it for her, if that's your wish."

Bob turned to Athena. "Will that work for you Sexy Thing?"

"Yes, it'll work perfectly, and it's brilliant! My original temple can stay on Olympus. That ought to confuse the shit outta Zeus, at least for a little while. I love it," she giggled. "Come on Kadir, let's link minds and get it done."

A few minutes later Kadir asked, "are you sure we've got everything Athena?"

"Yep, we got it all, right down to my scurrying bowl. Thank you Kadir, now I can relax and unwind." Athena looked at Bob. "Thank you too Bob. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"No thanks are necessary Athena. I've also put a shield over that island. Nobody can see or hear anything, or enter your temple unless you allow them to. You'll have full privacy while you're working there, and you'll be perfectly safe as well."

"WOW! Thanks! I didn't expect that. But I guess I should have, knowing you the way I do. When you said you'd keep me safe, I should've realized I'd be protected no matter where I was. That's just part of who you are, and I love you all the more for it."

"Well you're my sexy little thing! Of course I'm gonna take good care of you," Bob chuckled.

"You always know just what to say to make a woman feel good. Even with this huge belly, you're still telling me I'm sexy! Gods, you make me feel so special! What do you say we get back to work. We've still got a hell of a mess on Earth to clean up yet."

Bob sat down as Cassandra returned to her seat. "There's nothing sexier than a pregnant woman Athena. But are you two sure you're up to it? It's been a hell of a day already."

Cassandra replied, "we're fine Master. Athena doesn't stay angry very long. Neither do I. Athena moving in here was just a precaution because Zeus is so damn unpredictable. There's no way of telling how he's gonna react to what Athena said to him."

Athena spoke up. "Cassandra's right Bob. We're both okay. I said what I had to say. As far as I'm concerned, it's over and done with. You don't have to worry about us. But I'd keep an eye on Zeus if I were you. I just don't trust him."

"I hear both of you loud, and clear. But I seriously doubt he's stupid enough to come here and start something he knows he can't finish."

Athena nodded. "I agree with you there Bob. I don't think he's that dumb either. He hasn't got the balls to come at you head on. But I wouldn't put it past him to try and sabotage your plans somewhere along the way. The flip side of all this is that Hera may be able to actually talk some sense in to that pea brain of his. I'm just suggesting that you watch your back until we know for sure which way the chips are gonna fall."

"You don't trust Zeus. I get that. What about Hera? What are the chances she'll join Zeus if he decides to be a dickhead?"

"If you'd asked me that a few months ago, I would have said a hundred percent. Now, I'd say not a chance in hell. She wouldn't put those babies she's carrying at risk for anything in creation. In fact I doubt Zeus could get a single Olympian goddess to join him right now. Out of the gods, the only one who might join him is Apollo. But even that's doubtful. Yeah, Apollo's been protecting Artemis's virginity for thousands of years because he wants his twin sister's cherry for himself. But he understands how much Artemis wants this. He also knows that the decision for you to be the one to take her virginity was made by the fates and can only be overturned by The Maker of All Things. So, while there's a chance Apollo could help Zeus, it's really iffy. I don't think he wants you, his twin sister, The Fates, and the Boss all pissed at him at the same time. Don't worry about the rest of the Olympian gods. Not one of them will stand with Zeus against you. Even Aries has told Zeus not to fuck with you."