Creation's Guardian Ch. 10

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Cassandra's first "Away" mission.
18.3k words

Part 10 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/09/2014
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Author's notes:

There's not a lot of sex in this chapter. There is a lot of character and plot building as Cassandra begins to adjust to her new roles.

A special thanks to Kayline Blake for another great editing job! WELL DONE KAY!


When Destiny popped in Cassandra rolled her eyes and asked, "What is it now Destiny?"

Destiny shook her head. "Look Cassandra, I don't like delivering these messages any more than you like hearing them. Unfortunately, most of these shitty messages fall under my area of responsibility so I'm the unlucky bitch that gets stuck delivering them. Is there any way you could just hate the message without constantly wanting to shoot the messenger?"

"I know I shouldn't take it out on you, and I'm sorry Destiny. It's just that...well... whenever you or Life pop in, it usually means you're gonna say or do something that's gonna upset my husband, and THAT... irritates me to no end. I realize you're only doing your job and I'll try not to be such a bitch to you all the time. I can't promise not to get upset about your messages, but I'll do my best not to take it out on you anymore. Okay?"

"Thanks. This time, you don't have anything to get upset at me about though. Mother did have a message she wanted me to give you, but I told her I wanted no part of it. So she let me off the hook. I'm just here to let you know she wants to see you and Bob right away."

"Whoa, wait a minute here! Did you just say what I think you said? You told the boss no? I didn't think that was even possible," Cassandra replied.

"It's not, and I didn't EXACTLY tell her no. I just let her know I wouldn't be happy about delivering this particular message. When she asked my why, I told her that I honestly felt this was something she needed to handle herself. She agreed with me and told me to just let you two know she wanted to see you both as soon as possible."

Bob looked at Destiny with a frown. "I don't suppose you'd give us some kind of clue as to what she wants Sis?"

"Uh uh, not this time Little Brother. I want no part of THIS mess."

"That bad huh?" Bob inquired.

"No comment, Little Brother."

Bob stood taking Cassandra's hand pulling her to her feet. "Well in that case, I guess we should go and find out what the hell's going on this time."

When they got there, Life and the Boss were already waiting for them. Life gave Cassandra a hug and a kiss on the cheek first, then turned to Bob doing the same as she whispered in his ear, "I know you're gonna be upset but please hear everything that mother has to say before reacting."

Bob thought it was strange that Life would say something like that. He would've listened to everything anyway. That was just who he was. He frowned, giving Life a slight nod indicating he understood and agreed.

The Boss sat down and said, "Have a seat Captain, we need to talk."

"Yeah, that's what Destiny said Boss. What's going on this time? Did I screw up somehow or something?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong Captain. In fact you've done everything right so far. There's some things I need to explain to you and it's gonna take some time. Try to have a little patience, we'll get there eventually, I promise. Destiny's right, I should've talked to you about this a while ago, but I didn't expect you to do what you did with your governors and their teams. We'll get to all that in a bit. First things first though.

Let's talk about the three Olympian Goddesses you recently impregnated. I didn't have you pass on any powers to their children because the powers I wanted them to have could only come from me. I'll tell you what powers their children will have then we'll move on to other things.

Artemis's daughter will be a lot like her mother. She'll be an expert at trapping, hunting, and tracking. Her skills with the bow and lance will be unmatched. She'll be able to see what her arrow or lance 'sees' as it flies through the air and she'll be able to guide it to its intended target even if it's hidden from her view. Her arrows and lances will have the combined elements of fire, frost, and lightning. They'll be able to pierce any defensive shield or material except those created by you or me and the combined elements will obliterate her intended target.

Artemis's son will be able to cause meteors several miles in diameter to rain from the sky creating an Extinction Level Event. Hopefully, he'll never have to use it, but it's there just in case he does.

Hestia's daughter will be able to cast a form of reflective and amplifying defensive shielding. It'll not only reflect incoming damage back at an attacker, it'll amplify the potential damage by a factor of ten. Hestia's son will be able to turn members of an attacking force against their friends and allies, temporally reducing the number of enemies fighting you, while causing a great deal of chaos within their ranks.

Demeter's daughter's gonna be able to slow or even reverse a short period of time. It won't have any effect on the group she's with. It'll only affect things outside of that group buying time for them to regroup or change strategy. Demeter's son is gonna have the ability to open a one way portal to the void for a short time. Both you and Athena's son have telekinetic abilities so you'll be able to toss a particularly stubborn opponent through the portal and not have to deal with them ever again. This will come in handy when you're dealing with certain types of demons. Usually when these particular demons are destroyed, the prince of darkness simply creates a new one in its place. However, if they're in the void, he won't know if they're alive or dead and won't be able to spawn a replacement.

All of the children will inherit their mother's powers and abilities in addition to the powers I've given them. I know you're not gonna like it very much, but I've also made a minor change to all your children's DNA Every one of them will bind and bond to you and all six of the Olympian Goddesses when they're born. You follow me so far Captain?"

"Yeah, I hear ya Boss. You're right, I don't like it, not one dam bit. I don't see any reason my kids should be little more than bound servants. It's bullshit."

"That's pretty much what I expected you'd say Captain. You need to learn to reason things out a little better before reacting. If you had stopped and thought about it, you'd realize it was something that had to be done. The fallout from the collapse of Olympus and Zeus's betrayal has been worse than I expected. I've been able to contain most of it from adversely affecting creation, but just barely. Some of it was impossible for me to stop without totally destroying creation and starting over. The damage it's causing will make your job a hell of a lot tougher in both the short and long terms. But if we make the right decisions at the right times, we'll be able to swing things back on track. Just imagine what would happen if a similar incident were to occur while we were still repairing the damage that's already been done. The changes I've made to your children's DNA won't make them bound servants. The changes simply insure that your children can never disobey or betray you in any way. Try to understand Captain, Creation absolutely cannot afford another Zeus incident."

"Point conceded Boss. I get it, I really do. I just wish you'd tell me these things up front instead of letting me act like an idiot."

"If I did that, how would you ever learn to engage your brain before putting your mouth in gear Captain? Anyway, on to your governors and their teams. If I had talked to you about all this the last time you were here, none of this would be necessary. While I admit it's my fault and I take full responsibility, I can't fix it without causing more problems than it's worth. You on the other hand, DO have the ability to clean up this mess without making things worse. All I can do is tell you what you need to know and hope you make the right decisions.

You were right when you told Cassandra that something was different about their DNA. They're actually half Atlantian. When the anti-matter reactor on board the Atlantian ship failed, it released a cloud of radioactive gas that left all the Atlantian women and most of the men sterile. In an effort to save their race, the Atlantians kidnapped thirty five women from all over the planet you now call Cailin. They harvested eggs from the kidnapped women and implanted mitochondrial DNA taken from the Atlantian women into the eggs. Then they fertilized them and placed them in the wombs of the kidnapped women. Six weeks later; they did a genetic test on all thirty five women and were shocked to find that only the human mitochondrial DNA was showing up in every fetus. They waited another six weeks and tested the women a second time, with the same results. The experiment was deemed a failure and all thirty five women were returned to their original locations.

What the Atlantians didn't realize at the time is that the Atlantian mitochondrial DNA was actually present but their equipment couldn't see it. They had crafted a special strand of the Atlantian mitochondrial DNA that would only produce females and could only be passed from mother to daughter. They failed to take that into account when they ran their genetic tests. One of the side effects of their genetic tampering was that the Atlantian mitochondrial DNA could only be passed on to one daughter. That meant there could never be more than thirty five half Atlantian females in each generation. It also created what could be called a 'racial imperative' in every half Atlantian female. If they don't get pregnant with a daughter by their fortieth birthday their organs begin to shut down and they die a slow painful death. By the time they realized all this, it was too late. They never got a chance to repeat the experiment or track down the pregnant women because the explosion that caused the continent to break up and sink happened a few days after they released the kidnapped women.

Over the centuries I've kept the number constant by making sure each of the half Atlantian women had at least one daughter. I've also made sure they all continued to be half Atlantian by keeping the number of Atlantian DNA markers constant and preventing genetic fading. When you started searching for leadership teams for the seven planets, I saw a chance to put their extremely high intelligence to good use. First I gave you some gentle suggestions as to what to look for in a leadership team then I manipulated the data so that only the first twenty five women would show up in you search pool. I knew Amanda and Victoria would help you fill in the empty slots. I also made sure everyone would pick education as their first priority.

I know you're gonna ask about Amanda and Nicole so I'll just tell you now. Nicole was I guess you could say adopted, just before Amanda turned three. Neither one of them know about it and I'd prefer it if you left it that way. Nicole's mother was barely eighteen when she got pregnant. She only lived a couple of houses down from Amanda and her family. Nicole's mother and Amanda's mother were good friends. Simply put, Nicole's mother delivered Nicole under Amanda's mother's name and listed Amanda's father as Nicole's father. The only reason I'm telling you this is so that you'll understand why there's two half Atlantian women who appear to be sisters.

Now comes the hard part Captain. I know how you feel about certain things and I wouldn't ask you do this if it wasn't absolutely imperative. When you altered their DNA to slow the aging process, you accidentally triggered their latent psionic abilities. They're all gonna be emphatic and have full telepathic abilities. Some of them will be able to manipulate matter at the sub-atomic level. Others will be able to shape shift, and as you've already seen, some of them will be able to project auras that can affect people around them. The time it takes for them to realize it will vary from woman to woman, but generally speaking, three or four days is about right. So you have some time but not much.

I'm gonna be blunt. I'd like you to fuck every last one of them brainless at least once Captain! Start with Nicole. She was on the brink of going to the darkness. You pulled her back just in time, but she's still very susceptible. Like her birth mother, Nicole's always been a bit of a 'wild child,' but unlike her mother who was killed when she was caught in the crossfire during a gang war, Nicole has managed to survive. Although just barely. She's the only one of this generation of Atlantian women that's been pregnant and that wasn't something she had planned. Nicole was allergic to birth control pills. But she always refused to have unprotected sex. She was drunk and out cold when that thing fucked her without a condom. At first he claimed the baby wasn't his and accused her of fucking around on him. Nicole got really angry and called him an asshole. She told him that if she had to prove he was the baby's father, she'd nail him for every dime of child support she could get. When he told her to abort the baby, she told him to go fuck himself, she wasn't killing her child for him or anybody else. You already know the rest of the story. I don't wanna lose Nicole like I did her mother. That's why I'm asking you to start with her. I want you to begin working your way through the list tonight. Don't stop until you've fucked them all. I'll make sure you have enough stamina and that every one of them is ready, willing, and very horny. Don't worry, you won't have to fuck any of them more than once unless you want to. I've adjusted the binding, bonding process so that they'll always be more than willing, but they won't crave sex with you the way the other twelve women do.

One more thing Captain. I'd like to increase the size of the Atlantian gene pool. I've removed the bug that kept them from having more than one half Atlantian daughter. But I've made sure only YOU can get them pregnant. I want you to impregnate every one of them with twin girls. As with your Olympian children, your Atlantian children will bind and bond to you at birth."

Bob ran his fingers through his hair as he sighed deeply. He looked down shaking his head and softly said, "Here we fucking go again." He looked up giving Destiny a sad smile. "I can understand why you didn't want to deliver this particular message Sis, I wouldn't have wanted to do it either." Bob turned his attention to the Boss. "I realize you framed this as a request Boss. But in reality, what choice do I have? I'm not about to let thirty four out of thirty five innocent women die an agonizing death because we screwed up. I AM gonna sit them all down and explain most of this to them before I do anything else. Don't worry, I'll leave out that part about Nicole and Amanda not being sisters and the fact that originally they could only have one half Atlantian daughter. I'm not sure how Nicole's gonna react though. There was no easy way to erase three years worth of memories without confusing the hell out of her. So I just adjusted a few key memories. She remembers being pregnant, but thinks her daughter and boyfriend were killed in a head on collision with a drunk driver. This way, the time she spent in the hospital, her dropping out of college, and the years she spent dealing with the survivor's guilt are all accounted for. I adjusted Amanda's memory the same way. Just so we're clear on this Boss, I'm not doing this for you or me, I'm doing it for them. In return, I want you to give them AND any children they have the same deal you gave Stacy. Full immortality and eternal youth and beauty."

The Boss frowned. "All of them and every one of their children as well? You're asking an awful lot Captain."

"I don't think so Boss. In fact I think it's the ONLY way you're gonna get them all to agree to your plans. Kendra's already told me she doesn't want to outlive her children. I think you'll find the rest of them feel the same way. The other problem is that before I changed her memory, Nicole told me she was done having babies. I don't know if she still feels that way, but I need something I can use to change her mind if she does."

"All right Captain, you've got your deal." The Boss shook her head laughing. "You drive a hard bargain but I think it'll be worth it in the end."

"I hope so Boss. Destiny's right though. You and I need to communicate with each other better than we've been doing. I'll be back here in a few days. I'm gonna need your help moving everyone because I wanna do it all at once. I'll bring Cailin with me. She'll know exactly where each person needs to go. I'm also gonna need you to put the ones staying on Cailin in some kind of stasis field long enough to restore the planet then set them all down in the right spots."

"I'd be happy to help you out with that Captain. If you have everything else ready moving everyone will only take a few of your seconds."

"There are some things I don't understand Boss. Why is this thing with Zeus affecting so much of creation and if all these women needed to be pregnant with a daughter before turning forty why'd you wait so long?"

"I would've thought the answer to your second question was obvious Captain. I wanted you to be the father of their children. I only cut it close with two of them. Tori will turn forty on December eleventh and Ekaterina turns forty on December nineteenth. That's still four months away. The next closest one is Anya and she's thirty seven. All the rest are in their early thirties. I knew you planned on resettling everyone within the next week. I figured I'd wait until that was finished then explain everything to you. That plan went out the window when you accidentally activated their latent abilities.

As far as your first question goes, you don't think humans are the ONLY race the Olympians are responsible for do you? Creation's constantly changing and expanding. Old galaxies die new galaxies are born. The same goes for species old ones die off and new ones are created. Generally speaking, the Olympians have primary responsibility for the younger species. There are billions of them scattered throughout Creation, which is one of the reasons I had you triple the number of Olympians. The number of new species has grown so much over the last couple of thousand years that it's become impossible for the original Olympians to handle them all. While I think of it Captain, you may wanna consider giving Stacy, the thirty five half Atlantian women, and all your children the ability to teleport at least from planet to planet. It'll make things a whole lot easier on you in the long run."

"Giving them all teleport is a good idea Boss. I have another question for you though. You're asking me to be the father of a total of eighty three children. How in heaven's name do you expect me to be a decent father to them all? I damn sure don't wanna treat my children the same way Zeus treated his."

"I don't have an answer to that question Captain. But you're a good man, I'm sure you'll figure SOMETHING out. There's something else you should know though. It's gonna be a little tough to explain, but I'll do my best. There's no way to predict exactly what psionic abilities the Atlantian children will have. The only thing I CAN be sure about is that their abilities will become active sometime between the ages of eighteen and twenty. The original Atlantians were an advanced species. They were a generally peaceful but pragmatic people. As the population grew, their leaders realized that eventually the planet wouldn't be able to support them all. They poured a lot of time, energy, and resources into developing a practical star drive and began colonizing other planets. They also worked hard on improving their genetic and DNA technologies so that their citizens could live on otherwise hostile planets.