Creation's Guardian Ch. 11

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Preparations for moving day begin.
16.5k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/09/2014
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AUTHOR'S NOTES: This chapter sets the stage for "moving day." It also gives a lot more detail on the "new" Cassandra. It's a little light on the sex but I hope you enjoy it anyway.

A very special thanks to Kayline Blake for another great editing job! Fantastic work Kay!


"Let's go wake the governors and their teams and get THAT project started," Bob said.

As Bob was laying out the breakfast buffet, Destiny said, "Bob, before you wake them, I have a few things to tell you and Cassandra." She turned to Cassandra with a smile. "Don't worry Little Sister this is one message I'm gonna love delivering. I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it too. It's mainly for and about you, but Mother wanted Bob to hear it as well. Life and I are calling you Little Sister because we're extremely proud of the way you've handled this last crisis. But that's NOT the ONLY reason.

Mother's decided that Bob was right; he needs more than just a fuck toy for a wife and queen. She's made you queen of creation as well as queen of the Olympians. In addition to giving you all the powers and abilities that Zeus and Hera had, she's added a litany of new ones. In fact you have some powers and abilities that Bob doesn't. It's gonna take you some time to understand and use them all properly. That's one of the reasons Life and I are gonna stick around for a while. Before we leave, we wanna make sure you know how to use every single gift Mother's given you. Last night, when you said you were the meanest, baddest, little bitch in all of creation, you weren't exaggerating. As much as she wanted to; Mother couldn't make you a goddess again. So instead, she made you almost as powerful as Bob. It's her way of telling you she's proud of you and she's thanking you for the leadership you've been showing lately.

Every so often Life and I will challenge you with an obstacle of some kind. We'll show you which powers or abilities you have that could help you overcome the challenge, and we'll show you how to use them. It'll be up to you to decide the best way to handle the situation. I couldn't tell you all of this earlier because Mother wanted to make sure that both you and Bob understand that these challenges are just training exercises. You'll never be harmed in any way. Afterwards, we'll critique your actions and tell you what you did right and wrong. If something comes up that APPEARS to be an exercise but isn't, we'll tell you it's not a drill. If there's anything you don't understand, or if I've confused you in some way, just tell me and I'll try to explain it a little better."

To everyone's surprise Cassandra burst out laughing. When she finally stopped laughing, she wiped the tears from her eyes and said, "You're right Destiny, I absolutely LOVE this message! You haven't confused me at all. In fact I already suspected most of what you've told me. When the gods showed up earlier, I realized there were about a dozen different ways I could handle things, including taking all their heads and using them for soccer balls. There were some things I saw, that I didn't understand. But I already knew how the tap on the forehead worked from last night and I was a little stressed from everything that's happened. So I decided to have a little fun and toy with them instead of fighting a major battle. Persephone was my ace in the hole. She kept master out of my hair, and the gods were so busy ogling her they forgot what they were here for."

Destiny laughed then said, "Yeah, I have to admit THAT was highly effective, even if it was a bit unorthodox. I certainly wouldn't have thought of it. But what would you have done if they'd brought a goddess along?"

"That's a good question. I honestly don't know. There were just too many variables. If they had come ready to fight and were positioned properly, it would have been one hell of a long battle. I would have had to use more combat skills and less magic. If they had showed up as unprepared as they were this morning, I would have probably hit them with a couple of thunderclaps to stun them, vamp the goddess and as many gods as I could before the effect wore off and then stepped back and toyed with whoever was left." Cassandra replied.

Life smiled and said, "That's not a bad answer considering how little you know about your powers right now. We've learned from the mistakes we made when Bob first got his powers. They were just dumped in his head all at once and it took Mother over two hours to straighten out the mess we made of his mind. She wasn't happy about that at all. So we've organized all your powers into separate lists inside your mind to make things easier for you. I'm pretty sure you know what powers Zeus and Hera had. Disregard all of that and look through the new stuff Mother gave you. What you're looking for should be right near the top of your list of new abilities."

Cassandra closed her eyes for a minute or so. She opened them, looked at Life and said, "Okay, I see an ability called shield disrupt, but what the hell does that mean, and how does it work?"

"Simply put, you command them to lower their shields and they do. It doesn't matter how many of them there are, or what position they're standing in. It works on any personal defensive shield, not just on Olympian shields," Life replied. She smiled again and continued, "Besides Mother, you're the only being with that particular skill. We'll talk more about this later. We're out of time. Bob needs to get busy with the governors and their teams and he might need your help convincing them to go along with the plans we've all made for them." Life turned to Bob and asked, "You don't mind if Destiny and I sit in and help out a bit do you?"

"Hell no. I don't mind at all. I can use all the help I can get," Bob replied. He turned to Kadir. "Okay Baby Girl, send them all a wake up call."

"Master, I have a few suggestions that may help our cause a bit," Cassandra said. She giggled then continued, "I know you'll stand when the ladies enter the room, but instead of just sitting right down, I think you should remain standing for as long as possible. I also think that you having a 'chubby' wouldn't hurt and you should try to say something with a slight sexual undertone to it."

Bob gave Cassandra a quizzical look. "What the hell's a chubby?" he chuckled.

"Um... a chubby is when your cock's not quite hard but not exactly soft either. Sorta like at half-mast. You should also move around a little to draw their attention to it, and then say something that could be taken more than one way." Cassandra giggled.

Bob rolled his eyes and grinned. "Okay sweetie, I'll give it a try." When the parade of gorgeous women entered the dining room, Bob stood. He let his massive cock swell just enough so that it was pointing slightly away from his body but nowhere near enough to be called an erection. He put his hands on his hips, smiled and said, "Good morning ladies. We've got a full day ahead of us so breakfast is gonna be simple, long fat sausage and extra-large eggs."

"I'd take HIS fat sausage and extra-large eggs for breakfast anytime," Nicole tittered in Amanda's ear. She licked her lips as she snuck a quick glance at Bob's enormous cock.

"You're not the only one," Amanda whispered back with a soft giggle. "I'd give anything to ride that monster just once."

When all the women had their food and were seated, Bob pushed his chair in and said, "You've undoubtedly noticed, we've got some additional company this morning." After everyone was introduced to Destiny, Life, and the Titanides, Bob continued, "After breakfast, we're taking another field trip. There's some things I wanna make sure you get a good look at." he reached up scratching the back of his head then put his hands back on his hips.

"I'm sure you've all heard the story of Atlantis. It's one that scholars think is more myth than legend. The truth is it's neither one." Bob created a holograph map of the galaxy and pointed to an area on the lower edge. "This is a quasar, commonly known as a black hole. Up until the third century BCE it was a star very much like Neuveia's sun. It had seven planets orbiting around it with two of them being in the habitable zone. The first of the two was the home world of the Atlantians. The second one was their first off world colony." Bob went on to explain everything the Boss had told him and Cassandra about the war between the Atlantians and the Groms. He explained how the lone surviving Atlantian ship had crash landed on ancient Earth and how the subsequent explosion of their mater/antimatter reactor caused the continent to break up and sink. "I know you're all probably wondering what this has to do with all of you and why I'm giving you an ancient history lesson during breakfast. All I can say right now is indulge me for a bit. All your questions will be answered during our little field trip."

After breakfast Bob ported everyone to New Atlantis making sure they popped up in a large meadow with a single stone bench facing it. "Welcome to New Atlantis ladies. This continent is exactly the same size and shape and sits in the same spot the original one did on ancient Earth. If you'll have a seat there in the grass, I'd like to ask you all a question before I pick up where I left off during breakfast." He waited until they were all seated before sitting on the edge of the stone bench with his hands on his wide spread knees knowing it would put his gigantic, semi-erect cock directly at eye level for them. Bob looked around at the sea of faces and asked, "As you were growing up, how many of you were taught to keep your intelligence hidden? That if certain people found out how smart you really were bad things could happen? Give me a show of hands."

All thirty five women raised their hands. "Yup, that's what I thought." Bob said. He made his enormous cock twitch just a bit and they all unconsciously licked their lips. "I know none of you were ever told why you had to hide how smart you were because it's been one of the best kept secrets in the history of creation. Up until last night, there were only three beings that knew the secret even existed my sisters Destiny and Life, and my boss, The Maker of All Things. However, circumstances have conspired in such a way that it's become imperative that each of you learn why you were told those things along with the true nature of your origins."

Bob told them everything the Boss had said about how the original Atlantians had kidnapped thirty five human women and used them as a genetic experiment in an attempt to save their race. The only things he left unsaid was the fact that Nicole and Amanda weren't blood sisters and that originally they would've only been able to pass the Atlantian traits on to their first born daughter.

When Bob finished talking, Tori spoke first and her anger was clearly evident in her tone of voice. "Are you telling me that if I don't get pregnant with twin girls before my next birthday I'm gonna die? Cause if you are, that's really fucked up Bob. What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't supervise the environment of an entire planet AND try to get pregnant at the same time. Am I supposed to be an environmentalist by day and a slut by night?"

Destiny spoke up. "Take it easy Tori. There is a solution, but you're probably not gonna like it any more than Bob does." She explained how Bob could get them all pregnant and the deal he had made with the Boss.

Tori was still a bit angry but she had calmed down a little. "Let me make sure I'm clear on what you're telling me. IF I fuck Bob this ONE time, you're promising me that not only will I get pregnant, even though I'm not on the fertile part of my cycle right now, and also that I'll NEVER die. I'll look exactly like I do now for eternity. My children will never die or get sick and they'll never look older than about twenty years old. Oh yeah, and that the ONLY one who can get ANY of us pregnant is Bob."

"I'd say that's a pretty accurate summary Tori," Destiny replied.

Amanda spoke up. "Okay, now it's OUR turn to tell YOU TWO a few things. Yes, we'd have preferred it if we had been given an honest choice. But we know for a fact you didn't have any real choice either. Our damn ancestors created this mess not you. We understand that, and despite Tori's hammed up job of play acting, none of us are really angry. It didn't take three or four days for our psionic powers to kick in, it took less than thirty six hours of actual time. Your mother knew or at least should've known this Destiny. She also should've realized that once our psionic abilities switched on, the Atlantian DNA would begin to replicate itself, replacing the human DNA. Within a week there won't be any human DNA left in our bodies. We'll be full blooded Atlantians, although you won't be able to tell the difference just by looking at us. Humans and Atlantians look so much alike that the only way to tell us apart is with a DNA scan. We also know that once we fuck Bob, we'll all be bound and bonded to him and frankly that doesn't bother us in the least either. Truth be told, if our ancestors hadn't screwed up and we could've made the decision on our own, we'd still accept the terms of the agreement. Every single one of us has wanted to ride that monster since we first got here.

One final thing and this is directed solely at you Bob. Nicole and I want to thank you for what you did for us. You did a really good job of cleaning up our memories. We were awake when the Olympian gods showed up earlier. We heard all the commotion and we were curious to see what would happen. But Cassandra picked a spot for the battle that we couldn't see from our windows so we watched Cassandra have her fun through Stacy's eyes. Unfortunately, the memory of how you helped us was still fresh in Stacy's mind. Thankfully, while we know what you did and why, we have no memory of it happening. It doesn't seem real to us, so it doesn't affect us at all."

Nicole stood as she said, "Amanda's right, we owe you big time Bob. I saw how screwed up I was. You didn't just save my life, you saved my soul too. We know you need to fuck all thirty five of us plus the Titanides before the night ends. Why don't you just port everybody to that huge new bed in your castle. That way when one of us rolls off, the next can climb aboard. You'll get us all fucked a lot quicker and that way Cassandra and the goddesses won't have to wait as long for their turn. By the way, can you do us all a favor and get rid of these silly invisible jumpsuits? None of us want or need them anymore. Oh could I have first ride on that huge dick of yours? Like I said, I owe you and honey, I promise, I'M GONNA ROCK YOUR WORLD!" she giggled.

Bob smiled as he stood. "No thanks are necessary and you don't owe me a thing Nicole. You asked me to alter your memory and Amanda agreed it needed to be done. She also asked me to change her memory as well. All I did was try to honor both of your requests as best I could. I was already planning to port everyone at once but some women may want to relax in the hot tub next door while they wait their turn. Your jumpsuits are gone now and yes, you can have first ride. Then I'll do Amanda and the rest of the team. After that I'll go by teams in the same order they were assigned planets. That seems to be the fairest way to do things."

"That's fine baby, but can we just get to your bedroom? It's time we stopped talking and started fucking! I haven't had a cock in my tight little pussy in over three years and I'm horny enough to jump your bones right here," Nicole laughed.

Bob ported everyone to his bedroom and he wasn't the least bit surprised when the instant they hit the bed, Nicole was all over him. She was the youngest of the Atlantian women having just turned thirty a couple of months before. At five foot two inches, she was also the smallest. She sported a pair of large C cups that looked huge on her petite one hundred ten pound frame. They were firm, full, and round with two inch dark brown areolae and big puffy tan nipples that were already swollen and as hard as diamonds. She had a flat toned abdomen, wide rounded hips, trim shapely legs and a luscious heart shaped ass just made for bouncing off thighs as she rode a hard cock. Her long auburn locks fell to the middle of her back in soft waves framing her beautiful face, and highlighting her gorgeous sapphire eyes. Her long thick eyelashes gave her a sultry, 'I'm always ready to be fucked' look, and her Angelina Jolie like lips just begged to be kissed or to have a hard cock sliding in and out of them.

Cassandra laughed as she watched Nicole straddle Bob's hips and push his shoulders to the mattress. "Good luck with THAT one Master. She definitely knows what she wants and how to go about getting it. Destiny, Life, and I are going down to the dining room. We have a few things to talk about. We'll be back up later. Have fun, my love."

"You too sweetie," Bob managed to say before Nicole's lips met his in a searing kiss.

Nicole moaned softly into Bob's mouth as their tongues entwined, battling each other for dominance in an ageless fencing duel. They chased each others tongues from mouth to mouth kissing passionately. Nicole rubbed her drenched cunt up and down over Bob's enormous shaft as it lay on his groin, coating it thoroughly with the thick, slick juices flowing copiously from her overheated pussy. She moaned a little louder as she tipped her hips and ground her swollen clit against Bob's angry looking, purplish glans. Nicole broke the kiss gulping in air as she raised herself to a kneeling position. "Fuck! I need you inside me NOW!" she panted as she grabbed Bob's soaked cock and placed the huge mushroomed head against the opening to her gushing cunt. She twisted, turned, squirmed, rocked, and pushed down hard until she felt the huge tip of Bob's gigantic cock and about two inches of his massive shaft squeeze its way past her inner lips and into the satiny slick, wet heat of her tight cunt. Nicole held herself there resting her hands on Bob's chest and panting from her exertion.

When she caught her breath, she groaned and said, "Christ, your cock's huge! It feels like the fucking thing's gonna split me in two. I need a minute or two for my cunt to get used to having a baseball bat stuffed in it Master." Nicole's eyes widened with surprise. "Did I just say what a think I said, Master? Yup, I sure did," she giggled. "Master huh? Never had a master before. Sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun. I like it," she giggled again.

Nicole began rocking side to side and back and forth slowly working Bob's enormous shaft into her hungry little cunt. When she felt the huge glans poking at her cervix, she looked down and exclaimed, "HOLY SHIT MANDY! Look at this! I'm bottomed out! His cock is huge! He's hitting my cervix and there's still at least two inches sticking out of my cunt!"

"And what surprises you about that Nikki? Look how small your body is. You honestly didn't expect to fit ALL of that monster inside you. Did you?" Amanda laughed.

Nicole didn't answer. She was laying on Bob's chest, her tongue buried in his throat, twerking her hips and grinding her clit on his pubic bone. She broke the kiss and gulped in air. Then she let out a loud, long wail as a massive orgasm ripped through her core. Her tight cunt clamped down on Bob's enormous shaft like a vise and began to spasm. Her tiny, tight pussy with its velvety smooth slickness milking his gigantic cock was more than Bob could take. He blew his load, shooting spurt after spurt of creamy white goo in Nicole's hot, gushing cunt, impregnating her with twins just as she passed out on top of him. When Nicole regained consciousness, she kissed Bob tenderly and said, "Thank you Master. You really fucked the living shit out of me. My poor little pussy's so sore that I'll probably walk funny for about a week. I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna want another ride on that monster cock of yours as soon as we have a little more time."