Criminal Minds Ch. 03


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"Thanks, Lola," Derek said, clasping the older woman's hand.

"All in a day's work," Lola smiled. "Please let him come home safe, Lord," she whispered softly as she slipped quietly from the bedroom.

"Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life." M Williamson.


"Sometimes we let affection, go unspoken, Sometimes we let our love go unexpressed, Sometimes we can't find words to tell our feelings, Especially towards those we love the best." Anonymous.

'This is so not good', Spencer thought ruefully. He coughed violently, tears streaming down his face as he fumbled blindly towards where he knew the stairs to be. The Unsub had once again chosen a warehouse and with any luck they had saved the intended victim. However, their adversary was well prepared and the smoke canisters, that had been strategically placed, were detonating with chilling regularity. Spencer had unfortunately been on an upper level and needed to find his way back down.

Another bout of coughing wracked his slender frame. He was barely able to breathe, blind and effectively deafened as the smoke detector alarms were screaming shrilly. There was no point trying to call for help. He dropped to his knees, crawling slowly, coughing almost continually. He was aware of motion and half-turned. All he could see was the outline of a tall, bulky figure before a well-placed kick in his ribs sent him rolling helplessly.

He had enough time to realise he had been right about the direction of the stairs, before the momentum of the Unsub's kick sent him tumbling helplessly down them. As he hit the bottom, he tried to raise himself to crawl away, but his strength failed and, as another coughing fit robbed him of air, he spiralled into blackness. His last thought was whether Derek knew just how much he was loved.

"If you press me to say why I loved him, I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I." Michel de Montaigne


"The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." Victor Hugo.

Lola peered in on her charge and gave a cluck of annoyance. Derek was not only awake but reading the reports.

"What happened to rest?" she asked, tapping her foot.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought maybe I could see something in here to help find this killer before he strikes again. It makes me feel I'm contributing, even if the rest of the team are out there without me."

"Just so long as I don't end up with a lashing by that beautiful boy's tongue," Lola smiled. "He trusted me to care for you."

"Like I should have trusted him," Derek said quietly. "When he comes home I'll tell him. I never want him to doubt himself because of me."

"Sounds like someone at the door," Lola grinned. "Back in a jiffy."

The noises that reached Derek's ears did not sound good. He could hear Lola's voice and she sounded distressed. There was a male voice, too deep for Spencer's and not loud enough for Derek to place. With a grunt he forced himself to his feet and hobbled to the door. He headed into the living room and thought his heart would stop as he looked inside.

Rossi and Lola were so wrapped up in their own heated discussion they did not see Derek as he hobbled towards the settee. Derek only had eyes for his lover, who sat silently, head back, his face almost white, his bloodshot eyes looking upwards. Derek's good eye picked up the bruise on Spencer's cheek as the beloved face moved slightly. He realised that Rossi and Lola were arguing over where Spencer should sleep. It seemed as though his lover had told Rossi he would sleep on the settee and Lola was insisting he have the bed she was using.

"Spencer," he whispered, holding out his hand. "I need you, Pretty Baby. Sleep with me? Please?"

Slowly the younger man's head swivelled towards him and his bloodshot eyes focused on Derek's face. Derek waited, with baited breath, praying his lover would not refuse. It seemed to the older man as if his very soul was under scrutiny and then Spencer's shaky hand was reaching towards him. Derek did not try to hide the tear that slid down his cheek. Expressing his fears had almost led to the loss of the most precious thing in his life and Derek would not abuse his lover's generosity of heart.

"Let us help," Rossi said as he noticed the lovers. "You can't carry him and he can't walk unaided."

"You walk with me, Derek," Lola insisted. "Let's get your young man settled and we'll leave you to care for each other." She felt the tenseness in her charge's body as she walked with him back to the bedroom. She could see that his eyes never left the slowly moving men ahead of them. She nodded as Rossi helped Spencer sit on the bed.

"He'll need help undressing," Rossi said, looking back at the matronly nurse and Derek.

"I can take care of that just fine," Lola said with a wave of her hand. "Now why don't you tell us what we need to know while I get him ready?" She gave Spencer her biggest smile, her heart lurching at the pale imitation of the one she had seen when Spencer had been told he could care for Derek.

"We got caught out," Rossi said bitterly, focusing on Derek as the nurse fussed around Spencer. "He had smoke bombs set up. Spencer was upstairs, couldn't see. The Unsub was wearing breathing apparatus and kicked Spencer down a flight of steps. He's bruised, has a very minor concussion, but his throat is raw from smoke inhalation. The meds have also left him a little spaced out." Rossi drew a small bottle from his pocket. "These are the pain killers he needs and he has to rest his throat for a day or so."

"I'll take care of him," Derek said. He frowned at the face Rossi pulled. "I have Lola, she'll help."

"There we go, all done."

Derek and Rossi looked to see Spencer ensconced in the bed. The younger man looked lost; as if uncertain it was where he was meant to be. Derek pushed the pills at Lola.

"Can you take care of these?" he asked, heading to the bed without a backward glance. Spencer needed him every bit as much as he needed the younger man. He climbed in carefully, moving so that he could cuddle as close to his lover as possible, drawing the slender body close, ignoring both Lola and Rossi as if they no longer existed. "I love you, pretty boy. I love you with all my heart and I'm so sorry I hurt you. Forgive me, please?"

If he was honest, Spencer had expected to sleep on the couch. He was stunned by Derek taking him to bed in front of witnesses. But as soon as the older man spoke, he could hear the love in Derek's voice. He remembered Hotch's advice. 'If he's reluctant to talk to you, then you have to talk to him. Don't let the silence drive you apart.'

"Yes." The word was little more than a rasp of sound, but it seemed Derek understood and his lips were immediately captured by his lover's.

"I think Derek can look after Spencer just fine," Lola said, grinning. She hooked her arms through Rossi's as she led him into the living room. "Now why don't I make us a nice pot of coffee and you can give me a little more information on Spencer's condition?"

"Sounds good to me," Rossi grinned.

Neither Derek nor Spencer was aware of them leaving. Derek interested only in holding the most precious thing in his life close to his heart. As he did he began to speak, of his youth, of his abuse and of how he felt. When finished he looked into Spencer's eyes, fearful of what he might find. He gave a soft gasp as the love he felt for the young man in his arms was reflected back at him just as deeply.

From comforter to comforted, Derek found himself held tight against Spencer's body, the warmth of his mate's love helping to dispel the cold, dark places in his heart and soul. It would still take time for them both to heal, but they had begun each wrapped in the other's arms.

"Some love lasts a lifetime. True love lasts forever." Anonymous


"Let this be my last word, that I trust in your love." Rabindranath Tagore.

Spencer awoke slowly, enveloped in warmth that reached deeply into his soul. He smiled as he felt Derek's arm holding him tightly against the older man's body. His head was pillowed on Derek's shoulder, his own stretched possessively across his lover's abdomen. He pressed a kiss to the nearest patch of skin and smiled as the arms encircling him tightened.

"Love you, Spencer."

Derek's voice was warm and rich and redolent with the love they shared.

"I love you, Derek. With all my heart." Spencer's voice was still just a harsh croak, but it was important to him to let Derek hear the words.

"I know, pretty boy. Makes me feel like I can fly when I hear you say that. I wish I'd talked to you right away..." Soft lips covering his own stopped Derek from going further. He opened his mouth letting Spencer's tongue ease inside.

For several minutes they traded kisses. It was not the time to take things further. Spencer was still recovering from his ordeal, but they renewed their promises of love.

A knock on the door had Derek ensure Spencer was fully covered before he shouted.


Lola came in with a tray and a huge, beaming smile.

"I've done some watered juice and oatmeal for Spencer and coffee and toast for you, Derek," she said, putting the tray over Derek's legs. "Pain meds are there. Your friend said he'll be back later today. I want you both to take things easy. I'll look after you both. Don't forget today's the day we get rid of that eye patch of yours. Honey," she added over her shoulder from the doorway. She gave Derek a wink as she closed the door.

Blushing furiously, Spencer sat up.

"You don't mind Lola seeing us in bed together?" he queried, sipping at the drink as he faithfully took his medication. Even the small movements he had made were reminding his body of the abuse it had endured and he would be glad to have the pills work.

"No, because she knows how much I love you. All she sees is two people in love."

"Together, Pretty Baby," Derek husked, kissing his lover. "We can do this together. Heal and grow."

"Together," Spencer vowed, his eyes shining with love for the older man.

After breakfast, Lola took Derek to have his eye checked and the dressing removed. Spencer insisted on going with them, not wanting his lover to be alone when the patch was removed. To their relief, the eye had healed and, apart from needing dark glasses for a couple of days, Derek was told his eye was fine.

They returned home and Lola instantly started to prepare lunch for them. The two men settled in to review the information on the Unsub that they already had and Spencer wrote up what had happened to him.

As lunch was beginning, Rossi arrived with additional information. He was pleased to see the couple had sorted out their problems. Despite his battered body, Spencer was smiling and relaxed and Derek took every opportunity to touch the younger man's arm or leg, the gesture both loving and possessive.

When Rossi left, Lola shooed the couple to bed.

"Relax a while," she said waving them towards the bedroom. "I'll be here if you need anything."

In minutes the two men were naked and holding one another. Derek kissed his lover, relishing the feel of skin-on-skin.

"I love you," he whispered as they broke apart.

"I love you, too," Spencer husked. He pulled out all the latest information Rossi had brought. "Not sleepy yet though," he added grinning.

"Me either, Pretty Baby. Now let's find where this Unsub has made their fatal mistake," Derek smiled, handing some papers to his mate and keeping some for himself. With Spencer at his side, sharing, trusting, loving, Derek had armour, shield and weaponry to defeat the demons of his past and face whatever the future could bring.

"True love is night jasmine, a diamond in darkness, the heartbeat no cardiologist has ever heard. It is the most common of miracles, fashioned of fleecy clouds a handful of stars tossed into the night sky." Jim Bishop.


"For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul." Judy Garland.

To the relief of the team, their combined efforts over the next couple of days unearthed a lead that led them to the Unsub. Derek and Spencer celebrated at home with Lola while the rest of the team had a night on the town.

"Well it's been a pleasure and a privilege to take care of you boys," Lola said as they prepared to retire for the night. "But Spencer's moving much more freely and can take care of you now, Derek. I'll be moving on in the morning. I'm sure you boys are ready to have your privacy back," she added with a wink at Spencer.

Derek grinned as Spencer flushed crimson, hiding his face behind a veil of hair as he scooped up his glass.

"We'll miss you, Lola, won't we, pretty boy?" Derek said.

"Yes," Spencer said, forcing himself to look at the older woman.

"You're lucky to have one another. Just keep remembering that," the older woman said wagging a finger. She smiled as the couple looked into each other's eyes as they nodded.

The door had scarcely closed behind Lola as Derek engaged the lock and turned with a predatory stare at Spencer. His lover was giving him the same look and Derek felt himself instantly harden. He smiled as Spencer came into his arms and claimed his lips. As they broke apart, Spencer instantly attacked Derek's clothes, stripping him quickly and guiding the naked man back into their bedroom.

As Derek got comfortable on the bed, Spencer began to strip. He gave a sultry smile as he reached the last item, soft, chocolate-brown briefs that strained to restrain the flesh hidden from Derek's sight. Derek groaned as Spencer turned away from him, bending to display toned cheeks as he pushed the briefs down to his ankles. He stepped out of the discarded garment and back to his mate. Derek licked his lips at the sight of the shaft, swollen and ready, arching to lay almost flat against the younger man's stomach.

Moving decisively, Spencer headed to the bed and straddled his lover's body, facing Derek and bending in for a kiss. The younger man wiggled his butt, tantalisingly, just out of reach of the prone man's jutting staff. He laughed softly at Derek's groan.

"Want me?" he asked teasingly.

"Always, forever, I love you," Derek moaned, his hands moving over warm, smooth skin.

"And I love you," Spencer whispered, dropping another kiss to Derek's lips. "Mine," he added, reaching behind himself to caress Derek's rampant organ. He pulled out their lube rubbing it over his fingers before coating Derek.

The older man groaned, taking a slender hip in each hand and trying to position the younger man. He could see that Spencer was pleased with the reaction as the younger man then positioned his lover's penis at his entrance. Derek realised what the younger man was up to and brought his body's demands under strict control.

"Spencer, wait. We haven't prepared you yet."

"Relax," Spencer assured him. "Here." Spencer guided one of Derek's hands to his entrance, encouraging the detective's fingers inside. "See? I was a very busy boy in the bathroom."

A low growl emanated from Derek's throat. The thought that his younger mate had prepared himself while Lola was still around had his arousal surging. Now that he was reassured to feel that Spencer was relaxed and slick, he wanted to be inside the heated depths. He gave a feral grin as he started to thrust his fingers into the prepared channel and Spencer threw back his head in pleasure.

"Enough of that," Spencer panted, pulling his lover's hands away. "I want to have something far more substantial inside me."

Derek smiled and obeyed his lover, bringing his hands back to Spencer's hips. Lying flat and with one leg still in plaster, penetration and thrusting would all have to be from Spencer's efforts. The younger man would have all the control. However, instead of the thought being unsettling, it gave the older man a sense of freedom and love. He was in Spencer's hands and his lover would take care of them.

The younger man slowly sat down on his lover's erection. Even with preparation, it still took a couple of minutes to accommodate his mate's flesh. He eased down a few centimetres and stopped, hands braced against Derek's chest as he waited for his sheath to relax enough for the welcome intruder.

In his turn, the older man kept up a soothing patter of words. He ran his hands up Spencer's back, across to his chest to pinch and roll taut nubs and down his thighs. He kept up a litany of how much he loved Spencer and how much he loved being inside him. Finally, his mate was fully seated. Spencer's ass cheeks were nestled comfortably on the root of his partner's thick shaft and both men sighed.

"You're so hot," Derek moaned. "Gonna melt me, Pretty Baby."

"Melt us both, make us one," Spencer whispered. He bent forward for a kiss and both men groaned as it caused the flesh filling him to shift.

Using his thighs, the younger man began moving. Hands on Derek's shoulders he began a slow steady rise and fall on his lover's rigid shaft, moving faster as their bodies demanded more friction. He began to almost drop downwards, causing them both to moan and sigh. Spencer's head was thrown back in ecstasy as he rode his lover, undulating on the flesh that pierced him.

"Love to watch you like this, lover," Derek moaned. It was true. Spencer was beautiful in Derek's eyes. Like this, he hardly dared blink for fear of missing a single moment of the ecstasy painted on the younger man's expressive face. As ready as he had been, Derek was pleased that he had been able to hold off coming so that Spencer could pleasure himself.

Spencer, by contrast, had his eyes tightly shut. His hair was already mussed and in disarray, almost covering the way his forehead furrowed in intense concentration. Spencer focusing on every sensation of having Derek buried deep within him. He lifted himself upwards until just the head of Derek's erection was inside him and then sank quickly back down. Even after preparation it was a tight fit. Spencer loved it, loved Derek and wanted to ensure they both took equal enjoyment from their lovemaking.

Spencer gave a move of his hips each time he bore down on his lover. The little wiggle pleasured both of them, eliciting sounds of pleasure from his prone mate. He still braced himself with his hands against Derek's torso. It meant he was unable to touch himself or his lover but it helped him make more powerful thrusts.

Knowing that his mate needed his hands for leverage, Derek compensated by touching as much of his lover's body as he was able. His finger's traced over the damp skin of Spencer's face, down the taut throat, feeling the training tendons, across his shoulders and down to the tight buds. Here he paused to tweak and tug, relishing the gasps and cries and the unconscious clenching and unclenching of internal muscles his actions engendered.

He took a long hard look at the strained expression on Spencer's face. His lover was clearly feeling the need to come, too. Derek could hear the slight hitch each time Spencer stimulated his own sweet spot and see the red, swollen flesh that bobbed untouched with every undulation of his lover's slender body. Given his position Derek could not help with penetration, but there was something else he could do to help bring his lover to completion.

"Ride me, Pretty Baby," he crooned. "I'm all yours, use me as you want, as you need." Derek moved one hand to Spencer's hip to help steady him and the other one to firmly grasp the younger man's erection. Fisting it, he felt the rigid penis swell impossibly further.

"Derek, please," Spencer panted, his eyes opening to gaze down at his lover. "Need to come."