Cruising Ch. 02

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Continuing adventures of Young Tom aboard the SS Ecstasy.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/21/2011
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The first day in port was St. Thomas, USVI. Mona had heard Casey come in the previous night, saying goodnight to Young Tom at the cabin door with a long kiss.

Why can't I be more like her, Mona wondered. I'm so plain,and she's so vibrant! That Tom was 20 years younger than both of us. I can't even get a married 80 year old to look at me!

Which was not true, men would look, but Mona did nothing to enhance her appearance. As they rode the open-air bus to Magen's Bay that next morning, Mona decided to bring it up.

"So, you and Tom, huh?"

Casey gave her a sly smile from behind her big sunglasses. "He's a very sweet young man."

"I'm sure he is. Did you make any plans with him?"

"Mona, don't worry, I'm not gonna abandon you. But you have to make an effort to have some fun. Hell, we're on vacation, in exotic places. Live a little!"

"I wish I had your confidence, Casey."

"Confidence? It's just a matter of not giving a shit. If Tom didn't like me, there are 1,500 other men on board, plus crew! You need an attitude. An 'I Don't Give A Shit attitude."

At the beach, they got lounges from the locals, and spread out, Mona in her blue one-piece, with white trim, which covered her almost completely.

Casey, on the other hand had a white one-piece, low in front and back. She kept her hoop ear rings on, looking for a bit of flash, with makeup.

Casey turned to her. "First, you need some color! You're so pale! Get that thing off your shoulders, let the sun bake you, feel it warm you down deep, in that special place, and enjoy it!"

Mona laughed. "Everything is so sexual to you."

"We are all sexual creatures, Mona. That's why women spend billions on looking good and men spend billions on women!"

When they arrived back at the ship, both were red-faced, and it made Mona look more alive. As they headed for their cabin, Casey grabbed her arm and they took the elevator to the Viking lounge, which was open. They had a drink at the bar, and Casey whispered how she had gotten Tom up here and had gotten caught performing oral on him.

Mona was mortified. "Oh My God! Really, right there?"

"Really. I should have Tom take you up here, you'd love it!"

Mona blushed at the thought.

They retired back to their cabin and both were loose from the sun and the cocktails. Casey looked Mona over.

"Would you let me dress you?"

Moan was shocked. "What?"

"Not Undress you, Silly!" Casey knew Mona was not ready to experiment with another girl, although Casey wouldn't have minded. "Let me put your makeup on you, fix your hair. Pick out your clothes for tonight."

"I don't know..."

"Come on, nobody knows us here, it will be fun! Like a pajama party!"

An hour later, after showering, Casey went to work, along with the Magnum of champagne from room service. They sat across from each other, Mona so nervous, feeling awkward, as Casey applied coats of mascara, eye shadow, liner, and lip gloss. She carefully blew Mona's hair out, away from her face, then she spun her around. "Have a look!"

Mona couldn't believe the face staring back at her. With the sunburn adding a glow, Casey had used colors and shades that accentuated her cheeks, her eyes.

"Well, what do you think?"

"I... I look painted!"

"That's the look, honey, the allure. I think you look great!"

Not wanting to hurt her friend, Mona agreed. It was an improvement, for sure, but she wouldn't do all this on her own.

Casey selected a red cocktail dress, that seemed surprisingly out of place in Mona's wardrobe, along with 3 inch heels, from Casey's collection that happened to fit.

Casey wore a black dress, too tight and too short for Mona's taste, but Casey wasn't dressing for Mona.

Mona walked awkwardly through the lounges, trailed by Casey, who noted the eyes following them both. Apparently she had done a good job.

At the corner of the Martini Bar stood Young Tom, in a plain black suit, looking tanned and handsome, like a young James Bond, ready for action.

Mona paused at the door, and Casey saw that Tom had spotted Mona, a quizzical look on his face, like recognition, but he was unsure. He looked Mona up and down as she stood and turned back to Casey.

Casey nodded. "There's Tom in the corner. Let's say hello."

They moved together, two cougars slinking through the underbrush, approaching the herd of male gazelles, sorting out their targets.

Tom seemed surprised when he saw Casey, and suddenly knew why Mona looked familiar.

They chatted about their days, what they'd done, and Casey was amused at how Tom stared at Mona. "He's smitten," she thought. "Maybe Mona could get a little excitement after all!"

Some women would be jealous but not Casey. She had already spotted a blond guy, who seemed closer to her age, giving her the once-over, and she had flashed her award winning smile at him.

"So, Tom, what do you think?"

"Huh? About what?"

"About our little friend Mona? What do you think of the new look?"

Mona blushed and did the old "Come on, don't do this."

Tom stared, then straightened. "Mona, no offense but you look spectacular. Did you girls go for a Spa treatment or something?"

Casey smiled broadly. "See, I told you you look hot!"

Tom stumbled on, "I didn't mean you didn't look nice before..."

Mona smiled and patted Tom's arm on the bar. "I know, thanks. Casey thinks I'm her Barbie doll."

Casey couldn't believe how smoothly Mona had handled that, even making contact with the target! Attitude!

The bartender leaned in to Casey. "The gentleman down the end would like to buy you a cocktail."

Casey looked and it was Blondie, his glass in the air, saluting her. She smiled coyly, and said, "Pour it down there. I'll be there in a minute."

To Tom and Mona she said, "I thought I recognized him! It's one of my old clients, Jim, down the other end."

They saw the tall blond smiling back at them, and she continued. "I'm gonna go say hi. You two stay out of trouble, okay? Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She winked and away she went. Mona's confidence was shaken. She was alone! Don't panic!

Tom was just as happy. Casey was fun last night, but he wasn't looking for a steady for the next six days. And he hadn't really spoken to Mona last night. And she looked awesome!

But she seemed ready to run as soon as Casey left.

"Listen," he said. "If you have somewhere to go, don't let me hold you back."

"Me? Oh, no. I mean, you must want to circulate, find someone your own age."

He laughed. "Women my age are looking for Mr. Right and I'm just getting out of that. Actually, I'm beginning to develop an appreciation for more... experienced women."

She smiled back at him. "If by experienced, you mean older, Casey and I fit that!"

"I had an aunt who said, 'You're only as old as you act,' and she was still dating at 82 when she died!"

"Well, we're not nearly that old!"

"Good, another drink, then?"

An hour later Casey came back to let them know that 'Bob' was escorting her to a show, maybe she would see them later.

Tom smiled after she left. "I thought his name was Jim!"

Mona chuckled. "We were just dumped! It's not the first time!"

"Like last night? Sorry about that!"

"Oh don't be!" Feeling bold from assorted cocktails, she continued. "Casey has that affect on men. But, the Viking Lounge? Wow!"

Tommy's jaw dropped, he blushed. "She... told you?"

Moan saw he was upset and felt bad immediately. "I'm so sorry, Tom, we went up there for a drink before and she mentioned you were there, and I guess I sort of dragged it out of her."

Tom shrugged. "Yeah, it was pretty unusual for me, too. I hope she didn't go into too much detail."

Mona thought how Casey was impressed by the huge pink head atop his thick eight inch shaft, and her eyes drifted unconsciously to his crotch. He followed her eyes and said "Oh, God, now I'm really embarrassed!"

She realized her actions and grabbed his hand. "I'm so sorry, again. And there's nothing to be embarrassed about. She was totally complimentary! To the point that she was raving about it!"

Casey sucked my cock, he thought, swallowed my cum, cleaned me up, then smiled at the audience, and now she's telling Mona about it? What's this? My God, I'm getting hard here!

He thought for a second and said, "It was pretty funny when the other couple showed up!"

"I wish I would have been there to see it!"

Tom looked into Mona's eyes and said, "What, their expression or ours?"

She looked at his crotch again, and saw the outline. "You...I mean yours, both of yours!"

She was against the wall, Tom facing her, the crowd behind him. Without breaking eye contact, he took her free hand and after a slight hesitation, she allowed him to move it below bar level, where no one could see, and he placed it on his half-erection.

Still staring, she squeezed it, feeling the life pulse through it.

They both breathed deeply, and he said, "Come to my cabin?"

"I don't know, Casey..."

"Mona, don't you see? Casey set this all up. If she didn't plan it, she encouraged it. You know you want to." He leaned forward and kissed her trembling lips softly.

With what seemed to be her last breath, she said, softly, "Okay."

Tom signed for his bill, left a generous tip, and they drifted through the crowd, him leading , holding her hand. At the elevator, they just stared, didn't say a word. He unlocked the door and she entered, the cabin identical to hers, the moonlight shining through the balcony doors.

He turned her to him and they kissed and she knew she had way too much to drink but didn't care. She didn't care that he could be her son. She just wanted him, to please him, to be pleased by him.

He grasped her ass and held it close to him, and he began to grow again. She felt it and thought of Casey sucking him, it was so erotic.

It was so warm that she hadn't worn pantie hose, and his hand and her flesh were separated by her thin white panties, and the red fabric of her dress. he felt the looseness of her cheeks, and marveled at how soft she was.

She saw the light switch and hit it, darkening the room. He went to turn them on, and she whispered, "Please, leave them off." She was more comfortable with her body in the dark for this young man, not the light.

He shrugged at that, and as his eyes adjusted to the moonlight, it didn't seem to matter so much.

He had her dress up, almost to her waist, when he realized she had just panties. He slid his hand inside and she quivered and moaned as he kneaded her flesh and she felt herself moisten.

He had his jacket and tie off and he laid her back on the bed, lifting the red dress up and away, and the panties seemed so white as he knelt before her and hooked his fingers in the elastic and tugged. She grabbed at them, afraid this was happening too fast, but he would not be denied. They were down and off before she could protest.

She had a thin black patch of soft hair and he let his fingers toy with it, while he carefully, slowly, pried her legs apart, then got in between her knees.

He kissed the soft insides of her thighs as she lay there, thinking of all the Harlequin novels she had read, how they had excited her, but not like this!

He took his time, kissing, tracing circles with his tongue, in no rush.

He was just outside the zone now and every kiss sent sparks through her system, and her head rolled on the pillow, wondering if he could possibly be this good. He had her fully spread and the cool air blew across her clit, and then he made impact, his rough, hard tongue stroked the length of her clit and she screamed something neither one understood other than pleasure.

He felt her body shaking violently, and she held his head to her, giving wave after wave of orgasm.

She laid there, breathing heavily. Tom rested on her lap, his face covered in her juices. He kissed her clit occasionally and finally wiped his face dry on his shirt, not wanting to gross her out.

As he rose off her, she stared at him.

"You okay?" he asked.

She smiled. "Better than okay, great!"

She pulled him down on her and they kissed, and she fumbled with his pants. Her few sexual partners were very formal about it, undress before you hid under the covers, then he would rise over her, still hidden by the blankets.

Tom stood and pulled her to her feet. She still wore the dress, which he unhooked the back and slid it off her shoulders and her pink bra covered what he figured to be 36B cups. They stood, undressing each other as they kissed.

Tom wasted no time with the bra tossing that aside and hefting her slightly sagging breasts.His slacks fell along with his boxers, and his eight inches stood out, hard and firm.

They continued kissing and she whispered, "Can I suck it?"

"I'd prefer you ride it."

He pulled her down on top of him, and he got her knees apart. Being on top was new to her. She had read about it, but never did expect to do it.

She hovered over him, unsure of herself but he lowered her down to where his head was just tickling her pubic hair. He couldn't believe how soft it felt, but she was too hot now to play games.

He held his shaft, and moved the tip up and down her slit and she moaned and that only spurred him on. He raised his hips, forcing the big head passed her tight wet lips, and she opened for him, blossoming as he entered her, and he body trembled.

He thrust and pulled until he was totally inside her, and again, she let out this loud moan! "Oh, Mona!" he breathed, as he felt her tighten on him, as tight as any young girl he had been with, even tighter!

She stayed rigid as he backed out, then plunged again. With each thrust she moaned. He had been with cursers, yellers, even criers, but never one who seemed to love each stroke as much as Mona. Her body began to loose its tension with time but the noises kept coming from deep inside her. It was such a turn-on to get such a rousing endorsement of his prowess before the encore!

He began slamming harder, faster, and her barks became sharper, crisper until finally one long AAAARGGGGGhhhh!!!!

The hair on his neck stood on end. She slumped onto him, so totally spent, shaking, weeping, sobbing. "Oh, Tommmmmmm! God! What did you do to me???" She was kissing him, licking his neck, snuggling, then finally, she said "You have to cum, I have to make you cum!"

"Almost ready, almost!" and he began moving again, and she slapped into him, barking at him.

"Fuck me with your prick, Baby, give me that big hard cock! Yeah, that's it, like that, faster, more, fill me up!"

And he did. He arched his back and released as she felt it warm inside her. She flung her head back. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

They laid there, kissing, whispering compliments. Through the moon light, he could see her makeup smeared from her tears. He was sure she was not the beauty he saw earlier, and when she slipped out of his arms and dressed, he let her go.

She never turned the light on, he assumed she wanted to escape with the way they remembered it, not wanting to look like the matron again.

She kissed him, softly, thanked him again, and was gone.

He washed up, looked at his watch, still early for a vacation night. And he could use a drink.

He slid into his cargo shorts and a tee and sandals. Formal night was over and he wanted to relax. He was sure Mona was back in her cabin and he hoped she had as much fun as him. They would run into each other again, he was sure, and how she acted would determine his course of action. He definitely hoped for a Round Two.

At the Martini Bar, he downed a beer quickly, letting the taste wash her juices away. On the second one, the door opened and in swept Casey, trailed by two women he didn't recognize. She spotted him and led the ladies his way.

"What happened to you? You looked so nice in your suit?"

He smiled, "I decided to change. What happened to Jim Bob?"

She smiled, coyly. "He wound up being here with his wife! Too many single men to chase, I don't play with married men!"

The other ladies showed their agreement, and she said, "And, our friend?"

"Resting comfortably, I imagine," he replied, smiling at their inside jokes. "And where are you headed? The Viking Lounge?"

"Oh, Tom, you're so evil! But that's an idea! These are my new friends Ruby and Candy. Aren't they such fun names?"

He shook both their hands and bought them a round, Ruby taking the Apple Martini with a smile and a wink. She was older than both Mona and Casey, as was Candy, probably close to 60, if not older.

They were definitely sizing Tom up, and he enjoyed being the center of attention and flirting. Based on the jewelry, clothes and makeup, they were used to this life style.

Casey said, "We're heading for the disco, the girls said it's not for kids but I'm sure we can get you in!" They all laughed heartily.

"What the hell, it's still early."

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