Cruising Ch. 02


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Gary raised his voice. "Really? You've never cheated on me before. I'm supposed to believe that. You just decided, two days into our cruise, that you were going to fuck somebody new; maybe a nigger for a change. And this morning you decided it was time to rub it in my face!"

"I wasn't trying to rub it in your face, Honey," Kathy assured Gary as sincerely as possible. "I wanted to include you so that maybe you'd understand. Yes, I cheated on you yesterday afternoon, and again last night. But whether you believe me or not, I've never done it before with anyone."

"Is that supposed to make it 'all better'?" Gary asked bitterly.

"No, I'm not trying to make it 'all better'. I'm trying to make it all real. I don't want to cheat on you anymore, and I don't want to fuck around behind your back. But, as long as he's on this boat, and I'm on this boat, I'm going to want him. In bed with Von, I feel things I've never felt before. Sex with him is better than the best drug. I'm hooked. I'm addicted, and Honey, I've got to have more of it."

Somewhat timidly, Gary said, "When he was fucking you ten minutes ago, you told him that you were 'his woman'. You said it. Are you 'his woman' now Kathy?"

"Honey, I'm still your wife. I love being your wife, and the mother of our beautiful children, but yes, yes, I am his woman. For the rest of this cruise, I'm his woman. You just saw what our sex is like. I've never had sex that good - more than just good - really better than anything, and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to deny myself. If you made me stop now - if you even could make me stop - I'd hate you for it. Can you understand that, Honey?"

"I can understand what you're saying. You keep talking about what you're feeling, what you want and what you need. It's all about you. You're being totally selfish."

"I know I am, and you're absolutely right, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to fuck Von."

For several long seconds, Gary and Kathy just stared each other in the face. Finally, Kathy cracked a small smile and spoke some more.

"You said you couldn't believe what I just did. Well, I can't believe that you jerked off while I did it!"

Gary's head drooped, obviously in embarrassment, and he said, "I think I was in shock, and I can't believe it either. But sitting there, watching you - watching you take that monstrosity of a black dick deep inside your sweet little pussy, and hearing you scream that you loved it - I got such a hard-on. It was some kind of weird, perverted reaction, I guess. But I couldn't help myself."

"Well, I'm glad that you did it," Kathy said, still smiling. "It tells me that, subconsciously at least, you really do understand." After pausing a moment, Kathy added, "I think it's going to make the rest of the cruise a little easier for you."

Gary's expression became more serious. "I'm still not happy about any of this, and I don't know where this leaves our marriage, or our future. But, I've got nowhere to run to on this fucking ship, nobody to call, and we both know that there's nothing I can do about it now."

Kathy tried to mask it, but she was inwardly pleased with what she was hearing. Gary was conceding, for the time being at least, which meant that she would be able to indulge her lust with her black lover without her husband being a problem. Kathy gave Gary a kiss, on the cheek, and reached for the door handle, ready to reenter Von's mini-suite. Gary grabbed her hand to keep the door closed so he could say one thing more.

"You let him cum inside you and it looked like he came a lot. I know you said you think this is your 'safe time' but we both know that your cycle isn't all that regular. If you - I mean when you - fuck him again I think you'd better use a condom, just in case. I'm sure they sell them in the ship's store."

"Yeah, okay, well, I'll see about it."

Kathy felt a twinge of guilt about lying to Gary after everything she'd just said and done, but she knew how much she totally loved it when Von shot his black-sperm-laden cum deep inside her. It was a big part of the whole fucking experience, and she didn't want any condoms to lessen her pleasure.

Gary followed Kathy back into the suite and he headed straight toward the door to leave. He turned to see that Kathy was standing beside Von with her arms around him.

"Will I see you both at dinner?" Gary asked.

Kathy beamed a big smile. "Of course! We'll be there, and we're going to be on the pool deck for the big party this afternoon, so maybe we'll see you there!"

Gary left Von's mini-suite and wandered dejectedly around the ship. He sat in a chair on the Lido deck, facing the ocean, for a long time, pondering how life had changed for him that day. He didn't know exactly what he would do when he returned home with his wife, but he knew that the remainder of his "vacation" was going to be much different than he had ever planned.

He went back to his ocean-view stateroom and thought how it looked so small and confining compared to Von's suite. He tried to take a nap but couldn't sleep. On a ship surrounded by several thousand passengers and crew, he felt very alone. Finally, he resolved that he was not going to mope for the next three days and he got dressed for the "fun day at sea party and barbecue" on the pool deck.

A steel band was playing island music while Gary wandered around the deck until he caught sight of Kathy and Von. Kathy was lying on her stomach on a chaise lounge while Von rubbed sunscreen on her shoulders and her bare butt. Von smiled and said something as he traced the swirling lines of her lower back tattoo with his finger. Kathy didn't notice her husband's presence until he slid a chaise lounge into position next to hers.

"Oh, hi Gary" Kathy said as she lifted her head and gave him a smile. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Von and Kathy ordered another round of drinks, and one for Gary, and the three of them relaxed in their loungers and shared small talk. Fairly frequently, Kathy and Von would lean toward each other and kiss. Gary was still uncomfortable seeing it, but he didn't say or do anything.

At one point, Kathy whispered something to Von and then got up and walked away. A few minutes later Gary asked Von if he knew where Kathy had gone. Von answered that she'd said she was going back to the room for a minute.

Gary was on his second drink when Kathy returned, bending down and giving Von a kiss before sitting down between the two men and leaning back. She reached over and patted Gary's arm, almost as if to console him.

After about an hour, Von whispered something to Kathy. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Gary," Kathy said as she sat up and started to gather her sunscreen and towel, "Von and I are going to the room for a while before dinner. We'll see you there, okay?"

Gary said "okay" then watched as his wife and her new black boyfriend walked away hand-in-hand. Neither one looked back.

"She'll be fucking him again in a few minutes," Gary thought to himself. He found it interesting, in a way, that he had already gotten used to the idea.

After one more drink at poolside, Gary decided that he'd had enough of the party and would go back to the room to shower and nap. After three drinks, he figured he'd be able to sleep a little.

When Gary entered the stateroom he immediately noticed that all of Kathy's personal items were gone from the bathroom. Checking further, he saw that her clothes and her suitcase were gone too. He knew then that when Kathy left the pool deck for 20 minutes it was to move from their room to Von's room.

Gary set his iPhone alarm to wake him at 5:30 and, thanks to the drinks he'd had on the pool deck, he fell asleep. Awakened later by the alarm, he got up and dressed for dinner. When he got to the dining table he noticed that Kathy and Von had not yet arrived. He took his seat and was chatting with the Utah family and the Ohio sisters. Everyone at the table saw Kathy and Von approaching, holding hands and glowing like newlyweds on their honeymoon.

Kathy was wearing a new dress, one that was much more daring than she normally chose. She wore no bra and the top of the dress was cut so that the sides of her boobs were visible, as were her plump nipples as they pressed against the fabric.

One of the Ohio sisters naïvely said, "Gary, I thought that you and Kathy were married."

"We are," Gary stated as Kathy took her seat next to him with Von on her other side.

"Oh my!" both of the elderly ladies blurted together. It also didn't go unnoticed to Gary when Janet, the Mormon wife, smiled at Kathy and gave her an envious wink. During dinner, Kathy talked to both of her men, and the others at the table, but it was quite obvious that she and Von were a couple.

"I like your dress" Gary told Kathy. "It's new, isn't it?"

"Thank you, Gary," Kathy said, smiling. "It is new. I bought it to surprise you on our cruise, but well, you know..."

"Well, it is a surprise," Gary said. "And you look amazing in it."

After dinner, Kathy, Von and Gary were the last to leave the table. Gary felt awkward asking his wife what she and her boyfriend wanted to do next. Kathy said that she and Von were going to go to the cigar bar to sip whisky and smoke another Cuban, but that he was welcome to join them. Gary displayed a look of disgust and said "no thanks".

As much as Kathy clearly was "Von's woman" she didn't want to disconnect totally from her husband, at that point, whether it was out of pity or affection, or a combination of the two. Kathy made Gary promise to meet them in the casino in an hour, then she and Von walked toward the cigar bar. Each had an arm around the other as they went.

Kathy agreed with Von when he said that good whisky and a fine cigar were perfect following a nice dinner.

After hooking up again in the casino, Kathy and the guys gravitated to a piano bar where they spent the next two hours. They had a great time. They drank and talked and sang along with the piano man. Von danced with Kathy several times and Gary even asked her to slow-dance once when "their song" was played.

As the three sat next to each other on bar stools, Von blatantly ran his fingers up Kathy's leg, under her new dress, where his hand lingered for some time. Kathy squirmed as she finished her drink and Von announced, "Well, I think it's about time for us to turn in."

"I'm ready!" Kathy chirped as she stood up. "Gary, call us before you leave for your diving excursion. We'll be up early."

Then she said goodnight and gave her husband a hug and a kiss on the cheek before strolling off with Von.

For the first time in their six-year marriage, Gary and Kathy were not going to spend the night together.

For Kathy and Von it was a night of wild and wonderful sex. Gary, meanwhile, slumped down in his bed, alone, after stripping off his clothes, and he masturbated. His mind conjured up images of his wife going balls-deep on that big black cock and he came harder than ever before drifting off to sleep.

Day 4 (Mexico)

Gary woke early, before his alarm. He was momentarily surprised to see Kathy's side of the bed empty. Then he remembered that she wasn't sleeping with him anymore. Not during their vacation, anyway. She was four decks up, sharing a bed with her new boyfriend.

Gary peered out the porthole and saw that the ship was already docked in Mexico. The pier was quiet with just a few workers scurrying around. In two hours he would be on that pier, preparing to embark on a day-long diving trip. He was glad that he had booked the excursion. At least it would keep him busy all day while his wife kept herself busy, with Von.

Gary remembered that Kathy had told him to call her before he went diving, saying "we'll be up early". The way that she said "we" so casually, referring to her and Von, still struck him as strange.

Gary picked up the phone and dialed 1515. After four rings, Kathy answered, obviously winded, making a "hooo" sound before saying hello.

"Morning Gary. Hooo. Are you ready to do some diving? Hooo."

"I guess so. It sounds like you're trying to catch your breath. Did I interrupt something?"

"No. Hooo. We just finished. Hooo. Your timing is perfect!"

"Good to know," Gary sarcastically stated. "Well, I'm going to get some coffee and some fruit or something before I go."

"I called room service and ordered coffee, fruit and yogurt and stuff," Kathy said, no longer breathing heavily. "Just come up here. We'll have plenty."

Gary said that he didn't want to impose or interfere with her plans, but Kathy insisted that he drop by for coffee and a bite to eat. Gary somewhat reluctantly agreed and was knocking on the door 10 minutes later.

Kathy was wearing her fluffy white robe again when she opened the door for Gary, kissing his cheek as he entered.

"Von will be right out," Kathy said, motioning toward the closed bathroom door. "He's in the shower. Our shower stall is twice as big as yours, but it's still a tight squeeze for two. We found that out!"

As Kathy and Gary were both getting coffee, the bathroom door opened and Von stepped out, once again nude with his big black cock flopping around.

"Von, Honey, make yourself decent!" Kathy jokingly admonished. "We have company." Von rummaged through a pile of clothes on the floor, tossing aside Kathy's bra and panties, and he picked up a pair of shorts and slipped them on.

Taking a sip of coffee, Gary asked his wife, "So, what are you two going to do today? I mean, I know what you're going to do, but are you going to do anything else?"

Kathy laughed. "I'm sure we'll want to take a break at some point, although Von has a one-track mind if you know what I mean! I want to go ashore, for at least a little while, and just kind of wander around Cozumel."

Von sat down beside Kathy and gave her a lingering kiss, then he told Gary, "I've got everything a man could ever want right here in this room, but if she wants to set foot in Mexico it's okay with me. I'll take good care of her, Gary, while you're out there swimming with the fishes!"

"I'm sure you will," Gary said without expression. "Well, it's about time for me to meet up with my diving group on the pier."

As Gary stood up, Kathy did too, and she walked him to the door and gave him a gentle hug.

"Be careful Gary. Don't get eaten by any sharks, okay? We'll catch up with you at dinner tonight."

Kathy opened the door for Gary and pulled it closed behind him. Gary went back to his room to grab his hat and sunglasses, then he disembarked.

Kathy and Von spent most of the next hour lounging around, feeding each other bites of melon, oranges and grapefruit.

After leading her to the bathroom, Von cajoled Kathy into shaving his balls and the base of his cock. He, in turn, shaved her pussy silky smooth. That naturally led to more fucking.

It was late morning when the couple finally got dressed and disembarked to explore Mexico together.

As Kathy and Von strolled around, checking out the shops, Kathy spotted a pharmacy. A week earlier, Kathy's friend had asked her to buy some Viagra for her husband if she happened to find a Mexican pharmacy. The friend explained that erectile dysfunction drugs are way cheaper in Mexico and no prescription is required. Kathy decided to have a little fun with Von.

"Von, sweetheart, I want to stop at the Pharmacia for a minute," Kathy said as she led him toward the store. Von expressed some apprehension.

"Well, I hope you're not thinking of buying condoms because I've really gotten used to taking you bareback".

"No, don't worry," Kathy assured. "My husband actually said that I should be using condoms with you, but you've spoiled me already. I'm not going to let anything come between us when we fuck!"

Von smiled and gave Kathy a hug, but his jaw dropped open when she stepped up to the counter and asked the store clerk for Viagra. Von pulled her back from the counter and whispered in her ear.

"I like the way you're thinking, Baby, but believe me, I don't need any Viagra. All I have to do is look at your pretty face and your gorgeous body and I'm stiff as a board. I don't need no Viagra to fuck you all night. I'll prove it to you if that's what you want!"

Kathy grinned ear-to-ear and said, "You know, I think I'm going to take you up on that. But, I'm buying the Viagra anyway!"

As they walked away from the store, Von appeared dejected and deflated. Kathy gave him a big hug and a kiss and told him that the Viagra was for her friend back home. They both laughed and laughed.

After they strolled another couple of blocks, Kathy and Von heard someone calling their names. Turning to look, they saw Janet, the Mormon wife and mom from dinner. Janet was sitting at a table outside a quaint cantina with a black guy who looked to be about 18 years old.

"I want you to meet my new friend, Justin," Janet said with a smile. "My husband and the kids took an all-day bus trip to some ancient Mayan ruins, so Justin is keeping me company!"

Janet suggested that Von and Justin go and get drinks for everyone, along with some chips & salsa. She told them to take their time because Kathy and she wanted to share some girl talk. As the guys headed for the bar Janet leaned toward Kathy and said, "that kid is hung like a horse and he can fuck non-stop for an hour and a half!"

Kathy laughed and said, "Well, I'm glad you made a friend. By the way, I wanted to thank you for your advice that first night. You were sure right about black guys and their big cocks!"

Janet said, "I thought you'd see it my way if you gave it a chance! I had a feeling that you were going to keep Von for yourself, once you came to your senses. Now, I can tell that you're enjoying it because every time you come to dinner with Von you have that 'just fucked' look! So, I guess your husband has adjusted to the, um, situation?"

"Gary adjusted better, and faster, than I would have ever thought. He's kind of letting me 'do my thing' but I'm not sure how it's going to go when we get back home."

"Just keep telling him how much you love him and be a good little wife. My husband knows that I fuck around on him, but he's okay with it as long as all my lovers are black. Somehow - and don't ask me how - he doesn't see black guys as competition, so everybody's happy!"

Justin and Von returned to the table with the drinks and chips and the foursome spent about a half-hour drinking, munching and talking. Then Janet came right out and said she had to get back to the ship to fuck Justin some more before hubby and the kids returned.

Kathy and Von wandered a little farther and found a tobacco shop. The store had the same Cuban cigars that he and Kathy liked, so he bought a box. He promised to share them with Kathy if they didn't get confiscated by U.S. Customs at Port Everglades.

The couple strolled another block and came upon a tattoo parlor.

"You like tattoos," Von said. "Why don't you let me get you a new one? Something really special."

"I don't know," Kathy hesitated. "I wouldn't mind another tattoo, but in Mexico? Do you think that's a good idea? I mean, do you think it's safe and clean?"

"The Mexican government keeps a close eye on all these shops in the tourist zone," Von assured her. "It's probably safer and cleaner than half the shops back home."

Kathy and Von went into the parlor and were impressed by the appearance and the friendly and professional staff. Once Von showed Kathy the tattoo that he had in mind she readily agreed. He sat by her and held her hand as the artist applied the permanent ink to her skin. A half hour later, Von paid the bill and Kathy walked out with a bandage on her lower right leg, just above her ankle.