Cruising with Lesbian Sister and Mad Mom Pt. 02


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The captain asks, "Should I delete them?" He makes it look like he is about to hit a delete button.

Mom says with a sinister smile on her face, "You can keep mine."

I relent, "Well, you have already seen them. We are pretty hot." I smile.

The captain quickly agrees.

We have an awesome dinner and trade lots of stories. He eventually must go back to the bridge. The storm is getting worse. We go back to the room. Sara and I share a bed back to back. About three in the morning John comes back. He takes a shower and it takes him a while. He keeps the lights off and I hear him grunting like he is in pain. He makes me get up and he gets in bed gingerly. I turn on the lights. He has a huge bruise on his chest.

He refuses to see the doctor, it's late and he knows he just bruised his ribs. Painful but it will be better quickly. John lost balance and bounced off a round valve wheel. He would not leave his post. Two guys helped him get back to the room. I see mom text someone.

Ten minutes later a doctor and the Captain are at our door. The Dr. examines John and sure enough, no breaks, just bruised. He gets painkillers for sleeping. Sara and I sleep on the couch, we don't want to hit John in the ribs. I was awake for a long time thinking about the day and showing off for the men. Does mom have the Captain's phone number? Cooking was fun. Chaotic and nerve-wracking, but fun.

I wake up in the morning, mom is gone, John is in the shower moaning in pain, and Sara is spooning up behind me with a hand on my breast. That sure brings back memories. The little she-devil tweaks my nipples before getting up. I get a text message from mom that she will meet us for breakfast in an hour.

Nobody knows when she left. John comes out and has a nice black and blue area on his rib cage. A bit higher and there would have been more muscle and it wouldn't be so bad. This will curtail our plans.

The sea is rough still but nothing like last night. Most everyone is up and about, it's like a normal day again. Crew and passengers are up and about. By tonight we will be in the dock again on another large island. It's overcast and dreary. A bit too cold and windy to be outside.

We have seen plenty of movies, and anything involving moving is out of the question. John surprises us by wanting to go swimming. He says it will help him feel better. He seems confident, so we agree. We meet mom and the Captain for breakfast. They are deep in conversation. The waitress takes our order and within minutes we are eating breakfast. As expected, the Captain is very grateful for our help and sorry for the injury John sustained. He was very amused at how we entertained the engine room guys and it had the exact effect we had hoped. Only one injury that night. Far better than the previous several shifts. They are still short-handed, but John can't help anymore.

As soon as we finish breakfast the Captain grabs mom's hand and drags her to the center of the room. I am thinking swell, more jokes. Oh, was I wrong. I knew mom could sing but she is so critical of herself that she never sings except in the shower. In front of several hundred people, mom and Captain Jim start nailing songs from the 80's. No, they are not professional singers. This isn't like a tribute band. No music, no guitar, just singing popular songs from the 80's.

This is an older crowd and many of them know the songs and sing along. Mom is good, she has kind of a Stevie Nicks voice. The captain is spectacular and has a nice range. For forty-five minutes they flip through songs before bringing down the house with something catchy I have never heard of before. They get a standing ovation, mom gets a kiss. She didn't look surprised nor unhappy. The Captain has an arm around mom and he looks very confident.

We spend most of the day at an indoor pool where John walks in the water, only his head above water. If people were in the pool, we shielded him from the others. Otherwise, it was a nice quiet and uneventful afternoon. We talked a lot and even went looking into the future some. It made me feel a lot better about us.

The pool helped John a lot, he doesn't wince as much and acts more like himself. We meet mom and the Captain for dinner again. This time they do the comedy act. Mom doesn't need to read the jokes anymore, she memorized them. I know what she did all day. We look around the expensive shops, gamble away twenty dollars, and have a few drinks before going back to our room. I get a text from mom, she isn't going to use her bed tonight. Oh really? Now I can get a good night's sleep.

There is a knock on the door, "Yo, John, open up buddy."

John has a huge smile on his face, he answers the door. Two of the cooks that helped in the engine room are at the door, he invites them in. These are two guys that while cute and have nice muscles, would never be confused with John. He has more charisma and a better face. He has far more confidence. However, these are two nice looking guys. Clean, well dressed, manicured nails, nice hair, deep blue eyes. Brothers? Probably.

John explains, "These are my best friends on board, Terri, and Chris." John looks directly into my eyes. "Technically you are my sex slave still. I bought these guys here to have sex with you."

That made me feel terrible. I am no longer good enough for my brother, so he brings two strangers to fuck me while he gets off with Sara. That's just a bit humiliating. He is treating me like a whore. I want to run into the bathroom, lock the door, and cry. He can sense my distress and holds me tight to him.

John continues, "I saw that look on your face. Let me finish. There are some things I can't do for you. I need these two to assist me." I am confused. "Let me explain, this is a treat for you two IF you want it. Like I said, there are some things I can't do all by myself. My plan is we all strip naked. I will lay down on the bed on my back. I then want you to get on my chest and lower yourself on my cock. You will lean forward."

He takes a deep breath, "Then Chris will shove his impressive cock up your ass. Terri puts his impressive cock down your throat and fucks your face. We all fuck you simultaneously until all three of us cum in you. It's called a triple penetration.

I have a finger in my cunt and I am as wet as I have ever been. This is my #1 fantasy. My face lights up as he describes what I get to try.

I eagerly accept, "Oh please get your ass on the bed now. When I pass out, try not to cum in me, I want to enjoy it. All three guys are now naked and smiling at me. John quickly gets on the bed and is on his back. I take my time, showing off my now naked body. They love what they see. I slowly descend on his meat stick. Damn it feels terrific, slipping into my dripping pussy. This is splendid just like this. John fills me up so good.

I feel lube dripping onto my ass, something that isn't that unusual. Having a real live thick cock rammed into my ass, now that is something new. He is as big as John, fatter around. He eases it into me. Now, you just don't ease a beer can up your ass. Nothing easy about that. But it bends, and he has good leverage which forces it up into my ass as I release a primal scream. It hurt like hell, but it also feels great. I can feel the two cocks touch each other, only my skin is between the two. I can feel everything.

Terri forcefully takes my hair and pulls up, forcing my chin up. He shoves a massive cock into my throat. No way I am swallowing this thing, I may die from gagging. John starts slamming into me quick and forcefully. Chris and John have done this before, as Chris pulls out, John is pushing in. They are like a car's motor with two pistons. I am on overload immediately from the sexual satisfaction.

Teri is annoying me. He keeps pushing hard down my throat, I am gaging and it's a horrible sensation. I try to push him away, but he is too strong, he pushes harder and pulls my head more. Soon, he breaks through and is down my throat. This is much better. My brain is freaking out. I have an awesome cock that alone would be super. But then the cock up my ass is hitting John and it is going deep into me in a different direction.

Then the cock in my throat, I have no control, I am just hanging on for the ride. I can't concentrate on him anyway because my cunt and ass are on fire with sexual gratification. Spontaneous combustion is a very real possibility. Terri can't hold out any longer and spews his seed down my throat. He pulls out, so I can swallow some air which I greedily do with abandonment. When he finishes he still stays in me, so we can keep the triple penetration going as all three holes get the painting I want.

Chris is next to shoot his load. He fired a gallon of cum in my ass. It feels like an enema. He surprises me. He rolls over onto his back but still in me and the other cock is still in my throat. Now, John is a man possessed. He is a blur, slamming his meat into my hot steamy cunt. It wants him as its owner. It wants him filling me up. It wants his cum. John is going so fast that he can't hold out. We both scream as he shoots his spunk deep into my body.

I would love to describe the awesome feeling that I enjoyed but in truth, it didn't last long. It was intense, knowing what we just did. But as I am thinking about it my field of vision is quickly narrowing. I pass out. My body flows around from the harsh orgasm. I awake to a rolling orgasm that is still wrecking my body. My sole emotion is joy at this moment. This is the world's best drug. I feel hot, sticky, and exhausted. I have cum leaking from all three orifices. John texts mom a picture of me. I can't stop him. I can't do anything.

I fall asleep to the sound of Sara screaming is ecstasy. It seems she enjoys the triple penetration as much as I did. I will never forget that feeling. I will never do it again either. I could never do that with people I know, and I could never do it again with strangers. Tonight, was a once in a lifetime event for me. It was good enough to last a lifetime. My pussy is reserved only for John.

Chapter 8 - Heading Home

I wake up the next morning to our door opening. Its mom coming back. I am groggy but have a smile on my face looking at her. She has a smile on her face looking at me.

Mom says to me softly, "Your brother sent me a picture of you. All three orifices stuffed and then all three, leaking cum. Those are hard on relationships but a ton of fun."

I ask mom, "Did you get to steer the ship?"

Mom looks at me with surprise, like I would not figure out where she was.

She looks up a little and smiles, "Yes I did. I made a five-degree turn, starboard. He is a wonderful man. As you noticed, we have much in common."

I need to take a shower. I get up and take the first shower. It felt great wiping the sludge off me. The heat from the water also relaxed my muscles and relaxed me. I feel much better now as I dry off yet worn out from last night. It was very emotional and drained far more energy than standard sex does.

John and Sara are still sleeping as mom and I go up for breakfast in the dining room. Surprise, Captain Jim is waiting for us again. Mom gets a big hug from him. After breakfast mom goes with the Captain, I go to the island.

I ran into my second family again. They were happy to see me and see that I am doing better. They had plans to do four things and invited me with them. Captain had said that only two things are worth doing on the island, a temple with a museum and the snorkeling expedition. We did those two first and they were awesome. The other two things were a complete waste of money, but I like my second family. It's late when we get back to the ship and I go straight to bed.

At night the ship set sail and in two days we will be back in Florida. The seas are now smooth as silk and not a cloud in the sky. It's hot and humid again. I can't fall asleep. I am happy for mom, she finally got a boyfriend. Where does it go in two days? Will she go back and be a bitch again? What will Sara do? She could move to Colorado, continue school with me, or continue school without me. Life isn't going to be the same.


The next morning, I wake up to Sara bouncing on John's cock. She has no clue I exist, John mouths the words "Good morning" to me. I take a shower and dress. They are still at it when I go upstairs for breakfast again. I go to the Captain's table and nobody is there. That's unusual. I sit down and look at the menu.

Three guys want to sit with me, "Hey baby, you look good enough to eat. Mind if we sit with you?" They sit down.

I tell them, "I am waiting for others to arrive, they will be here soon."

A second guy puts his arms around me and I try to push him off and with a louder voice, "I told you no. I don't want you touching me. I do not need you, my friends are coming soon."

The first guy stands up and pushes me down, he gets in my face, "You are not being very friendly, are you?"

Before I can respond, he is flying up, out of his chair, and dangling in the air. John is furious, his face is red. The second guy is going to stand up and help his friend, but a firm hand comes down on his shoulders.

Captain Jim speaks with a loud and commanding voice, "You three, these are my personal guests, I am deeply troubled at your behavior, report to Stan and explain your behavior. Now!"

John puts the thug down, color restores to his face.

Jim addresses the crowd with a smile, "That's what happens when you steal my silverware, you walk home! Sorry for the show."

He asks us to sit.

Jim looks at me, "If only I were thirty years younger. You truly are stunning my dear. That doesn't excuse their lack of manners and poor behavior. They do have good taste though, I will give them that much."

I blush and cast my eyes down.

After breakfast, we go to the game room and play a variety of games. We win a ton of tickets and win a pack of poker cards. Whoopie! After another lunch in the heat, we are brainstorming our next move. Nothing seems good. Sara is sitting with her elbows on the table, hands supporting her head. She looks bored to death.

With a slightly droopy face and eyes down, Sara says, "I know what I want to do."

John and I look at her. She looks up with a mischievous grin on her face. I am worried.

She says softly, "I want Lisa and me to fuck the hell out of John."

I say with a sad voice, "He is your boyfriend. You two go, I will find something else to do. Three is a crowd."

I quickly stand and try to run away. John grabs my arm and I am not moving.

John looks me in the eyes, "She said that you AND Sara would fuck the hell out of me. I told her yesterday that I love you and can't let you out of my life. She needs to make room for you. Three is not a crowd, three is a tag team. Please don't make me pick between you two, I love you both."

My head drops, I don't know what to say or what to do. Sara makes up my mind for me.

Sara runs towards our room, over her shoulder she yells, "Grab Lisa!"

He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like a keg of beer and runs after Sara. I don't fight, I just lay limp, fighting won't help. I am his possession. Quickly, we arrive at our room. He throws me on the bed next to Sara, they are both breathing hard from the run.

John slowly takes his shirt off. He is playing the role of a stripper and doing it well. He is taking his time and teasing us. Shorts and boxers follow. He is hard already. Sara and I are both on our backs. John rolls Sara on to my chest. We kiss like long lost lovers. Both our hands explore the other's body. John takes advantage of our lust, he shoves his cock into me. I am short of breath from the surprise. He quickly thrusts five times into my love hole and then pulls out.

I can feel him pump five quick times into Sara. Back and forth he goes, five strokes in each woman until Sara wins the prize, a pussy stuffed with semen. I snatch her prize. Sara is ok with that, I work her lips to get the creampie. Then we kiss.

We both lay down and John spends a long time with each set of breasts. He plays with our nipples, licks our areolas, and handles our breasts with his rough calloused hands. It is a fantastic feeling. He then bends between my legs and licks my nether region. After five minutes, he switches to Sara. We get excited but not too excited because five minutes isn't enough to get off. He spends well over an hour teasing us. Finally, when we both have had enough teasing, he finishes me off and then does the same for Sara.

He uses many tricks: chin stubble, fingers, wide tongue, thin tongue, humming, quick, slow, probing, alphabet, and a few others that left me guessing. Together, we had well over a dozen orgasms. He then has us do a 69 and we emulated much of what John did. The difference is that we are soft and gentle. We eat pussy like good lesbians.

Next is just straightforward fucking on my back. After the marathon sessions, this seemed ordinary. I will take this ordinary any day of the week. It's still spectacular. No woman can give me that feeling.

John has us 69 in the middle of the bed again. Rather than mouth to pussy, we are doing mouth to breast. It took us a while to get off, but it got John rock hard, so he can fuck Sara again. He fucks us each once more before lunch. After lunch, we explore John's body and he explores our bodies. Nothing is off limits with him.

That night we go dancing. We hit each of the clubs as each offer something nice. The following day, our last day on board, we spend the day in our room having sex in a variety of ways and fulfill several fantasies for each other. We take many pictures and videos to get us by until we see each other again.

Typically, it would have been a depressing day knowing it was our last day with John. However, with so much sex, I really didn't mind - or I was fucked so senseless I forgot! By dinner, Sara and I have flaming pussies from our activities. Sex for this trip is now over. It hurts too much to fuck anymore. We are both very satisfied, we need time to recover.


The flight home is very quiet for us. Nobody wants to talk, we are all sad. We have lost someone important to us. Phone, video, and texting just isn't the same. Surprisingly, mom is in a much better mood than Sara and I are. Sara and I suspect there is much we don't know.

At the end of summer, Sara and I head back to college to live together in a dorm. This is our junior year, this is when school gets interesting. Yet, we both want to drop out and move to Colorado. John will have none of that.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The orgy killed it for me, damn it was looking to be a good story too :(

Bammerman76Bammerman76about 2 years ago

Just making sure I read it right that the Lesbian Sisters number 1 fantasy was to be triple penetrated by 3 guys.......

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

Many condemn the triple penetration episode.

But they don't pay attention to the dialogue.

John spent the whole day talking to Sara. Talked to her. Probably talking about his sister. Her dreams included. Liz mentions that this is her #1 fantasy. John made it come true. Period. All for the sister.

Mom is back to normal. Doesn't want to stand in the way of youth. Who's she gonna fuck? Best of all, the captain.

And the love for John I think will only strengthen Lisa and Sarah's bond.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The captain is a tool, he doesn't deserve Mom or to be in the story

JeryarbJeryarbalmost 3 years ago

Lost me at the orgy. Didn't read any past that. Thumbs down

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