Crystal: A Sissy Set Free Pt. 02

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After a transformation, the girls hit the club.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 07/12/2014
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Direct continuation from Part 1, if you haven't read that go read it, things will make a lot more sense.


He walked over to Amanda's large bed placed his hands on the soft sheets and bent forwards exposing his bum to Amanda who had donned a pair of rubber gloves and grabbed some lube. She walked closer until she was right behind him; she crouched and inspected his bum partially obscured by the frills of his short skirt.

"You have such a cute butt Crystal, very perky," laughed Amanda as she reached up and pulled down his g-string and lifted up his skirts. She carefully lubed up one finger.

"Relax I need to loosen you up a bit first, it's just a finger," Amanda said gently. She reached out with her gloved hand and placed it gently on his tight pink asshole making small circles with her finger, after a minute or so of gentle massaging she slowly but surely slid her index into his ass edging forward whilst whispering encouragement to him.

"See it's not so bad is it, I'm just going to go a bit deeper, don't worry," she slid her finger further into him and wiggled it slightly. Crystal felt strange, the feeling was not unpleasant, just odd, there was no pain just a filling sensation, when Amanda began to wiggle her finger Crystal felt his chastity device tighten and become slightly painful and he let out a small girly moan involuntarily. The girls all giggled at him making him feel very vulnerable.

"Ha, what's the matter, starting to enjoy it?" said Amanda with malice. "I'm gonna see if I can get two fingers in, ready?" she didn't wait for an answer and shoved a second finger deep into his ass and Crystal let out another moan while the girls continued to laugh. Amanda turned to the girls with a wicked smile on her face;

"Let's see if I can make him do that again," laughed Amanda. She pulled her fingers out and relief spread across Crystals face until she quickly rammed them back in and began to finger bang Crystal rhythmically thrusting her fingers in and out of his ass, odd waves of pleasure started to rattle through Crystal as she rubbed against his prostate, waves of pain emanated from his cage. He gasped several rhythmic moans to the beat of the fingers all the while the girls laughed and cheered him on.

"Listen to him moan like a slut when I finger him" giggled Amanda.

She finally relented and reached down for the butt plug and gave it a good coat of lube, "Now I've got you warmed up I'm going for the butt plug, just relax," She tickled the edge of his asshole with the point of the plug teasing him with it, then with no warning she worked it in to him, pushing it harder and harder as it stretched his ass wider and wider. Crystal let out one long high pitched moan as the plug reached its widest point in his ass and euphoria spread in his body like a fire. Before he could think the plug had sunk to its maximum point and was now wedged in his ass, stuck in there constantly rubbing his prostate and always reminding him that he was a slut. He took a deep breath as Amanda stood back up.

"There we go bimbo it's all in, and doesn't it feel nice in your ass, filling you up," said Amanda whilst taking off her gloves.

"Stand up then, see how it feels as you walk," ordered Amanda. Crystal pulled up his panties feeling the g-string impact on the plug, he stood up and re organised his skirts and smoothed his hair, then took a few steps feeling the plug move and shift as he walked, it would take some getting used to but he could deal with it although once again he was scared of the unpredictable nature of the situation, he hoped there would be would no more surprises.

Amanda walked over to her bed and saw a small stain on the sheet where Crystal had been bent over.

"Oh my god girls look he got all excited whilst I was fingering him and left a little stain on my bed," said Amanda excitedly as the girls ran over to look and when they saw it they all burst out laughing and turned to face Crystal who was red with embarrassment.

"Well well, I never knew you would make such a good slut, getting all wet and excited when I fill your holes, its okay don't worry all girls get excited like that, it's natural," said Amanda trying to make him feel better while the girls continued to laugh.

"Just one more thing before you're ready Crystal and this one might be a bit difficult, no girl can go clubbing without some shoes, the higher the better, every girl loves a pair of sexy heels, now we didn't buy you any but I think we're a similar size, you have very girly feet, wait here," said Amanda whilst walking to her wardrobe and returning with two pairs of shoes.

"You can wear these for a bit round the house to get used to them" she offered him some shiny black three inch wedges,

"They don't really match your dress but they should do for practice, and when you can walk in them we can move up to these, your clubbing shoes," exclaimed Amanda, she produced some platform pumps in candy pink suede with a stiletto heel at least six inches high and a thin ankle strap, they were stunning and somewhat cheered Crystal after the butt plug ordeal.

"These are the highest, pinkest heels I own, I've worn them a few times and they are a challenge but they look fabulous and shape your legs beautifully, they will look amazing with the rest of your outfit but first you need to master these smaller ones, it's not difficult you just need some practice," said Amanda reassuringly, she placed the wedges in front of him and he slipped his feet into them, they were a bit daunting to start with but with some coaching from the girls he was soon walking confidently and sexily swinging his hips much to the delight of the girls.

"Well done you're a natural, I think it's time for you to move on to your big girl heels," said Amanda coyly, she crouched down and took off his wedges and placed the sky high heels in front of him, nervously he slid his stocking white feet into the impossibly high shoes and stood in them feeling slightly unwieldy but he kept his balance well and slowly took a step forward remembering what the girls had told him. With encouragement he began to walk slowly from one side of the room to the other his confidence growing and his walk becoming sexier and sexier as he started to wiggle his boobs and swing his ass feeling the frills and ruffles of his skirt brush his upper thighs. The butt plug still grinding away in his ass reminding him who he was. The heels did wonders for his figure boosting his height to an impressive six foot two, straightening his legs and arching his back just like a real girl.

"I think that's everything Crystal, you're all ready for out big night out now, hair and makeup is perfect, your dress is sumptuous and slutty, and your girly walk is coming along nicely, I'm proud of my efforts, anyway now we need to get ready we shouldn't be too long but it gives you time to practice with your heels and practice a new girly voice to chat up the boys in the club" laughed Amanda.

The next hour or so passed quickly as Crystal concentrated on walking and talking like a girl chatting and gossiping with Amanda whilst she was doing her makeup and other girly things. Soon the rest of the gang were ready and Crystal had almost perfected his new walk, his girly seductive voice still needed work but in the thumping throng of the club it barely mattered. The rest of the girls looked stunning although admittedly a lot less slutty than Crystal. Amanda had called a taxi to take them to the city centre and whilst they waited a bottle of pink champagne was cracked open and Amanda poured everyone a glass, she brought them into her room and offered them around, Crystal gladly accepted one and sipped at it idly whilst talking to the girls about fashion and music, Crystal was once again relaxed although nerves still remained about the club they had faded into the background behind all the girl talk and champagne. He was so caught up in the whole affair he had practically forgotten he was a boy and that

he had been forced into this situation against his will; he looked girly on the outside and began to feel girly on the inside thanks to encouragement from the Amanda.

"The taxi should be here in five minutes there's one thing we need to do before we go and that's a group picture," said Amanda playfully, the girls all agree including Crystal. Everyone stood up in a fit of giggles and walked over to Amanda's mirror whilst Vicky went to fetch her camera, everyone struck a pose, pouting and thrusting playfully as the camera flashed away, Crystal watched his reflection as it moved and shook in the mirror captivated by his entire being, the cute tiara, the bleach blonde hair, his thin made up face, accentuated and perky boobs, petite waist, short and frilly tutu skirt, beautiful long legs and sky high pink heels, at that moment he wasn't Chris, he wasn't anything he had been before, he was Crystal a slutty girl without a care in the world.

"Amanda that reminds me, could I borrow some perfume before we go?" said Crystal girlishly;

"Sure, go into my bathroom and use what you like," replied Amanda sweetly. Crystal walked seductively off to the bathroom and grabbed the biggest pinkest and most girly bottle he could find and sprayed himself liberally with it immersing himself in the flowery scent. He put the bottle down and joined the girls who were now downstairs waiting at the door. He walked carefully down the stairs and greeted the girls.

"Taxi's here!" shouted Amy and the girls gathered up their things and Crystal grabbed his clutch purse. The door swung open and they were suddenly on the street with the warm night wind blowing gently through their hair. The all walked quickly to the taxi and piled in carefully as to not disturb their dresses or hair.

"Where to?" murmured the taxi driver.

"Take us straight to Paradise" said Amanda excitedly. Paradise was the biggest club in all of the city and a favourite hangout for the young and beautiful who were soon to be joined by this group of girls, ready to drink and ready to party. Any reservations Crystal had were gone, the champagne had loosened him up and he was ready to show the world his girly side.

The taxi ride to Paradise was reasonably un-eventful, Crystal felt a bit uncomfortable in his corset and the constant grind of the butt plug kept him on edge but after some idle girl talk and some gossip about people at college he relaxed, Crystal had warmed to the girls now and began to join in with their chat, putting on his best female voice and giggling along at the slightest provocation, at a glance nothing seemed awry in this situation just a group of five girls on a night out. The journey passed quickly in a blur of colour and perfume and soon they were confronted with the entrance to Paradise.

They all stared up at the imposing structure before them; newly opened it was two storeys of thumping club music and cheap sugary cocktails, heaven for the girls. They had arrived reasonably early so there was no wait to get inside, just as they were about to enter Crystal stopped for a second and adjusted his dress re plumping his skirts and checking his reflection in the compact from his purse, Amanda could see that he was nervous so she came over to reassure him.

"Don't worry you will be fine, trust me you look great, just believe in yourself," she gave him a warm girly hug and he felt much better. Crystal and the girls strode into the club and were suddenly hit by a wall of bass that filled the entire first floor, A huge dance floor spread out in front of them full of people dancing away drunkenly to the newest club mixes, a long bar stood to their left covered in people buying shots and cocktails of all types. The place was hectic and the girls were excited.

"Let's go upstairs it's quieter I'm not up for dancing yet," shouted Amanda over the noise, the girls seemed to agree and they all followed her upstairs, Crystal felt the swish of his stockings and the clack of his heels as he climbed the stairs with the girls. The second floor of Paradise was similar to the first but the dance floor was smaller, the music slightly quieter, and there was a decent size seating area for people to sit and have a drink. Amanda found an empty booth near the dance floor and all the girls excitedly sat down.

"I know what we need...SHOTS!" cried Amanda forcefully and all the girls agreed but someone would have to go and get them, all eyes fell on Crystal who looked at the table nervously.

"Go on Crystal it's definitely your turn," cheered Vicky above the music.

"Okay then fine, what do you ladies want?" questioned Crystal before any of the girls could answer Amanda said loudly,

"Get us five Blow Jobs and five Screaming Orgasms," The girls all laughed in unison whilst Crystal looked confused and embarrassed.

"Don't worry babe they're kinds of shot, trust me, just go up to the bar and ask for them, we order them here all the time," giggled Amanda, She opened her purse and handed him a crisp £20 note which he grabbed and slid inside his own purse.

The upstairs bar was across the other side of the dance floor so to get there he would have to pass all the other tables and down the side of the dance floor itself, he checked his outfit and straightened his hair in preparation, surely people would be watching him. He set off to the bar swinging his hips and thrusting out his boobs just like the girls had taught him, he walked slowly but surely, swishing his legs together and feeling the ruffles of his skirt dance and shift as he swung his hips, he knew that people were looking as he walked past but he didn't care, to them he was just another slut walking to the bar for drinks. He reached the bar and saw an empty space at it; he walked quickly towards it squeezing in-between a large and very confused bald man paying little attention to anything but his drink and another girl sent on a shot run. He leaned over the bar sticking his bum out and bending one leg exposing his short skirt and stocking clad thighs to the club, he felt like a proper girl.

The barman walked up to him and with a clear voice asked what she was after, Crystal paused for a second embarrassed by his order,

"Five blowjobs and five Screaming orgasms please," he replied nervously.

"Coming up," and without even a second of doubt he was of mixing up the drinks, relief washed over Crystals face, he had gotten away with it. The girl next to him left with her tray off shots and her space was filled by a tall and rather handsome young man all by himself, Crystals heart started beating out of his chest.

"Ohmygodohmygosh what do I do if he talks to me, do I walk away, do I reply ahh," he thought to himself and at that split second he turned to Crystal and said casually,

"That's a stunning dress, you look amazing, do you err fancy a drink?" Crystal was almost frozen with fear, his cock tightened and his butt plug made its self know, he was confronted face to face by the fact that he was being hit on by a boy, and a handsome one at that, but he snapped himself out of it and said in his best girly voice,

"I'm with some friends right now, maybe later," He looked put out but his pride wasn't too damaged he grabbed his drink and walked off. Soon the barman arrived with Crystal's tray of shots; he paid for them and walked back to the table eager to tell the girls about his trip to the bar.

"Oh my god, I just got hit on at the bar," said Crystal excitedly; the girls all screamed in unison.

"Tell us the whole story" exclaimed Vicky. "Well I was just at the bar ordering drinks and this guy walks up next to me, I was super nervous that he would talk to me but before I could think of something to say or a way out he turns to me and tells me he likes my dress and asked me if I wanted a drink," said Crystal excitedly

"Was he cute?" screamed Amanda, Crystal contemplated the answer, by this time he was having too much fun and was too distracted to remember he was a guy, he leaned in close to the girls,

"Oh my god he was super cute, with a square jaw and big strong arms," whispered Crystal, the girls broke into a fit of giggles at the news.

"What did you say?" inquired Amanda.

"I sort of panicked but I told him that I was with my friends at the moment so maybe later," said Crystal girlishly.

"Wow Crystal you're fending them off with a stick tonight you big slut," the girls all giggled loudly and Crystal joined in, she placed the tray of shots in the centre of the table and shouted with glee,

"Bottoms up girls," and they all quickly pounded the shots screaming loudly.

An hour of girly fun passed quickly along with several more round of drinks. The girls were tipsy and ready to dance and almost on queue a pack of boys approached, with un-buttoned shirts and expensive shoes, they were almost walking in formation towards the table of giggling girls. The tallest and quite obviously the leader of the group approached at speed and addressed Crystal directly,

"Hey ladies, would you care to dance? Five of us five of you, it works out perfectly," He was distinctly handsome with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, his outfit was pulled straight from a fancy perfume advert and his watch looked expensive. The girls looked at each other for a second or two and then looked at Crystal, waiting for her to make the decision. With slight hesitation Crystal leaned forwards and said,

"Sure, we'd love to".

"Great," said the handsome stranger offering a hand to Crystal.

"I'm Ryan," he said in a deep voice. Crystal felt himself tighten as he looked into his deep blue eyes, was this right, could he dance with a boy in a club? After a second of mental computation he came to the conclusion that it was just dancing, no harm could be done and if he backed out now Amanda would surely be furious. He stood up on his heels carefully and walked to the dance floor with Ryan as the other girls paired off with the rest of the wolf pack.

By now the dance floor was heaving with bodies twisting and turning to the wall of noise emitted by the club speakers. Ryan found a space and Crystal joined him where she stood awkwardly for a few seconds unsure what to do. Ryan soon took the initiative and manoeuvred around the back of Crystal, he was too drunk to be nervous anymore and without provocation he began to grind on Ryan spreading his legs and shaking his tight ass in the direction of Ryan's crotch, he wondered how much of a total slut he looked at that moment but no one else cared, he was doing nothing out of the ordinary so he carried on, shaking his frilly skirts and gyrating his hips at Ryan. He shook all that he had and moved in ways he though he never would as the beat whipped up some sort of trance in his head until everything apart from him and Ryan was a blur of colour and sound. The song finished and crystal ground to a halt, turning slightly to see if Ryan had enjoyed it as much as he had, he smiled broadly at Crystal and at that second

the next song started, some remixed pop song Crystal had heard on the radio way too many times.

Ryan moved in closer and reached his hands around Crystals corseted waist, Crystal instinctively threw his hands up in the air as they both moved to the pounding rhythm of the song, flexing and gyrating in all directions, grinding like tomorrow wasn't there. Crystal was lost in a girl's world of drink and dresses, heels and makeup, gossip and boys. They continued for several songs until Crystal was parched, she pulled Ryan closer and told him he was going to get a drink, he smiled back and told him he would wait here. He waltzed of to the bar in search of a cocktail.

As he approached the bar he saw Amanda near the front of the queue and she beckoned him over,

"That boy you are dancing with is so hot, way hotter than who I got stuck with, I saw you too dancing, you don't hold back do you Crystal you were giving him all you had, like a true bimbo," said Amanda loudly.