Cucked in Cabo

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Wife's fantasy becomes a reality against her husband wishes.
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(It should go without saying that all characters are at least 18 years of age. In this fantasy world STDs do not exist! The main theme of this story is Femdom and Cuckold situations, so if you are threatened by that, go elsewhere or just write your nasty comments, I do enjoy reading them!)

Present day;

He turned off his laptop after Googling the term "Cuckold", He stared at the blank screen having just learned that a cuckold was an insulting word (or maybe not) for a man who gains sexual pleasure in the knowledge that his wife has made love or is making love to other men. He sat back and wanted to cry, he knew that she was watching and would not give her the satisfaction, why was this happening to him, how could he end this situation, he wanted his life back.

She stood at the door and felt a little sad for him, he wants to cry, she could see it in his eyes but he was trying to act strong. She knew that he was not a strong man and would have to live with that fact. "Go ahead honey let it out, cry".

6 Months ago;

Married for 23 years, Sharon and Rob had produced two fantastic kids, both girls, who were now sharing an apartment near the College that they are both attending.

After the birth of their second daughter, they decided that Sharon should be a "stay at home mother" and raise the kids. Rob made good money so it worked out great. When the girls started, High School Sharon decided to enter back into the workforce and resume her career as a realtor. Sharon has always had an outgoing personality and is very comfortable around people, which are perfect for her profession.

Sharon is a 42-year-old blonde who stands about five foot and weighs around 120 lbs., she has small perky breast with quarter size nipples that stick out about a half inch when excited. Sharon has that little pouch of a belly that women get after having a couple kids and a nice round ass that she thinks is too big. She has a sweet pussy that she keeps shaved because Rob likes it that way.

Rob is a couple inches short of six feet tall, he weighs about 185 and in good shape.

He is an easygoing person who likes to avoid conflict and pretty much gets along with everyone. In their relationship Sharon has the dominate personality, she likes it that way and Rob never had a problem with it.

Sharon was a little wild when she was young and had many sex partners, when she met Rob, she was disappointed with his performance in bed and the size of his dick, but he was a good man and she fell in love.

Rob was not very experienced in sex having had only one other girlfriend and was quite surprised how aggressive Sharon was in bed. He always thought their sex life was good but since the girls had moved out Sharon wasn't shy about letting Rob know when she wasn't satisfied or when Rob couldn't perform.

So, the situation that Rob finds himself in started one night when after having a nice dinner at a very nice restaurant Sharon decided that she wanted to go dancing at a club nearby. They had a couple drinks during dinner and were working on their first at the club when a young man suddenly appeared out of the crowded dance floor walking up to their table to say hello, His name was Shawn and was a colleague of Sharon's from work. Sharon made introductions and after about a minute of conversation invited him to have a seat. Shawn ordered another round of drinks and started chatting with Sharon about work. It was about three songs into their conversation when he asked if Rob would mind if he danced with Sharon, Rob looked at her and she gave a shrug of the shoulder so sure why not.

When the song ended, they stayed on the floor for the next, and the next. Rob was becoming a little annoyed but could tell Sharon was having a good time so he let it go. The next song was a slow one and he watched as Shawn pulled her in close, He thought she'd push him away but after he whispered something in her ear Sharon smiled and laid her head on his shoulders. As Rob watched them, he started to get hard, was this really turning him on? When it ended Shawn brought her back to the table and thanked Rob for letting him enjoy the dances, he then grabbed his drink and blended back into the crowd.

As Rob peered across the table at his beautiful wife, she looked a little flush so he asked if everything was ok, she said she was fine, she had not danced in so long that it had worn her out. She gulped down her drink and said, "Let's have one more then head home".

Rob ordered one more round, then paid their tab when the drinks arrived. Just as they finished the drink and were ready to leave, Shawn appeared again and asked for one more dance. Sharon did not even look at Rob, she just took Shawn's hand and headed for the dance floor. Again, it was a slow one and they just held onto each other and swayed, watching this Rob again could feel his dick stirring in his pants, why was this turning him on? When the song ended, Shawn did not even bring her back, she just motioned to Rob from the dance floor and he met her at the door to leave.

While walking to their car Sharon held his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder, when he opened her door she reached up and pulled his lips to hers giving him a passionate kiss telling Rob how she had really enjoyed tonight. Again, his dick stirred and as she was getting into her seat, she brushed her hand across his crotch and said, "I see you enjoyed tonight also."

On the drive home she just laid her head back and closed her eyes, he asked if everything was ok. She smiled and said everything was fine. It did not take them long to get home and when they finally got in bed, she was all over him. Sharon was like an animal, and had his dick in her mouth in nothing flat. He had to stop her before he came too quickly (which he was known to do). After that, she straddled him and rode him hard, this time Rob could not hold back and came fast.

Afterwards she lay close to her loving husband, running her hand over his chest. Rob asked what had come over her and she said the dancing had made her horny.

She looked into his eyes and asked if he had gotten jealous while she was dancing with Shawn. Rob had to admit that he had and she smiled. Rob then asked what Shawn had whispered to her to get her to slow dance with him? Sharon looked away from his eyes and asked if she could tell him something without getting mad. Of course, like any loving husband Rob said sure. She studied his eyes for a second and then said that Shawn had told her that holding her so close had given him a huge erection, which she already knew because, she could feel it pressing against her thigh and that is what had made her so horny.

Rob laughed a little and said that is what happens to men especially young men when dancing with a beautiful woman. She again looked carefully at him and then said, "When he asked for the last dance I did it because I wanted to feel it again".

As she said this her hand was wondering down his stomach and finally grabbing his now hardened dick. As she stroked it, she said "Does it turn you on that another man was rubbing himself against me"?

"Yes, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yes" he said looking away from her.

"Did you get hard?"


She now smiled "can I tell you something else?"


"He was big; I mean really big, I have never felt a cock that big before."

"Wow" was all Rob could say.

"I'm sorry but you know I love your dick but his cock was huge."

Rob knew he was not big in that category but he always thought his 5 to 5 ½ inches was good.

As she continued to talk about Shawn's cock Rob's dick got harder, she stroked Rob's dick faster and again he came quickly. She smiled and went into the bathroom to clean her hand. Rob just laid in bed wondering what he had unleashed in her.

After that night, they started having sex more often and the constant theme was her telling him about Shawn's big cock. She would tell Rob how she would look at her male clients while showing a house wondering if they had a huge cock, how she fantasized about maybe accidently brushing her hand across their cock to feel its hardness.

Rob was getting jealous with her constant talk about Shawn's cock but he was enjoying her newfound sex drive. They both were really getting into these fantasies (well her fantasies) when she took it to the next level, playing with his dick while verbally wondering how it would feel to have a big cock in her. This would always make him cum quickly. Rob would apologize and she would just smile, telling him that she enjoyed watching him cum while talking about big cocks and not to worry.

Finally, one night while making love to her she again told Rob that she wondered how a big cock would feel stretching her pussy, going to places that his dick had never been before. Rob got into her fantasy and told her he would love to see her filled with a man's cock, watching her cum repeatedly. Soon during sex Rob would tell her how he wished there was a young stud fucking her so he could see the pleasure in her eyes. Watching him pull his cock from her pussy, amazed how stretched it was with her lovers cum dripping out of her.

Now this became the theme every time they had sex, Sharon would tell Rob that she loved his fantasy (It was hers not his but who was he to argue) and teased him, stroking his dick saying things like "so you want to see me with another man do you, watch me act like a slut. You'd like to see me crawl between his legs, suck his big cock, watch him mount me, his cock sliding in and out, stretching me, then pumping me full of cum." As she is telling Rob this, he would get more and more excited, he could never last and would cum all over her hand.

One night while rubbing what Rob had deposited in her hand over his chest, she looked in his eyes and said, "You really want me to experience a large cock don't you?"

"Yes, I think I would love to see you fucked by some stud" Rob again thought they were just fantasizing.

"You wouldn't get jealous?"

"I probably would but I love you and want you to enjoy yourself and if that means you getting fucked by a big cock then I wouldn't stop you."

There he had said it, did not know why but he did, again this had been a big part of their sex play and was just a fantasy.

"You know I could never watch you with another woman, I would get to jealous, I know I would," she said with a real serious look on her face.

"Babe I don't want another woman, really! Just to see you happy is all I want."

This time she gave him a quizzical look, "You sure you could handle watching me?"

"I'm sure babe," Rob said with confidence.

She gave him a sly smile and said, "I don't know, maybe someday."

Was she serious, this was just a fantasy that he was playing along with; did she really want to fuck another man? Rob knew now that he was in over his head with no way of fixing it.

Sharon has always been very vocal in bed but now every time they made love, she would tell him how nice it would be to have a big cock fucking her. She would tell him how exciting it would be to see Rob playing with his little dick while watching her being properly fucked. She was really getting into what she considered his fantasy not hers.

Therefore, it was one week ago while on vacation in Cabo Mexico that the biggest mistake of his life finally happened. On the third day of their 7 day stay, while down at the pool bar (it actually had a bar in the pool that you could swim over to and sit at), Sharon was sitting there drinking a margarita when a young man took the seat next to her and started a conversation with her. Rob was wading in the pool talking to this older couple about each other's families when he took notice, to him it looked like there was a little flirtation going on. He swam over to them and she introduced him to Ted. Rob mentioned to Sharon that they had dinner reservations in an hour and needed to head to their room. Once in the room Sharon kissed him hard and asked if he had whisked her away from Ted because he was jealous. Rob said "no" (but really, he was). She brushed her hand across his groin and he got hard instantly. She just smiled and got ready for dinner.

Dinner was nice and after 3 shots of tequila and a margarita at the bar they decided to go back to their room. Once there they change into their bathing suits and head for the pool that their third-floor room overlooked. They had been sitting on the edge with their feet dangling in the water when Ted appeared through the gate with a six pack of beer in his hand; he asked if they would mind him being there saying that he was tired of sitting alone in his room. Sharon was quick to say they did not mind at all and to have a seat. He sat on the other side of Sharon and offered them both a beer.

Ted told them how this was his first trip to Cabo and that himself and two buddies had booked the room for 6 days but the other two wouldn't be showing up till tomorrow morning as they continued to chat Rob noticed Ted's eyes wandering over his wife's body. Rob watched as Sharon would tilt her head and brush her hair aside while looking at Ted and Rob realized that they were flirting with each other again. Soon the conversation was just between the two of them and Rob sat quietly listening while drinking his beer.

Rob watched, as they would causally touch each other's shoulder as they spoke and that they had slowly closed the gap between the two of them and that now had their thighs pressed against each other. Rob suggested to Sharon that with the beer finally gone it might be time to head to their room but she quickly shot that down saying "don't we have some in our room, Ted would you like a couple more beers?" Rob had to admit that he was a little surprised but got up stating, "Be right back." As Rob left the two of them alone it was quite obvious that Ted was hitting on his wife and that she liked it. The thought was making his stomach queasy but also making his dick quite hard.

Once inside the room Rob left the lights off and slowly made his way onto the balcony. Being late at night Rob could hear their voices carrying up to where he stood in the shadows. Sharon was giggling at something Ted had said, as Rob peered over the rail, he could see that she was now in the water wading in front of him.

Sharon put her hands-on Ted's legs and pushed back from the side of the pool with her feet saying, "Come on in the water feels great."

Ted jumped in after her. Rob watched as they were laughing and splashing around, Ted disappeared under the water emerging next to her. At that moment, Rob could feel his heart began to pound. Ted leaned in close and Sharon threw her arms around his neck kissing him passionately. Rob suddenly felt sick.

The kiss was intense and lasted a long time. Not sure why he did it, but Rob crouched low and remained quiet, watching the pool lights play over their bodies giving him a good view of what was going on.

As the kissing continued, they floated towards the shallow end where Ted picked Sharon up by her waist and sat her on the side of the pool. Rob watched as Ted's hands slid down Sharon's hips. Ted grabbed the two bows on the sides of her bikini bottoms; Sharon laughed and pushed his hands away.

"My husband will be back any second."

"Ah come on, just give me a peek." Ted asked as kissed the inside of her thigh.

Sharon looked around then jumped up on her knees, with a shy smile she slowly pulled down the front of her bikini giving Ted a good view of her shaved pussy. There was a noise in the distant and she quickly covered up.

"Oh, my god, I can't believe I just did that" Sharon laughed jumping back into the pool, soon they were kissing again and Rob could see him reach behind her and slip his hand into her bikini caressing her ass.

Rob was torn, his wife was making out with someone she had just met earlier today and he was hiding, watching it all. Rob felt betrayed and excited at the same time. At this point Rob knew that if he did not get down there Ted would take her right there in the pool for all to see.

Rob walked back into their room and felt like crying. He gathered himself and headed back down, as he rounded the corner to the pool Rob heard some giggling, Sharon and Ted came strolling up the path and when they saw him Ted said "have a nice night and how he hoped he'd run into us again soon."

Sharon watched him walk away then turned and stared into Rob's eyes, "were you watching from the room?" Turning red in the face he told her he had, she smiled and asked, "Did you enjoyed the show?" "Of course," Rob lied and asked why it had ended so quickly (even though he was glad it did).

Sharon told him that Ted had invited her up to his room. Why he does not know but he instantly got hard again "Really!" Rob asked as she put her lips to his and started rubbing his dick through his shorts. "Wow feels like you really enjoyed the show."

"So he asked you to his room?"

"Yes, but when I explained to him that you would want to watch he said he wasn't interested in a threesome and wouldn't feel comfortable with you watching so I politely declined his offer."

Boy was Rob relieved but there was also a look of disappointment in her eyes so he asked if she really wanted to go to his room, she grabbed his hand pushing it inside her bikini bottoms and ran his fingers up her slit, "feel how wet I am."

Sharon started grinding herself against his hand, "you want me to fuck him, don't you? You'd love for me to fulfill your fantasy and be a slut tonight, to take his big cock in his wet pussy and let him fill me up with his nasty cum, wouldn't you?"

OMG what was about to happen, He did not want his wife to be fucked by another man; this wasn't his fantasy it was hers. However, she again starting rubbing his dick and even Rob had to admit he had never been so excited. "How do you know he has a big cock?"

Still stroking his dick through his shorts, she said, "I could feel it through his suit as we were kissing and if the sizes of his hands are any indication, he has a massive cock!

Sharon then whispered in his ear "you want this don't you, tell me you want me to do this." With the state that his dick was in how could he refuse, "yes babe I want you to fuck Ted."

Sharon kissed him hard and said, "I can't believe I'm going to do this! I am really going to, what is the term the girls at work use, oh yeah, I am going to get some strange tonight! What are you going to do? Are you going to go back to the room and play with your dick? Are you going to play with yourself while thinking of me fucking Ted's big cock? Will you go back to the room, strip naked and play with yourself thinking of me being a complete slut, will you?"

"Yes" came out of his mouth.

Sharon threw her arms around his neck, pushed him against the wall and kissed Rob hard. She again grabbed his hand and placed it inside her bikini rubbing herself hard against it bringing herself to a nice little organism.

Again, Rob figured she was just fantasizing, that they would go back to our room now and make love, how wrong he was. When they entered their room, Sharon threw a robe on over her bikini and again said, "I can't believe I'm going to do this, I'm really going to do this!" Rob wanted to tell her no, but for some reason he could not, so they left the room and Rob walked her to Ted's door and stood down the hall as she knocked. She looked his direction, smiled at him as the door opened and she then disappeared inside, Rob turned and left.

Back at the room Rob quickly stripped and started playing with his dick thinking of what was probably happening to the love of his life; he lasted maybe all of 5 minutes. All of a sudden, it hit him, he started having a panic attack, time felt like it was standing still as Rob watched the clock and his nerves were going crazy. He started to feel sick, fuck what was going on! At about the hour mark he started to get worried, was she ok, was he right to have let her to do this. The more Rob waited the worse he felt, the worse he felt the more Rob thought of Sharon and what was happening to her, and the more Rob thought about what was happening to her the harder his dick got again.