Cucked in the Tropics Ch. 03

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A massage opens Callie up to new possibilities.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/18/2021
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*** Disclaimer ***

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains themes of cheating, cuckoldry, voyeurism, exhibitionism and NTR. If this isn't the fetish for you, don't waste your time flooding my inbox with hate mail-- it'll only make me want to write and post MORE cuck stuff (unless, of course, that's your goal...)

Otherwise, I love hearing from fans, and welcome any suggestions, thoughts, criticisms, or fantasy ideas. Enjoy!




For the rest of their second day, Callie didn't talk much about what was on her mind. She recovered from the little bought of hysteria, but it was hard to erase the memories that kept revisiting her. She was still processing what she saw out there on the beach.

Mei had cheated on her husband June, and fucked Andre. And she'd been so casual about it. Diabolical, even. One moment, she'd been the sweet loving wife, rubbing her husband's arm when he was having thoughts of self-doubt. The next, she was slipping away from him under the pretext of finding a bathroom, only to have wild sex with a man who was practically a complete stranger! And they'd done it nearly out in the open, in a grove of palms on the beach. Anyone could have happened by and saw. Even Mei's own husband, who would have been absolutely crushed if he'd walked in on that whole affair.

And what an affair it had been. Every time Callie closed her eyes, she saw Mei and Andre. She could hear their animalistic cries of pleasure. She could see the sweat from their bodies glistening in the afternoon sun as they fucked feverishly, urgently. Not even fucking. The term "mating" came to mind. Mei and Andre hadn't just "fucked". They'd mated, in the most primal sense of the word. Two animals, forgetting any trace of civility or society and just urgently throwing themselves into what their bodies craved, only for Mei to return to her husband's side and pretend like it never happened.

...Speaking of what bodies craved... Callie was wet. Every time that image popped into her head. The screams, the cries, the kisses... and Andre. The image of his naked body was burned into her memory. His huge dark muscles flexing as he easily handled Mei's light little body. The enormous manhood that he had used to invade her pussy... and her marriage. Callie had never seen anything like it in her entire life. She hadn't even known they *could be* so big. And more than anything... the way that Andre had caught Callie spying. The way he'd intensely stared at her as he violated Mei's wedding vows.

Callie spent a lot of time contemplating that stare. Was he mad at her, that she'd caught him? Was he putting on a show? Was he trying to intimidate her into not saying a word to Jake and June? Or... was there something more in that look?

"Are you alright?" Jake asked.

"Huh?" She snapped herself back into the present.

He was watching her in the mirror as he delicately applied a dress-shirt over his chest and began the arduous task of buttoning it. His sunburn was raw and red, starting to blister. The simple movements were causing him considerable pain as he dressed himself. Sun poisoning, most likely.

Callie, herself, had reddened a bit from their day at the beach, but she'd been cautious. A mixture of pink and tan where the sun had kissed her. Her hair looked a lighter shade of blonde (as it often got after spending time in the sun) and was wavy-- beachy looking, and she had noticed tan lines starting around her breasts. Regardless, the coloring on her face wasn't enough to hide her blushes and vacant stares.

"Oh yeah. I'm fine," she said. "I was just thinking that we don't really know these people that well."

"Mei and June?" Jake cocked his eyebrow. "We couldn't stop gushing about them earlier. What changed?"

Callie didn't want to say. She hurriedly said "She just worries me when she's been drinking a lot, that's all," she was hoping Jake wouldn't press it further.

"I didn't think she was that bad. But we won't stay long if she gets like that again," Jake assured her with a smile, adjusting his shirt and fixing his collar. He hissed through clenched teeth each time, from the pain of his burn.

They had agreed to meet up for dinner. Jake had put on a white button down with some khaki slacks-- island semi-casual, if they could call it that. Callie had opted for a nice maroon tank top with a lace pattern along the neckline, and a pair of black dressy shorts. They were short-- easily mistakable for a skirt, that showed off much of her smooth thighs. A pair of heels (that she rarely wore) perked her butt and highlighted her strong legs.

They met up with Mei and June at one of the resort restaurants that overlooked a sprawling pool with curving islands covered with trees and plant life (to create the effect of a natural spring). It was closed at this hour. The water was calm and lit from beneath. That, combined with the warm ocean breeze created a relaxing effect that Callie desperately needed. Her face was still flushed, and her thoughts elsewhere as they sat down and ate.

Mei and June were perfectly fun and pleasant, as they'd always been. June was oblivious to the events from this morning, and Mei was the attentive, playful, and loving wife. Callie watched her, mystified that Mei could play this off so well-- having just cheated in the most carnal ways possible, and yet not having a single lingering shred of guilt on her face. Had Callie done something like that, it would be written all over her expressions. Callie wasn't sure if she secretly hated Mei in that moment, or if she was envious. The feelings were wrestling with each other behind her eyes as she smiled politely and made normal conversation. As normal as could be, considering how withdrawn she looked.

Again, her expression hid nothing. Jake seemed to sense something was up with her. He nudged her several times, asking if she was okay; if she was having fun; if something was bothering her. Callie dismissed it each time, that nothing was wrong. But her lack of a smile, and her exceptionally quiet demeanor said otherwise. Poor Jake. Unlike other times when she'd grow quiet and withdrawn, she really wasn't being passive aggressive. She just needed some time to sort out her thoughts. Distance would be nice.

"Homesick?" Mei smiled over her glass of wine.

"I guess," Callie said, hoping the group would accept that answer and move onto a different topic without another word. "I have never really been far from home for long." She shrugged.

"Callie is a home body," Jake said with a polite smile, reaching under the table and giving her hand a squeeze. She didn't return it.

"You know, we have a gift certificate for a couple's massage," Mei said. "June doesn't want to go. Massages weird him out."

June agreed. "I don't like being naked in a room with strangers touching me. That doesn't sound relaxing to me. It sounds stressful."

Callie reddened again. From what Mei had told her, June's endowment was a great source of shame. She suspected that was the real reason June was avoiding the massage.

"I do love back rubs," Callie admitted.

"Then it's settled," Mei said. "Tomorrow, you and I are having a girl's day."

"Umm... I guess that would be fun..." Callie smiled, her face tilted down to the table. She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about spending time with Mei. But maybe Mei wanted to explain herself, or justify her actions. Mei still didn't know that Callie had seen her and Andre, but maybe Mei wanted to get it off her chest.

"What the hell, where's my invitation?" Jake teased.

"You are so sunburned that you cried in the shower earlier," Callie smirked. "Do you really think you can take someone rubbing your shoulders and back?"

Jake mock pouted. "Well... if they're really gentle about it."

Callie glanced at Mei and couldn't resist giggling. She handed Jake a glass of wine and said "Here... if you can lift this above your head without wincing, you can come."

Jake picked up the glass, looked at it, then set it back on the table in defeat. He wasn't even going to bother.

The girls snickered.

"You should probably get that looked at," June suggested.

"I just need to take it easy for a couple of days," Jake said, sounding more hopeful than confident.

They finished their meal and when they returned to their rooms, Jake was nearly in agony as he stripped out of his shirt.

"Aw Jake," Callie cooed when she saw how red and irritated his skin had become. The burn was worse than she thought.

"Yeah, it hurts like hell." He collapsed on the bed with a sigh, burying his head into the pillow miserably and not daring to move. "Enjoy your day tomorrow."


Jake had managed to work some aloe cream onto his more burnt areas, as the morning sun streamed in through the balcony doors. But the effort left him in pain, and he otherwise didn't want to move.

"Sorry I'm not being very fun," he groaned from the bed. He meant it. This was their trip and Callie was very much out of her element. He knew how much she leaned on him to be the provider and the guide in general, let alone in a foreign country far from home. And more than that, he hated being the reason her trip was about to become much more boring.

"No worries," Callie was toweling off after her shower. She'd put on a pair of pastel pink panties and a matching bra as she dried her hair. "I'll go get a massage with Mei. Maybe come back and rent a movie with you, and order in. I don't know yet."

"Maybe Mei knows some fun ideas?" Jake looked at her, trying not to get too excited over the way her full curves looked in her bright pink panties and bra. The bra sat low, forcing her big round 36DD's high. They were on proud display, and Jake could sense the beginnings of tan lines. The skin on top a nice gold shade, while the areas that had been covered by her bikini were bright whitish-pink. She looked radiant.

She seemed uneasy by this suggestion, but he couldn't fathom why. "M-maybe," she said, and before Jake could contemplate why she was stammering and blushing, Callie turned and retreated back to the bathroom. He heard the hair dryer kick on, and lull him into a pleasant trance with its white noise.


Before she left, Callie had put on a light and airy white miniskirt, made of that soft reassuring cotton they used as sweat suit material. It went well in this casual vacation setting. She slipped into a turquoise halter top that clung to her tummy and hugged her chest. Callie thought the colors were playful and fun, though the skin-tightness often attracted Jake's wandering eyes. Even as she kissed him goodbye and told him to feel better, she sensed his relentless eyes going to her boobs in that thin stretchy material.

Then she was heading to the lobby to meet Mei, her flip flops slapping off the tile, and her skirt playfully bouncing with each step.

"Has anyone ever told you that you walk like a ballerina?" Mei greeted Callie in the lobby. She was nearly drowning in a fluffy white robe, looking like a miniature princess on vacation, just waiting to be pampered.

Callie paused and glanced self-consciously down at herself. "Well yeah, actually. I took dance when I was little. I think it might have affected the way I walked growing up."

"You sort of bounce on the balls of your feet," Mei grinned, appraising her. "It's cute. Like a perky cheerleader."

"I was one of those too," Callie added. And they both giggled.

Mei led Callie to the spa area. "I scouted it out this morning," Mei explained.

"Couldn't wait, could you?"

"What can I say? I'm *very* sore," Mei commented.

Callie's face turned bright red and her eyes wandered away from Mei. The knowledge was written all over her face. Mei didn't have to scrutinize for long.

"You're blushing? Why are you blushing?"

"Oh... I don't know," Callie admitted, wishing she'd just drop it.

Mei rounded on her, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "You know something. Spill it!"

Callie glanced around the empty spa reception area, making sure they were alone before she spoke. Her eyes and expression were one of a dog that just piddled on the floor and was awaiting the inevitable scolding. "I... uhh... I saw you. Yesterday. With Andre."

Mei looked slightly guilty, but to Callie's surprise, her smile only broadened. "You saw us? Well I guess that's my fault. I should have been quieter. But, oh my god, I couldn't have, even if I wanted to."

"It... it looked very... acrobatic," Callie was at a loss for words. She was trying to keep the judgment from her eyes.

Mei also lowered her voice and leaned conspiratorially into Callie. "Callie... I haven't been fucked like that, ever."

"Oh my. I'll bet."

Mei looked momentarily ashamed. "I know what you're thinking. But remember what we talked about? How we both fantasize about a change-- something rough and powerful with a man who knows how to just take you and show you what your body was built for? That conversation was just fresh in my mind. And then we saw Andre, and I was feeling adventurous, and I just had to go for it."

Callie's heart was pounding. She wasn't sure why, but she could feel her hands trembling slightly with this conversation. Mei was speaking so frankly about it, in a way that Callie would never dream of doing if she had cheated on Jake.

"Just like that?" Callie asked.

"Just like that. He was more than ready," Mei nodded, her stare distant, returning to that memory. "He was... wow. It *is* true what they say about black men and BBC."

"BBC?" Callie asked.

"Big... black... cock," Mei devilishly emphasized each symbol, like she was reading the recipe for an exotic dish.

Callie reddened. She put her hand to her lips, and glanced sharply around the empty room, again confirming that they were alone.

"I'm not going to lie, after trying it, it's kind of hard to go back to June. I love June... but boy, he could *never* do the things that Andre did. As it is, I'm not going be able to sleep with him again until my body readjusts. I doubt I'd even feel June right now. Andre stretched me to new limits."

Callie was standing uncomfortably, her legs trembling, unsure what to say as she processed what Mei was telling her.

Then Mei got a wicked little smile on her face. "You should try him. You'd love it."

Callie's mouth nearly dropped open. "Try him? I'm married," she nearly breathed the words in the softest whisper that she could manage.

"So? So am I. We could be affair sisters," she taunted. "I guarantee that you would not be disappointed."

"Mei, stop it. I'm married. I'm on my honeymoon. And I'd never cheat on Jake."

"I never thought I'd cheat on June. But it happened... and you know what... I don't regret it."

"Mei!" Callie gasped.

"It was the hottest, wildest, sexiest time I've ever had. I haven't cum like that before. The things that man did to my body..." She trailed off, biting her lip. She was turning herself on by just the thought. "Besides... I think he likes you. I saw the way he was feeling your hip at the bar."

"No he wasn't," she said defensive. "We should stop talking about this. I wouldn't ever--"

"How long were you watching us?" Mei interrupted.

Callie reddened. It was all the answer that Mei needed. "A little while," she said, trying to sound vague and innocent... but she couldn't lie. It would be obvious."

"Uh huh. And what were you doing while you were watching?" Mei teased.

"N-nothing... just watching."

"Right. Just watching," Mei rolled her eyes. "You were just watching. And Andre was just holding me up to keep my feet from burning in the hot sand. Be honest with me, Callie. It's written all over your face. Were you masturbating?"

"Well..." Callie glanced away, then shamefully put her hands over her face. "Okay, I was. Just a little bit. But I was."

"Hey, you're only human. You liked what you saw. It turned you on. You did what felt good. I can respect that. And Andre and I were putting on quite the show. I'd be insulted if you didn't touch yourself. Were you thinking about his big black cock?"

"Mei! That is wrong for so many reasons. For one, it's racist--"

"Nothing racist about what we were doing," Mei smirked. "If anything, I was just paying for reparations. But you didn't answer my question. Were you thinking about Andre and his giant dick?"

Callie didn't trust herself to form the words. She nodded shamefully.

Mei smiled. "Girl, there is nothing wrong with looking at things you want. Stop beating yourself up so much. When things turn you on, you look at them."

"But I never thought about a black guy... or any guy other than Jake..." Callie quickly corrected, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"You're such a liar, Callie," Mei teased, but decided to dismiss this line of questioning. "You are wound up so tight. You *need* a massage." Mei leaned in and gave Callie a big hug.

Callie was stiff under her touch.

"I'm glad we cleared the air. You were acting weird last night," Mei said.

"Was I?"

"I thought you were in some silent fight with Jake or something. So that's what this was all about? You were freaked out by what you saw."

"I was," Callie sighed with relief. Despite her embarrassment, she felt lighter, considerably better to have gotten these thoughts off her chest. She could talk to Mei about what she'd seen, and it wasn't weird.

"C'mon. I'll sign us in while you get changed. Then we'll get you good and loosened up." Mei suggested, guiding Callie back toward the dressing rooms. That sounded nice. Although there was something about Mei's choice of words... and the little twinkle in her eye that made her uneasy. Especially as Mei leaned toward the receptionist and began to conspiratorially whisper.


Jake spent most of the day laying in bed, groaning, feeling sorry for himself, and (most of all) feeling sorry for Callie. He'd majorly messed up by not wearing sunscreen, and now Callie was off having a crummy vacation without him.

...Or worse... she could have been having the time of her life without him.

As selfish as it was, that thought was somehow slightly worse. He felt left out-- like a party that he was missing out on because he was too sick to attend. He was the uninvited, the outsider.

He laid in bed for a while, restless. He checked the clock. Fifteen minutes had passed, and for some reason, he had a weird feeling in his gut that he couldn't explain. He thought of Callie-- nervous and out of her element, laying naked on a massage table. It spurred some life into his loins. But it also spurred something else-- the image of someone running their oily hands over her body. It might be another woman-- in which case that'd be sort of hot. But... what if it wasn't? What if her masseuse was a man?

He needed to know he was still on good terms with her. Jake impulsively reached for his phone, wincing as he did, and texted her. "How's the massage going?" He was curious to know. Most likely he wouldn't hear anything back if she was in the middle of it...

A moment later, his screen lit up. "Not started yet. Getting undressed. This is weird."

That response made Jake laugh slightly. Okay, things were far less erotic than he was concerning himself over. He could imagine the scared doe-like expression to her eyes, and the funny way she darted her head around when she was nervous or out of sorts. Most likely she'd get on the massage table and (no matter how much of a sucker she was for his intimate back rubs) would probably freak out the moment some stranger began to touch her.

He decided she needed some reassurance. It would go a lot further than him voicing any concerns or sounding like he was insecure that she was having fun and he wasn't. "You'll have fun. It's like a back rub, only way longer and professional... and it doesn't end the way it usually ends when I do it." That last remark was followed by a winking face.