Cucked in the Tropics Ch. 09

Story Info
Andre talks Callie and Jake into skinny dipping.
15.4k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/18/2021
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*** Disclaimer ***

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains themes of cheating, cuckoldry, voyeurism, exhibitionism and NTR. If this isn't the fetish for you, don't waste your time flooding my inbox with hate mail-- it'll only make me want to write and post MORE cuck stuff (unless, of course, that's your goal...)

Otherwise, I love hearing from fans, and welcome any suggestions, thoughts, criticisms, or fantasy ideas. Enjoy!




When they'd returned to the honeymoon suite after their night at the festival, Callie nearly collapsed face-down in the bed and was snoring softly before Jake could even say good night. He guessed he couldn't blame her. She'd been insistent that she didn't feel good at the festival, and she certainly looked disheveled enough to show that she'd had a rough night. Hopefully she'd feel better in the morning.

Jake wished he could fall asleep as quickly. But he lay awake, staring at the accent lights of the pool outside of their balcony windows. It created a moving shadow effect on the ceiling. Jake's thoughts kept returning to what had happened in that dark alley.

How he'd caught Andre in the middle of a drug deal, and how Andre had nearly killed a man, broken his bones, and made him scream. Andre was definitely involved in shady business. Of that, Jake had no doubts. But Andre had seen Jake. Now they both knew. And Jake was horrified. He knew too much, and Andre had much more influence down here than he'd given the man credit for. When they'd first arrived, Jake had underestimated Andre as a mere chauffer and tour guide. But between the fight, Andre's copious amounts of money that he was able to lavish Callie with expensive dresses and jewelry, and Andre's enormous boat, it was obvious the man had more pull around here than Jake had thought.

He was already on Andre's radar after the scuba diving incident. Neither of them liked each other, that much was clear. But for some weird reason, as of lately, Callie had developed a trust and a liking for Andre. That also bothered Jake. What was this scumbag buttering up his wife for?

Jake resolved that he needed to talk to Callie about this. But he needed to do it in the morning, when she wasn't feeling ill.

He sighed, and continued to stare at the ceiling. The feeling of dread wouldn't subside. It was a long night, with very little comfort. At least Callie was able to sleep like a rock.


They were eating breakfast in one of the more low-key restaurants of the resort when Jake said it.

"I think we should head home early." His eyes were restless, darting around the mostly empty dining room, afraid of who they might run into, or who might overhear.

Callie looked up from her plate sharply. The shock immediately washed away the relaxed serene expression she'd been wearing only moments ago.

"Oh my gosh, why?" she asked.

Jake wasn't sure he wanted to be completely truthful. Last night had been a hellish blur of tossing and turning, of contending with the butterflies in his belly, and the knot in his gut. He was afraid of how she might react, especially after she seemed to be finding a louder voice with him lately.

"You have to admit, this trip hasn't exactly been good to either of us. Between the sunburn, and the fight after the boat, and you weren't feeling good all last night--"

"I told you this morning, I feel 100% better," she insisted. She was staring at him sharply, her eyes slightly narrowed. She seemed... guarded.

"Well regardless... this was fun. But maybe we should cut our losses and head home a little sooner than expected," Jake said. "We could get back, and still have enough time for a 'stay-cation' back at the house."

"Well I like it here, and I want to stay," Callie said firmly. "What's going on with you, lately?"

Jake hesitated. He didn't want to tell her about his suspicions with Andre. About what he saw. He didn't want to frighten her. Callie was already a sheltered, jumpy girl. But now, she was far from home and out of her element. He was afraid that she might panic. But was that the real reason? Jake decided that it was one of the reasons. The other was much scarier to process-- that Callie wouldn't take his side on this. That she'd doubt and rebuke his warning. That she would side with Andre over him, and she'd feel compelled to defend Andre (a man she barely knew) over the warnings of her husband (with whom she'd been close with for most of her life). Did he really want to risk that rejection?

Jake sighed. "You're just going to have to trust me. I have a bad feeling about this place... and I think it would be best if we left."

Callie stared at him, her expression frozen. Her eyebrow cocked, her eyes glaring, and her mouth held in a tight line. Jake didn't know this expression well, but he knew that it wasn't good.

After an eternity she said, "No." Then she resumed her breakfast.

Jake glanced around, then repeated it. "No?"

"No," she lighter, but with more resolve. "Jake, this is our honeymoon. This trip was expensive, and it's non-refundable. This is one of the few times we're ever going to do this-- travel someplace this far away and exotic. I'm sorry if you're having a bad time, but I'm not. And I'd like to stay."

"It's not that," Jake said, slightly defeated.

"It is just that. You had a few disappointing days, and now you want to go running back home to hide. That's fine if you were single and here alone, but you're married now. So put on your big boy pants and realize that you aren't just doing things for yourself. I'm not done with my vacation. So until I am, you'll just have to deal with it. Then we'll leave together."

Although Callie's voice was soft and calm, there was an icy cold practicality to them. It reminded Jake of their fight yesterday, where Callie had suggested that she actually cheat on Jake, if Jake thought she was such an untrustworthy slut.

He was intimidated by Andre, but he was also intimidated by Callie in this moment.

Jake folded. "Okay, sorry I brought it up. It was just a suggestion."

"It's fine," Callie said, dismissively. As far as she was concerned, the matter had already been settled before she even finished her peace. And Jake was positive she wouldn't budge.

"So what do you want to do today?" Jake asked, feeling intimidated by his own wife for the first time.

"Oh, I don't know. You pick." Okay, that was the old Callie again. Malleable and non-committal. Jake was usually the plan maker. Sometimes it annoyed him, but at the moment, it was something he could use to his advantage. If Callie wasn't going to let them leave, maybe he could at least lay low and steer them away from places where they might run into Andre.

"I know we tried our hand at the private beach yesterday, but... do you think there might be some place that's more... hidden?"

Callie looked quizzical.

"You know, like an actual private beach that nobody knows about? Not something that's marketed as 'hidden'? Something that's 'actually' hidden?"

Callie thought it over. "Sure," she said finally. "That sounds fun."

"Really?" Jake was surprised.

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind hanging out where people aren't," she flashed a smile.

"Okay, great," Jake perked up. "Had enough of them after last night?"

Callie reddened. "It was a lot of fun... but... I think I'm just worn out," she admitted.

Jake nodded, "Okay, I understand. I'll make the arrangements, let me take care of everything." He was insistent, and when he hurried them out of the restaurant, he was relieved that there were no further run-ins with Andre.


They rented a Jeep, and as they passed through the gates, Callie was cautious not to look too closely at the guard booth. She didn't see the man with the gold tooth and she had no way of knowing if he was in there today. While she trusted Andre to not blow her cover, she wasn't so sure about the guard who'd had her last night.

Their trip didn't take them into the city. It was more of a rutted sandy road through the palm trees. It followed the curve of the coast line. In the distance, Jake could see beautiful towering mountains, rolling beneath carpets of green.

A breeze kicked up and blew the hair from Callie's face. Each day, she looked more and more like a natural beach babe. Her hair had lightened from the sun, and her skin had taken on a healthy golden glow.

She was wearing her other bathing suit. The black one with the straps that rode high on her hips, and the top that gave peeks of the bottoms of her breasts. With her sunglasses on and her risqué outfit, Jake felt like he didn't really recognize his bride.

She lounged back in the seat, taking deep breaths of the warm clear air. Jake glanced over as he drove and noted the way her boobs seemed to be utterly bursting from her top. It made his loins stir. They'd had sex less on this trip than he would expect, so maybe they could change that.

The beach that they'd managed to locate was off the beaten path. It was only a couple of miles beyond the resort-- a short drive through rutted roads of sand and mud that wound them through a forest of palms and vines. The ride was pleasant, almost like traveling through a primordial forest. Jake half expected dinosaurs to pop out of the foliage and chase them.

When Jake found them a private sliver of coast, he wondered if the Jeep had even been necessary at all. It hadn't taken them long to get here. But just long enough that if they'd walked, they would probably be miserable when it was time to head back.

"It's certainly isolated," Callie looked around as she laid out towels and blankets.

"Is that a bad thing?" Jake lugged the cooler from the car, packed with the day's lunches and drinks.

Callie shrugged diplomatically.

"Bummed that you don't get to prance around in your bikini in front of an audience?" Jake asked.

Callie rolled her eyes, but said nothing else about it.

Truthfully, Jake was relieved. This wasn't really an "official" part of the resort, and they had very little chance of having a random run-in with Andre. It was a good spot to lay low. He wasn't sure what Andre was capable of, and after they'd spotted each other last night, after Andre had just committed a violent crime, Jake was afraid that Andre might be looking for him. If he had cartel affiliations, this was probably the best spot to stay off the radar of the whole criminal enterprise.

If Callie insisted on staying for the duration of their trip, Jake could maybe keep their activities on the down-low for a while-- go see sights without Andre or his goons, go for walks, go for hikes, etc.

As the two of them set up their own little private oasis, Jake caught something gleaming brightly around Callie's ankle.

"That's interesting. When did you get that?" He asked, noticing the gold anklet with the charm on it. Was that a spade?

"Oh," Callie startled, and glanced at her leg, as though she'd forgotten she was wearing it. Her face stayed neutral, but her cheeks turned a subtle shade of pink. "I had that for a while."

Jake had the feeling she was being evasive, but he couldn't imagine why. "I've never seen it before," he said.

"I forgot I had it," she said dismissively and laid down to lounge. "Would you make us some drinks?" She changed the subject.

Jake rummaged through the cooler and mixed mimosas in plastic cups, then he laid down with Callie.

After several hours in the sun, and occasionally stopping to take a dip in the surging waves, Jake began to feel slightly better. He was more relaxed, and his anxiety abated. Callie also seemed more at ease, more herself, and more focused on it just being the two of them.

They'd taken a dip in the ocean at one point-- Callie didn't venture further out beyond waist depth, but that was fine. They'd laughed, they'd splashed around. Jake admired his wife's luscious curves, especially the way her bikini displayed them. Callie's bathing suit was bordering on obscene, but only barely. And Jake downplayed that as merely Callie's lack of style. She never was aware of when her shirts had faded, or become too small to contain her hour glass body, or if she was wearing a skirt that was just a little too short to be considered 'tasteful'.

After a picnic lunch, Jake had even sat behind her on the blanket and massaged her back, which he knew Callie enjoyed. And after a few minutes of rubbing her sun-warmed shoulders and listening to her moan in pleasure, Jake had allowed his hands to slip down the front of her chest.

Callie's moans turned sensual as Jake began to fondle Callie's double D boobs. God they felt good in his hands. He always loved the way they rested heavily in his palms, and the way her flesh yielded as he squeezed and massaged.

Maybe it was the isolation, mixed with the mimosas, but Jake was sporting a raging hard on as he felt-up his wife out here in the open like this. By the time his fingers slipped into her top, he was already grinding himself against her back.

Callie's hands slid behind her back, seeking out Jake's erection. She continued to pant and purr as she located his bulge, pressing through his trunks and she gave it a squeeze. She tried to stroke it but in both hands, there was very little shaft to slide along. She moved her hands in subtle little jerks.

"What would you do if someone saw us like this?" Callie asked playfully, sucking in a throaty breath, growing excited by their outdoor groping.

"I--I don't know," Jake admitted, grunting as Callie gently massaged his dick over his shorts. Jake had never really pursued this line of dirty talk before. Hypotheticals often put the brakes on their fooling around. "Probably run toward the Jeep so we could fix our clothes." He laughed nervously.

"Would you?" She asked, her bikini slipping to the side against Jake's rubbing, exposing her fleshy white globes. "Do you think they'd like what they saw?" She ventured, curious, yet timid at the same time.

"I don't know. Wait, you hate when people see us," Jake said, still kneading her soft tits, too turned on to stop. Callie rested her head against his shoulder and laid back against his chest. Jake found her nipples and began to pinch.

Callie only moaned, and didn't stop. She was squirming against his touch, breathing heavily. Her thumbs moved in circles around Jake's swollen head.

"So... like... if another woman happened to see us and wanted to watch? I guess that'd be okay." Jake said.

Callie bit her lip... "Or... what if it was a man?" Callie asked.

"A man?"

Callie nodded. "Would that be weird for you? Another man looking at your wife."

Jake wasn't sure where she was going with this. A small part of him felt sort of sick at the suggest, but yet his cock was very hard, and not going away just from a simple suggestion.

"It might be kind of weird," Jake admitted, with a dry swallow.

"Would you show me to him, like you're doing now?" Callie asked, glancing down and seeing that both of her breasts were exposed from Jake's eager fondling.

"I mean... I don't..." Jake suddenly sighed in pleasure as Callie cradled his balls in one hand and gave his cock a squeeze with the other. "If you were okay with it," he said, humoring her odd suggestions. She was just being adventurous and playful after all. What harm was it? He knew Callie was much too bashful to ever take this into the world of reality.

They lay against each other, Callie's body coming alive with lust. She was moving against Jake, her hand slipping up his shorts now to touch his bare shaft. She found it and began to stroke with her thumb and index finger.

"You're very quiet," Callie giggled slightly as she toyed with Jake's cock.

"I don't know. It's hard to imagine another guy looking at your naked body and not wanting to join," Jake said.

"Would you let him?" Callie asked, and before Jake could consider it, Callie took his hand in hers, and brought his fingers to her mouth. She suddenly wrapped her lips around his fingers and gave a long deep sexual suck at them. She worked her tongue over his fingers as though she was sucking on a cock, and putting her all into it. Jake's manhood was nearly quivering with desire to feel what his fingers were now.

"I'm not sure I like the idea of another guy..." Jake trailed off. Callie was relentlessly fellatiating his fingers. Her tongue was sliding seductively around them. Her hand was pumping them in and out of her mouth, and she was bobbing her head like mad. Jake was beginning to wonder what had gotten into her. "Oh god," he murmured, feeling the precum ooze from his cock and run down the shaft.

After a moment, Callie came up for air. In a voice that he barely recognized, she said "Not even if I promised you another woman could join us later?"

Jake was stunned. "Well... I guess that'd be okay... I-- I think..."

"Two men can have me, and later you get two girls. That's fair," Callie teased, her breathing was so hard and eager.

"Fuck, baby." Jake grunted, now lost in his own fantasy by her suggestions. When Callie finally released his fingers from her intense sucking, Jake couldn't resist any longer. His hand trailed down Callie's body, over her tits, down her tummy and straight toward her bikini bottoms. He needed it, and he needed it urgently.

His fingers started to slip into Callie's bottoms, heading straight toward--

"Wait!" Callie, suddenly sat up, as though she was snapping out of a trance. She nearly yanked Jake's hand out of her bottoms, like she was remembering something. Then she quickly fixed her top.

"What is it?" Jake was startled by her abrupt transformation. The only times Callie got like this were if she heard something or they were being interrupted. She'd get startled, and like a switch, the sex would turn off. He looked around.

"Not here," Callie insisted, making sure her boobs were packed away.

"Something wrong?" Jake asked, half expecting to see someone on the beach, really watching them. But from the way Callie had made it sound a moment ago, would that really bother her? He decided that it would. Her dirty suggestions were only fantasy, which was why he'd even humored them in the first place.

"No, I just got scared for a second," Callie stood and fixed her swim suit. It was still very revealing, but she was covered once again. There was a finality to the gesture, and she began to pack up their things.

Jake was floored-- his erection remained, but it was rapidly subsiding. "Nobody is out here," Jake insisted.

"I know, but... not here. Let's go back to the room if we're going to do that," Callie said, the hair falling across her face to hide her guilty expression.

Jake thought about protesting more, but decided against it. If she wanted to head back to the hotel and have sex, who was he to complain? Regardless, it seemed that Callie had enough of the private beach.

He helped her pack up and load the Jeep. It was hard to keep his eyes off of his wife, and his thoughts innocent. Jake was still very turned on.

It wasn't until they started back toward the resort that things changed. They were only a quarter of a mile into their return trip. The Jeep passed beneath the canopy of Jurassic jungle plants. The road-- normally sand and gravel-- turned to loose wet mud. Jake felt the Jeep slide into the divots that their vehicle had carved out on the drive there.

Jake had never driven off road before, so he took it slow, not wanting to splash them both with mud. It wasn't until the Jeep slowed, even though the wheels continued to spin, that he grew worried. Eventually the Jeep stopped moving forward all together.

He swore and pressed harder on the accelerator. The wheels spun but caught no traction in the wetness. He tried reverse, he tried turning the wheel, and he tried the sheer power of his will.