Cucking the Captive Campers Ch. 04

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Bradley watches his mother and McDowell.
8.5k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/05/2022
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*** Disclaimer ***

The following story is a work of fiction. It contains themes of cheating, cuckoldry, humiliation, voyeurism, exhibitionism, NTR and possibly even a little incest. If this isn't the fetish for you, I urge you to reconsider how much time and energy you devote to this.

This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.




They all slept very little that night-- for obvious reasons. But some time in the early morning hours, the rodeo in the RV had finally ceased, and the camp had fallen mercifully silent, with the exception of Brian's soft muffled whimpering.

It was almost noon before Leanne hopped lightly from the trailer, a new woman. Bradley was already up, rummaging through the cooler.

"You're up before me? Well this is a switch," Leanne teased.

Bradley straightened with a groan and rubbed his throbbing forehead. "Need food." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

Leanne rested her hands on her hips. She was draped in an oversized flannel shirt, that covered her like a short dress. There was nothing else on underneath. Bradley suspected she'd slept naked, and had only thrown this on as a courtesy.

"You're hungover, aren't you?" Leanne appraised him, pulling her hair back. It was especially messy this morning.

"No... no," he groaned, "Not hungover. It just feels like my brain is banging against the inside of my skull over and over again."

"That's a hangover, kid," McDowell's voice from the trailer door. He squinted against the morning sunlight, shirtless, with just his pair of borrowed shorts to cover his hulking frame. "Here, drink this." He handed Bradley another beer.

"Ugh... no more," Bradley groaned.

"It'll take the edge off the headache," McDowell promised.

"But then *this* beer will wear off eventually, too. What am I going to do, just stay a little drunk forever?" Bradley asked.

McDowell shrugged. "Worked for my old man." He turned and appraised Leanne. "That's a good look for you," he inspected the way her loose shirt displayed her long legs and barely hid her ass.

He reached down and lifted the back of the shirt, revealing her firm perky butt, and he gave it a hard squeeze as he pulled her in and ravaged her mouth with his. Leanne melted into him, as giddy as a groupie at a backstage show. She never smacked his hand away, nor pulled away.

Bradley was not only treated to the sight of his mother's bare ass, but the way McDowell so forcefully and unapologetically kissed and groped his mother right in front of him. Bradley felt something stirring within him again, and he had to turn away, lest they notice his growing bulge.

They finally broke the kiss and Leanne let out a long savory moan of satisfaction. "Mmmmm... you fucked me so good last night," she said, without thinking of the ears close by that also heard the remark.

"Can't take all the credit. You played a big part," he grinned. "Speaking of... why don't you go on inside and get dressed. Put on something sexy for me, baby." He gave her a smack on the ass that sent her hurrying playfully for the trailer door. "And wake up sleepy-head, while you're at it. I don't need his happy ass napping all day." He was referring to Brian.

"Yes daddy," Leanne teased, dropping her voice to a sexy tone. With a wink and a giggle, she was gone.

When the trailer door shut, McDowell turned to Bradley. The boy's face was still red and uncertain.

"I trust you heard most of that, last night. So I don't really need to explain much." McDowell said.

Bradley's eyes darted nervously away, and his cheeks only grew redder. "I-I-I'm not really sure what I heard." He stammered.

McDowell's hard scrutinizing face never wavered. "Yeah you are. Don't worry, though kid. I won't hog all the action," he winked with a grin.

Bradley had no clue what that meant. But before he could question it, McDowell glanced into the cooler and began to retrieve some items. "C'mon kid, I'll show you how to make a real breakfast."


Brian's eyes were crusty with dried tears. He'd lain awake for the majority of last night, listening to this man have sex with his wife. Leanne had been so loud, so vocal, so utterly dirty, that Brian was absolutely devastated. Not to mention, now that it was morning, he was faced with a new reality-- Bradley had heard it all. Not only had Brian been cucked, but his own son had bore witness to the act of Leanne trading mates without the slightest hint of regret.

Brian's humiliation was beyond anything he'd known.

Leanne uncuffed him without the slightest hint of apology or remorse, before turning a cold shoulder and heading for the bedroom.

Brian stepped from the trailer door with a gut wrenching feeling of defeat, and saw McDowell and Bradley hovered over the fire. Eggs steamed from a pan that they were cooking over the flames... together. Bradley was laughing at something as he male-bonded with this usurper.

Something snapped in Brian, and before he could fully understand why, he took off running at a full sprint. He needed to get away, and if nobody was going to cry for help, then god-dammit, he'd do it. Fuck McDowell's earlier threat. His wife had already betrayed him, and now his son was connecting with a man that he ought to despise.

"Help!" Brian screamed at the top of his lungs. His shaky legs pumped his heavy frame into a full sprint.

He'd never run so hard and fast in his life. And over the sound of his pounding heart, he could hear feet behind him. He risked a glance over his shoulder, in time to see McDowell barreling after him-- crashing through the trees like a charging bull.

The absolute fear added an extra spring to Brian's step. "HELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP!" He cried desperately, his voice rolling through the empty camp grounds. He ran headlong into the trees, darting around trunks, and hopping over tangles of roots and bushes.

"Get back here, you little shit!" McDowell's snarl was close. Dangerously close. The convict was gaining speed on him quickly.

Brian vaulted a fallen log, screaming mindlessly for help that would never come. His heart was pounding like it never had before. His terror was absolute. If this man caught up to him, pain and brutality was inevitable. This would be his one and only chance to get away. McDowell would never allow him this kind of freedom again.

Brian ducked beneath some low-hanging branches, and burst out onto a forest road that ran up to the latrines.

A second later, McDowell was right behind him. Brian ran along the path, screaming and screaming, but saw nobody.

Brian was not an athlete. He never had been. And his lack of keeping in shape was now catching up with him. He was winded. No amount of breathing could keep up with his racing heart.

To Brian, the chase through the woods had felt like an eternity. But realistically, it might have only been seconds before it came to an end. Immense thick arms threw themselves around Brian's waist, and they toppled to the ground as McDowell tackled him.

Brian wasn't a small man, but McDowell had weight, height, and muscle over him. In seconds, he was pinned. Brian yelled pitifully out one final time. But as McDowell began to hit him, it was all over. His escape attempt had failed.


"It's for his own good," McDowell insisted. "If he'd gone for help, we'd all be surrounded by edgy pigs with itchy trigger-fingers."

Leanne and McDowell had spent the last several minutes making the necessary arrangements. Brian-- bruised and bloodied-- had been duct-taped down to a folding camping chair. Leanne had relocated Bradley's sleeping bag and clothes from the tent, into the RV, so that Brian (on his folding chair) could be moved into the tent. The duct tape was firmly back over his mouth, gagging his attempts to scream, and his legs and arms were lashed in place against the chair's framework.

"I don't understand why we don't just keep him in the trailer?" Bradley said, suddenly worried that his mother would turn up one of his crusty socks from last night-- the one he'd climaxed into while listening to her animalistic cries of pleasure and passion.

"Practicality, mah-boy," McDowell drawled. "If he somehow slips his binds, that tent is going to be a lot harder for him to get out of unnoticed by someone. And I want to keep an eye on him. Plus, if the rangers come back, they're probably going to search that," he pointed to the RV, "sooner than they'll search that." He pointed to the tent. "Only way he'll be able to get out of that tent is through the zipper, which faces where we'll be sitting. Plus... I can sort of see him from here."

McDowell pointed to a screen window, just beneath the rain-fly. It was subtle. Nobody would notice Brian inside unless they hunched down to look in. But they could see him looking right back out at them. His face was flushed, scraped up. One eye was swollen shut. And his cheeks were puffing out with each breath. Bradley looked at his dad apologetically. Brian could see out decently well-- a mercy that they allowed him, considering the way he'd disobeyed McDowell's rules.

"Not to mention, we'll have to take turns taking care of him," Leanne added with a hint of disgust to her voice. "Feeding him, keeping him hydrated, bathroom breaks." She added the last with a frown, as though she was forced to take care of a messy child, instead of her husband.

From inside the tent, Brian grunted angrily from behind his duct-tape, but was lashed so tightly down, that he couldn't even budge in his seat.

"Dad is going to be really mad when this is all over, and you let us go," Bradley admitted.

"Let's not worry about that now, right champ?" McDowell winked, clearly not worried. "We're on vacation. Let's enjoy ourselves."

"I'm guessing swimming is out, then," Leanne remarked, looking down at herself. Indeed, before Brian had run off, she'd taken McDowell's request to heart, and had changed into a string bikini she'd brought, in case she wanted to take a dip in the nearby lake. It was leopard print, and clung tightly to her breasts, not doing much to cover them. It showed her smooth skin that she kept regularly tanned, the tone of her arms, and the flatness of her tummy. She wore the same shorts from before-- tight and frayed, cut-off dangerously short. Barely shorts at all. The strings of her bikini bottoms rode high on her hips. "Should I go change?"

McDowell smirked and lightly elbowed Bradley. "For us boys? Not a chance. Why don't you stay just like you are. I don't think we mind, right?"

Leanne looked from McDowell to Bradley. Her son gave her a glance, reddened, then quickly averted his eyes. It was fast, but she knew that look-- her son had checked her out. For a single moment in time, she had ceased to be 'mom' in the eyes of her son, and had become something much different. Something much more sexual. She wasn't sure how she felt about that. But it was hard to argue with McDowell. The man was so sexy, so confident-- he had such power over her. She wasn't going to disappoint him now by throwing on more clothes.

Besides, it promised to be a warm humid day. The sky was already a shade of solid white.

McDowell cooked while they sat by the fire pit. Bradley found his eyes repeatedly wandering to his mother. He couldn't get the sound of her moans out of his brain. He imagined the way her body must have moved on top of McDowell's body, while she cheated on his father right in front of him. The whole situation was gut-wrenching, but yet, that youthful uncontrolled stirring returned to his lap.

Bradley had been letting his eyes wander over his mother for a little too long at one point, when she caught him. He looked away with a blush. This time she didn't let it go.

"Something on your mind, pumpkin head?" She asked, dredging up an old teasing nickname from his youth-- the time he'd gotten his head stuck in a carved-out Jack-o'-lantern.

"N-no, nothing," Bradley insisted defensively. He didn't have much practiced finesse. He could feel the heat on his face now. He crossed his arms over his lap, praying that his boner wasn't showing. He didn't think it was, but at this point it could be totally obvious, for all he knew.

Leanne hesitated. She too had a guilty look on her face-- as though she'd been caught red handed and was hoping to avoid the conversation.

"It's about last night, isn't it?" McDowell asked, rather bluntly. The only one who wasn't ashamed. He wasn't ashamed of anything.

"What? No!" Bradley answered way too quickly to be anything but blatantly lying.

Leanne sighed. "Oh... you heard us, huh?"

McDowell snickered. "How could he not? You're quite the screamer, baby."

Leanne reddened, but a little smile crossed her face-- guilty to be addressing it with her son, but not guilty for having cheated. "So that's why you're acting weirder than normal," she teased, trying to be her usual playful self with her son.

That wasn't completely true. Bradley was acting weird because he was getting a boner from his mother acting like a raging slut. But to say that was far more shameful than opting for the easy answer. "Yeah," he agreed, slightly relieved to have an excuse to fall back on-- one that they'd accept.

Leanne hesitated, glancing between McDowell, and Bradley. Finally she leaned forward and lowered her voice, as though conspiring, but loud enough to still allow McDowell into the conversation. "It happened," she said, rubbing her thighs together nervously, fidgeting. "I'm sorry that you heard it... but things got sort of carried away and..." She looked at McDowell again, and bit her lip.

The look of lust in her eyes was there again, and it threatened to make Bradley's cock even stiffer. Bradley held up hand, hoping to end this conversation as dismissively as possible before things grew worse for him.

"It's fine. I figured something was going after the ranger left. It's fine, mom. I'm not stupid. Can we drop it, please?"

Leanne bit her lip again, her brow pinched together. "I know it's weird with your father here and all. And I know you love him... but this situation... it's different for all of us. And with Leo here... he's... well... he's *not* your father." She said it in a way of swooning adoration. Rolling her words in a way that it should be obvious that him being different was an amazing thing... a turn on. "You see... things get complicated when you've been married for a long time. And I know he's your father... but... Leo." Leanne looked at him again. "I feel so... alive. Does that make sense?"

McDowell smirked and joined them. "What your mother is saying is that she behaved herself for too long, and she likes a man who makes her feel like the bad girl that she's always been. Isn't that right, slut?" McDowell grabbed a fistful of Leanne's hair, and pulled until her face was turned up to meet his. Then he planted a hungry kiss on her mouth. "Say it," he barked, giving her face a light slap.

"Yesssss..." she hissed obediently.

"Yes what?" McDowell tugged harder, pulling her head around like his little puppet.

"Yes, daddy," she insisted, her face hungry and her eyes excited to be manhandled like this.

"Good slut." He dragged his tongue along her face, from her chin to her hairline in one long lick, before letting her go.

When he let go, Leanne was flustered with excitement. Her leg quivering, her heart pounding from that act alone. It took her a moment to catch her breath.

"You see," McDowell explained, indifferent to Bradley's shocked and out of breath expression that matched his mom's. "Women like a man who takes charge. Who gives them a thrill. Who makes them feel powerless and excited. Your shrimpy little dad clearly doesn't do that for her. I do. Ain't that right, baby?" McDowell let his eyes travel over her body, openly leering at her figure.

"Yes, daddy," she giggled, glancing nervously at Bradley to see if her son was freaked out by this. He wasn't.

"Good girl. Now, I know we just got up, but it's almost noon. So why don't you fetch your boys a couple of beers," he ordered.

Leanne rose obediently to her feet.

McDowell grinned at Bradley. "Bet you never saw your mother so submissive before, have you?"

Bradley shook his head, mystified.

"All women are, for the right man. A man they're *actually* excited by," as she walked past them, McDowell openly gave Leanne a smack on the ass. His hand on her skin sounded like a gunshot going off. Leanne jumped, but to Bradley's surprise, his mother yelped, giggled, then grinned, a little pleased with herself. She strutted some, trying to catch McDowell's eye with the sway of her hips.

Bradley found his own eyes drawn to the sexy sashay of his mother's body, and the scissor of her bare legs.

McDowell caught him looking. His grin only widened.

"It's okay to look, son. I know she's your mother, but she's also a sexual being. Well... more like a sexual animal," he lowered his voice and leaned in conspiratorially.

Bradley reddened, unsure what to say. But as Leanne bent forward over the cooler, her shorts rode high. From where the men sat, they had a commanding view of her heart-shaped ass. The thin strip of her shorts barely hid her sex. McDowell grinned and elbowed Bradley, nodding his head in the direction of Leanne.

Bradley looked. How could he not? His mother's ass was absolutely stunning. And those long legs...

Leanne peered over her shoulder, and caught them. "What are you two looking at?"

"We're just enjoying the view," McDowell answered immediately.

Leanne's eyes went from McDowell's to the stunned and shameful face of her son. "You too, huh?" She rested her hand on her hip.

"Can you blame the boy?" McDowell grinned.

Leanne looked thoughtful, and admitted, "I guess not." She strode back to them and passed them beers.

"Thanks, baby," he gave her a slap on the ass as a reward. Leanne jumped and yelped again, then laughed lightly.

"You like when he does that, mom?" Bradley asked, eyeing the red mark on the bottom of her firm ass cheek.

She shrugged. "I don't know. It makes me feel kind of naughty," she bit her lip.

"Told you-- sexual being," McDowell assured Bradley. "Why don't you give it a try?"

For a second, both Bradley and Leanne froze, looking at each other from the suggestion. McDowell had just suggested that the boy spank his mother. Neither had any idea how to react to it.

Finally McDowell made the decision for them. He manhandled Leanne around so that her ass was facing Bradley, and bent her forward slightly. "Kid, spank your mother," he said, his voice much firmer. Less of a suggestion and more of a command.

With wide eyes, Bradley extended his hand and gave her perky ass a slap. The meat of her butt jiggled in her tiny shorts. A shudder ran through Leanne. Something she hadn't felt before. It was one thing when McDowell did it... but this was her own son now. From their expressions, they both felt slightly weird about it. Weird and confused.

It was that confusion that amused McDowell.

"No no, not like that. She's a bad girl," McDowell insisted. "Give her another one. A harder one. She's not going to feel like a bad girl if you take a limp-wristed approach. Really let her have it."

Nervous, but oddly aroused, Bradley reached back and slapped her hard. A loud clapping sound rang out across the camp site. Bradley's hand stung. Leanne cried out when she felt the harsh sting on her ass.

"Ouch," she whimpered.

"Good," McDowell threw back his beer, and grinned. "Again," he stood, coming around in front of Leanne, he wrapped his arms around her, his big hands going to her butt. He yanked the legs of her shorts up, wedging them into the crack of her ass. Both bare cheeks presented to her son.