Cuckolded by Her Mother Ch. 11


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She could not have said just when she realised that the car was slowing down, but the road seemed quieter all of a sudden, bar the honk of a trucker who near enough had her leaping out of her seat, heart hammering and blood pounding in her ears. Ropes trembled beneath her, fur trying to fluff up yet kept in place by the smooth constraints of his clothes. The truck evidently sped on further down the road as he overtook them, his elevation in the cab surely enough to... Fyr's eyes widened sharply. Hellfire!

"Fuck, Fyr..."

She would have laughed if she had not been so preoccupied with his cock, but paid the antics of other road users no mind as the truck slowed further and others overtook them. She could not have told just who got a good look into their car, but blood rushed to her cheeks and neck in hot patches as she imagined just what they could see. Sure, her head was probably obscuring most of the real action, but that didn't make it any the less exotic and erotic to be watched by complete and utter strangers.

Well, there was no reason why she couldn't put on just a little bit of a show for them now, was there? Fyr smirked inwardly to herself as she wriggled her buttocks and murred around his cock for just a little bit of extra vibration that had him quivering under her touch. Her paw wormed its way deeper into his underwear - what was it today? Blue boxer-briefs? Sasha must have been shopping for him again, not that she minded the style - and found his furry orbs. Cupping and rolling his balls softly between her fingers, the dragoness moaned and lifted her tail to the passenger window, casting her eyes sultrily up to her husband as he ground his teeth together and fought against himself to keep his eyes fixed on the road.

The truck slowed and slowed and Fyr lost count of how many sped past, privy to their lewd display as they no doubt held up a certain number of fingers in distaste for their manner of driving. Ropes' breath came with increasing harshness, the cougar's hips rocking and lifting so that she had to be quick so as not to let her teeth graze him. Slurping lewdly on his cock, Fyr ground her hips back and moaned as loudly as she was able, eyes lidded and her attention on her husband and her husband alone. Sometimes, that was just how it was supposed to be.

His orgasm, when it came, caught her completely and utterly by surprise. One minute she had her nose buried down in the soft, warm fur of his crotch and the next he was ramming up into her muzzle with brutal force, forcing his cock-head into the back of her throat to deliver every drop of cream he had to give. The dragoness gasped and choked, back heaved as she hacked and strove not to cough, eyes watering. But all she could really do was finish what her deeper sense of self had started the wicked little liaison for in the first place and gulp down his seed, throat working quickly in a valiant effort to not allow a drop to go to waste. After all, his cum was a treat rarely delivered those days and Fyr was more than determined to not let it go to waste.

Only when the last trickles and remnants of his orgasm had petered out did she permit his softening, beautifully uncut length to slip from her lips, mouth thick with the taste of his essence. Regardless of what came to her later, it would all be worth it and Fyr chuckled breathlessly, finally allowing herself a cough as her lungs burned, wiping the moisture from her eyes.

"My... I wasn't expecting that one!"

A ludicrous little giggle burst from her lips that Ropes could not help but join in with, such was its infectious nature. Giving his balls one last squeeze - hey, she didn't know when she'd have him so neatly in paw ever again - Fyr straightened her back and tucked her tail down from where it had been pinned up against the passenger window. Although she would not have been giving anyone on the outside of the road, out in the middle of nowhere, a show, anyone passing would have been quite clear as to the state of her lust. Fyr shivered. She wondered if any of those driving by had liked what they'd seen, perhaps wanted to use her too.

It was a passing thought, however, and one quickly overruled by her husband in the driver's seat, chest rising and falling still at a greater pace than normal as he regained at least something of his composure. It was cute, in a way, to see him so ruffled, fur roughed up on the back of his head and jeans still open at the crotch to betray every bit of what they'd just done. Sitting back in the passenger seat, Fyr smirked and batted her eyelashes at the cougar, still panting with his tentacles undulating gently as he came down from his high.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve too, dear!"

He chuffed a laugh, casting her a look that she thought, or rather hoped, was appraising out of the corner of his eye. His spine slowly returned to its normal curve, softening from a randy, feline arch, and his fur flattened down the length of his tail. Fyr giggled and licked her lips raunchily. It was certainly one way to make a journey just a little more interesting. Ropes and Sasha, will all they got up to in the back seat, were on to something after all!

Although she doubted that she'd ever be able to persuade Sasha to drive so that she could do the honours for her husband again - the dragoness had never really liked being on the road all that much, finding other drivers unpredictable in her area - she could still savour the moment. Late afternoon sunshine streamed through the windows as the dragon leaned back, turning her muzzle into the beam and grinned.

Ropes grunted as he squirmed to zip himself back up, a tentacle looped lazily back over his wife's shoulder.

"Well, dear..." He drawled, unable to keep the smile from his muzzle. "That certainly was...something. Something indeed."

Fyr blushed and grinned as she sat back, arms folded and a decidedly smug expression brightening her muzzle.

"See?" She chirped, the tip of her tail twitching back and forth contentedly. "She wouldn't do that for you."

"She would not."

It was an admission of prowess, even if a small, insignificant one in the grand scheme of things, and Fyr took it for what it was and so much more. She had a worth. She had a purpose. Maybe that was all she'd needed to remind herself of after all.

The drive back - what remained of it, anyway - was spent in companionable silence, Fyr leaning into her husband's shoulder as her eyelids grew heavy. She told herself that she wouldn't drift off, not when she had such time to be with him and him alone, but she blinked awake again to the truck rumbling and rattling up into their short driveway in no time at all.

The gentlefur again, Ropes helped up from the truck and she giggled on his arm as they swayed up the short path as if drunk, though it was something far more wholesome that they were intoxicated on. Fyr's heart, for the first time in what seemed like months, was light and happy, but she wasn't considering what awaited her on the other side of the front door.

Sasha had parked her car on the street.

The door had barely swung open halfway before the dragoness launched herself at the cougar, a squeal of delight that didn't quite match up to her years bursting forth.

"Ropes, darling!"

Sasha flung her arms around him as if she had not seen the cougar in years, not just a single day. She dragged him bodily into the house, leaving Fyr to close the door to the street outside and seclude their relationship away from the prying eyes of the neighbours. Nervously, Fyr glanced back down the street, palms sweating. Had anyone seen? It didn't appear that Ropes and Sasha cared one jot either way, however.

Hanging over him like a yearning teenager, Fyr's mother cooed into his ear and shot Fyr a dark look, eyes narrowly wickedly. Although she tried to dig her heels into the carpet, stay steadfast in place, she could not help but take a step back, her mother's will powering through her gaze alone. Her legs trembled and she bit her lip, allowing the dominant couple of the house to have their moment together, as they willed.

It was the least she could do after they'd spent time apart. She had to be there for them, there to facilitate what time they could spend together.

Fyr shivered. That was the job of the cuckold wife.

Ropes chuckled and held Sasha at arm's length to look her over, an eyebrow raised and tentacle, tenderly, cupping her cheek.

"Just..." He shook his head. "What the hell are you wearing?"

Sasha tugged at her T-shirt emblazoned with a heavy metal band that Fyr only vaguely recognised - Deathdream - a grin on her lips. She raised her paws up as if to inquire what he meant, but the cat was out of the bag and there was little she could do to deny her attire, as unusual for someone of her age and persuasion as it was.

"Oh, this? I dug it out of the back of the closest - I followed them on tour back before I had Fyr! Aren't they great?"

Ropes chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, sliding a tentacle around the dragoness' waist to pull her in closer.

"You could say so," he murmured. "I just would never have taken you for a fan of metal, honey."

Sasha fluttered her eyelashes at the cougar, trailing her fingertips down his forearm.

"There are many things you don't know about me, darling. I hope you're ready to find out about many more of them."

Ropes smirked, his pale eyes glowing faintly. Dropping a kiss on the dragoness' cheek, he held her close as she nuzzled his neck, tail swinging lightly back and forth as if to further highlight her enjoyment of their closeness to Fyr. The daughter, the third wheel in the room, politely stepped back and cast her eyes down, unwilling to intrude. Perhaps there were chores she should be getting on with? Oh, but it was so very much more fun to watch.

Ropes' whiskers tickled Sasha's scales as he leaned in, arms tightening around her. But he had no fear of her escaping when they were so firmly ensnared in each other's grasp.

"I do like a lady of mystery."

Even Fyr caught her breath. When she wanted to be - no, that was a lie. Her mother was breathtaking every moment of every day, yet even more so with her scales glowing with such vitality and her face bare and natural, devoid of make-up that allowed her sultry beauty to shine through.

"That's where you're out of luck then, tiger, as I am far from a lady and yet filled with all the mystery your little ol' heart could ever desire."

And then she was on him, well and truly, ripping his T-shirt off - Fyr had bought him that shirt - and snarling as she revealed the muscled cougar beneath.

"That's better," she crooned. "I've missed you, my stud cougar!"

Although he'd cum only a short while before, Ropes rose to the occasion but didn't worry himself with removing any but the necessary clothing. He drove Sasha against the wall in the hallway, right alongside a framed photo of him and Fyr on the day of their engagement, and yanked down her jeans with a feral, raw growl. It even made Fyr shiver as she took an uncertain step back from them, helpless to do anything but allow the events to play out before her as if she was watching them on the television screen. But what her husband and her mother had between them, his cock thrust out and questing for the warmth of her entrance, was far, far more potent than anything she could have possibly watched on TV.

Jeans around his upper thighs, Ropes snarled as he drove his cock into the dragoness, her paws pinned to the wall as she moaned and arched her back lustfully. Her tail pressed up to his chest, the tip hanging over the cougar's shoulder, but neither of them cared that it thwapped between them, only that his cock was right where it should be and he was slamming into her with enough power to make the hanging pictures jump clean off their hooks.

"Oh, yes!" Sasha screeched, claws dragging scores through the paint as Ropes powered into her, lewd squelches arising from their rough and raw copulation. "Fuck me, Ropes! Fuck meeee!"

Fyr winced, trapped between them and the front door with no escape in sight unless she wished to squeeze past them or, heaven forbid, dart out the front door into the street itself. And that was hardly an option! So she was forced (though it was a rather weak interpretation of the word) to watch as the husband that she had just lovingly given head in the way of a love-struck newlywed bred her pregnant mother as if he wished to put another egg in her belly to join the clutch already present there.

Caught on the sidelines with no part to play, Fyr uneasily clasped her paws to her chest, the taste of her husband's cum still thick in her mouth. Unconsciously, she ran her tongue around her lips as if to further savour his essence, but it did nothing to soften the blow of the moans as the couple before her took their pleasure from one another in the only way they knew how. Could she drop to her knees and offer them her services? But they were so caught up in each other that it would have felt wrong, oh so very wrong, to interpret and so Fyr whimpered as she squeezed past, the brush of her husband's tail against her chin nearly enough to bring her to a shattering climax right then and there.

Did they know what they did to her? Did they have any idea at all? Fyr moaned and pressed trembling fingers to her lips. Ropes could never be that rough with her - why, there were even red streaks where his claws had clearly cut in on her scales. But that didn't make much sense as they were higher up than her hips...

Away. This time, she had to get away.

Shaking her head, Fyr backed away down the hall, but she knew in her gut that it wouldn't matter where she went in the house, because, wherever she tried to hide and make sense of the confusing churn of emotions she would still be able to hear them. She'd hear each and every thump as he slammed her against the wall and the shattering of glass in frames as more still were knocked down, the couple lustfully working their destructive way down the hallway. It wouldn't have ultimately mattered to them just how much they destroyed, as it would be Fyr who was left to clean up the mess, privy to its detail in every last sordid scrap.

It was crude. It was raw. It hurt in a good way. Fyr took a deep breath and set her mind to her chores. They could have their fun. It didn't need to include her.

And she still wouldn't have wanted it any other way.


Fyr could not have said what it was - call it a gut feeling - but something made her ascend the stairs while Ropes was fiddling around outside in that ramshackle shed of his. He'd be much happier when he had the whole ranch to do with as she pleased and his need for a workspace, something of his own and his own entirely, was one reason that they'd started thinking about moving out to somewhere more spacious in the first place. Either way, Ropes was otherwise occupied and it was down to her and her alone to follow up on the uneasy curl of worry in the pit of her stomach.

She paused outside the door to her bedroom - no, their bedroom. It was theirs, not hers anymore. Tentatively, she raised her paw to knock, running through each and every motion in her mind before letting it fly into the realm of reality. It was probably too much, but even her voice seemed to come more slowly than usual, lips forming the word as her mind recoiled.


Fyr knocked again on the bedroom door, trying to push away the thought of just how strange it was to have to knock on what had once been her own door. But it was the way of things and that was all well and good if she could only dig into one, rather deeper matter.

When no answer came, Fyr nudged the door open a crack, just enough to look through. But there was no reply still and unease stirred in the pit of her stomach as she edged in, each step laced with trepidation born from the stillness that greeted her.


Sasha lay on the bed with her paws behind her head, bopping her muzzle to music. Even Fyr had to wince at the death metal roaring through the headphones. And the dragon said she wasn't hard of hearing - or at least getting there!


Fyr stood before her, paws on her hips. Only then did her mother slip the headphones from her ears and sit up, wriggling with the difficulty of manoeuvring her slowly swelling stomach.

"Fyr?" She tilted her head to the side. "Darling, I'm so sorry, I simply didn't hear you. What's wrong?"

But Fyr's eyes were fixed on her mother, naked as the day she was born and...wrong. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

As Sasha blinked up at her in confusion, Fyr saw what her mother could not see. The rough scales that she'd noticed only a little while ago had developed into divots in her scales as if an invisible pair of fingers were trying to push into her, forcing the scales to dip inwards at four points on her sides. Four, it was definitely four. Fyr counted carefully and then counted again just to be sure, eyes widening as moisture

Her mom was sick.

Sasha stood, eyes creasing at the corners with that little tell of concern she'd always had, but Fyr could not alleviate it as the ragged edge to her mother's wings came into view. Usually a trait of more active dragons, those who got into extreme sports and otherwise rough activities, the edge had become uneven without them noticing, one nick developing into another along with a notch and slanting edge.

The dragoness pressed a paw to her chest and took a deep breath, though the traitorous moisture brimmed over from her eyes anyway, spilling down her cheeks in twin trails of tears. The red lines, so dark that they could have been streaks of old, tried blood, curved around her mother's torso, dipping back towards her back just like the yellow stripes, naturally born, Fyr boasted on her own midsection. But the difference was that those had been there for years on years and dragons had never, not once, been known to shed their scales at any point in their lifetimes.

Except for death. Death brewed the shedding of the scales.

Shakily, she put her paw on her mother's arm, unable to even take note of her state of undress and just how close their breasts were in an intimate mother and daughter moment that she was by no means used to. Not in that sense. Not in that case. But she had to fix things.

"Mom, you need to go to a doctor."

She couldn't lose her.

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