Cuckolded by Her Mother Ch. 21


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"Yes, that's right, daughter," Sasha groaned, rocking her hips as she ground down on the poor, helpless stoat. "I knew all along what you were up to. How involved was I, though, in your wickedness?"

The dragoness stumbled and fumbled over her words, holding up her paws to no avail. Of course, there was no sense in trying to deny it when the proof of the matter lay in the redness of her neck and cheeks, which was not derived from the natural hue of her scales either. Rubbing her neck, Fyr shifted her weight and looked away for the first time since entering the room, although Scott's cries of pleasure could not be ignored, no matter how she tried to turn away.

"Don't worry, darling," Sasha groaned, putting her hands back behind her head, breasts thrust lewdly out. "I made sure to - ah! - give him a good fuck for you! Oh, honey!"

She could not keep herself up and away from Scott for too long, or so it seemed, and she fell on him with lust suited to one who so desperately needed to ravish another, her ragged wings flapping madly and buffeting her own daughter back against the wall. Fyr cried out but no one was listening to her as Sasha kissed and kissed and kissed the stoat as if he was the lover she'd been waiting for all along, no longer content with taking Fyr's husband and using him for her own gain. No, she needed everything Fyr had and more, taking every little last thing from her until there was nothing left, Fyr a broken husk of the dragoness she'd once been and filled with...

No, she wasn't empty. She was filled with something else, watching the scene before her unfold with submissive lust that did not really bid her to do anything at all. All she had to do was to be, to exist, until she was needed. It didn't matter, not really, in the grand scheme of things, that she'd lost a lover that had never really been a lover. After all, she could not lose what she'd never had and, well...

Thoughts. She should have been able to think but all she could do was fixate on the scene before her, a moan rising from her lips as she clasped her paws before her bosom, fingers still shaking badly. She did not notice that, however, tipping forward as if she could envelope herself in the scene if only she longed hard enough for it, for the touch of Scott's paw in the small of her back and his breath caressing her throat: the prelude to a kiss.

"Oh..." Sasha's moan brought her back to reality, a quivering mess of horrifically lustful dragoness playing voyeur to something she could never truly have. "Oh, sugar! He's got such a cock on him!"

Fyr had never really thought about males in terms of their cocks - it was more the fur that said cock was attached to that caught her attention, even if Ropes had swayed her in other ways - but she had to say that Scott's looked especially nice ploughing into her mother, slick with a combination of their juices. If Scott had been forced to orgasm multiple times, Sasha had surely enjoyed several climaxes of her own along the way too, her pussy squeezing and rippling around his cock. Not that Fyr could see that, of course, but she could well enough recognise how the stoat groaned and twisted up against her every time she slammed her hips down, tail crashing into the bed as the springs protested the abuse. Fyr's bed was never designed to take such a barrage, however, and the headboard broke free, smacking into the wall with a sharp clack of wood on painted plaster.

They didn't care. Well, Scott may have cared but there wasn't much of his mind that was not occupied with fucking her mother at that moment in time. The stoat turned his head wantonly from one side to the other, trying to cling onto Sasha, but the demoness moved so violently that he could not keep his paws on either her hips or her shoulders or her breasts, although the poor, needy stoat did try his best. He may as well have been denied for all he rocked against her, mouth falling open again as orgasm claimed him, throwing his weak body to the updraft that carried him high and away.

"Oh, darling... Can't keep your eyes off us, can you?"

Fyr inhaled shallowly and shook her head, although the motion was so small that it would have taken a very observant fur to actually take note of the action at all. Sasha smirked and rolled her eyes, clicking her tongue in mock sympathy against the roof of her mouth as Scott clenched his teeth, nose tucked into the crook of her neck. He looked very much as if he belonged there, comfortably in her hold, his fingers even teasing down to stroke and caress the slits at either side of her belly, designed for Ropes' tentacles, of course, but yet promising far sweeter delights too.

"He's good, sugar," Sasha purred, tongue hanging out over the stoat's muzzle as if she was hungry for something more than sex. "But not as good as your husband... And now I have them both."

Fyr winced and shuddered back, although her hind paws remained rooted in place. She couldn't have left even if she'd wanted to, her weight shifts meaning nothing as the power dynamic drew taut between them.

And, oh, did Sasha have at trump card up her sleeve. Sitting up with that little smirk on her lips that made Fyr's heart turn over and leap both at the same time, a ripple went through the muscles in the dragon's abdomen and Scott groaned. It was with a shock that Fyr realised that Sasha was using her spectacular muscle control - yes, it was a strange thing to think about something so sexual, Fyr had to admit to herself - to clench and squeeze and massage Scott's cock even while he was still inside her.

"I think you have to do something very special for me, daughter... Something that lets me know that you are very, very sorry for what you've done."

Fyr's mouth opened and closed but if any sound came out at all it was lost in the cacophony of moans and whimpers from the stoat's own lips.


But Sasha bulldozed on, ploughing through her as if Fyr meant nothing at all to her.

"You did a bad, bad thing, oh daughter of mine. You disrespected your husband! Just what is he going to do with you when I tell him just what you were going to do?"

Sasha shook her head disapprovingly, tail flicking like the crack of a whip. But Fyr could not think, could not breathe, frozen in place as her mother grinned and bared her teeth, her paw at Scott's throat almost as if by pure accident alone.

"If you don't want me to tell Ropes about this, about what you were doing with Scott," Sasha hissed, tail lashing. "There's got to be something in it for me now. You've got much to do, daughter, if you think you're getting away with this without everything going south for you. If you don't want your husband to deal with Scott for both me and you, you'll do everything I tell you to and more. Get down on your knees!"

She didn't allow a moment in which the new information could sink in but she didn't need to either: a command like that allowed only one option for her submissive daughter. Fyr's legs folded automatically, her body responding before her mind caught up with the action. She trembled. Maybe she'd always been meant to be on her knees, even if she had thought, at least for a time, she could have a little something more than what she had taken for hers, if only for a little while.

Just a short while.

But Sasha wasn't about to let things go on that easily - of course not.

"Ah, ah, ah," Sasha said with a mock frown, shaking her finger at Fyr as if she was suddenly a much younger dragoness, the mother-daughter dynamic between them impossible to miss even for a casual observer. "Strip. Don't forget your place here, daughter."

"But..." Fyr gulped and lowered her head, the frills atop her head trying to slink back. "I... Not in front of..."

"Oh, come now, darling!"

Throwing her head back luxuriously, Sasha let loose a cackle that was both alluring and frightening, appearing well and truly completely unhinged in the heat of the moment. Her emerald orbs flashed, all iris with no hint of a pupil, fangs bared and dripping with saliva. Scott barely seemed to react to what should have been shocking, perhaps having more experience with the demoness than Fyr wanted to give him credit for.

She shivered. That wasn't something that she wanted to think about. That wasn't something she wanted to think about one bit.

"He's going to see it all anyway! He wanted to see it all off you! Only I offered him something better and, well..."

She smirked and patted the stoat's cheek condescendingly. He leaned into her touch unconsciously, Fyr's heart pulling for what she now knew she would never have.

"I'm better than you," Sasha said simply, hissing as her tail lashed and curled around the stoat's flung out leg. "And I'll always be. It's about time that you stopped have dreams above us, daughter, and take your true position in our household."

Fyr didn't hear her, groaning deep in the back of her throat as, piece by piece, her clothing hit the floor. It didn't matter what she was wearing for another reason now as they only wanted her to be in her scales, Scott and Sasha one and the same in her eyes. She was not better than either of them as she knelt submissively, her eyes fixed on the new carpet between her knees, as yet hardly trodden over. No, she may as well have been a servant in their household, there to fulfil their needs and nothing more than that.

She should have remembered that all along.

"Oh, now that's much better," Sasha purred, grinding down on Scott. "Come give her a good look at that cock of yours, sugar, and show this little dragoness slut just what she's missing out on."

Fyr wanted his eyes to be full of apology and yet all the stoat showed was lust as he sat up, Sasha slinking off his lap and leaving the tip of her tail possessively curled around his ankle, reminding Fyr just who he belonged to - at least for the time being. His cock stood up hard and proud as if it was trying to draw attention to itself and Fyr could not help but lean in wantonly, eyes shining with what she knew was yearning for something that she could never claim.

If only she'd fucked him sooner, maybe things would have been different. But she'd never know what he felt like against her, inside her, in that way, not now that Sasha had made her claim well and truly over the stoat who was only a puppet in her well-trained paws. Perhaps he was as much a slave as Fyr was in the moment, although it was a kind of slavery that would never make itself known to the stoat, blissfully ignorant to how low he had truly sunk.


Was that really Scott speaking? Fyr locked eyes with him hopefully, tail lifting as if in invitation. Yes, she was still there! Yes, she'd still have him - if only he would dare to challenge her mother and take her as she so very badly and desperately needed to be taken!

But Scott's eyes were only for her mother, brimming over with lust as his lips parted, the pink of his tongue just barely visible. Fyr remembered when that tongue had been entwined with hers, kissing her so very deeply and passionately that she had thought herself in a dream. That seemed a very long time ago, even though it could only have been a couple of days. Funny how times changed...

And, oh, how the stoat had changed his sweet tune.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured huskily, cupping her cheek in his fingers, which were both rough and delicate at the same time. "So stunning... I don't know why I didn't speak to you sooner, ma'am..."

"Oh, stop," Sasha giggled as Scott leaned in to kiss her neck. "You're embarrassing me! Such a gentlefur you are, Scott, so kind and sweet!"

Any further words that were exchanged went over Fyr's head as all become but white noise, her eyes wide and breath rasping in her throat. She wasn't conscious of breathing overly heavily but it was clearly enough to turn Sasha's head, the older and more powerful dragoness rolling her eyes at what she saw as a lesser dragon, something that she could use but not really take all that much from. The truth was that Fyr didn't really have all that much left to give anyway, the very fabric of what made her up as a dragoness patiently and methodically stolen from her, drop by drop.

It was a shame that Scott had never truly gotten to see her at her best.

"Come now, honey," Sasha said, rolling onto all fours with her tail sensually lifted. "Let's give my daughter a good show, show her that you really do know how to work that cock of yours!"

It was as if the stoat didn't need to be told twice, as there had been no nuance of a question in her tone. Her round, full backside and lifted tail begged attention and Scott scrambled up behind her, a goofy smile stretching his lips wide as if he simply could not believe his good luck in getting to fuck her.

"Oh, y'all are so..."

But anything more the stoat had been going to say was lost as Sasha thrust back onto his cock, spearing herself on the shaft that drove deeply into her hot, dripping tunnel. She was still soaked with previous loads of his but that didn't put Scott off at all as he slammed in, paws confidently going to his hips as he gave her the roughest possible fuck that he was capable of.

And Fyr could have lost herself in the moment and yet...she withdrew from it, retreating into a warm, golden part of herself from where she could separate herself, watching as if everything was happening on the television screen. Yes... The nice, new flat screen was showing a very kinky channel and she didn't know the participants on it at all. That made it somewhat bearable to see his cock disappearing into her mother over and over again, driving the writhing, moaning dragoness into a frenzy of moans, Scott hardly able to keep up with her as much as she clearly strove to hold herself back to his level.

If she thought too much, she'd realise just how hard it was to lose him too, along with her husband. Her husband, at least, she'd fantasised about fucking her mother, had dreams about it. It had happened gradually but this? Well, this was a shock to the system that she had never needed, the dragoness mute even as her folds dampened, arousal betraying her despite everything. For she was still the cuckold wife above all else and she could not deny what her body needed and her mind craved, rocking her hips lustfully forward as Scott pumped into her mother, depositing yet another load of cum into her twitching, clenching pussy.

Fyr drew in a slow breath that did nothing to steady her nerves and trembling fingers. One load would never be enough for Sasha and, even though the stoat looked rather pleased with himself, Fyr knew that he would be disappointed in the end. She was but a passing fling and there wouldn't be anything he could offer her once Fyr's humiliation was complete. No... Even him leaning over the dragoness and kissing the back of the neck that should have been covered in red scales and not blue would not last, time ticking by as Sasha's interest in him, of course, waned.

He'd learn. In time.

"What's going on here then?"

Ropes poked his head around the door to Fyr's bedroom just as Scott pulled out and Fyr reeled away instinctively, expecting her husband's anger to take charge. But what she'd forgotten was that Sasha had done no wrong and, in all honesty, Sasha was protecting her from the knowledge of what she might have done with Scott reaching her husband, if she looked at it in a twisted, convoluted sort of way. It wasn't the right way to look at things but it was all that made sense as her husband seated himself comfortably in the chair on the side, watching with rapt attention that he'd never, not once, paid Fyr as the stoat pulled out, leaving Sasha's cunt a messy, drooling mess of their combined sexual fluids.

The cougar licked his lips, tentacles twisting, although Fyr did not see him at all. She had her eyes focused on the stoat as he slipped to the edge of the bed, knees apart as if to draw the eye to his still hard and achingly needy cock. Fyr ran her tongue over the edge of her maw, the tip of her tail curling back and forth anxiously. Just one lick? Would one taste really stand her in all that bad a stead with her dominants? Although she tipped forward, she did not yet know if she dared.

"You want to suck him off, don't you?"

Fyr started, heat rushing to her cheeks as her toes curled. She couldn't possibly make eye contact with her husband but she didn't have to: he pressed the issue anyway.

"You want to see what it's like... Maybe he won't be as demanding as me?" Ropes purred, his pale eyes glowing. "You weren't all that good when you blew me last time, were you?"

Fyr opened her mouth to answer - she'd done just well! - but her words twisted into a yelp as Sasha grabbed her ear-frill and yanked her head towards the bed, moving with such speed that it was truly shocking that she could slip under her line of sight just like that.

"What an excellent idea..." Sasha smirked, digging her claws in as Fyr squirmed. "You'll have to do what he says now, honey, if you don't want to anger your husband."

Yet she could not! She'd thought about being with Scott intimately so many times that she wanted to lean into the experience once it was set before her and still could not commit to it, whimpering and shaking her head and holding up her paws in silent, blubbering protest. Of course, anything she did or said went unnoticed as Ropes settled himself a little more comfortably, a tentacle resting as if in companionship on his left shoulder.

"Go on then," Ropes said with a grin, tail lashing in anticipation of the show. "Suck him off."

"See, he says you need the practice," Sasha crooned, towing her daughter's muzzle slowly but insistently to the stoat on the bed, his crotch looming with his hard-on impossible to miss. "You can't very well suck your own husband's cock when you haven't practised on someone else! If you're that bad, he'll never want you to blow him ever again, you silly dragoness!"

Fyr gulped and pulled back but it was already too late to evade the situation as she drew her into the stoat, his cock bumping her lips. As if in a dream, she opened her mouth automatically, her training too well ingrained to ignore the lure of such a temptingly uncut cock, the skin sliding back as he pushed over her tongue, Sasha's lips on the stoat's as he moaned into the mouth of another dragon.

The submissive dragoness trembled, wings fluttering as if they were but leaves in Autumn ready to make their descent. It wasn't what she'd wanted. And, still, she took him into her maw anyway, deep into the back of her throat. Her tongue curled around him, her body going through the motions as her mind tried to call on the anger, the frustration and the horror of what she was being made to. Yet, she could not deny the thrumming arousal, the cruelty of the scenario making her heart sing in a way that she had never even considered possible.

The game had changed, considerably so.

Sucking his cock under Sasha's paw was the best she could hope for.

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AmethystMareAmethystMareover 5 years agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to pretty much take on anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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