Cuckolded by Her Mother Ch. 24


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Wait - what?

Fyr leapt back around the corner, a potted plant between her and the lewd scene in the kitchen. Just what the fuck did she think she was doing there, lingering as if she had any right whatsoever to peek in on Kao and his girlfriend? It was wrong - very wrong! Just what had her mother and husband done to her perception of reality, what was wrong and what was, actually, right and okay? It wasn't normal to watch two furs going at it like some kind of creepy voyeur!

And yet... That disgusting little part of her revelled at watching, being off on the sidelines watching the main event with a hunger that she couldn't even put into words. And it was with that same hunger that she leaned around the corner, ducked down for fear of being caught in the act, licking her lips as her brother's bare buttocks worked to drive his cock into his dragoness and prize.

Oh... They were exquisite. She'd never been much of a dragoness for watching porn but there was something about seeing sex going on right before her eyes that made her swallow a moan, wanting what they had right there and then, the feel of a stud like that driving into her. The dragoness hooked her long, shapely legs up around Kao's waist and Fyr bit her lip, wishing that those were her legs. But not because he was her brother, of course, but because he was a male and a right stud of one at that! Every line of his body rippled with just the right amount of muscle and that sordid part of her ached to trace her fingers down those lines of muscle, adoring and marvelling at them as they so deserved.

She hunkered down, tongue hanging lustfully out over the edge of her muzzle. Just how could watching be so damn sexy? It clearly wasn't just a thing she enjoyed with her husband and her mother but something that stretched even further than that, her heart in her mouth as she watched her brother pin Chemical's paws back over her head and kissed her fiercely. Tongues battling between their muzzles, it was a struggle to see just who was truly in control as their thick tails wound together too, crushed into one another as they strove to dominate even in the throes of lust.

"Fuck..." Kao hissed, breaking the kiss as a string of spittle connected their lips for the briefest of moments. "You're so fucking hot!"

And, while that may well have been true, Fyr's thighs were squeezed together to hide the soaking of arousal that surely had to be leaking through her panties, the scent of a dragoness who well and truly needed to 'get some', to put it less than eloquently. Chemical seemed to be getting all she could handle, however, moaning and squealing without a care in the world, finally, for her volume, which rose with every thrust Kao delivered unto her. Fyr realised with a delectable little shudder that his girlfriend was climaxing right there on his cock without even a drop of stimulation to her clit, although his cock looked like it had light ridges and undulations enough to tease her to that high regardless. It was all Fyr could do not to whistle her appreciation. What prowess!

She couldn't solely focus on Chemical though, as determined as the wicked part of her was to watch the scene to the expected end. As the dragoness twisted in the hold of her lover, there was still very much the object of Kao's orgasm to be had, the drake's wings snapping out and flapping as if he could use them too to pump himself into her all the harder. His jaws snapped, the low light glinting mysteriously off them, and Fyr caught her breath, torn between the fact that, well, he was her brother and the sheer majesty of him in sex. Those balls too... Oh, they should not have drawn her eye as much as they did but, oh, she wanted to caress them, imagining that, of course, they belonged to some other drake.

Chuckling faintly to herself, Fyr shook her head and removed her paw from between her thighs - just when had that gotten there? For, as sexy as the drake was while fucking Chemical, the dragoness surely already mounting towards a second orgasm, he was her brother and that was never going to be part of her fantasy!

Or...was it?

The dragoness exhaled slowly, keeping her breath slow and even so as not to alert anyone to her presence, although she was quite sure that a bomb could have gone off and they wouldn't have noticed, so deep was their intense lust and focus on one another. Traffic surely passed by the streets outside, the kitchen window overlooking the city from a high-rise block of apartments (of which Kao was in one of the highest, further demonstrating his money to afford such premium space), though they could not be seen. Fyr almost wished they could be seen, the risk of their liaison jumping up considerably as she wondered just how far they could go together, what they had done and whether or not they had, actually, been caught before.

Well, they'd certainly been caught by the dragoness on the floor with her paw jammed between her thighs, working herself to an orgasm that felt as if it had been a considerably long time coming. For there was something about watching clean, normal sex unfold before her that was beautiful in her own right. And she could watch without worrying that she was going to be punished or something horrible was going to unfold - no. Everything was just as it was and that was all it had to be for the two of them: a rough, hot fuck.

But even a fuck like theirs had to come to a close sooner or later, even though Fyr marvelled at her brother's stamina, the back of his shoulders seeming to glisten a little - sweat? Oh, she would have licked that off her husband's back at one point with sorry lust, considering sweat and natural musk so very dirty. Well, she'd gone so much further than that with her mother and him that such a little thing as sweat hardly seemed dirty at all anymore, her brother simply majestic as he took what he needed from his lover.

And then he roared, clapping a paw over his muzzle a breath too late as he unleashed his load, a glass jumping off the counter as he slammed in. It may have been knocked off by an errant wing or tail - everything just happened too quickly to see - and Chemical shuddered bodily, moan after moan passing her lips as she tucked her nose into his neck, allowing the blue drake to hunker down into her as he worked his lips, thick drools of cum forced from her pussy with each and every thrust. It was all Fyr could do not to moan herself there, feeling as if she might very well orgasm herself if she so much as dared to touch her clit with just the tip of one careless finger. And wouldn't that be something?

Kissing Chem with surprising tenderness (or maybe such tenderness was simply becoming foreign to her?), Kao rubbed the back of his neck and drew her up against them, bodies coming together as if they'd been made for each other.

"Shit..." He chuckled, pushing his nose in close to Chemical's, Fyr struggling to hear. "So hot... I maybe... Wow. Do you think I woke Fyr?"

Chemical giggled, giddy in the afterglow, sitting up as much as she could while still in his arms, the drake supporting her the best she could. Fyr was envious of that support, though she had to slink back, cautious and very much aware that she rested on the point of discovery herself. Quietly and quickly... That's what she had to do, just to get back to her room unseen and unheard. Then no one would be any the wiser while she got off herself to the sweet memory of their pure lust and love.

She did not hear more as she made good her escape, hustling off to her bedroom while they were still sorting themselves out and detangling one set of limbs from the other. Her heart raced and a grin pulled at her lips, the thrill of watching roaring through her just like the roar that Kao had given, unable to help himself as he climaxed. He had summed it up quite nicely with what little words he had actually been able to get out of lips thick and clumsy in the afterglow of orgasm.

Yet she needed that glass of water more than ever and, when she was good and sure that the two of them were in bed together, she crept down the hall to fetch it. It was much-needed, quenching a thirst she had not known she'd had, although it did nothing to ease the ache between her legs.

For there was something she struggled to admit even to herself as she lusted after their liaison, wishing that she had some semblance of it for her own. Trembling, she made sure the bedroom door was locked, stripping herself methodically of her clothing, one piece after the other. That didn't mean that she didn't have to think, however, the sight of that cock disappearing into Chem over and over again plastered across the forefront of her mind in super high definition. A cock that a part of her, at least, thought she needed, as vile and vicious as a thought that surely was.

Fyr swallowed hard. He was her brother... Had it been worse than even she realised to watch him fuck a dragoness? His girlfriend? Was there anything she could do or say or even think to justify such an act?

And, oh...there had been that dream too. Seeing Kao with Chemical just seemed to make it worse, bringing it back to the forefront of her mind when she'd tried to pass it off as something a tired subconscious had decided to dredge up. Fyr's paw trembled as she set the glass of water carefully on the bedside table, focusing a little too much as she shook in place, a trembling mess of the dragoness she'd once been.

For that dream... It had had not been anything that any well-meaning and respectable dragoness should have had about her own brother. And she had to relive it. If so much had happened in her own life, one little fantasy wasn't going to hurt her, surely, if only she kept her head down and never, ever, ever revealed it to anyone.

Much less to Kao. Never to Kao.

That dream... She lay down beneath the covers, allowing her paw to creep between her thighs to the sopping mess of her pussy. She groaned, wriggling deliciously. It had been a while since she'd gotten that wet or, at least, had the chance to enjoy herself in such a state. It always seemed that her time as a cuckold wife had involved doing nothing or serving others, her own orgasm forgotten or denied completely even as she hungered from it. And, unlike those who got off on simply being so denied, it wasn't something that she longed for at all, that act of dismissal stinging her soul in a way that nothing else could.

The Kao in her dream on the plane, however, had not forgotten her orgasm. Moreover, that version of her muscled, blue, stud-drake of a brother had been kind and sweet and compassionate - a lover just like what she'd seen in the kitchen. If she'd been more with herself, she would have marvelled at the ability of her subconscious to draw on such detail that she could not have otherwise known even existed. Of course, she'd never seen her brother with a partner before, even if she'd heard him through the walls of their family home years back, once he was of an age to have that kind of interests in dragonesses. He'd seemed kind back then, if with the clumsiness of youth and inexperience in him, and she'd drawn on that as her mind imagined him pushing her back to a wall, a picture frame of their family hanging beside them. That had been back in their family home too... Fyr trembled, back arching up sensually from the bed. So long ago...

But she had not been in control of the dream and that was, perhaps, the beauty of it, that she could allow her brother to kiss her neck, lips and teeth catching and massaging and teasing oh so wonderfully. The Fyr she'd been in her dream too hadn't been worried about anything and hadn't, most certainly, been wondering just what on earth she was doing with her brother. No, she was just too busy enjoying herself for worries and the moans that had come from her lips shocked the Fyr of the waking world.


Such a breathy exclamation of pleasure and yet it seemed to suit her as she masturbated to the memory of her dream, her brother sliding his paws all the way down to her hips as he hiked her up against the wall. They were naked, of course, but she couldn't think like that as he snarled and snapped and took control of the situation, dominating her as beautifully as she'd always wanted to be dominated. His claws bit into her buttocks as his cock found her pussy, probing for her entrance as if he had any right to be there! But the dragon surely thought that he needed to fuck his sister as he slammed into her with one smooth thrust, teeth snapping shut on her neck.

Fyr tensed, rolling her hips up in her bed as if she was taking him right then and there. Oh, the dream... It had been so good to be pounded and fucked so hard, yet not hard enough to break her. His teeth on her throat had made her quiver so wonderfully too, feeling as if she might fall to the ground if not for his strong, unyielding arms, holding her up and supporting her while she rode him through. Maybe she'd climaxed in her dream - her panties had been rather wet when she had, finally, stirred - but she couldn't have said just how many climaxes her dream self had, one roll of pleasure crashing into the next with no discerning line between any of them.

Clenching her teeth, she held back a moan. Oh, she could not be heard! If she was heard...there would be questions. Yes, questions. And she couldn't deal with questions, not when all she needed was that little drop of pleasure, that quick fix that would make everything better, if only for a little while. She needed her fingers driven up between her thighs, delight mounting and mounting as they sank into her dripping pussy over and over again, the thought of her brother fucking her first and foremost in her mind. She needed to be taken like that again, to be lusted over and treated like a dragoness should be treated!

Her first climax ripped through her as dream-Kao spent himself inside her, a thick load of creamy seed spilling down her legs and splattered the wooden floor as if he simply was so over-productive that only a small amount could actually fit into her tight pussy. He spread her open and forced her to take him, raking deliciously against her passage and that bundle of nerves deep within, forcing pleasure onto her that she eagerly and hungrily accepted for her own.

And then the dream had continued, shifting to the two of them off out somewhere, fucking in an alleyway behind a club. They'd gone to a club when they were both of age but neither had found it all that much fun, spending time drinking expensive booze outside, where they could at least breathe, and laughing as they became progressively drunker. Perhaps that was the club that her tired mind had locked onto in slumber, drawing her dream to a place of reality as she was once again forced up to a wall, hardly looking at her brother as she howled out her pleasure and screamed as he slammed into her.

Her back to him, ridden like a true dragoness in need, in heat: that was what she wanted. Her tail lashed up around his waist and Fyr moaned in the dream even as she rapidly hastened towards climax in the waking world, although it was more of a lustful stupor than anything else as the moments dragged on and on. That cock... Oh, how could a dream possibly be so detailed? She swore up and down that she had felt those ridges and differences in his cock in her dream but that had to, surely, be impossible for a dragoness who had never before seen her brother's cock. Maybe back when they were mere hatchlings but that didn't count and nothing had really developed by then!

But what did that matter when she was so concerned with her own lust - and she deserved that time to herself and her fantasies too, damn it! - that she could not even keep track of her own moans, twisting and writhing wantonly, wanting a partner in that bed with her despite everything. And the partner that her lust-addled mind craved was the sexy blue drake, the very same drake that had pinned her to the wall in her dream and fucked her to orgasm after orgasm, paw on the back of her neck as his eyes flashed a searing blue, jaws parted powerfully. He'd dropped her to her knees and she had not been able to stop herself in the dream from taking his cock into her mouth, letting him spend orgasm after orgasm down her throat as her cheeks plumped out with cum and she gulped down every last drop she could.

Most erotic of all, however, was the facial that the beast of a stud in her dream had given her in that back alley with traffic roaring by, unknowing of the acts that were being committed - but it was, of course, all a dream still, even if the excitement was very, very real. Kao's very last load before that stupid business fur had rudely woken her up had been spent over her muzzle, thick rivulets of cum plastering her scales as she let her jaws hang open lustfully to catch as much as she could, a whore wanting for more on her knees.

He's poured so much semen onto her that it had dripped down onto her breasts, cleavage exposed in a shirt that she would not have, before, wanted to let her mother see her wearing, a creamy splattering that only served to heighten her arousal. And it was that image that sent Fyr into her most powerful orgasm yet, clamping her jaws shut and thrusting her face into the pillow as wave after wave of ecstasy throbbed through her, each one more powerful than the last.

When she came too after such an orgasm, she was panting heavily, seeming to be set back from the scene - strange when it came to herself. That only usually came into play when she was a voyeur or a passive participant but her own paw dripped with her juices and she languidly brought it to her lips, sucking and lapping off every last drop of her own sexual fluids with half-lidded eyes. She tasted so sweet... Why didn't anyone else seem to want to get their muzzle between her thighs?

But...just who did she want between her thighs? Swallowing, Fyr lay back and exhaled a puff of air, the acrid aroma of smoke tickling at the insides of her nostrils. Did she want... No. No! She most certainly was not going to complete that thought! They'd all fucked with her mind and she'd allow herself that one fantasy but no more, just a little tipper to get her to sleep after an exceptionally rough time.

At least, that was what Fyr told herself, but even she could not have imagined just how things would unfold, the fabric that made up her own life woefully and wonderfully out of her control.

On the edge of sleep, Fyr groaned.

She sure did have a habit of making her own life a lot more complicated than it needed to be.

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AmethystMareAmethystMareabout 5 years agoAuthor

Hey there!

I cover a wide variety of topics in my erotic writing for clients and personal work alike and I just wanted to pop a note on that I take commissions for stories tailored to your preferences (and characters, of course!). Due to starting on websites with anthropomorphic characters, my publicly available erotica is predominantly "furry" in nature but I write about normal, human characters in my self-published work and I am happy to pretty much take on anything and everything, all fetishes. My price list is on my profile page, along with a couple of things that I most definitely cannot and will not write, and I can be contacted by e-mailing

Thank you and I hope you find something you enjoy in my gallery!

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