Cuckolded on First Date! Pt. 01

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They fall in love. He accepts her appreciation of big cocks.
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This is a cuckold story. If you do not like stories where a man has to accept that his woman sexually desires other men, then do not read this story.

Also, it is a light cuckolding story. The women flirt and touch other men, but do not fuck them. If you are interested in hardcore cuckolding, this story isn't for you.


Marty and I were sitting on stools at the Golden Bar, our favorite Saturday night hangout. It was an easy ten minute walk from his house. There was a dance floor in the corner with a DJ and a lot of twenty-somethings bouncing around.

The entirety of the large bar area was painted bright gold like you would see at a Caesars casino. Everything near the bar was gold, including the wall behind it, the mirror hanging on the wall, and the top, front and sides of the bar.

Marty and I were both in our early thirties and had been Golden Bar regulars for several years. Mostly we liked that there were always a lot of sexy college girls to watch, or eye candy as Marty called them.

Times had changed since we were in college. Girls these days definitely dressed a lot more showy than they used to. Current fashion trends included crop top shirts with belly buttons showing, all kinds of underboob, cleavage, tight yoga pants, short shorts,... etc. The warm summer weather that day helped to even further minimize clothing.

Despite the sexy girls, Marty and I often joked how proud we were that we had never purchased even a single drink for a girl at this bar. In fact, we always made fun of the guys we saw hopelessly buying girls drinks, only to watch the girls go home with the cool jocks.

We usually recognized many of the other customers and even knew quite a few by name. Most of the patrons were college age, recent grads and young professionals just starting their careers.

Marty and I had both graduated ten years earlier from the same college. But we didn't know each other until three years ago, when he moved into the apartment next door. We became close friends. Then, about a year ago Marty bought a house nearby. He was constantly horny like me and we even discussed our kinks. Until Marty, I had never felt comfortable to share my deeper perversions with anyone.

It was around 9 PM when a group of about five girls walked into the Golden Bar together. I recognized one of the girls, Maria, and gave a little wave. We had often conversed over the years. I'd even call her a friend, since we occasionally texted and hung out beyond the Golden Bar.

The girls were all smiling and laughing as they entered and walked over to the bar near us. Maria was in front and was wearing light blue yoga pants and a tight white crop tank top that showed a little cleavage. Maria had a tall frame, probably five seven. She had a stomach that curved inward, but with the slightest layer of fat. Maria's firm medium sized breasts kept the crop top sticking out with a three inch gap to her stomach. That look drives me crazy. Her shoulder length wavy brown hair bounced as she walked.

As they reached us, Maria said with her small Spanish accent, "Happy Saturday Tony, Marty," and she leaned in to give us each one of those fake cheek kisses, the ones where you don't actually kiss the person. She excitedly turned and pulled a girl I didn't know forward by the hand. Maria exclaimed, "This is my sister Brenda. She just moved to town from Ohio."

I had to fight every instinct to not stare down at her bustyness. From my peripheral vision I could see she was wearing a long sleeve button up shirt with the sleeves rolled to the elbows. The shirt was so tight it could only be buttoned up 3 or 4 buttons. The top button strained to keep in what must have been D breasts. Her breasts looked even bigger because of her small waist and short height. The metal clasp of her front-hooking lace underwire bra, and her skin below it, was very visible where the bra crossed between the two sides of her open shirt. She had a short faded jean skirt below with strappy white high heel shoes. Brenda and Maria looked almost identical, except Brenda was much shorter, had longer hair to just above her butt, had bigger boobs and she appeared to work out a lot.

I stuck my hand out to Brenda. She shook it and leaned in to give me a pseudo-kiss on the cheek. I said, "How nice to meet you. Your sister recently told me a little about you."

Brenda said, "All good things I hope hehehe?"

I replied, "Yes haha. Only good. She said the two of you had similar philosophies on dating hahaha."

The other girls all said hello to us, but all my attention was focused on getting a better look at Brenda. I was totally in awe of her beauty. She had the same sexy Latina accent as her sister, like Sophia Vergara. I thought that if there was ever love at first site, this was it.

Maria explained that Brenda had just interviewed today and accepted a great job locally. On top of that, today was Brenda's birthday too. Maria said they were out to celebrate. Marty and I congratulated her.

Maria called out, "Shots!"

The girls all got excited and started jumping around shouting. As they did, I got the perfect opportunity to see Brenda's natural breasts jiggling all over. Marty apparently saw the same thing as he reached over and nudged my knee a few times. The five girls gathered around us as the bartender approached.

Brenda said, "You will help me celebrate?"

I said, "Of course we will."

Maria leaned in and asked the bartender for seven tequila shots. The bartender placed the shots on the table in front of us. Marty and I handed them out to each of the girls.

Everyone lifted their glasses as Maria made a toast, "To my little sister, she got an awesome new job today, she is moving here, it's her birthday, and she's single, now let's find her some hot guys!"

Everyone laughed and drank the shots. The bartender came over and asked me who was paying for the shots.

Brenda turned to me and hugged me as she said, "OMG, that is so nice of you. Thank you so much."

I could feel her breasts against me. They were soft and huge as I felt them mushing into my stomach. My streak of never buying a girl a drink was over. In fact, I bought five girls drinks!

Maria came over and saw me reaching for my wallet and jokingly said, "What is going on? Tony is paying? That has never happened. He doesn't buy girls drinks. Wow, he must really like you, Brenda. Hehehe." Brenda looked at me and laughed with her sister.

Brenda and I continued talking for about thirty minutes. She was very touchy as we talked and we both laughed a lot. Her personality was as sweet as her boobs were big.

I found out she was a photographer-videographer in the fashion industry and often did shoots for advertising, magazines, shows and private events.

She was most excited to find out I had a Labrador Retriever dog and asked if she could come play with it tomorrow. Of course she could I replied, excited that I would be seeing her again. I offered her the bar stool I was sitting on, but she insisted I kept sitting. In a very flirty way she repeatedly placed her hand on my arm and thigh as we laughed.

At one particularly funny moment I built up the courage to place my hand around her waist. She leaned in and whispered in my ear how much she was enjoying talking to me and asked if she could have my phone number to set up tomorrow's date.

Wow! A date! Jackpot! As she leaned in to whisper in my ear, my cock became stiff. She opened her phone contacts and typed in my name as "Tony Cute Guy With Dog." She tilted her phone so I could see what she wrote. She thought I was cute. Yes! I gave her my digits. She quickly texted me so I could get her number. She watched and laughed as I saved her contact info under "Brenda Cute Girl With Camera." We kept talking.

Apparently Brenda had been in a relationship for the past year that she ended recently. She said the guy was really nice, treated her well and had a great job even.

We both laughed as I told her, "He sounds great! What happened?"

Brenda sighed and said, "Well it's kind of,"

Brenda stopped talking and leaned in to grab a glass of water from the bar behind me. I could feel my cock throb with anticipation that her breasts would press against my chest, but they never did touch. She stepped back with her water in hand, facing me again, still standing between my legs.

Brenda continued, "He wasn't a good match."

She was interrupted by Maria suddenly appearing and exclaiming, "Hey sis! Oh nooo! Are you two talking about Mr Jealous? hehehe. Don't worry Brenda, Chris will be arriving any minute now with his friends from his college lacrosse team. They are all very biiiggggg hehehe, trust me!"

Brenda had turned around quickly between my legs to face her sister. As my arm had been around her waist, with my hand on her back, suddenly my hand found itself lodged against the bottom of her breast. I quickly contemplated if I should leave it there or move it. My contemplation proved useless as Brenda quickly grabbed my hand and pulled it down to her tight hourglass waist. Brenda's ass was now pressed against my overinflated cock. I tried to move back on my stool so Brenda wouldn't notice my erection, but there was no space for me to move. What did Maria mean? Mr Jealous? Very Big?

Some of the other girls called out, "Come on, let's go dance."

Maria and her sister excitedly complied. They grabbed me and Marty and said, "Let's go guys."

As I stood up Brenda looked at me and said, "Is this because of me? Let me see what you've got here," as she reached down and fully felt around my crotch for a couple seconds, almost like an inspection, and then turned away.

Marty and I watched the girls walk to the dance floor in front of us. These two sisters backsides were the very epitome of the perfect full round bubble butt.

Chris was Maria's boyfriend. He was a 26 year old muscular guy, about six foot three inches tall. Maria and he had been together for about six months. He was very athletic looking and played division one college lacrosse at a local university, until he graduated 3 years ago.

Chris wasn't a bad guy, when he was alone. In fact he and I would occasionally chit chat at the Golden Bar. Maria had recently confided in me during a drunken conversation that Chris wasn't the type of guy she would want to marry. I asked why she was with him then.

She explained, "My sister and I learned that guys with big dicks don't make good boyfriends. Their egos are too big. You date the guys with average dicks and keep the guys with big dicks on the side for when you're really horny."

She then acknowledged that she was breaking her own philosophy, and said she would eventually get a nicer boyfriend, and then call upon Chris when his "Services" were needed. I figured it was just the acohol talking though.

Several of the other members of Chris's college lacrosse team still lived locally. They would occasionally come to the Golden Bar with him. He was a different person when his friends were around. He would turn from a fun, friendly, chill conversationalist into a wild partying beer-chugging jock.

His friends were about the same as him. They were all athletic and had a monopoly on the girls when they were in the bar. All the local girls knew that Chris was Maria's guy. Everybody also knew that Maria and he would often leave and walk home at the end of the night with an extra girl. I always assumed they liked threesomes.

I was glad Chris and his friends weren't here yet. It gave me a chance to seal the deal with Brenda. After a few minutes one of the girls was dancing closely infront of Marty. He had a horny look on his face. Brenda and Maria were on either side of me. Brenda started bumping my hip to the rhythm, with her curvy hip. Seeing the sensual way she moved as she danced was proof of her Latina roots.

At one point I faced away towards the bar and Brenda stood infront of me. She looked at me with big brown eyes, leaned in, grabbed my face and gave me a really gentle romantic kiss on the lips that lasted about 2 seconds. She then said, "I like you. I'm having so much fun."

I felt happy inside. I was imagining how great it would be to date and get to know this gorgeous girl.

At this point a girl was grinding her ass right up against Marty's crotch. He was grinding back at her just as intensely. I thought it was my turn so I slipped behind Brenda and slid my hands around her waist.

We danced just like that for a few minutes. I built the courage up to try pressing up against her incredible booty. As I moved against her she stepped forward just a couple inches. I pushed forward behind her again and she did the same thing. She moved just exactly enough that I couldn't press against her.

Then she turned around and faced me. I kept my hands on her hips. Her breasts were jiggling all over right under my eyes. I pulled her closer, her breasts just pressed against my stomach, but she pushed back just exactly enough so that we weren't touching.

She leaned forward to ask me, "Do you like the way I dance?"

I answered that she danced amazingly and I loved it.

Then she said, "Do you like the way I kiss?"

I told her it was wonderful how soft her lips felt. She then leaned in and kissed me again. This time is was a longer kiss, more sensual. She didnt use tongue, but very slowly and gently massaged my lips with hers. She pulled on and bit my lips with her lips. It lasted about ten seconds. I went to pull her closer as we kissed, but she pushed away a little.

She said "I like the way you kiss too. You are definitely boyfriend material. hehehe."

We all headed off the dance floor and back to the bar. Brenda looked at me with her big brown eyes and said she was thirsty. Her sister saw us getting drinks and asked us to order her one too. I bought us three piña coladas. So much for my not buying girls drinks! Brenda's thank you kiss made it worth the loss of my pride though.

As we all talked Brenda was standing behind me. She was just close enough that I could occasionally just barely, ever so slightly, feel her breasts touching my back.

I wondered if she was doing this on purpose. Had she mastered the art of teasing with her breasts? It had to be on purpose the way she kept the contact slight enough that I was constantly filled with immense anticipatory excitement of a greater contact, that she never let happen. My cock swelled every time she made the slightest movement. She rested her hand on my shoulder as she stood behind me.

I turned towards her hoping to kiss her again with her breasts pressed against me, but just like before she moved back, exactly to the very edge of chest touch range.

She kissed me on my lips. I tried to slide my tongue into her mouth but she ended the kiss. I asked if she didn't like French kissing and she didnt know the term. So I rephrased and asked if she liked tongue kissing.

She said, "Oh Yes, it's not that. I love it. It really turns me on a lot. I just like to go slow with guys I like."

At that moment the bartender asked what drinks we wanted. Everyone agreed on a round of margaritas.

Brenda said, "I love Margaritas!" and gave me another kiss on the lips saying, "Oh thank you, Tony."

Apparently I was buying another round of drinks. I figured it was worth it for a girl this hot.

So she really liked me, she liked the way I kissed, she was really turned on by tongue kissing, and she could grab my crotch but didn't let me touch her sexy areas. Ok, this was a bit confusing, but it was awesome and I was loving it.

We all hung out talking for a while. Then a group of five cool-crowd athletic guys entered the bar. The shortest guy was at least six feet. Chris was in the group.

He pointed to us and everyone came our way. Suddenly the whole atmosphere changed. Everyone introduced themselves.

I closely watched Brenda as she met the other guys. She shook hands and gave a fake cheek kiss to each guy, except one particularly good looking muscular guy who gazed her up and down and said, "Well, hello there. I'm Phil. I didnt realize Maria's sister was so beautiful. I need a hug."

Everyone laughed and he leaned in to give her a hug. I was shocked when she really embraced with him tightly. Her chest right against his stomach. The hug seemed to last forever to me, but really like 10 seconds. She wouldn't let me press my chest against hers as we kissed, but this guy had free reign?

Maria presented me and Marty. She introduced me, saying, "This is Brenda's future husband, or maybe current boyfriend hehehe." I shook his hand.

The guys ordered shots and toasted. They added a lot of big dick energy to the bar scene. They acted incredibly confident. It was obvious that these five popular jocks were used to getting all the girls.

Phil, after getting his drink, went and put his arm right around my Brenda. Because Brenda was so short, the hand of the arm that Phil had around her shoulder was literally hanging down on her cleavage. She didn't push his hand away.

Brenda commented that she couldn't believe how big and strong his arms looked. Then Maria yelled out, "Phil has something else that's really big too!"

Brenda looked at Phil and laughed as her boobs jiggled under his hand. She said, "Hahaha, oh really? How big is it Phil?"

Chris jumped in and reminded everyone that Phil had won the wet tighty-whities contest at a local bar last year.

Phil answered to Brenda, "You'll have to find out for yourself. If you arent scared?"

Phil looked around at everyone with an evil grin and then laughed as he pulled his waist band away from his stomach, inviting Brenda to reach her hand down his sports shorts. Everyone laughed, except me. They all started chanting, "Brenda! Brenda! Brenda!..."

Phil looked at Brenda and smiled. Brenda said, "Can't disappoint the crowd."

My stomach dropped. She placed her right hand on his stomach below his belly button and slowly slid it down. Her smile grew huge when she obviously felt something. Brenda's right hand was down his shorts up to her wrist about. Her face expression changed from a smile to an impressed look as she announced, "Wow, that is thickkkkk! But does it have the length?"

Brenda kept sliding her hand down his pants, slowly, further and further. My stomach sank, quickly, further and further. Brenda's expression changed from being impressed to one of shock and amazement as her jaw dropped open. Her arm was down his pants all the way up to her elbow. She said, "OMG, that's incred, I still didn't reach the end."

Brenda's hand position could easily be seen inside Phil's shorts. Her right hand was almost down to his knee when she looked in Phil's eyes and declared, "There's the end! Wowww Phil! It's like a big spongy tennis ball."

You could clearly see through his shorts that her hand was grabbing and squeezing. Maria then interjected, "Chris is just as big!"

Brenda slowly slid her hand out of Phil's shorts. Then someone made a joke that it was a requirement to be on the lacrosse team that you needed to have a really big stick. All the guys then acknowledged that they were all above average size down there. I guess that explains the obvious confidence they exuded.

Maria then said, "See Brenda, I told you we would find you a biiiggg guy."

So that's what she meant earlier by big. I was feeling a lot less excited and quite jealous. But what right did I have to feel jealous about this girl I just met? She could do whatever she wanted.

I was no slouch. My six inches was bigger than the average guy at five and a quarter inches. I was also just under six feet tall, in good shape and had nice muscles. But I definitely wasn't one of those big muscular guys and I definitely didnt have one of those huge porno cocks like Chris and Phil and the rest of the lacrosse team apparently owned.