Cuckolded on First Date! Pt. 03

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Brenda starts cock corrupting the one other girl he liked.
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This is a cuckold story. If you do not like stories where a man accepts that his woman sexually desires other men, then do not read this story.

Also, it is a light cuckolding story. The women flirt and touch other men, but do not fuck them. If you are interested in hardcore cuckolding, this story isn't for you.


"...eight, nine, ten!" I'm definitely getting stronger. That was a new personal record on bench press. I was done with my Thursday evening workout. I headed into the hallway and bent down to the drinking fountain.

A pair of shapely women's legs came into view next to me. I felt electricity inside as I traced the legs with my eyes from the feet to the hips, as high as I could see from my bent over position. The tight stretchy short shorts were like paint on her curves, to well inside her booty crack. The bottom of her strong butt muscles each hung below the material. I heard "Hi Tony."

I looked up, it was Francie. Her blond hair, blue eyes, and boobs that just seemed too big for her body, are always eye catching.

Francie almost always wore a sports bra and tights to work out. Today the bra was light blue with matching shorts. But she looked even sexier than usual. I'd never seen her looking this, well, slutty.

Her bra was low cut and her boobs were overflowing. But even sexier, the bra had a big triangle shaped cutout between her large breasts. The triangle started at the top of the bra in the center between her large melons. The two sides of the cutout angled down to the midpoint under each breast. This caused spectacular bottom cleavage as her underboob was pushed together. The entire inside lower half of her breasts were fully visible.

"Hi Francie. Nice to see you," I said as she leaned in and gave me a hello kiss on the cheek. Brenda might not like that if she were here. "How are you?" I asked.

She giggled and said, "I feel a little beat up."

"What do you mean?" I said with concern.

"I just finished the MMA group class. I never did it before. The description said it's a cardio training class, but those guys are rough!"

I instantly recalled that I knew another girl who took martial arts. Brenda! But I absolutely wanted to limit any crossover between these worlds. So I only asked, "Did you get hurt?"

Francie laughed, "No. But it's really exhausting trying to escape from someone holding you for an hour straight. My heart was beating so fast the whole class. Now I understand why it's listed as cardio training."

I instantly hoped it was mostly women in her MMA class. I liked Brenda a lot, but that relationship was just beginning. There was no commitment. Brenda could suddenly decide she wasn't interested in me. Plus, I had invested a lot of effort playing for Francie the entire past year. I didn't want to see her in some other gym guy's arms, even if at this point I was more interested in Brenda.

"I'm glad you're okay." I said.

Francie joked, "Well, I'm still a little shocked. I didnt expect the guys to be shirtless and in tiny boxer briefs when I first walked in. I felt like I had accidentally walked into the men's locker room."

At that moment a group of five muscular guys were walking down the hallway. They were all wearing short boxer brief style spandex shorts and t-shirts. Someone said, "Good job today Francie. See you on Saturday morning." One of the guys grabbed Francie and pretended to put her in a headlock. She slapped him on his butt and he let her go.

"Just a second guys. Can we get a pic? I want to prove to my friend that I did it today." Francie handed me her cell phone and said, "Would you mind?" I grabbed the phone and they all posed together.

One of the guys called out, "Let's pick her up."

They guys all held her horizontal, facing downward in their arms. Their hands were under her boobs, groin and legs. Everyone was laughing, except for me. I felt jealous. I took the picture. The guys headed into the locker room.

Francie looked at the picture and smiled. She started laughing and said "Brenda will be so excited," as she added the photo to a message and pressed send.

"You're sending that to Brenda?" I asked.

"Yeah. She is the one that convinced me to take the MMA class, while she was giving me a ride yesterday."

"Oh. Really?" I asked, disenchanted.

"She even helped me pick out this outfit for the class," Francie said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

Francie replied, "I asked her what I should wear and she said the less clothes the better, because opponents can grab your clothes. I told her I didn't have short shorts like she described and she suggested we go to the store together. We bought this outfit.

"I was actually pretty concerned when she picked it out. Maybe it was too showy? But she assured me it was perfect. At first I couldnt figure out how the crisscrossing straps went on, so Brenda came into the dressing room and helped me put it on." Francie started laughing and continued, "Oh, it was actually funny. Brenda tried on this bra while we were in there, but her boobs were waaaayyy too big to close it."

"You were together in the dressing room?" I mumbled, shocked.

Francie continued, "I was really nervous when I walked into the gym training room today. I mean, it's a really showy outfit, plus there was only five guys and no women. But the guys all assured me that it was absolutely perfect. I figured, they were the experts. What do you think?"

I said, "You look great in it, thats for sure." But inside I was feeling powerless. Francie, the girl I'd pursued all year was now wrestling with guys, like Brenda. Wearing almost nothing with them, like Brenda. I can't believe this. They went shopping!? Brenda saw her boobs!?

I went into the locker room to take a shower. I took off my sweaty clothes and slipped into a towel. As I entered the group shower. I was glad it was empty. There were six shower heads on each side. I hung up my towel and took the middle shower on one side. Just a few seconds later the five MMA guys all paraded naked into the shower area.

They occupied the three showers across from me and the two on each side of me. I couldn't help but peek at them. They were all muscular and in great shape. Two of them had quite above average penises, about an inch bigger than my six inches. Two of them were about my size. Then I saw number five. He would definitely give Phil a run for his money. It swung around like a thick elephant trunk as he moved. I realized that this was the guy who put Francie in the headlock. I couldn't believe Francie was wrestling these guys.

I felt like I was spying, as I listened to their conversation. They discussed the new sauna at the gym, the NFL football game, and how sexy Francie looked and felt. All of the guys commented that her boobs felt incredible. They argued if they were real or fake. The guy with the giant elephant trunk said that he heard Francie say in a very impressed voice, "Wow, yes!" when she grabbed his cock for leverage while wrestling. He said, "I can't wait for her to suck it."

I watched the guys finish their showers and dry off. I'm straight, but I couldn't take my eyes away from the way the giant penis swung while he dried himself.

I was feeling jealous that they got to touch Francie. I thought about how much Brenda would appreciate the three weiners, especially the monster one. I remembered Brenda dancing with Phil and, ahhhhh, what the heck? I realized I was getting hard right there in the shower.

I quickly turned away so they couldn't see my front. Okay, this was the first time that ever happened. I am so confused. Why would I possibly get hard thinking about these big men with the women I liked? So confusing! I felt ashamed.

I had seen Brenda every night that week. Our relationship was growing really nicely. I felt like she was wonderful and she said she felt the same about me.

We would spend time making out every night. Our kisses were heavenly, sensual, emotional. Nothing had changed. We still were not using tongue. I still wasn't allowed to touch her boobs or even feel them against me. I still hadn't cummed. She still wanted to take it slowly "Because she liked me so much." In the big scheme I knew it was healthier to take it slowly.

There were so many times where we would be making out and she would realize my cock was rock hard. She would play with it through my pants. But then she would always change the mood to an emotionally romantic scene. She could make me forget how horny I was. We would end up having deep discussions about philosophy, politics, art, religion, science.

She had to be the most affectionate woman I ever met. Her hands were just constantly on me, tenderly rubbing me, caressing me. She was constantly concerned about my feelings and taking care of me. Last night she gave me an hour long back rub to candle light. The night before she cooked me homemade tacos.

I was in my bedroom and received a text that Brenda would come over at 7 PM tonight. I looked at my mirror and saw her g-string hanging from my bed headboard.

It wasn't the same panties from the first time. Brenda had a very kinky tradition she had developed for us over the past week. Every night before leaving, she would go in the bedroom and grab her clean panties. Then she would go to the bathroom and take her wet panties off. Finally, as she was leaving for the night, she would say, "Smell". I would sniff them. Then she would say, "Open," and poke them in my mouth. Later she would text and remind me to wash them before the next time I saw her.

There was a knock at the door. Brenda was here. I went and opened the door. She was wearing a red and white checkered dress. The bottom flared out really wide, about half way to her knees. The top was short sleeved and had a deep V that went down to her belly button almost. She was wearing a bra underneath, that was visible through the deep V.

We had a late dinner and were laying on the couch afterwards. Brenda mentioned that she received a picture from Francie. She opened her phone to show me. I said, "You'll never believe me, but I'm the one that took that pic."

Brenda was shocked. "Wow, really? How did that happen?"

I explained how I was talking to Francie in the hall and the guys came around the corner. Francie asked me to take a picture of them together.

"Oh, you saw Francie at the gym? Did she give you a big kiss hello?" Brenda asked, a little awkwardly.

"I think so," I replied timidly.

"Well, she does have beautiful lips," Brenda said. "So you met the guys in the picture too?"

"Well, technically, I didnt actually meet them." I told Brenda that I overheard the guys talking about Francie afterwards. Brenda seemed really interested in this part.

I didn't want to give many details, as I still hoped these two girls would stop becoming friends. But Brenda cutely persisted inquiring what I heard. She said, "Come on sugar butt, tell me what they said. Every word."

I told Brenda that the guys were in the locker room and talked about how great Francie's boobs felt. They argued if they were real. Brenda interrupted me and said, "Oh, yeah, they do feel incredible. We went shopping and I helped her put on a bra. I actually touched them. They felt firm, but soft at the same time." Brenda asked me to continue.

I told her that one guy said Francie grabbed his weiner while wrestling and that she gasped and acted impressed. Apparently, Francie exclaimed "Wow. Yes!" The same guy said he couldn't wait for Francie to suck his cock.

Brenda interjected, "Wait, you were in the locker room when you heard this? Did you see them? Were they naked?"

I didn't want to tell her, but more importantly, I didn't want to lie. I said, "Yeah, I saw them."

"Were they naked?" She repeated.

"Yes, they were naked," I said in a subdued voice.

"Oh man, this is sooo exciting. Did they have big cocks?" she asked.

"I dont know, I wasn't watching. Two of them were about my size," I said.

Brenda said, "That's cute. But what about the other three?"

I said, "I don't uh."

"Aw, baby, are you nervous to tell me?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Aw, you're so cute," she said and leaned in to kiss me. "But you know I adore big cocks baby. Don't you want to turn me on?" She kept kissing me. "Tell me about their weiners."

I shook my head yes. I felt my cock jump when she said she adored big cocks. But the logic in my brain didn't like her interest in bigger penises. I was feeling torn.

"Okay, well tell me then. Were they bigger than yours?" she inquired with a pouty voice.

I said, "They were probably about an inch bigger."

"Guess how big they were!" she demanded.

"Ugh, the other two were, about seven inches probably." I said.

Brenda said, "Wow, that's definitely bigger than average. Does it turn you on to tell me about their cocks?"

I asked, "Why would you say that?"

Brenda looked down at my crotch. I was in shorts and had a small tent sticking upwards. I wasn't totally hard yet.

Brenda asked, "Didn't you forget about someone? What about the fifth guy?"

"He was bigger I guess," I said.

"Tell me! How much bigger was he? How many inches longer than you?" she laughed. "Come on, tell me exactly what you saw, and thought. I mean your exact thoughts. Where were you when you saw him?"

I hesitantly answered, "I was in the shower. He took the shower across from me. I guess, I was totally shocked when I saw it."

Brenda said, "You were in the shower? Did you stare at it? Tell the truth?"

"Yes! I did. I mean, it was so big," I uttered.

"Brenda demanded to know, "How much bigger than you was it?"

I looked downward, without confidence, and said, "His cock was like, at least four inches bigger than mine. It must have been nine inches soft."

She exclaimed, "No way! Wow! And Francie got to wrestle with him? She is so lucky!"

Brenda reached down and grabbed my crotch. I was rock hard now. She commented, "I guess you get hard thinking about big cocks? Did you get hard there, in the shower?"

"No, I don't!" I quickly said. But then I said, "A little."

Brenda said, "Don't be embarrassed. Big cocks are sexy. It turns me on that they turn you on."

I replied, "It wasn't the cock that turned me on. It was thinking about how much you would enjoy the way, ughh!"

Brenda asked, "The way what?"

"The way it swung around so long between his legs when he moved. It looked like an elephant trunk." I said.

"So you get hard when you think of me enjoying big cocks?" She excitedly asked. Brenda lovingly kissed me.

"No comment!" I replied.

Brenda got out her phone and showed me the pic of Francie again. She asked me, "Which guys had the seven inchers? Who had the huge one? Wait, let me guess."

She looked at the photo and said these are the two seven inch guys. She was right. Then she pointed at the guy with his hand under Francie's boobs. "This guy is so hot. I can just see in his eyes that he is an alpha male. He can really take control of a woman and make her enjoy doing naughty things. He definitely has the monster cock, right?"

I said, "Yes," in a defeated tone.

Brenda said, "They are all good looking, even the sixers. But he is really hot. Don't you think so?"

I shook my head yes and said, "I guess."

Brenda asked, "Which guy said Francie grabbed his cock? Was it the guy with the huge cock?"

I said yes.

Brenda gasped, "Wow. Go Francie. She must have one hundred percent been so turned on when when she felt his cock. A Woman knows how big it is when she feels it."

Brenda was now rubbing my cock through my pants. She said, "You must be ready to explode."

I agreed and suggested we do something about it. Brenda said that she really wanted to, but had to get up early. Brenda went to the bathroom upstairs. I could hear her go into my bedroom for a few seconds. When she came down she repeated that she needed to leave.

I got up from the couch. We walked to the door together. She asked me, "Is your little guy okay?"

Does she have to call it a little guy? I said, "I haven't gone six days without cumming in like two years. I had blue balls all day today."

"Aw, that's really nice. You suffered all day for me? You are so sweet. Do you think it will be worse tomorrow?" she asked.

Brenda reached her hand down my shorts, all the way down to squeeze my balls. She kissed me and massaged my balls and gave them a little slap. I was one hundred percent ready to cum. She stuck her whole hand under me, so that her middle finger was against my anus. She rubbed her hand around, pulling upward with her fingers against the area between my balls and anus, pressing my balls against my body. She kissed me and ask-told me, "Tell me you aren't going to cum until I say you may."

I said, "I won't cum until you say I may."

Brenda said, "Smell" as she covered my nose and mouth with her panties. I sniffed. I could smell her sweetness. Then Brenda said, "Open," and poked her panties into my mouth. How delicious she was.

She turned and went out the door.

I pulled the panties out of my mouth. They were just dripping wet from her juice. I heard my phone beep. I received a text message that said, "Don't forget to wash the panties before the next time I see you."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

CUCKOLDED ON FIRST DATE! PT. 03 is an excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

LightCuckold obviously you can write and post whenever you like, and I'm grateful for your 3 chapters, but my dude, it's been way too long since you last posted. There are too many (good) threads in your story so far, like Brenda and Tony watching porn together, that it seems very weird to me that you only had 3 chapters ready when you started. I really hope that you'll continue your amazing work (dare I say) more regularly and let "CUCKOLDED ON FIRST DATE!" be a multi-chapter story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Eagerly waiting, please share soon.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very glad to hear this

LightCuckoldLightCuckold4 months agoAuthor

Hi. I'm still writing. I plan to give more chapters to this story. I have another story I've been working on ("Stories from the Campground Showers"), coming out soon. Should be by the end of Feb 2024. If you like this story, you will love that story. I appreciate the love you all give me.

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