Cufflink Ch. 02


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After that, we had several meetings, that last of which took place at my home. I was working from home that day when out of the blue, Jeremy an Alex turned up to finalise our plans. After the meeting, Jeremy took me to the bedroom I shared with my husband and had me there. Their was something very erotic about fucking my lover in the very bed I shared with my husband. Alex was impatient awaiting his turn and he rushed Jeremy into finishing quickly before he too mounted me. I was coming like an express train and when they had both finished with me, I was totally replete. Jeremy kept uttering about his missing cufflink and I told him I would find it later and return it.

It was at this last meeting the we reached an agreement on how to approach Sam and whether to include anyone else from the current board. We decided that our Financial Director, Darren Malloy was nearing retirement and was too conservative share our ambitions to drive the company forward. Likewise, Colin Dawes our current Operations Director was too close to Sam Peters and involving him ran the risk of tipping our hand before we had all our finance lined up. To have any chance of success, we would need to make Sam an offer that would take his breath away. In short, we needed the element of surprise if we wanted to bounce Sam into accepting our offer. Sam felt sure that he was so far out of touch with what was happening within the company he had founded and built up, that we could bounce him into agreeing to our buyout proposal. We had valued the company at a much lower price than its true market value and were confident that he would jump at the chance to cut and run. He was a near recluse in any case, so it was with come confidence that we built our business case. Craig's name kept coming up during these discussions, but to my shame, I resisted any proposal to involve him in our plans. I was confident that when the time came, I could persuade him that our actions were in both of our best interests.

We had to close the deal before the result of our bid the CDI contract was submitted. At this stage Alex was still down rating Craig's efforts to win the contract and dismissed any speculation as pure fantasy. Craig had confirmed that CDI were delaying any decision until January, so we planned to make our move just after the Christmas Party.

We had just put together the final financing package and it was time to bring Craig into the team. I needed to bring Craig on-board to get my share of the investment cash. It was going to take all of our savings plus I was going to need to convince Craig to re-mortgage our home as well but I was sure that I could convince him and that he would accept, especially if I used my feminine wiles to help persuade him. So confident was I that he would see the benefits that I accepted an invitation from Jeremy and Alex to go out and celebrate the completion of stage one of our take over plans. I knew from Jeremy's body language that he wanted to celebrate by a special fuck! He had been hinting all week that he wanted me and that I needed to consummate our new partnership in style. I promised them both that after we had a few drinks, if the situation was right, I would give them both a night to remember!

With all the excitement of our planned takeover of SAME and the prospect of some wild sex that night, I totally forgot it was my wedding anniversary! We were still in the bar having a little celebratory drink when Craig rang me. I was stricken with guilt and remorse when I realised what I had done. I rushed home to find Craig clearing the remnants of what was to be our meal and a candle strew table just awaiting my presence. I tried to apologise and made some feeble excuse about getting my days mixed up, but even I didn't believe me! When Craig ordered me to 'shut the fuck up' I was stunned! Craig had never spoken to me in that manner before and after that one thing led to another and we had an almighty row that only reached some form of truce the next morning. We still made love, but something seemed to be missing. It was as if Craig knew about my indiscretions, but I refused to believe I could have been found out. We had been so careful both in the office and when we went out for lunches and so on not to give anyone any reason to suspect there was anything going on. In total, I had only let Jeremy have on those two days we were in Manchester and again when we attended the conference. Apart from giving Alex a blowjob, I had not stepped out again except for the day I was working from home and Jeremy dropped by and had me in the bed I shared with Craig. He never stopped complaining about that lost cufflink for days afterwards.

Then came the shortlist presentation to CDI and thanks to Craig we left there more confident than ever that we would win the business. They assured us at the presentation that their decision would not be made until after the Christmas break. The timing of their decision would be critical to the success of our planned buyout.

With the Christmas party only a couple of days away, Jeremy told me that he wanted to have a private celebration after the meal and before the dancing started! I knew precisely what he meant and promised him that I would be ready. I was so excited on the night of the dance that I was ready long before Craig. On the way to the hotel, I was conscious that I was chattering away but that was only to fill the silence that pervaded the car. I was excited, but Craig seemed very subdued when he should have been full of it. After all he had won the CDI contract and even if it screwed up our buyout plans, Jeremy was confident that he could con Sam into selling to us at a knock down price, maybe not as cheap as it was before CDI, but still a great deal for us.

Once in our mini suite, I disappeared into the bathroom to do my face and when I asked him to help me with my dress and Craig wanted to start fooling around, I had to dissuade him from having me there and then. I promised him that I would take care of him later that night and the very thought of being shagged by my lover and then by my husband started my juices running.

We caused a sensation when we entered the function room. I was so proud of Craig and knew that I positively glowed. The dress that I was wearing had exactly the effect that it was meant to and I reveled in the lust on the faces of the males present. I had drawn attention to myself and then I belatedly thought that it was going to prove rather difficult to slip away unnoticed tonight, but that was a problem for later, right now I had to fulfill my obligations as co-host of the party. When I saw the table seating plan, I was annoyed and I knew that Craig would be furious! Then came that awful speech by Jeremy. Who had briefed him on what had happened at the CDI Meeting? It had to have been Alex! the fucking idiot had claimed the lion's share of the kudos for the successful sale! I could imagine what Craig would be thinking and tried to attract his attention, but his seat was empty!

Jeremy caught me just as I was about to go hunting for my husband and told me that he wanted me right now. I was still annoyed about his speech and tried to put him off, but he grabbed my arm and practically frog marched me into the lift and up to my room. He kissed me in the lift and started to caress my breasts. Before the lift reached the sixth floor I was so aroused that I would have let him have me right there, but he told me he wanted me in the bed I would share with my husband that night!

He was so aroused that I never even had time to get my dress off! He just threw me onto the bed and pushed my dress up before mounting me. It was quick and nasty and he was so rampant, he came within a few minutes. I didn't get even close to a climax when he pulled out and started to fasten himself up! I felt the wet, coldness of his semen on the back of my dress and laid into him, he inconsiderate bastard, but he just looked at me with contempt before leaving the room.

I hurried to the bathroom to have a quick shower and when came out with the towel over my head, I heard the sound of a zip being pulled. I thought it was Jeremy back for more and started to say something, when I looked over at the bed to find Alex lying there with an enormous erection! I checked the time and thought that we probably just had enough time for a real quick one and maybe I could get off!

After all, I told myself, Jeremy had left me high and dry earlier. I mounted Alex and we had just got to the brink when the fucking phone rang! It was Craig and he was searching for me. I had to think fast and told him that I had to change my dress after some clumsy sod had spilt something on it. Well, it wasn't a lie was it!

When he said he was on his way up, I panicked and literally threw Alex out of the room before hurriedly wiping myself and donning my black cocktail dress. Thankfully, Craig never appeared. I thought he must have been detained somewhere and went in search of my husband thinking that I had got away with it once again!

I entered the function room in time to see Craig arrive on the stage and pick up the mike. At first his speech was perfectly fine and then he started to tell the truth about the CDI deal and my world started to crumble. I knew what was coming next and his words, full of anger and venom. He branded me a slut in front of everyone and he was right! I collapsed onto my knees and someone ushered me away from the melee that accompanied the end of Craig's speech. I did catch his final words about resignation and divorce! I guess I was too stunned to react as I was led away and found myself back in the room where I had betrayed my husband. The 'gentleman', who had helped get me back to my room was one of the lads from the Print Room, tried to get my dress off. He had me unzipped and was pulling the straps down when I came to my senses and pushed him off me. I guess he thought that I was fair game and after what he had seen on that video, I knew he was right! I screamed at him to get out and thankfully he did as he was told and left me alone.

The rest you probably already know. My parents answered my distress call and came for me. I was honest with them without going into details and my father called me a stupid bitch! He had never even raised his voice to me until that moment and I was shocked at the vehemence with which he uttered it. My mother, as usual tried to see both sides and said, "You should have talked to Craig if you were unhappy and not go out to seek your answers elsewhere."

I knew she was right and cried, "But he won't talk to me and let me explain!"

My dad said icily, "Why should he? You're mother's right! You should have talked to your husband first, but you didn't and to be honest, I don't see him forgiving you no matter how good your explanation is. You admit you cheated on him and not just the once, but several times. If I was Craig, I wouldn't waste anytime getting to a lawyer. We will try and get him to speak with you, but don't hold your breath."

Then the phone rang and I rushed to answer it, hoping it might be Craig. It wasn't him but it was my old boss, Sam. I answered the telephone rather nervously for the man had become a recluse, almost a hermit. He had taken little or no interest in his company and now suddenly he wanted to talk to me! Did he know about our scheme to snatch the company away from? For a brief moment my personal troubles were banished and I tried to answer professionally.

"What the hell have you been up to?" he demanded. "Your husband has resigned, your MD is in Hospital and your Sales Director is nowhere to be found! Just what the hell happened last night? Never mind, I'm coming round and you better be ready with some sort of an explanation!"

I made an attempt to make myself presentable before his arrival, but one look from his piercing eyes and I simply dissolved into tears. I confessed everything to him, my cheating and our plan to take over his company.

He asked if I wanted to remain married and I said, "God, yes, but I doubt if that will happen! I've done things that are unforgivable and Craig, for all his compassion will not forgive or forget."

After another cross examination, he told me to pull myself together, he was going to need me to recruit all the new staff and replacements for our two missing sales professionals. I told him that I would start work right away and he left.

When Craig came round to my parents that evening to see Andrew, I knew immediately that our marriage was finished. I made no attempt to dissuade him. He did allow me to move back into our home with our son, Andrew and for that I will always be grateful to him. I tried to explain my actions to him, but it was only after writing everything down that I was able to set the matter straight with him. He accepted that I had made a mistake, but was adamant about our divorce. I didn't fight it and he was very fair about the house and everything.


Kirsty and I got our divorce and I did phone Jack Simmonds regarding a job and he offered me a package that was better than what I was earning before. I moved down closer to his factory and soon settled into my new job. I had unlimited access to my son and visited him just about every weekend and Skyped him at least twice a week.

Jack's daughter, Annie also worked for her father and we found that we were mutually attracted. I asked her for a date and we started going out together on a regular basis.

That was four months ago now and as yet we have not done anything more than kissing, but those kisses are getting more and more passionate.

Kirsty came to see me just as our divorce was final. I saw immediately that she was pregnant and I asked, "What are you thinking about? You know what the Doctors said after Andrew was born. You could kill yourself by having that kid."

I was stating the obvious and she replied very calmly, "I will not murder the child I'm carrying and I'm prepared to take my chances. I just wanted to be sure that if the worst does happen, you will give Andrew a home and raise him respecting me and not hating me for this decision."

She had tears in her eyes when she said this and of course I told her that I would never let Andrew forget who his mother was. We reminisced about the good times we had shared and ended the conversation there on a good note. I think we were both filled with regrets about what had caused our divorce, but the good times were the predominant memories we retained. That was the last time I spoke with her face to face. Three weeks later she was rushed into Hospital. The complications that the doctors had warned us about caused her to start haemorrhaging internally and she was dead on arrival at the hospital.

Andrew now lives with me and Annie and I have an appointment to see a specialist about reversing my vasectomy.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

1-star. Typical cuck shit. Still ended up raising another man’s baby and paying for it. Pwahahahahahaha. Comical.

Catcher78Catcher782 months ago

nope...there are no cuckolds no more than there are unicorns. Just cheaters and pain and anguish.

FD45FD453 months ago

My critique is one of pacing: you built up a situation over 4 full pages, then one and a half for something we already knew and then a half a page wrap up.


Good story, good premise, good first section and we are left like a high school cheerleader desperately trying to carve out an O before Johnny 2 Minute finishes up. We got there but barely

miket0422miket04225 months ago

Seems to be a lot missing here. It really seemed that her betrayal of Craig began when Jeremy brought Stuart in as Sales Manager. She let her husband get blindsided and stabbed in the back professionally and yet never gave him a clue what was coming.

There were at least two or three times Craig caught her with Jeremy where she was out of breath, flushed, clothes missed and looking guilty. So, it seems a lot more happened on company time and property than what was related in this chapter.

The first chapter was halfway decent. This chapter seemed rushed and lazy. Way too much focus on the actual cheating sex and no focus on the total betrayal of her marriage.

Then she chooses to keep a child conceived in adultery and dies as a result of complications she was well aware of??? Lame ending.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Like all of your stories. This cunt takes the cake as the biggest, dumbest slut whore of all time.

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