Culture Clash


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We never again talked on the subject of forgiveness, or dropping the divorce proceedings.

The only times we've ever talked were the times she asked to see her grandchildren. And those times were becoming less frequent.

My best times were planning my classes. I was approached by the Athletic Director, who asked if I could give his athletes a talk about learning how to handle money in the world of professional sports.

I figured that I was prepared to open their eyes, even though I doubted any of them would ever play sports professionally.

My son, who followed sports religiously, told me of a five-star basketball recruit coming to Seattle U, in the fall, who might have an outside chance. I guess he was that good.

To prepare for this talk I was to give, I did some research, besides asking my dad and uncle, who were both basketball junkies, back in their day.

As the fall quarter began, I arranged to give my little talk on the Saturday before basketball practice started.

Players from each sport we had were invited, both men's and women's teams, but without a football program, I was wondering if my talk would even be attended.

When I arrived at the assigned classroom, I was mildly surprised by a crowd of nearly fifty young men and wonen.

Even though I didn't assign any seats, each team sat with their own teammates.

I introduced myself, and the first question I asked was, "are there any student-athletes here, who think they might play any sport professionally?"

Three or four of them raised their hands, including this hotshot basketball recruit.

I learned his name was Thomas Sanders, and I figured by looking at him he was in the 6'4" range. or a bit taller. I had to admit he looked a bit older, but I had to remember my own son barely needed to shave, going on fifteen.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to give you all a little bit of information dealing with the business aspect of playing pro sports."

"The first, and most important thing you must do, is find a responsible, trustworthy person to help you manage your money!"

"I'm going to give you an example of a lack of long-term planning. Following his rookie year in the American Basketball League, this young man was named Rookie of the Year. He was given a five year, four million dollar extension, which at that time was gigantic. He did not defer any of this money, taking his eight hundred thousand dollars in each of his five years."

"At the end of his five years, he was nearly destitute. He had come from a fairly poor family, and never learned how to handle this enormous wealth. After another six or seven seasons, he had a career ending injury, which resulted in an addiction to cocaine, which he self-medicated with."

"Luckily, he did recover and rehabilitate himself, to the point of a successful adult life. He is now in his mid sixties, is a member of both the College Basketball Hall of Fame, and the NBA Hall of Fame."

"If you want to check out his story, look up David Thompson, North Carolina State All-American, and NBA all-star for both Denver and Seattle."

"Any questions?"

"Yes, please, I'm Thomas Sanders, and I'm wondering if you pointed this guy out because he's black?"

"Absolutely not, young man, I can give you many examples of Caucasian athletes finishing their careers, broke, with little or no education, who had no skills to fall back on, when the sports life was over. My message to all of you is take advantage of this educational opportunity you've been given."

"Since you asked, I'm going to include one more example from the very early twentieth century."

"Any baseball fan has heard of Ty Cobb, correct? In his twenty-three year baseball career, his highest salary was eighteen thousand dollars. That was a great deal of money for that time."

"When he died in the early 1960's, he left an estate of nearly ten million dollars. And this was with very little formal education."

After finishing a few more questions, I was ready to leave, when young Mr. Sanders walked up to me, looking like he had more to say.

"I didn't mean any disrespect, Miss Blumenthal, but just wanted to know where you were coming from."

"First off, its Dr. Blumenthal, and I'm trying to impress the importance of this education you're getting. No sport lasts forever."

"Sorry, Doctor, again I meant no disrespect."

He turned to walk away, so I moved next to him, and quietly told him I wasn't trying to jump down his throat, but I'd heard how good he could be on the court, and didn't want him to neglect his education.

He left, by thanking me, and giving me a very nice smile.

Even with his dark brown skin, I could tell he was on the shy side, at least around me.

As the fall quarter got underway, I was actually looking forward to the basketball season starting.

My son kept me informed as he read each article in the sports section, touting this kids ability.

On the divorce front, David was far more willing to negotiate than his bitch of a mother was.

At our third or fourth meeting, I'd had enough, and against the advice from my lawyer, I finally spoke up.

"If that "shvigger" shows up again, I'm out of here!"

The term "shvigger" is a very uncomplementary term loosely defined as a mother-in-law. Very derogatory term.

She finally got the hint and didn't show up again.

I was able to keep my private life away from my teaching, and with the help from my kids, was able to keep a smile on my face.

By the end of the quarter, our team had played a few games, and was doing reasonably well. This Sanders kid was already being talked about as a rising star, with unlimited potential.

I was quite shocked, when I was in my office during the Christmas break, when I heard a knock at my door, and Thomas asked if he could have a word.

"I've signed up for one of your business classes, winter quarter, and wanted to let you know that I intend on giving it my complete attention, despite traveling for some of our games."

"I'd expect nothing less Mr. Sanders"

"Can I ask a favor? Would you call me Thomas, please?"

Smiling, I told him I would, but not in the classroom.

He then asked me just how Ty Cobb made so much money, while getting paid what he did.

"Coming from the state of Georgia, he was convinced by an Atlanta based pharmacist to invest in his new soda drink. He did, and that soda was Coca-Cola. He also invested in an up and coming telephone company. AT&T."

As the winter quarter progressed, and Thomas was now leading the country in scoring, his classroom work was excellent.

I started hearing rumors of him foregoing the rest of his elegability, and going pro.

I made up my mind to keep my thoughts about this mistake to myself, unless he asked.

This was a meeting in my office.

"Dr. Blumenthal, I'm guessing you've heard that I'm considering entering the NBA draft, this June."

"Yes, I've heard."

"Any thoughts?"

"Thomas, you have to do what's best for you and your family, and let those things help guide your decision. Just know, I'll support any decision you make."

When we both stood up, he shocked me by wrapping his huge arms around me, giving me a very nice hug.

I looked up into his eyes, seeing what I thought was more than a little lust in them.

Was I overly horny? Maybe. Was I trying to encourage him? Definitely not!

"I'm so sorry Dr. Blumenthal, I really am."

"It's OK, Thomas, I'm more than a little flattered."

When he left, I realized whatever his intent was, my panties were wet.

Shame on me? Not a chance in Hell. I hadn't had any effect on a man in so long, even this young man giving me a friendly hug put a smile on my face.

The day I knew he was going to declare for the NBA draft, I called him aside after class and suggested he not hire an agent, so he could retain his eligibility, just in case.

His million watt smile was all the thanks I needed.

Not unexpectedly, he leaned down and lightly kissed my forehead. Not realizing what I was doing, I took his face in my hands and gently kissed him on the lips.

Coming to my senses, I quietly told him I was sorry, to which he responded that he wasn't.

He turned to leave with this huge smile on his face.

"See you later, Rachel," he whispered.

My God, I was quivering. What the fuck was I thinking? He's barely older than my own kids. He's a student of mine. Fuck me, calm yourself Rachel.

Never once in my mind did the color of his skin come into play. It just didn't matter to me.

Allen kept me informed as the draft started.

Thomas wasn't picked in the first round, and I had to stop myself from calling him.

He wasn't picked in the second round, either, which made my heart sink.

Just as I was thinking about calling him, my phone rang, and the caller ID told me it was Thomas.

"Rachel, I wanted to let you know the NBA called and is offering me a two year contract with their G league, at $65,000 per year. Where I'll play will be decided during the summer."

"Are you happy with this, Thomas?"

"Yes, I know that if I work my tail off, I'll have my chance to called up to the NBA, so, yes, I'm happy."

"Let me be the first from Seattle U to congratulate you. Well done."

"Thank you, so much."

"Thomas, it sounds like you want to ask me something, am I right?"

"Um, yes. Can we meet, so I can ask you some more questions about what I should expect?"

"Are you 100% sure about this?"

"Not really, I'm scared out of my wits, but I think I really do."

"Do you know how many kinds of wrong this could be, if we happen to date?"

"Are you saying you might be open to dating me?"

"Lets meet and we can discuss that very subject. OK?"


For the next two days, I thought to myself what the fuck was I doing? I rationalized that he was no longer my student. I am turning thirty-nine, he's not quite twenty. I'm whiter than white, and he is definitely black.

All I could think was our Sunday lunch should be very interesting.

Getting to the restaurant I'd invited him to, we gave each other a little hug and sat down. Much to my relief, we weren't being stared at. Seattle was a very understanding area, so a mixed race couple wasn't very unique. It was just me who was worried about the age difference.

We talked about his upcoming basketball season, where he was assigned to the team playing just south of Las Vegas.

He told me not to worry, that his mother and step-dad already warned him about Las Vegas, and everything it entailed.

I realized that as we were talking he had a hold of both my hands. My hands, which were on the small side were dwarfed by his giant hands. Very large, but he was very gently holding my hands in his.

"I want you to know, Rachel, my step-dad isn't all that pleased with this, whatever this is. Its the age difference, not that you are white."

"Is there anything I can do to change his mind?"

"I don't think so, but I'll think of something."

After our very nice lunch, we just started to walk along the street in front of the restaurant.

As we walked, I put my arm inside of his, and leaned into him, just a bit.

We got to the end of the street, that was a bit secluded, when he moved me in front of him, took my face in both his hands and leaned down, kissing me ever so gently.

Wow! I thought.

He then pulled me just a bit closer, kissing me again, with his body right up next to mine.

I could feel his enormous bulge pressing against my body, causing a shudder, or two.

"Do you want to come back to my house, as my kids aren't home."

"Are you 100% positive, Rachel?"

I just nodded, and shrugged at the same time.

Getting back to my house, making sure my kids were with their father, we slowly moved into my living room.

"Rachel, I've got to tell you, that I'm not all that experienced in what I'm thinking you want to do," he whispered.

"Let's just sit on the couch, and talk. OK?"

Sitting down, I moved to sit on his lap, facing him. I leaned in and kissed him ever so lightly.

His arms moved around my back and pulled me closer, as I felt an enormous bulge pressing against me.

I quickly unbuttoned my blouse, allowing him his first glimpse of my bra clad breasts.

While nothing to write home about, they looked good in my push-up bra. I only hoped their bit of sagging wouldn't turn him off, as I reached behind me unsnapping the clasp.

His very large hands covered each boob, easily, as he leaned forward, softly licking each very aroused nipple.

He didn't need any instruction as he brought both nipples to a rock hard status, with minimal licking.

As I felt just how big his cock might be, I moved off from his lap, unzipped his shorts, allowing the largest cock I'd ever seen spring forth.

Taking it in one hand, trying to think how to handle a foreskin that I'd never seen before, I slowly moved my hand down his enormous shaft, allowing his dark purple head to appear.

Leaning over, I cautiously put the tip in my mouth, as one hand started up and down what I thought had to be two feet long. Just as another three or four inches slid inside my mouth, bobbing up and down, I heard a primal growl, and felt him start to explode.

I was very lucky to have a box of tissues nearby, because he started shooting stream after hot stream of cum into my tissue covered hand.

I knew for a fact, I'd never seen a man cum so much, with the possible exception, of a porn video, or two, back in my college days.

Just as we were starting to shed the rest of our clothes, I heard a car entering my driveway.

"Oh, shit, Thomas, my kids are home. We'd better get our clothes back on."

Just as my front door opened, we were both dressed, as my kid's eyes were wide open seeing a young black man next to me on the couch.

"Kids, this is Thomas Sanders, Thomas this is Allen and Erica Bloch, my children."

As they greeted each other, my daughter's eyes flew open, with me realizing that not only did I forget my bra, but my nipples were literally poking through the thin blouse I had on.

Both of them were old enough to have a pretty good idea of what they had interrupted.

After taking Thomas back to his house, I sat down with my kids and asked them if they had any questions.

"You can ask anything you want. Don't be shy," I said, not knowing what might be asked.

"Mom, Allen and I don't have any issue with him being black, but don't you think, um, he's a bit young?"

"Well, its not as if we're running off to get married, tomorrow, so I guess you can just think of us as friends. For now."

"Isn't he going to play basketball in Las Vegas, this coming season?" Allen asked.

"Yes, and he is hoping any of the NBA teams like him enough to sign him."

I gave my kids credit, they weren't all that critical about the age difference. I guess they were more concerned about my happiness.

Three days later, before Thomas was to leave for his training camp, we did meet, for dinner.

"Let me say a couple of things, please, before you answer."


"I'm a little out of practice at this, so bear with me, please. I truly want to spend some time with you, and not on my couch, if you get my drift."

"I do, and, Rachel, I want you to be perfectly honest with me, before I give my answer. Do you truly want to take our friendship to the next level?"

"I think I really do. But I hope you are aware, that I know about lockerroom groupies, and would hope you would use discretion at all times."

"Just so you know, I'm not all that experienced, and I hope you realize that my step-dad is a pastor, who has taught me how to behave like a gentleman."

Taking a very deep breath, or two, we got up, leaving the cozy confines of this restaurant, and headed for my empty house, having arranged for both my kids to have sleepovers, tonight.

Before any of you say anything, yes I'm thinking with my pussy. Live with it.

Back to my story.

Walking into my house, we both were very quiet, as I took my coat off, and turned to Thomas, smiling.

"Are you 100% positive, Rachel?"

Instead of an answer, I moved up to him, taking his face in both hands, and giving him as soft and sensuous kiss as I could muster.

I felt his arms surround me, as we moved as one towards my bedroom.

Stopping to take his shirt off, showing me his chiseled physique, I moved back allowing him to unbutton my blouse.

Standing toe to toe, he reached in back of me to unhook my bra, freeing my boobs, for all the world to see.

I held my breath, wondering just what a normal, red-blooded twenty year old thought about looking at a pair of thirty-nine year old boobs with a fair bit of sag to them.

I didn't have very long to get his answer, as his giant hands softly gripped each breast. My nipples must have been as hard as they had ever been, having his hands caressing each one, tenderly.

Reaching for his belt buckle, and unzipping his pants, the sight of his magnificent bulge had my eyes opened as wide as possible.

Lowering his boxer briefs, allowing his cock to spring free, we managed to get my skirt and panties off, and tumbled onto my bed.

Locked in an embrace, and kissing each other, over and over, he lowered his head to gently licked all around one engorged nipple. He then moved onto the other nipple, as my breathing became more pronounced.

Moving around on my bed, I came face to face with his enormous manhood.

Eying his dick, I slid the foreskin down, and licked his bulbous head as if it were an ice-cream cone.

Taking as much into my mouth as possible, I slowly started bobbing up and down, just as he touched my very sensitive clit with his tongue.

Every inch of my body was tingling with desire.

I then felt one of his fingers slip into my pussy, as deep as any other part of a man's body had ever explored.

As I managed another two inches, or so, into my mouth, my body started shaking in complete ecstasy.

Moving ever so gently, he rolled me onto my back, and eased his rock hard manhood where we both knew we wanted it to be.

Very slowly, he started pumping in and out. I was gripping his well muscled body with my legs, locking them around his behind, while he started to pick up his pace.

He was so deep inside of me, it felt like his cock was touching my lungs. Or was that just how sharply I was breathing?

As my third or fourth orgasm shook my entire body, he unleashed a torrent of white, hot cum deep into my core.

I couldn't believe how intense that was, when I realized he was still hard, inside of me.

Moving around, silently, he moved me onto all fours, and started very slowly pumping in and out, from behind.

With his hands holding each hip, he really started thrusting, faster, and harder.

I buried my face in my pillow, so my cries of passion wouldn't scare him.

As I felt his body tense up, once more, he unleashed another blast of his baby making material.

Silently, I prayed my diaphragm was doing its job. Or was I?

Finally, rolling onto our backs, with me still trying to regain normal breathing, I just couldn't believe what we just did.

Yes, I'd just had the largest item of any sort inside of me, twice, without any pause between each eruption. Yes, my body was still tingling, as I hoped it would for some to come. And, yes, I did realize this magnificent lover was half my age.

Just looking into each other's eyes, I took one hand and gently caressed his face.

"That was amazing, Thomas, and I hope you felt that, too."

"Rae, I couldn't feel any better, if I tried. I can't express how great I feel, right now."

We just laid there, with my head in the crook of his arm, and my body finally calming down.

I was thinking to myself, was this just sex? Was there a future with this wonderful, young man? Young being the operative word.