Cum Addict Pt. 02 Ch. 09


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Ask Colin breaks the kiss he pulls away slightly. Kat comments, "You're getting very good at that Colin."

Colin smiles, "I had a good teacher."

Colin leans down and kisses her again, playfully probing her mouth with his tongue. He grinds his erection on her wet pussy causing Kat to break the kiss. "You are quite hard again Colin."

"I am excited thinking about feeling your tightness around my manhood again."

"Well don't keep a girl waiting. Give it to me."

Colin reaches down and lines his erection up to her wetness and pushes. His inexperience shows as it takes a few tries to get the angle just right. As he finally pushes himself into Kat, she closes her eyes and moans deeply. "Oh my god Colin, that feels so good."

Kat is quite wet with her own anticipation, so it only takes a few strokes before he is buried deep inside. Kat wraps her legs around his midsection and pulls him down for a kiss. She breaks the kiss to moan loudly as he pushes himself in all the way. Kat tells him, "Just rotate your hips and concentrate on pushing yourself in as far as you can."

Colin follows her instructions. She rotates her hips with his causing him to come out less than an inch and push in again. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him down to her. She breathes in his ear and whispers, "I'm going to cum all over your hard cock Colin. Keep doing that."

Colin keeps grinding and soon after Kat squeezes her legs and arms and groans. Her pussy clinches his cock over and over with each pulse of her orgasm. When it finally slows Colin comments, "I could feel that one."

"Uh huh. That was a good one."

"Kat is it okay if I try another position I've been thinking about?"

"Sure Colin. What do you want to do?"

Colin lifts up and backs away. Kat has a brief moment of disappointment, as her pussy feels empty with him gone.

"Can you turn over and lie on your stomach?"

Kat turns over without hesitation, propping herself on her elbows.

"Have I ever told you you have a sexy ass?"

"It is possible you have before Colin but thank you."

Colin pushes her legs together and crawls on top of her. Kat lifts her hips, not knowing exactly what is coming next. Colin carefully positions his cock between her cheeks and aims very far down sliding in between her wet folds. Second try he slides right into her warm insides. Three strokes later and he is buried deep. Kat exclaims, "Ah fuck Colin, that is deep. You're so big."

Colin stops moving, "Am I hurting you?"

"No Colin, quite the opposite. Aim a little lower and you're going to make me cum again."

Kat tilts her hips a little more and Colin crawls up a little higher. He lays most of his weight on top of her and slowly pushes his cock in as far as it will go.

"Ahhhhh.... Ahhhh," Kat breathes out.

Colin begins to pump away, pushing himself in as far as he can go and then pulling almost all the way out before plunging back in again. Colin soon adds his moans to Kat's. A few minutes later Kat exclaims again, "Colin... I'm going to cum... again..."

Almost breatless Colin grunts, "Me too."

"Cum inside me Colin... I want to... feel your cock... pulse inside me... as you fill me up."

Colin pushes in and out more deliberately. Not long after Kat grips the sheets and groans as an orgasm fills her body. Her pussy grips onto Colin and squeezes him tight. It puts him over the edge and he pushes in one more time filling her pussy with cream. The shared moans last for several moments before the sounds turn to heavy breathing.

As Colin's orgasm is now finished, his cock begins to soften. He pulls out and rolls over on his back. Kat recovers and slides over next to Colin. She puts her head on his chest and wraps a leg over his. Kat comments, "I'll clean up your manhood in a minute Colin. I just need to recover."

Colin replies, "You don't need to Kat. I can take a shower."

They relax for a little while before Kat finally starts to stir. She props herself up on her elbow and leans into Colin and kisses him. It was nice and sensual. Kat comments, "I enjoy you a lot Colin. You make me feel amazing."

"I'm going to miss you when you are gone. But all good things must come to an end as they say."

"Well, I hope we always stay in touch and you never know, we may see each other again before you know it."


"But before that, we still have unfinished business here."

Kat slides down and picks up Colin's sticky limp cock and slides her mouth over it. Colin starts to protest, "Kat you don't have to."

Kat replies, "I do if I want more sex; which I do."

Kat works him over diligently finally bringing him back to life. Once his cock is at full mast, she sits up on her knees and crawls on top of Colin. In one swift motion she lifts her body, reaches down and positions him at the entrance of her ladyhood and sits down. Colin groans as he cock is once again surrounded by the warm confines of Kat's wet pussy.

"Now doesn't that feel amazing?"

In between deep moans Colin replies, "Yes Kat. You always feel amazing."

Kat pushes herself all way down his rod until her ass sits on his thighs. She starts rocking her hips sliding the thickest part of him in and out of her. It's not long before Kat moans through a small orgasm. Colin pops a few minutes later. Without taking him out of her, Kat collapes down on top of Colin.

She whispers in his ear, "Thanks for calling tonight Colin."

"Thanks for giving me a chance and for caring. You and Tif."

"Of course. Any time."

"You and Tif are too good for me."

"Nonesense Colin. You're fantastic. Believe in yourself."

Colin pauses for a moment and then replies, "I'll try."

Kat lies there for a few more minutes. Then she rises up and kisses Colin again. "I've got to go Colin before I fall asleep on top of you. Plus we have a big day tomorrow."

"I understand Kat. Thanks again for coming over and for being so awesome."

Kat smiles and gets up to get dressed. She gives him one more kiss goodbye and heads back to her room. As she walks back into the room, she sees Tif sitting on the bed talking to someone on the phone. She waves hello and heads to the bathroom. A few minutes later Kat jumps in the shower. She is about halfway through the shower when Tif joins her in the bathroom.

Kat is almost done updating Tif on her evening with Colin when her phone rings. Kat asks, "Tif can you see who that is on my phone?"

Tif replies, "It is Jacques. Should I answer it?"

"Yeah. See what he wants."

Tif talks to him and when she hangs up she announces, "Jacques will be here in 15 minutes. He wants us down in the lobby so he can take us to dinner and plan for next week."

"Ok. I guess I better finish this shower then."

Kat quickly finishes her shower and they head down to the lobby where Jacques is already waiting for them. He greets them with a hug and a kiss and leads them out of the lobby. As they exit the hotel, Jacques leads them down the sidewalk. Kat asks, "Where is Eva? Is she not driving us?"

"No. We are only going down the street, so I figured we can walk."

Jacques leads them to a place a few blocks away. He has a reservation so they are seated right away in a corner table. Once their food is ordered he begins. "I'd like to talk through a few things about this week and the plan overall for the rest of Europe."

The girls nod and Jacques continues. "I think we can condense the last 3 countries into two weeks. This is what I am thinking. We spend Monday through Wednesday getting France set up. Then we start the legwork on Spain. We have some people to meet and some things to do on Thursday and Friday. We will fly out on Saturday moning to Spain."

Kat and Tif nod and patiently wait for him to continue. "We can spend Sunday sightseeing a bit. We'll work in the office into Wednesday finishing up the set up there. Then we fly to Italy on Wednesday night. Thursday and Friday in the office. Saturday we can close out any remaining work and do some sightseeing. Sunday night flight to London. Spend the week in London. Get you home a week sooner than we planned. Is that possible?"

Kat looks at Tif. "You are the schedule guru. Is that possible?"

Tif replies, "Depends on George. His work is the work that no one else can do and what takes the longest because all the set up has to be done for every site from scratch."

Jacques comments, "Well, that is the plan I want to shoot for. Let's talk to George tomorrow and see if he can support that and what help he needs."

The girls nod in agreement. Jacques continues, "One final thought about that. Kat I want you to lead the effort the rest of the way. I will be there to kick things off in each location, making sure you meet everybody, and then step away. Tif you drive the schedule."

Kat opens her mouth to protest and Jacques cuts her off, "I know Kat. You don't think you're ready or you have something else you are worrying about. I wouldn't ask you to do something unless I know you are ready. You proved it in Germany. You got this."

Kat goes silent and just nods her head. They go about eating their meals as they work through a few of the specific details of the plan Jacques proposed. As they finish up Tif asks, "So is it safe to assume that you will be spending the week with Eva?"

Jacques pauses for a moment. Finally he responds, "Some of the week. I have some other things to do as does she. Eva told me that she spent some time with you and told you her version of our relationship. Would you like to hear mine?"

Kat replies, "Only if you feel comfortable telling us. We are not trying to pry."

Jacques smiles. "I know you are not trying to pry. Listen, I am convinced we are going to be great friends and business partners remember? And as such we should not keep many secrets from each other right?"

The girls nod. He continues, "We had as wonderful of an open relationship that a couple could have. We were hot as fire when we were together. She was the one that convinced me that you can love someone deeply and not get jealous when she is enjoying the physical pleasures of another."

Tif asks, "So what happened when you decided to move to London?"

"I wanted her to go with me. I offered to marry her because I loved her. I still love her and I think I always will.

Kat asks, "So why did you take a job that required you to leave France then?"

"Because Richard asked me to. You see I don't have many close friends that I feel I can trust. Richard is one of those few. I would do just about anything for him."

They all sit in thought for several minutes before Jacques breaks the silence. "So tell me, how was your evening with Eva last night?"

Kat and Tif look at each other and then back at Jacques. He comments, "Listen, Eva told me where she took you and what you two did. It's fine. I am okay with it. I'm not going to judge."

Still showing discomfort Kat replies, "We had a good time. We are glad she took us."


"And what?"

"Kat, I just confessed to you that I think we are on the path to having a great friendship. A friendship where we should not keep secrets right?"

Kat and Tif nod. Jacques says, "There is something else about last night that you have't told me about. Some hunger than needed to be filled."

Kat softens and knows what he is referring to. "I think it is embarrassing. We didn't even want to tell Eva except she overheard us talking about it and called us on it."

"And now I have heard about it and am calling you on it."

Kat tells him about her cum lust and Tif describes her overly strong labido.

Jacques patiently listens and then comments, "You should have told me sooner. I could have helped. I can definitely help going forward."

Kat replies, "Richard says we need to be self sufficient and not use any particlular person as a crutch."

A slightly surprised Jacques asks, "What is your relationship with Richard exactly? My intuition tells me that you two have at least had sex with him. Probably Steph as well."

Kat and Tif look at each other again. When they look back at Jacques he comments, "Richard did not tell me specifics. But he did tell me that he trusted you. Like me, he does not trust many people, so that told me a lot. If you are going to be in this trust circle with he and I then you should be honest and forthcoming."

Kat replies, "Why do you think Richard avoided telling you any specifics about our relationship to him?"

"I gather it was because he did not want to taint the establishment of my relationship with you. If he had told me that he slept with you or any other specifics than it would have influenced how I approached you. Instead you were able to prove yourself independent of that influence and our relationship was created organically. Brilliant really."

The girls nod. Jacques remarks, "That does not however, stop you from telling me more now."

Kat gives him an overview of the past several months ending with, "So as you see, he is our mentor."

Jacques stays silent for a few moments while he processes this. Finally he reacts, "I would be honored if you would consider me a mentor as well. I halfway think it was Richard's intention anyway. I think both of you have tremendous potential and I want to be a bigger part of your growth and your careers."

"I think you already have with the introductions to Elias, Frank, Christoph. And of course you continuing to put Tif and I forward on this project."

"Yeah. Well that ironically was a little about testing you and verifying Richard's high opinion of you. I would like to genuinely mentor you and bring you into some opportunities I have and introduce you to my business partners and really push you forward into opportunities."

Tif looks at Kat who looks at Jacques and replies, "Then we happily accept you as a mentor. We look forward to being great friends and colleagues for years to come."

They toast, finishing their after dinner drinks. Jacques says, "Excellent. Well, we have a busy week in front of us so let's call it a night."

In less than an hour, Kat and Tif are snuggled in their beds. Tif asks, "Kat, this last year has been crazy huh? I mean we started our senior year of high school thinking about what we were going to do with our lives and now look where we are."

Kat replies, "Yeah, sometimes have to pinch myself to see if it is actually real."

"Do you think Jacques is genuine? Do you think we can trust him to the same level as we do Richard?"

"I don't know if it will be the same level, but I think he deserves an opportunity to prove it and we deserve the opportunity to take it."

Tif nods. Kat continues, "I mean I look at it this way Tif, Richard drew out a vision for what I could be and a path to get there. He looked me in my eye and told me he would mentor me and he has more than delivered so far."

"What did you say when he said that?"

"I asked him why me, because it made no sense at the time."

"And what was his answer?"

"He told me it was because he had rarely seen such potential in someone so young. And that he knew the type of person I was from being around me and from working with my dad."

"That's great."

"You know what else I told him?"


"I told him I would not do it without you."


"So he devised a plan to get you in. And it worked."

"Well if I remember right there was a little coaxing needed on your end too."

Kat laughs. "Yeah. I guess so. And I am so glad it happened. I am grateful every day you are with me on this journey Tif. I worry constantly that you are not going to be happy. That I feel like I am dragging you on my journey even though I want it to be both of our journeys and not just mine."

Tif replies, "I feel like I am an important part of this journey. You are the lead actor though. And I am okay with that. I love being with you every day. You are my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you."

"Awe. I love you Tif."

Tif gets out of her bed and joins Kat in hers. They kiss each other deeply and demonstrate how much they love each other and fall into blissful sleep afterwards.

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