'Cum' Uppence


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"Well I was needing a piss, but I guess that can wait Missy!"

He seemed to find this hilarious and opened his mouth to laugh and reveal a serious lack of teeth. The sight made Lisa want to puke but with her tormentors standing by the cubicles laughing and egging her on she knew she had to go through with it. But if the sight of Harold's mouth was a turn off, when he unzipped his trousers then she was forced to revised her definition of horrible. She actually recoiled somewhat as his disgusting, hairy cock leered out from his trousers and instantly began to stiffen, unfortunately for Lisa her bare heels were already right up against the grimy tiled wall of the toilet and all she succeeded in doing was banging her head slightly against it. She winced and moved her head to the right and found it resting against the nearest urinal. Urgh! And as she looked up she found that Harold was now right in front of her, looking down with urgent, lecherous dark eyes, his cock now sticking out from his body at right angles towards her mouth and his sleazy voice saying.

"Come on girly, get on with it, I gotta have a piss soon!"

And with that admission he leaned forward and pushed fully five inches of his sweaty, smelly cock into Lisa's unhappy mouth She hated being treated like this but still she was after all a cock sucking slut and deep in her dumb mind that slut took over and started giving Harold the best oral sex he was ever likely to experience in his lifetime. Her head bobbed forward on it, her lips and mouth sucked his meat in deeper and her tongue rolled teasingly on the underside of it. She had the perfect cock sucking technique (and there were plenty of guys around town who could testify to that) and was putting it into full deployment, confident also that she could get this disgusting man to cum real quick then hopefully this horrible experience would be over with at last.

Still it had not escaped Eileen and her friends how enthusiastic that Lisa looked and they weren't slow with a volley of crude comments as to her taste in men and sex acts.

"You're enjoying that you dirty bitch, aren't you?"

"Go on you skank, drink his seed!"

Harold was smiling like a madman as his manhood was being treated royally and turned smiling to the women.

"Hey girls, I've had some good times down here of a weekend but this sure beats the hell of out of most!"

He chose to cap his glee by putting his dirty hands on the young blondes head and thrusting his penis further into her mouth. Lisa took it and actually increased her sucking and in seconds her mouth flooded with a sticky, watery, sour substance that as soon as some slipped down her throat, had the blonde choking and coughing and spluttering and desperately trying to free her mouth from his slippery dick. Mostly, she was unsuccessful and as her face came away from Harold's crotch her mouth was filled with his foul seed and it spill from her exquisite lips.

This amused Eileen, Sandra and Tracey no end and they hooted and hollered as Harold stumbled away and shuffled over to the nearest urinal to have his much delayed piss. Lisa remained on her knees coughing and spluttering more and trying to spit out some of the filthy cum. By the time she looked up Harold was finished and shaking at the long sticky trails falling from his cock.

"Hey bitch, looks like Harold's having some problems there, get over there and suck his cock nice and dry!"

Lisa looked at Eileen but had already resigned herself and crawled over the tiles and sucked his shrivelled cock clean. Why not? She was feeling just about as shitty as she had ever felt anyway. But Harold didn't prolong Lisa's humiliation as he had gone almost ten minutes without alcohol and for Harold, on a weekend, that was almost unheard of. As he skulked from the toilets he nodded to the three women on his way out and with the door swinging behind him they were left to turn their attention to Lisa once more.

"Did you enjoy that slut? Or was he not your normal type of guy? I'll bet! Hey girls what should we do with out toy now?"

Lisa stayed obediently on her knees by the disgusting row of urinals and tried to ignore the horrible taste in her mouth and stayed silent as these three wicked old hags suggest all sorts of degrading things they could have the blonde do. And worse she knew by now that she would do it, and so did they.

While the three witches discussed her fate and all the 'fun' they could dream up for her Lisa knelt there half listening and half in a world of her own. She was past the point of bemoaning her fate, past the point where she had wished it had been one of her friends that she was out with that had got cut off from the group and accosted in the Ladies, past the point of telling herself that she would never sell drugs again (she knew she would she needed the money to maintain her relatively lavish lifestyle) and was pretty sure even if the big bitch hadn't found her stash they would still have done this. Then the three seemed to come to an accord and split from their huddle and Eileen pulled off her long coat and threw it at Lisa.

"Here, put that on, but don't bother to zip it up just holds the ends together!"

Dumbly the blonde did as she was told.

"Right we're going to go back up into the bar and you'll make your walk to the door at the far side of the bar, that leads into the pool room, it hardly ever gets used, certainly not on a Saturday so we can have some more fun in there!"

Lisa didn't even allow herself to contemplate what that would be and, relieved to at last have got something to cover her modesty she stood up moved to follow Sandra who held the door open. She was glad to be leaving the grim depression of the stinking, grimy toilets.

"One other thing slut, you pass anybody, and I mean anybody in that corridor or stairs out there you have to flash at them. That's right like the whore are you just pull that coat apart and give them a thrill!"

Lisa shrugged on the coat, not bothering to turn up her nose at the stink of cigarette smoke that came from it or the cheap nasty material it was made from. She would certainly not normally be seen wearing such a tacky rag. Still she was thankful at least for the cover and to once again be on her feet and moving back upstairs. Maybe she could make a break for the door once she was up there or there would be someone that might help her out, whichever anything would surely be better than spending any longer down in the toilets which had proved such a trap to her. She followed Sandra and Tracy out of the door with Eileen behind and was immediately confronted by two men coming along the corridor, having just turned off the staircase headed to the door they had just left. Eileen prodded her in the back and she knew what she had to do. She held her coat tails and pulled it wide open flaunt her sexy body to the two men and stopping their conversation stone dead. She supposed after what she had done already this should have been nothing but it was burning her up with embarrassment.

The two men stared at her young, nubile body and then cheered drunkenly and shoved past to the toilets while Lisa and her entourage moved on. They passed one other patron, a girl who would barely be twenty and already looked like she had kids and was an alcoholic and once again they stopped and Lisa had to flash at her, how degrading it was to her to be flashing at such a fucking loser and the girl seemed to recognise this and sneered at her and spat in Lisa's face.

"Eeh, fucking filthy bitch!" she commented before barging past to the facilities.

From there they hustled Lisa up the remaining steps and back into the raucous atmosphere of the bar, it was full to almost overfilled and music boomed out from the wall mounted speakers and around the bar people chatted and shouted and laughed. No one seemed to pay any attention to the four women as they emerged into the throng. Seeing her chance, Lisa pushed Tracey forward and sprang away from Eileen behind her and started to make her way

Lisa went for it and half ran and half shoved her way through an unsuspecting throng in an effort to reach the exit, she could have made it too, Eileen, Tracey and Sandra were left in her wake and as she went she saw the big swing front doors get nearer and the crowd at the bar thinned here she was only ten yards from the door when a hooked walking stick snaked out and speared between her ankles and brought Lisa smashing down on her front. By the time she had made it to her feet the three women were on top of her and dragging her to her feet and frog marching back toward the rear of the bar. Eileen stopped to speak to the old woman at the end of the bar who was busy placing his walking stick down by his feet.

"Thanks Mary, sorry she escaped."

"No problems Eileen, just make sure she doesn't again."

Then as Sandra and Tracy dragged Lisa out of earshot she leaned in closer to Eileen and hissed at her.

"And make sure the little slut gets what is coming to her, I don't like cocky tarts like that in my bar. Tell you what, Big John and his friends are drinking at the back table there, from what I hear they'd definitely be up for showing her what can happen to stupid little girls who need to learn some life lessons."

The pool room was in a smoky darkness that the switching of the overhead light did little to disperse. Lisa was crying now, realising her efforts had been for naught and in fact the escape attempt would likely have only served to antagonise her captors further. She pleaded and begged and apologised but was greeted with no more than three hard stares and being pushed back until she bumped into the pool table behind her.

"Give me back my jacket you dumb cunt!"

Eileen's voice was as harsh as it had been and there was an edge to it that betrayed an even meaner side than Lisa had already encountered. The blonde was slow to react to her command so she wasted no time grabbing the garment and physically hauling it off her, sending Lisa sprawling on her face on the dirty baize of the table. As she lay there and slowly lifted her face up she saw 'Big John' and his two friends walk languidly into the room having been informed that their presence was required. Lisa, of course, didn't know who they were but seeing the three tall, muscular, black guys all in their forties. They were all intimidating but especially 'Big John' and it would only have been worse if Lisa knew his reputation. The other two guys were called Cal and Vince and all three were pretty shady characters but no-one really knew what they did, just that they spent most Saturday nights in Floozies and by the end of the night had got themselves a woman for the night. And that was one woman, not three. John stepped up to Eileen smiling.

"I hear you got some entertainment for us?"

Eileen indicated Lisa backing slowly away atop the pool table, a tactic that halted when Cal walked around the table behind her.

"Yeah John, this is the bitch, we caught her with drugs down stairs and she's agreed to entertain us, done good too, until she made a run of it. Wondered if you and the boys wanted to put on a display for us, show us why you're called 'Big John', know what I mean? Stretch her holes a bit."

He smiled slyly and nodded.

"Sure, me and the boys were just gonna go and look for a bitch for the night, this one will do nicely."

In fact Lisa was a considerable step up from the boys normal Saturday night fuck hole, usually they were slappers who had drunk too much and hardly knew what they were doing and woke up the next day wondering why their holes were bigger than they had been the day before. Lisa was about 10 to 15 years younger than their normal fare and was fully conscious and aware of what was going on, and as the three women took a few steps back to enjoy the action the men started to appreciate the young slut's physical assets.

John pulled Lisa forward so that she was sitting on the edge of the table before him, his shovel like hands exploring her prime, fleshy natural breasts, kneading them like bread before pinching her nipples between his fingers. Then his hands sloped down her body to ease her thighs nicely apart and show her neat pussy and with a hard rub against her pussy he started to get her wet, but no sooner had his hands moved downwards than they were replaced by another pair of rough hands feeling her tits from behind. While John and Vince did this, Cal was busy stripping off and if Lisa didn't know it before, when she saw him naked she knew she was going to be in for a hard time - he was hung like a donkey. She gave a little gasp of surprise when she spotted the thick cock only for John to catch her chin in his hand and warn.

"You think that's big wait 'til you see mine!"

As the other two continued to grope her like a piece of meat Cal got up on the table and Lisa found her face just inches away from his stiffening penis. He held it at it's base and waggled it in Lisa's face, rubbing it across her lips, slapping it on her chin and forehead before saying to his comrades.

"You guys wanna go airtight on this bitch? I reckon she ain't ever had anything like it in her life!"

"Hell yeah, lets do it!"

Lisa wondered only for one moment what 'airtight' meant before it's implications dawned on her but as she opened her mouth to complain it was seen as an invitation to be invaded by Cal's thick, mucky cock to slip between her lips and begin to mouth fuck her. Compared to the cock she had just sucked in the men's room this was a fucking monster and Cal had great expertise in using it to fuck white bitches mouths. He allowed Lisa to catch her breath and got some saliva on it before pumping in and out at a pretty harsh rhythm.

With one hole amply filled the other two guys laid off fondling Lisa's body and wasted no time getting naked, to much praise from Eileen and her friends. Once they were naked there was something of a re-positioning (but somehow Cal managed to keep up the prolonged fucking of Lisa's face throughout) and Vince managed to lay himself flat on the baize of the table and, with some spit for lubrication, speared his lengthy dick right up and into Lisa's arsehole.

Lisa had seen anal action in her sexual exploits in the past, she was no novice, that was for sure but this double spearing was new to her and her body struggled to cope with being trusted into at both mouth and arsehole. And the Big John got on the table between her legs and used his finger to part her pussy lips. Straining to see beyond the chocolate rod pistoning into her mouth she caught a glimpse of the huge member between John's muscular, black legs. It was massive, she had never seen a cock like it, it must have been at least twelve inches long and as thick as a baby's forearm, It was already stiff as he shuffled in close to Lisa and gently slid it inside her pussy.

So there she was all three holes filled with black cock, and being bounced up and down with the pounding of Vince's cock from below and being pinned back by the efforts of John while struggling to get a breath with her mouth filled with cock too. The three women were really enjoying the show too, not only were they getting to see some hot guys naked but that stuck up blonde was getting a real seeing too and while a cock hound like her might have enjoyed it they didn't really think so in these circumstances. They had even bought a round of drinks and were sitting back enjoying Lisa get fucked like a pig before them. But still Eileen was think of fresh ways to humiliate their prey.

"Hey John! Why don't you guys dump your loads on the sluts face, I want to see her ugly face obliterated in cum!"

"Whatever you want bitch!" was his answer.

Which was nicely timed because Cap was starting to strain in Lisa's mouth and he knew himself that he was on the very edge of cumming. He quickly whipped his dick from her gasping mouth and held it aiming to spray his seed all over her surprised face. And boy was he carrying a load! It came out in five big bursts and soaked Lisa's face a dull white colour. Two of the spurts splashed into Lisa's blue eyes and coated her eyeballs immediately, another sprayed up her nose and the other two splashed across her lips, she was already covered with just the one load!

The other two guys were not so near cumimng yet and continued to pound into her pussy and ass hole, feeling their cocks separated by a thin stretch of skin. Lisa would have desperately liked to have wiped some of the semen from her face but anytime she lifted her hands they were grabbed and held back, they all wanted to see what she would look like covered in all three men's cum. They did not have t wait too much longer, and to exclamations from Eileen and he others both other men emptied their heavy balls over Lisa's despairing face. As the last spurt hit her features were obliterated in cum, her eyes unrecognisable and her lips caked in cum as it spilled from them and trailed down her chin. The three guys were losing interest in their slut by now and dismissively wiped their dicks in Lisa's blonde hair before heading back to the bar to get another round of drinks. But for Lisa the night was not over yet.


The next morning a tramp was staggering down the alley beside Floozies when he heard a low moaning coming from beside a dumpster. He investigated and found a pretty blonde, her hair dishevelled and naked and staring up with her face and chest crusted with drying cum. He was momentarily stunned before a massive grin started to spread across his face.......... It would be a long morning for Lisa too!

- finish from the seakings story.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Even though I'm a fan of humiliation stories, this was not my idea of erotic. Too much time was spent on the bathroom floor. It was well written, and I'm sure someone was turned on by the story; That someone just isn't me. I think it's a waste of subject matter, and had the potential to be a really hot story. Oh well... Different strokes for different folks.

wolfgirlbiteswolfgirlbitesover 10 years ago

you are very talented keep them coming

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Scorched Earth:

Retribution - Linda got home to her friends. Next big night Escape doors were blocked. Petrol cans sailed down the stairs into the club. Linda laughed as she tossed a light into the stariwell..

LeetahLeetahabout 16 years ago
Concerning "New Zealand's" comment

Little Miss Priss in New Zealand obviously doesn't get the fact that if you act like a jerk to people you think are 'beneath' you because they're not your definition of cute, then you deserve to receive your come uppance, as in this story. I wouldn't wish the situation on anyone either, but no one should ever treat anyone as if they are beneath them. Well done. Also, at least I have the guts to put a name on my comment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great humiliation story

Nice twist having the women direct Lisa's humiliation at the hands of all the men in the bar. Loved the ending where the following morning a tramp is all set to pick up where the others left off.

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