Cupcakes Book 01 Ch. 01-05 Updated


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"Is that him? Ooooo he sounds sexy!" Samantha's voice came from the phone. George rolled her eyes again and brought it back to her ear.

"Yes, that's him. His name is Rig Cabello, he's 30, a construction foreman. He's tall, dark and handsome." Rig chuckled at her description and nuzzled her ear.

"Cabello? I know that name, they own a huge construction company. How did you meet him?"

"At the coffee shop, he's working near there and stopped for breakfast yesterday."

"And couldn't resist picking up a little something extra." Rig quipped.

Samantha giggled, Georgia attempted to swat at him but couldn't get a good angle to make much impact. "You two are never meeting, no good can come of that."

"Awww come on George, I promise I'll behave." Her sister blatantly lied and they both knew it.

"I'm hanging up now, see you for dinner Sunday!" George hit the disconnect button and cut off her sister's protests.

"Sunday dinner? Do I get an invite?" Rig took her phone and set it on the coffee table, then turned her to face him. His body didn't fail to respond as her breasts were squashed against his chest.

Georgia started to laugh off his comment but stopped seeing how serious his expression was, "You want to meet my family? Why? You barely know me."

Rig's brow creased as he considered his answer. "I don't feel like I barely know you. Was it really only yesterday that we met?"

"Yeah." Georgia sighed and was quiet, lost in her own thoughts. He was right, it didn't feel like it had only been a day. Whatever there was between them was intense in a way she'd never experienced. Every new relationship had that exciting energy that made you giddy right at first, you wanted to be with the other person all the time and they seemed absolutely perfect. But this wasn't that.

"What are we going to do?" She finally asked, breaking the silence.

Rig had been lost in his own thoughts. Georgia was everything he could have hoped for in a mate, smart, creative, warm and caring. The fact that she was beautiful and delicious was icing on the cake. Well cupcake, he smiled and squeezed her.

"I don't know, but whatever we do I want us to do it together." He kissed the top of her head then pulled back so he could look into her eyes. "Georgia you are the most incredible woman I've ever met, please don't let all this weirdness scare you away. Please give me a chance to get to know you."

She reached up and laid her hand on his cheek, searching his eyes. He looked and sounded so sincere, and she couldn't deny that despite her familiar clamor of anxiety she wanted to spend more time with him.

"I'd like to get to know you as well Rig. I'll give it a chance if you will."

The smile he gave her was dazzling and the kiss was breathtaking.

"Spend the day with me?" He asked impetuously, "I have to take care of a couple things, then we could take a picnic out to one of my favorite spots. No pressure, no particular agenda, just spend the day with me."

She hesitated but couldn't think of any reason why not. There was no doubt she wanted to spend more time with him, and she'd already called off work for the day.

"Uh, sure?" She smiled uncertainly.

Rig pulled her in for another kiss, his hands exploring her body as their mouths melded eagerly. She threw her leg over his hip and pulled her hips tightly against him, his cock pressed between them. She moaned, trying to position herself to feel some friction against her clit.

He growled, a wild, lustful sound as she managed to rub the warm wetness of her pussy along the length of his erection. It would be so easy just to take her now, she was willing and ready. He could just sink his cock into her welcoming embrace and sink his teeth into her shoulder. His teeth lengthened as his wolf strained forward, not caring about consequences. His instinctual response was to claim his mate, the details would be worked out later.

"Oh Rig." She moaned, as he nuzzled her neck, kissing and nibbling. Her voice brought him back to the moment and he realized he was again on the verge of disaster. How many times would this happen before he could finally claim her? His self control wasn't that good, nobody's was.

With tremendous effort he reined in his primal nature. "We'll never get to our picnic at his rate." He hoped his voice sounded relaxed to her because it took every bit of strength he had to try to sound lighthearted.

"Who needs a picnic anyway?" Her protest was followed by her stomach growling loudly, making them both laugh.

"I guess we didn't eat much breakfast did we?" She giggled. Rig thrilled at the carefree sound.

"No, I think we were a little distracted." He kissed her softly, "Promise me this isn't the the last time I'll have you naked in my arms."

"Not if I have anything to say about it."

"Ok then, I can allow you a brief escape for refueling."

She grabbed her pajamas and went to put on something appropriate for a picnic. Rig dressed and sat on the couch, checking in with his animal half. His wolf was eager to claim their mate, but feeling content for the moment after getting to connect so intimately. All in all, he realized, he was the most at peace he'd been since he met Georgia. Maybe sharing some intimacy had helped both their primal nature to calm down. She had seemed more at ease as well.

Georgia hummed to herself as she took a quick shower to rinse off and ran a brush through her tousled hair. In contrast to the mania she'd experienced this morning she now felt very at ease. She scrutinized herself in the mirror. She's chosen a fit and flare, cotton sundress, with a mint green background and big pink roses. She felt feminine and confident, which in itself gave her pause. When was the last time she'd looked in the mirror and felt good about what she saw?

Her hair was shiny and full, her skin was soft, her eyes big and bright, her lips were a bit swollen from Rig's attention and looked pleasantly plump. She had eye catching cleavage, graceful ankles and the overall impression of the reflection she saw staring back at her was womanly and radiant. Part of her was noticing everything beautiful and pleasing, while another was trying to intrude with the usual insecurities.

Given the choice between feeling good about herself or not the former option seemed like the smart choice, but it was uncomfortable in its unfamiliarity. She turned from the mirror and headed to the living room, unsure how to reconcile the warring thoughts in her head. Like so much going on right now she decided to just relax and see what happened.

Rig jumped up as she came back into the room. There was an odd energy about her, something that made his wolf perk up his ears. When she looked up and their eyes met his breath caught, there she was again. He stood still, watching as she looked him up and down, licking her lips.

"Georgia?" He asked softly, still not moving.

She cocked her head and smiled at him. His wolf was trying to push forward, bouncing like a puppy, playful and excited. It wasn't time yet, he didn't know how long Georgia's animal nature would be in the driver's seat, he couldn't risk Georgia stepping back into what to her would feel like the scene from a horror movie. He reminded himself that there was plenty of time, eventually they wouldn't have to hide anymore.

She stalked across the room, pressing her face against his chest and inhaling deeply. She rubbed her head against him, sniffing him carefully and grinning up at him when the only scent she found was her own.

"Only you my love, only you." He cooed, reassuring her. She nodded, then reached up to pull his head down to her neck. He sniffed her, smelling the soap she'd used, some kind of hair product and her own unique scent of freshly baked cake.

"You smell wonderful." he sighed. She growled, an honest to goodness growl that startled him and nearly made him laugh out loud. She shook her head angrily.

"You don't smell wonderful? You smell like Georgia, like you always. . . ." It hit him what she wanted. "You want to smell like me? Your scent is on me, you want mine on you?" She whined and pressed herself against him in conformation. He hadn't showered after they were intimate so her scent was still strong on him, Georgia had showered and rinsed him off.

"If Georgia comes back while I'm doing this she's going to freak out, do you understand? Can you stay with me?" It made perfect sense to him, and would to any wolf, but Georgia would definitely not understand. She nodded and took a step back.

Rig unbuttoned his jeans, pulling out his cock. He was already aroused just by her presence so it didn't take much to become fully hard. His hand moved up and down the shaft until precum began to seep out. He gathered it on his fingers and reached for Georgia. She pulled the front of her dress down enough to offer the deep valley between her breasts. He slid his fingers into her cleavage, massaging his fluid into her skin.

He caressed the head of his cock again, wetting his fingers. She leaned into his hand, letting him run his sticky fingers through her hair. She tilted her head again, offering him her neck. This time when he sniffed her he was pleased to smell the unique and tantalizing aroma of their mingled scents. She had been right, this was how it was supposed to be.

"You were right little wolf, you smell like you should now." He managed to get his cock back in his pants with some difficulty, much to her amusement.

Suddenly her eyes fluttered and she staggered. Rig reached out to steady her and Georgia looked up at him with huge, confused eyes.

"Rig? What?" She looked around, it felt like she'd just been in the bedroom doorway, then in a blink was in front of him.

"You ok?" he asked, still holding her up.

"I think so, I'm just having a weird day. You of all people should know. Are you experiencing anything like, well, like an out of body experience?"

"No, nothing at all like that." He made a mental note to ask Karen for more detail on what exactly Georgia was experiencing.

She shook her head, "Add it to the list."

Rig gathered her in his arms, "I think it's getting better though, I feel more relaxed, that weird static is gone."

Georgia looked surprised, "I hadn't noticed but you're right. And I feel better as well."

"Good, I want you to be comfortable with me." He met her lips as she tilted her face up to him, "But more of that and we'll never get lunch."

She laughed and gathered her bag, locking up on her way out of the apartment.

"I live about an hour outside of town. Let's stop and get gas, and pick up a snack so we don't starve along the way." He suggested as he pulled out of her complex.


An hour later they turned off the main road, Rig couldn't stop grinning. He kept looking over at her as he drove, disbelieving his luck. She looked happy and at ease, chatting and joking with him. He silently entreated Luna for help maintaining this positive interaction.

The gate came into view and he slowed to enter the gate code. Georgia looked at him curiously.

"You live in a gated community? Way out here?"

Rig paused as the gate slid open, "It's a collection of families who enjoy nature and privacy. I guess I never really thought how it looks to anyone else, it's where I've always lived." He shrugged as they pulled forward.

"It's beautiful out here." She smiled and gazed at the forest around them. The compound came into view, looking like a large, affluent neighborhood. Big houses, low key but well maintained landscaping. It looked like the kind of place people didn't worry about locking their doors, where kids ran around the streets in the evenings.

Rig drove slowly, pointing out the community building, the school, the clinic. They had just about everything they needed to be self sufficient out here. Finally he pulled up to his family home.

"Here's where I live." He put the truck in park and turned to find Georgia eyeing the large home speculatively.

"You live here?" She gestured to the house, "Alone?"

"What? Oh, no," He laughed, "I live with my family, my parents and various other unmarried siblings. I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make that clear?"

Georgia's brow furrowed, and he wondered what was worrying her. She turned to meet his eyes, trying to put it into words.

"Will anyone be here?" She finally asked nervously.

"Uh, yes, probably. Is that a problem? I'd love for you to meet some of my family. Is that not ok?" For him family was such a big part of his life, and he was eager for them to meet her, it hadn't occurred to him that she would feel differently. He remembered her surprise that he'd want to meet her family and grimaced. Of course she felt differently, meeting family was an entirely different thing for humans.

Georgia saw the realization dawn on him and rushed to reassure him, "No, no, Rig it's fine. I'm just surprised that's all." She looked at the house and shrugged, "This is all moving so fast and I hadn't prepared myself for meeting anyone."

Rig took her hand, "I'm sorry, I've never brought anyone home before, this is all so new to me. I'll just apologize in advance that I'm probably going to mess up a lot."

She marveled at his innocence. How could Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome be so new to relationships? They'd have to have a more in depth conversation about that, but right now she was about to meet his family.

He'd never brought anyone home, that was comforting at least in that she wasn't competing with the ghosts of girlfriends past. But what would they think of her? Would they think she wasn't good enough for him? Too fat, too plain, too . . .. too much or not enough? Anxiety sped up her pulse. All of her insecurities crashed in on her and the cab of the truck felt suddenly stuffy and small.

Rig heard her heart racing, smelled the anxiety coming off her in waves. He squeezed her hand, "George? Talk to me. What are you worried about?"

She looked at him and took a deep breath. "I'm just generally worried. Meeting new people always causes me some anxiety."

He nodded in understanding. "How can I help? We don't have to do this today if you don't want to, we can leave right now and do something else."

Leaving felt wrong. Georgia realized she cared that this mattered to him, and from somewhere she felt a strength, a determination she didn't normally posses. She squared her shoulders and straightened her dress. "No, I'm ready. Anything I should know?"

Rig grinned, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it softly, igniting sparks in her belly, "They are going to love you." He assured her.

He jumped out of the truck and sprinted around to help her down. Her anxiety was contagious and he found himself nervous as they approached the front door. No doubt his family would love Georgia, but what would she think about them? She had to love them, it just couldn't be any other way.


Jason Miller lived two houses down from the Cabello's. He'd grown up with their kids, his parents roughly the same age as Ray and Claudia. He was a mid level pack member, solid and responsible from all outward appearances.

But Jason had ambitions. He'd been putting in the effort, trying to prove himself reliable, valuable, ready to move up in rank. He wanted to lead, have people under him that he commanded. Realistically he accepted that he was a Beta, but he also knew a high ranking Beta could be a powerful second in command.

He was just getting into his truck after stopping by home for lunch when he saw Rig's truck pull into their driveway. Rig wasn't normally home this time of day, his curiosity was piqued. To add to the unusual situation there was somebody in the truck with him, and they sat talking earnestly for several minutes before getting out of the truck.

Jason's brow furrowed as Georgia stepped out of the truck. She wasn't a pack member, he didn't recognize her. It occurred to him that maybe Rig had finally met his mate and he wondered which pack she was from. His musings were cut short as the wind shifted and he caught her scent. Human.

What the hell? Rig had brought a human on to pack land? Jason was instantly furious, sure he'd just caught Rig violating an important pack law. Humans were not welcome. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the Alpha, his pulse racing at the opportunity to get Rig in trouble and raise his own value in the process.

"Jason!" Will answered with a tone much friendlier than he felt. Jason was an irritation he tried to avoid, but the ambitious Beta made it nearly impossible to ignore him. "What can I do for you?"

"Alpha Miller," Jason's voice was the definition of obsequious, "I've come across a rather disturbing situation. I'm at home for lunch and just saw Rig Cabello pull up with a human woman."

Will tried not to sigh audibly, "Ah, well I hadn't wanted to share this with the entire pack yet. Jason can I trust you to keep something confidential?' He knew appealing to Jason's desire to be in the inner circle would work.

"Of course, of course Alpha." He assured him, unable to hide the excitement in his voice.

Will rolled his eyes at Karen who was looking at him curiously from across the kitchen counter. She sat a sandwich in front of him and raised an eyebrow, rolling her own eyes when he mouthed "Jason".

"Rig recently met his mate Jason, but to everyone's surprise she is human."

Jason's sharp intake of breath said it all. "But," He paused, trying to process the unexpected news, "But Rig isn't an Alpha?"

"No, which is why this situation is so unusual. It's possible that anyone could have a human mate, but it is highly unusual for it to happen to anyone other than an Alpha."

"I see." Jason didn't sound like he really did see but his brain was spinning.

"As you can imagine this is a very delicate situation Jason. Rig has to figure out how to introduce his mate to the fact that we even exist, then to understand what it means to be mated. Before we can introduce her to the rest of the pack she has to learn a lot. Can I trust you to help me keep this private for now?"

"Of course Sir! Whatever you need I am here to help."

"Right now I don't need anything other than to make sure she stays safe as they get to know one another. I have no idea how long this might take so we all have to be patient."

Jason assured Will that he'd do just as instructed. Will thanked him and ended the call, turning his attention to lunch.

"What was that all about? He saw Rig and Georgia?" Karen asked.

"Yeah, apparently Rig brought her home to meet his family. He's not wasting any time. I hope he knows what he's doing."

"Of course he doesn't know what he's doing!" she laughed, "But let's hope he's not bungling it too badly."

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PurplefizzPurplefizz14 days ago

It’s a shame you haven’t got more feedback about this, but the first half of the book reads very well! I’m hoping “Jason” isn’t an obligatory cardboard cutout villain and Georgia & Rig end up with a suitably happy ever after etc. cheers, Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Omg, my fav story in a while. U have all the right moves n I love the main characters. Please do this for a living. I'd buy the books!

KindAsCakeKindAsCakeover 3 years agoAuthor

Chapter 1 of book 2 had been submitted and I’m waiting anxiously for it to post! I’m so excited to hear what y’all think!

numonebunnumonebunover 3 years ago
Best Werewolf + Romantic Coupling Intersection

I read A LOT of werewolf erotica (it's one of my favorites), but it's hard to find ones that intersect loving/healthy relationships with the whole bestiality storyline. This succeeded in that and I'm about to read Ch 6-End. So looking forward to reading more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Welcome back

Glad you are back to continue this story. I look forward to your future updates.

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