Cupcakes Ch. 05


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"I see." Jason didn't sound like he really did see but his brain was spinning.

"As you can imagine this is a very delicate situation Jason. Rig has to figure out how to introduce his mate to the fact that we even exist, then to understand what it means to be mated. Before we can introduce her to the rest of the pack she has to learn a lot. Can I trust you to help me keep this private for now?"

"Of course Sir! Whatever you need I am here to help."

"Right now I don't need anything other than to make sure she stays safe as they get to know one another. I have no idea how long this might take so we all have to be patient."

Jason assured Will that he'd do just as instructed. Will thanked him and ended the call, turning his attention to lunch.

"What was that all about? He saw Rig and Georgia?" Karen asked.

"Yeah, apparently Rig brought her home to meet his family. He's not wasting any time. I hope he knows what he's doing."

"Of course he doesn't know what he's doing!" she laughed, "But let's hope he's not bungling it too badly."


Rig opened the front door, holding Georgia's hand as they crossed the threshold. He squeezed it reassuringly and headed for the kitchen. There was, as usual, the sound of people gathered in the kitchen. It was the heart of his mother's home. They ate there, argued there and problem solved there.

Georgia looked around as they passed through the house, it was clean and comfortable, unpretentious. It looked like a family home, well kept but lived in. She could hear voices in the kitchen, it sounded like several people were good naturedly arguing about something.

"I've got company!" Rig called as they entered the well lit and spacious kitchen. His mom, Helen and his youngest sister Maria were gathered around the island cookbooks spread out between them. They all looked up in surprise.

"Rig! We didn't expect you, we were just about to make lunch." Claudia stepped forward, hugging him warmly before turning to Georgia, "I'm Claudia, Rig's mom, you must be Georgia?"

George looked a little shocked, glancing at Rig quickly before clearing her throat, "Uh, yes, nice to meet you Claudia." She gave her what she hoped was a warm smile.

"We are a friendly and informal bunch here, may I give you a hug?" She opened her arms and George stepped in to them after the briefest pause. This woman immediately set her at ease, radiating love and hospitality.

Claudia pulled Georgia in for a hug and sniffed her as inconspicuously as possible. Rig had left his scent all over her, causing her to raise her eyebrow at him over Georgia's shoulder. He had the decency to look just a little sheepish, but couldn't contain a satisfied grin. She smiled though at the way their scents mingled and melded, they worked perfectly together.

"These are two of my sisters, Helen and Maria," Rig took her hand and pulled her toward his sisters as soon as his mom released her. They came forward and offered hugs as well, noting the pleasant way their brothers scent blended with Georgia's.

"Georgia it's so nice to meet you! We were worried Rig would hide you away and never bring you out here." Helen teased, linking her arm in George's, moving her away from Rig.

Georgia laughed nervously but allowed herself to be pulled along. "Well we only met yesterday, I'm a bit surprised to be here honestly."

"You are?" Maria looked at George curiously. At 12 she had spent the majority of her life with the pack, other than a trip to town once in awhile. She'd met plenty of humans but hadn't spent any significant time with any one on one.

Helen jumped in before Maria asked any awkward questions, something she was quite talented at. "We were about to make some grilled cheese to go with the left over chicken soup from last night. Have you guys eaten yet?"

"No, but I was thinking we'd pack a lunch and I'd go show Georgia the lake." Rig gave Maria a warning look while trying to sound good natured. His youngest sibling had the potential to make a mess of this.

"Oh that's a great idea!" Helen squeezed George's arm before releasing her and gesturing toward a barstool. "Do you cook much Georgia?"

George sat on the barstool in what she hoped was a lady like manner, she was feeling awkward and lumpy. Rig's sisters were gorgeous and his mom looked remarkable considering she had to be in her 50's or 60's. They all had the same naurally tan complexion that Rig had, it spoke of some kind of ethnic heritage, Spanish more than likely based on their last name. They were all fit and slender, with well defined muscle she'd felt when they hugged her. Even his little sister looked like she must workout regularly.

They chatted at her as Rig packed them a lunch, smiling reassuringly at her now and then. Everyone seemed friendly and welcoming but she couldn't quite silence the nagging voice in her head that was comparing them and finding herself lacking. At least they'd picked a topic she knew something about, Georgia loved to cook


Rig watched Georgia while he pulled down a picnic basket and made lunch. She was fidgety, her hands white knuckled in her lap. She looked ill at ease. He admired her bravery as she did her best to be friendly and chat with his family.

Claudia had her finger on a pumpkin bread recipe, "So you've tried this recipe? Great! You can help settle our disagreement." Claudia and Helen leveled mock glares at each other, "I think there's not nearly enough pumpkin, Helen says she's sure it's fine. What was your experience?"

Georgia wrung her hands nervously, she didn't want to make anyone mad by taking their side. Rig stepped to her side and hugged her shoulders, "Don't let them wind you up, they always fight about cooking, but they aren't really upset. You won't make them mad by telling the truth."

She smiled up at him gratefully, "Well I made it exactly according to the recipe the first time," Georgia gestured to the cookbook, "And it's good, but it's more like a spice cake."

"Ha!" Claudia slapped the counter triumphantly, Helen rolled her eyes and groaned.

"So what did you do? You tried it again?" She asked, sticking her tongue out at her mother.

"Yes, I experimented with it quite a few times actually. I can write down my final recipe if you'd like? It's one I've done often enough that I've got it memorized."

They excitedly got her a pen and she noted the changes she'd made to the recipe in the margins of the cookbook.

"If you are done monopolizing my date, could I have her back and feed her before she dies of hunger?" Rig held a hand out to George and pulled her off the barstool. Her face turned a bright pink, feeling like Rig had just put a big spotlight on the fat girl in the room.

"Oh of course!" Claudia waved them away, "We have baking to do anyway, shoo!" She was already trying to gather ingredients while Maria reminded her they hadn't eaten yet. Georgia caught a glimpse of Helen's amused expression as they headed for the front door.

When they heard the front door close Helen peeked around the corner to make sure they'd gone before turning back to her mother, "Holy hell." She shook her head.

"How does a girl that sweet and lovely end up such a mess? I thought she was going to break her own fingers she was twisting them together so hard." Claudia frowned, "Rig has his work cut out for him."

Helen put an arm around her mom's shoulders, "We'll be here to help them."

Maria paused as she pulled food from the refrigerator, "Why was she surprised to meet us? I know I've seen plenty of tv shows and movies about people meeting their boyfriend or girlfriend parents."

"For humans that's usually well into a relationship though, it takes them months or even years to decide they want to include someone in their family." Claudia set a large frying pan on the stove and dropped a pat of butter into it. "They sometimes date many people before they meet someone they feel special enough about to bring home to their parents."

"Wait!" Maria held up her hands, a horrified look on her face, "Do you think Georgia has dated other people?"

Claudia and Helen exchanged an uncomfortable look. Helen pulled a pot of soup out of the fridge and handed it to her mom before turning back to her younger sister.

"Quite likely. For humans dating is like entertainment, they don't think of it as looking for a mate." Helen told her gently.

"How could she do that to Rig?!" Maria slammed her fist on the counter. "Why wouldn't she wait for him?"

"Maria!" Claudia turned from placing the soup on a burner, "Rein in your temper. Georgia had no idea Rig existed, she still doesn't know he's her mate. You've had enough exposure to human culture to know that they handle love and relationships in completely different ways than we do. We can't hold her to our standards and we can't judge her for anything she's done before meeting us."

Maria shook her head, "I know, like yes I know in my head, but it's different now that it's my brother dating one."

"It will be a challenge for all of us sis." Helen handed her slices of cheese, "Put these on that bread so we can have sandwiches."

Maria slapped cheese and bread together, still clearly agitated. Claudia gently removed the food from her before it was ruined, "Why don't you go run several laps around the house? When you get back lunch will be ready."

Maria huffed, "Fine." and sprinted out the back door.

Claudia gently laid several sandwiches in the frying pan. "I don't think she's the only one who is going to struggle with this."

Helen nodded, watching as her sister ran by outside, "I don't think Rig has had time to consider it yet but a human woman Georgia's age is unlikely to be a virgin."

"How did this happen? I know it's a blessing, but we are just an ordinary family. Why does Rig have a human mate? I can't help but worry for him." Claudia turned the cheese sandwiches, the smell of toasted bread and melting cheese filled the kitchen.

Helen laid out plates and bowls on the island, "Damned if I know. I wondered why it was taking so long for Rig's mate to show up, but this. . ."

They worked in silence for awhile, finishing up their lunch preparation. Both women were lost in thought, worrying about their son and brother.

"At least she seems perfect for him." Claudia mused finally, "She's smart, sweet, funny and adorable. They'll make beautiful grandbabies. Maybe we'll get some blue eyes in the family!"

Helen laughed, looking up as Maria jogged back into the kitchen, panting. She plopped onto one of the barstools and let out a big breath, "I've decided that if Rig loves her, then so do I. I won't hold it against her that she behaved like a human before she met him."

"Excellent. Then let's eat so we can try out this pumpkin bread recipe." Claudia smiled at her daughters and the conversation moved on to baking.


Georgia squirmed in her seat as Rig drove them away from his family's home. She tried to find the comfortable feeling she'd had with him on the drive out, but she felt anxious and disconcerted. To make matters worse that maddening static was back, like an itch she couldn't scratch, adding to her discomfort.

Rig noticed when he helped Georgia into the truck that the tingle was back when he touched her hand. He felt restless and on edge, His wolf was testing his control again, demanding time with their mate.

"I've got to make one more stop on the way out." He startled her by breaking the heavy silence.

"That's fine, sure." She shrugged, looking out her window. He could hear the pounding of her heart, she was clearly feeling the increase in agitation as well.

They pulled up to the community building and parked. Rig sat for a moment before turning toward Georgia. He reached for her hand, causing them both to jump at the shock as their skin met.

"I'm feeling anxious and edgy again, the static is back too." He admitted.

Georgia let out a sigh of relief, "Me too, it's like an itch that desperately needs to be scratched."

"I have a theory, it's kind of wild but tell me what you think?" Rig had a pretty good idea as to why they were experiencing these fluctuations. Their wolves needed each other, they needed each other. The longer they went without claiming one another the more their bodies and souls objected. If he was right though, intimacy helped ease the tension. Threw a bone to their instincts so to speak.

"Sure, I don't know if anything else could surprise me at this point." She looked at his hand holding hers and marveled at how good and natural it felt. She knew virtually nothing about this guy she chided herself.

"It seems like when we share a moment of intimacy the weird energy dissipates. When we go awhile without anything then things get uncomfortable again. Have you noticed that?"

Georgia's eyes unfocused as she thought back over the time since she'd met him. The rollercoaster of emotions and libido. She glanced at his earnest expression, wondering what his point was. A giggle bubbled out of her as she realized this was an interesting way to suggest they needed to get naked again.

"That is a wild theory, but I agree it fits." She met his eyes, grinning "We can't just have sex every few hours, I think life will get in the way of that."

Rig grinned at her, "Oh that's how it is? You think I'm trying to con my way back into your arms?"

"I've been such a challenge so far." She teased, rolling her eyes, "Maybe what we actually need is to slow it down a little and lay off the naked time."

Something shifted inside him, the teasing tone, the subtle challenge.

He leaned across the truck, pressing her against the door as he slid over to her side. Her giggles turned into a gasp as one hand tangled in her hair, pulling her mouth to his. His other hand dove between her legs before she realized what he was doing, clamping her thighs together only trapped it tightly against her cotton covered pussy. She was red hot against his hand, the crotch of her panties getting damp as he pressed his fingers in. He growled into her mouth and she answered with a whimper, her hands found his chest and grabbed handfuls of his shirt.

Georgia was completely surrounded by him, his smell, his taste, the raw energy of him. She moaned, grinding against his hand. He deepened their kiss, exploring her mouth, stealing her breath.

He pulled back, and she lay wide eyed and panting beneath him, staring up into eyes that looked wild, feral. He licked his lips and she had the fleeting thought that he was about to take a bite out of her. Another deep growl rumbled from him, it vibrated through her body, making her pulse and clench against the hand lodged between her legs.

"Cum for me." It was nothing short of a command, and she came apart beneath him. He felt warm wetness spread through the fabric of her panties as she orgasmed literally in the palm of his hand. She threw her head back, eyes clenched shut as her body shuddered. Rig couldn't resist the smooth throat she bared to him and he licked and nibbled at it, feeling her pulse galloping against his lips.

Georgia clung to him, feeling at once vulnerable and safe within his arms. She tried to breathe normally, unwilling to open her eyes as the euphoria of climax had her head spinning. Rig was cooing to her as he nuzzled her neck, murmuring against her skin words that she couldn't quite make out.

"Let me have my hand Georgia." He chuckled against her ear. She had it trapped, her legs clamped together.

"Oh," She breathed out and relaxed her legs, shuddering as his hand moved away. She heard him draw in a deep breath and realized he was smelling her juices on his hand. Her eyes cracked open to watch him drag his tongue across his palm with a look of bliss.

"Fucking hell." His voice was hoarse, "You are the most delicious thing I've ever tasted." He pulled her up, pressing her own taste into her mouth with a kiss.

The kiss lingered, slowed as they both realized they were in a public place. Rig pulled back and glanced around before looking down at her and grinning.

"You are irresistible." He kissed her nose as she blushed.

"How do you do that? I don't know what. . . You just . . ." She stammered, releasing her hands and smoothing out his shirt, trying to gather her wits.

"I really need to go check in and arrange some things, but I'm going to need a moment." He looked down pointedly and she followed his gaze to find his cock straining against his jeans. She bit her lip, remembering the way he'd tasted.

Georgia looked around the parking lot, there was zero privacy here, in fact she could see people moving around inside the community building.

"I don't guess I can do anything to help out here." The playfulness in her voice made him throb painfully. He could almost feel her mouth sliding over the head of his cock.

"Not unless you have an exhibitionist side you haven't shared with me, and judging by that blush I'd say no." He kissed her softly before sliding back behind the wheel and taking a deep breath. "But I'd like to take a rain check I can cash in as soon as possible."

They made small talk for a few minutes, trying to let the arousal dissipate. Georgia got her breathing back to normal and felt herself relax, but the smell of her filled the cab of the truck and Rig stayed fully at attention.

"This isn't working, it's not going down at all." He shook his head ruefully, "I'm going to go in and splash some cold water on my face in the bathroom. Hopefully I don't traumatize anyone along the way."

He leaned over and kissed her, "You'll be ok while I'm gone?"

"Yes I'll be fine." She grinned at him and made shooing motions with her hands.

He carefully climbed out of the truck, turning to glare at her peals of laughter as she watched his bow legged walk toward the community building. He shook his finger at her with mock sternness and mouthed "Your fault!"

Georgia giggled madly, her eyes tearing up. Rig was so competent and in control, it was hilarious to see him so affected. She wiped at her eyes as he disappeared into the front entrance.

She rolled her window down, enjoying the soft breeze and afternoon sunshine. Several people came and went as she waited, all eyeing her with undisguised curiosity. Remembering the locked gate she guessed they didn't get a lot of strangers out here.

She pulled her phone out, answering a few emails before pulling up a hidden object game. A loud bang startled her out of her concentration and she looked up as a big red ball bounced away from the door of the truck.

"Sorry!" Several young voices yelled in chorus, a group of half a dozen kids ran over to retrieve the ball and stare at her.

"It's fine, just woke me up that's all." She smiled at them. They looked about 8, probably 2nd or 3rd graders.

The kids stared back, a couple sniffing the air oddly, as if scenting her. They kept one eye on her while they conferred quickly, finally pushing one dark headed boy to the front of the group.

"Do you know my Uncle Rig?" He asked nervously.

"Oh! Well yes I do. I'm Georgia, what's your name?" These kids were behaving oddly but they were just kids. She'd have to ask Rig exactly how isolated things were out here.

"I'm Max." He waved awkwardly as he introduced himself. His friends crowded behind him and whispered earnestly, gesturing toward Georgia. "Ok! Ok! I'm doing it!" He snapped, shaking off their hands.

The group stared at her intently, anticipation coming off them in waves. Max licked his lips, "So, uh, we wanted to ask. . ." He looked to his peers who nodded encouragement, " Are you a human?"

Georgia's mouth fell open in shock. Of all the childishly frank or probing questions she'd expected that was not on the list.