Cupid and Psyche


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Chad seemed inclined to rebuff the interruption, but after taking in Cupid's appearance, he knew the battle was futile. Plus, the glimmer of interest in Psyche's green eyes was impossible to overlook, though she pouted for show.

Chad checked his phone and saw twelve missed calls. "I have to get going," he sighed. "Thanks for the chat."

"You're welcome," Psyche beamed at Chad and patted his hand.

Cupid's eyes narrowed but he didn't comment when Chad awkwardly brushed past him.

Psyche relaxed into the lounge. "What?"

"I regret being vindictive with these matches," he speculated. "But when I see you flirting with another guy, it makes me feel..."

"Like being an asshole?" Psyche said sweetly, spearing an olive onto a toothpick and provocatively pulling it free with her teeth.

"Like I need this halo to fuck off." He held out his hand. "Let's go back to the hotel."

Psyche considered being difficult, but she was tired of the party. And she was curious to hear about the latest mismatch.


Back in the cloud realm, Hera was in her glorious element, giggling with her friend Attis over a never-ending feast of sweet fruits, wine and delicious meats.

"This is how things should be, Hera," laughed Attis, full of wine but still sipping. "Your rulership is just as efficient, if not more than..." the minor god paled significantly, staring over Hera's shoulder.

"One should always keep her husband in check," Hera tittered, glancing up to see her friend staring fearfully behind her.

"Indeed," Zeus smiled, leaning against a pillar, his arms crossed.

Even in soft white clothes, Zeus was intimidating. He appeared youthfully middle-aged, attractive; head of white hair ruffled from the long sleep. His keen blue eyes held centuries of wisdom and frivolity... and were currently fixed intently on his curvaceous wife.

Hera jumped and twisted in the cushions to see her husband observing them. "Oh, darling! You-you're awake," she said brightly, her voice unnaturally high.

"I am," he said pleasantly, his eyes glowing frighteningly blue. "I very much enjoyed your evening brew that kept me abed for... two months? Three?"

The colour that drained from Hera's cheeks suddenly rushed back. "I...I had no idea t'was s-so long," she feigned confused surprise. "You were quite tired, my love."

"And now I am exceptionally well-rested, I thank you, dear wife," Zeus drawled, coming down the stairs. "I must find a means to show my gratitude."

Hera hurriedly turned to dismiss Attis, only to find the wise deity had already fled her domain. She stiffened, feeling Zeus standing behind her.

"Z-Zeus," she entreated, facing him, her smile tremoring at the corners. "My actions were with the best intentions..."

"Of course, they were," he said softly. "But I cannot have my naughty wife taking liberties while I am left helpless in the dark."

"I would have roused you!" Hera squeaked defensively, as Zeus' fingers curled over her trembling shoulders.

"I'm sure," he said darkly.

Hera cried out when burning gold rays clasped about her wrists and ankles. The bindings were intangible, yet inescapable.

Zeus calmly walked away, the shining chains carrying his squirming wife behind. He sat on his throne, shifted until comfortable, flicking an olive pit from the armrest.

Gasping with fear, Hera was laid on the walkway leading to the throne, the lightening chains vanished.

Zeus smiled benevolently, adjusted his white robes, and patted his bare thigh. "Here, girl."

Knowing what he expected, Hera flushed with shame, only hesitating a second before crawling toward him on hands and knees. Glaring resentfully up at his smug face, she laid her head on his thigh and yipped like a puppy.

"How pleasing you remember how to behave when you aggravate me," Zeus mused, stroking her head. His cock was hard the instant she crawled his way. "How disappointing we find ourselves here, yet again."

Hera bit her lip and looked worried.

"I cannot just punish you for a rather serious offence," Zeus said regretfully, flicking her cheek. "I have to find out what you have been up to in my absence. And I have to ensure you are speaking the truth."

"Z-Zeus," Hera uttered, falling to silence when he pressed a finger to her lips.

"Only when spoken to," he drawled, slowly freeing his cock to jerk it by her face, smearing the head along Hera's cheek. "You're damned lucky I'm not doing this in front of every deity in this realm."

Hera shuddered at the humiliating thought and felt a deep gratitude for this mercy. She jumped when Zeus' cock sharply slapped her.

"Start talking, my love."


Psyche was in the balcony hot tub, admiring the glittering city view through the steam rising from the water. She tensed slightly when the water level upped substantially with Cupid's entry.

"You're meant to wear swimmers," Psyche complained loftily, choosing not to look at him.

"I'm cleaner than any mortal, swimwear or not," Cupid retorted, draping an arm across Psyche's stiff shoulders. Irritated by the fact she liked it and wanted to melt against his inviting warmth, Psyche abruptly stood and climbed out of the spa.

Cupid whistled low, his eyes on her small red bikini. "Temptress," he playfully accused, turning in the spa to watch her retreat, admiring the way her tight, cute tush wiggled in the bikini bottoms.

Psyche angrily donned a soft grey kimono, feeling Cupid's attention simmer at her back. Being close to Cupid whilst chasing couples blindly in love with each other was starting to get to her. It was easy before, tailing Cupid from a distance, watching him with a mind to ruin his agenda. But this...

"I can feel you heating up!" Cupid sang joyously, his chin resting on his forearms, watching. "Lusting after your ex-husband?"

Psyche glared over her shoulder and regretted it. The sight of Cupid in the tub against the sparkling city backdrop, steam rising off the muscles of his arms, more contoured by the water...the look in his molten brown eyes.

Psyche marched up to him, seeing his smug smile falter with surprise when she leaned over to brush her lips across his.

"You can't touch me," she whispered.

A look of uncertainty crossed Cupid's face, followed by something more foreboding when he began to understand.

Psyche let the robe fall open and cupped her breasts, flicking her nipples till they pitched small tents against the bikini. Slowly, she pulled the material aside and let them pop out.

Shifting in the tub, Cupid growled, his hands gripping the tub edge. "Psyche..." he warned.

"Can you feel my heat now?" she mocked; her green eyes sultry as she continued caressing the bare, firm flesh before his heated gaze.

Cupid realised his tongue was hanging out and pulled himself together. "You're really going to do this to me?"

Psyche slowly walked back until her thighs hit the bed. She continued, wriggling onto the mattress, the robe falling to the sides of her raised legs. Reaching to prop a pillow under her head so she could still see him, she reached down and rubbed her pussy over the bikini bottoms whilst staring seductively into his eyes.

"Mmmm," she taunted, knowing she presented a decadent display of sexuality that few could resist.

"Psyche." Cupid didn't recognise his own hoarse voice, overrun with desire.

Psyche giggled at the blaze in Cupid's eyes, the way he shook his head at her teasing, deeply suffering from it. She spread her legs wider and she seductively ran her hands down her toned thighs whilst sighing wistfully.

Cupid swallowed, lost in the moment.

With a particularly wicked smile, Psyche pulled the gusset aside and saw Cupid jerk restlessly in the water. She giggled, untying the side of the string bikini and letting it come apart. Then she rubbed between her legs, a slow, steady rhythm.

Cupid's eyes were black fire, darting between Psyche's exposed sex and her arching breasts as her hips moved with her hand.

"Cupid," she cooed, spreading her pussy and sliding a finger inside. Then she brought the glistening digit to her lips and curled her tongue around it, sucking it into her mouth.

"Psyche!" Cupid ground out.

Psyche blinked with surprise at Cupid's speed as he leapt from the tub and crouched by the bed, his face a half metre away from her fingering.

"Ohh..." Psyche moaned, slipping two fingers in, her eyes wide on Cupid's intense face. "So good," she panted, her heart racing with excitement.

"Psyche. Psyche." Cupid growled, mesmerised, feeling like his body was on fire. "You can't do this. You have to listen to me."

"Mm-hm," Psyche gasped, rolling over, flipping the robe so Cupid could see everything. She reached back and spread a pert cheek, the other hand underneath, fingering.

"I won't last," she whimpered, her fingers coming out, dripping, circling her throbbing clit.

"This isn't fair, Psyche!" Cupid roared; his eyes wide with indignant anger.

With a decadent giggle, Psyche rolled onto her back and arched, slowly licking her fingers, retreating from the climax so she could build again.

"It's not the same as your thick cock," she sighed, plunging three fingers back into her slippery pink pussy.

"Then give permission. Say I can...I can..." Cupid's fingers clawed at the carpet; he trembled all over. "Let me. Please."


"No! No! No!" Hera screamed, straining away from Zeus' lap.

The spanks rained down on her, tearing through the misty white gown, exposing the bright red of her sore bottom.

"Are you sure Hera?" Zeus questioned; his hand poised above her. "That's everything?"

"Everything!" she cried, then shuddered when the dildo lodged tightly inside her pussy began to quake. "Zeus! Please!"

"A wife keeping her husband in the dark, ruling in his absence," Zeus chastised, stroking Hera's stinging buttock. "How can I believe you?"

"I didn't overturn your existing orders!" Hera sobbed. "My judgements were harmless!"

"Hades wouldn't tell me a different story, Hera?" Zeus queried. "If I check, the twin angels will still be serving their sentence?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"So..." Zeus sighed, idly trailing his fingertips along Hera's quivering behind, feeling his lust build by the second. "You granted a centaur extended life, settled some squabbles between deities, empowered Attis... That's all, darling?"

Hera nodded piteously.

"No mortal interferences, my love?"

Hera froze and her eyes widened, darting to the side. "W-Well..."


Hera howled and clutched Zeus' ankle.

"Out with it, Hera." Zeus began to twist the thick, vibrating implement buried in Hera's sex.

"OH! I... Cupid and Psyche!" she squealed, squirming futilely across Zeus' lap. "They're on Earth, fixing his mistakes."

Zeus looked suddenly furious. "You sent those two back to Earth together? Hera, have you been blind to their interactions these last decades?"

"I haloed him," Hera sniffed, wriggling nervously. "He cannot touch her without approval."

Zeus' eyes widened. "You emasculated that strapping boy?"

Hera nodded, too exhausted to fight anymore.

"I'll have none of that." Zeus clicked his fingers.


Psyche laughed with cruel enjoyment, delighting in her game. The mirth faded to fear when Cupid stood from the ground, casting an ominous shadow across her body still vulnerably splayed in an open invitation.

No longer desperate, Cupid was quite still, calmly processing the moment, though his eyes lustfully smouldered. "It's gone, Psyche," he slowly concluded, the deep tone terribly sinister.

"W-What is?" she uttered, crawling back a little, propping onto her forearms. Her cheeks were still flushed with arousal, but her heart was hammering with more nervousness than excitement. She shut her legs.

Cupid touched his fingers to his hairline, checking again, just in case. "Oh, yes. It's gone."

"C-Cupid?" Psyche whimpered, curling up a little. It was impossible. It couldn't be.

"No more halo, Psyche." The grin spreading across Cupid's face was pure evil. "Prepare to eat your words."

Psyche blinked and she was under Cupid, his face a mere inch away. Licking her lips anxiously, she finally found her voice. "But..."

Cupid kissed her roughly, his hand pinching her jaw open. Startled, Psyche struggled; her yelps muffled by his mouth. She could feel his hands all over her; repeatedly stroking the wet between her thighs with increasing force until she felt she might explode with pleasure.

"I want to tie you up and torture you all night," Cupid grunted, his hips pressing into her, his cock hard and ready. "But I don't know how much time I have."

"Cupid!" Psyche squealed, clutching his wrist as he slipped two fingers inside her and pumped them in and out, his thumb pressing her clit. He was too strong to resist, and his fingers were much bigger than her own. Psyche gasped, moaned and stiffened into the bed, her feet lightly kicking through a powerful climax.

Grinning triumphantly, Cupid licked her face, and kissed her again. Then he collapsed, his open-mouthed face pressed in the bedding. He arched in time to see Psyche flee from the bedroom at breakneck speed.

"Curse you, Hera!" Psyche panted, before colliding with Cupid's solid bare chest, his back firm against the exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" he purred, wrapping his arms around her. "You might fool a mortal, but you can't escape me." His hold constricted. "I can smell how excited you are."

"Go away!" Psyche shrieked, feeling smothered against his bulky frame, always forgetting his strength until she was helpless in his arms.

"No," Cupid said silkily, walking Psyche back to the bedroom effortlessly, as though she weren't fighting him the whole way. "But I'll make you a deal."

"Go to Hades!"

"Don't tempt me!" Cupid laughed, tossing her onto the bed. She bounced up again, as expected, and he easily pinned her under his weight.

"Subsisto," he whispered, before Psyche could slip free again.

Psyche let out a frustrated growl as his command froze her limbs. "Can't take control without your dumb powers!" she sneered through her teeth. "You're no better than a mortal!"

"Ooh, you'll pay for that one," Cupid smiled, sitting back on his heels, straddling her prone body. "The things I'll do to you now..."

"What deal!" Psyche squealed, seeing Cupid's right hand slowly curl to a purposeful fist. Her perpetual body would recover from any sexual injury, but she didn't want to endure that humiliation.

Cupid raised his chin as he considered Psyche's helpless, delicious figure. "Marry me again. Move back to the Castle."

"And what do I get?" she snapped.

Eyes triumphant, Cupid turned his head slightly. "Happiness?"

Psyche snorted.

"Multiple orgasms?" he grinned, the grin quickly fading as he remembered the halo could reappear any moment, and they had an important assignment. "Think on it, Psyche."

"Wha-?" Psyche gazed down the soft curves of her body as Cupid touched and licked her all over, his hands capturing her luscious breasts, his mouth hotly kissing her aching pussy.

"God, I love the taste of your cum," he panted, quickly moving up her body, rubbing his erection against her soaked entrance.

Psyche looked desperate. "C-Cupid...!"

Staring into her hypnotic jade eyes, Cupid jerked his hips, squeezing into her soft, delicious tightness. Burying his face in her neck, he felt her pulse against his cheek, her body shivering with lust; knowing she couldn't fully express it.

"I dream of taking you, day and night," he muttered huskily against her mouth, groaning with delight as her slick walls expanded to accommodate his girth.

Panting helplessly, Psyche's eyes were half-closed, sultry again without the tease factor. Cupid didn't waste time; he moved in powerful thrusts that rocked the bed, terrified Hera might change her mind at a critical moment.


Zeus flipped Hera off his lap. She awkwardly tumbled down the three wide steps leading to the throne and cowered there, the smooth tiled floor cooled the burning skin of her buttocks.

Hera was wholly fatigued; thoroughly ravaged by her husband's punishments and desires. The ripped opening of her dress exposed her large round breasts, covered in Zeus' cum. Her thighs were slick with it, as were parts of her hair and her lower face.

Zeus considered her. "Spread your legs, darling."

Pouting miserably, Hera shakily obeyed, and Zeus admired the glistening member protruding from her pussy. He clicked his fingers and watched the implement change from gold to orange, warming up whilst increasing vibration.

Having lost count of orgasms, Hera squealed and arched, relying on the support of her palms. Legs spread helplessly wide to cope with the rush of pleasure, she appeared to be lewdly offering herself to Zeus. When the sensation died down, she quivered with exhaustion and the after-effects.

"Take it out, and put it in your mouth," Zeus ordered with a slight smile.

Wincing, then remembering that the entire deity community could have been present, Hera gently pulled the toy out, whimpering quietly as it popped out of the tight orifice, drawing long strings of her cum with its exit. Before Zeus could punish her for stalling, she slid the shining toy past her lips and waited.

"So mischievous, and so obedient," Zeus sighed happily, leaving the throne to stand before her, his cock still full mast, pointed threateningly her way. "Have you learned your lesson?"

Still holding the toy in her mouth, Hera nodded hopefully.

With an affectionate warmth in his eyes, Zeus appeared serenely attractive for a deity terrorising his wife. He crouched before her and removed the toy from her mouth.

"Even in sleep, I missed you," he huskily confided, his hand slid through her hair, pulling her to a hungry kiss. "Don't ever do that again," he muttered against her lips.

When Hera weakly nodded, Zeus gathered her into his arms and carried her toward their bedchamber.

"Cupid's work is important," Hera spoke faintly into his neck. "Darling, he needs the halo."

Pleased with the delicious bundle of Hera cradled against his chest, Zeus carelessly shrugged. "We've all made mistakes with mortals. Love often goes awry; I can forgive Cupid's mistakes if he fails to correct them. Psyche is quite distracting."

"They'll be banished to Earth for one year..." Hera said in the quietest whisper, flinching against the heat of Zeus' skin when he abruptly paused stride.

"What?" he said acidly. "You never mentioned a banishment, Hera."

Hera squirmed nervously, afraid to answer.

"Well, then," Zeus lightly continued. "It's just as well we are headed for the bedroom."

Hera moaned despairingly.


Cupid felt the moment Psyche's cold wall crumbled. She melted into him, her hands sliding up his strong shoulders to clench in his hair.

Psyche actively sought his mouth, drawing his face from her neck into a deep kiss, rocking her hips, riding with his motions. Cupid arched, shoving Psyche back to the bed so he could see her; golden, tousled hair, breasts jiggling with every hard thrust, her lovely face pained with the force of another incoming climax.

When she came a third time, writhing into the bed and screaming his name, the effect was abrupt; Cupid stiffened and exploded inside her.

They lay entwined, panting heavily. Cupid made no move to withdraw, nor did Psyche. Staring at the ceiling, her fingers absently played with his hair.

Cupid was still hard, buried inside her, and pleasurable sensations continued to stem from it. When he finally pulled out, Psyche faintly moaned, her eyes fluttered open when he cupped her face.

"Still with me?" he murmured, his thumb tracing her swollen bottom lip.