Cure Worse Than The Disease? Ch. 01-02


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"Not saying that I don't love you, babe, because I do ... but maybe I wanted a guy who wouldn't be a ... threat to the prospect of Simon as the real head of the household, you know. A hubby who would know his place, sorry if I shocked or upset you," Mom acknowledged some very shocking possibilities.

"Okay, let's pretend that we ... didn't hear any of this ... even if ... knowing that Simon wants to fuck me ... wow! Someone wanting a fatty like me ... damn!" Jessica reacted, unsure of what to do about this kind of frank talk...

"Let's just ... hope that we forget all about this tomorrow, like we blacked out or something," I suggested now.

"Well, at least we know what we want ... what we desire, after two years as a family, or a large part of it. Now ... we have to figure out how to cope with such primal, animal lusts. That's a tall order, I guess. Here's hoping that we all forget, but if we don't, that we can make this work, despite knowing that each of us ... wants to ... do things with each other. Kinky as fuck things, too," Mom coughed now, and not just from the joint.

"Maybe it will wear off and we'll go back to normal. Maybe we should just take the pills ... sober. Try to put at least an hour or two between the pills and any booze or weed, you know," I suggested now.

"And I really hope to forget that I want my brother to fuck my ass or spank it or knock me up! Or that I want to rub my cum-soaked pussy in my own father's face and make him clean up the creampie like the good cucky Daddy that he was meant to be," Jessica confessed even more shocking news now, unable to filter herself at all.

"Jessica, your mother used to ... buy off my bullies with sexual favors ... hers ... and mine. She would whore it up and pimp me out to my own bullies to get them to otherwise leave us alone. The stories of her fighting them off ... that was an explanation that people could accept, you see. That wasn't her style.

"That was all a lie. The truth was ... she was ... unorthodox, but it worked ... and we both ... enjoyed it. We then moved on to others. We were ... a ... team. We used to say that, 'the couple that whores together stays together.' We really got into it over time, thoroughly slutting around for beefcake types just like Simon here. He reminds me of Brutus Beefcake, you know, the professional wrestler, with the muscles, the barbering, etc.

"I wasn't a pussy hound, but I was a cum slut just like your mother. We were both putas together. I even started wearing a dress and makeup ... even panties. It slowed down a bit when you were born ... and then it stopped when she became ill with terminal breast cancer. In fact, while I've always raised you as my daughter and treated you as such, I'm not entirely positive if I knocked your mother up or someone else did," Darrell dropped the biggest bombshell of all.

"So ... you could fuck me ... and our baby could ... not have problems, then," Jessica reacted to her father's confession by bringing her fingers to her lips and sniffed the pussy juices off them.

"Whereas ... I wouldn't mind taking the risk ... I probably can only have just the one baby before I stopped ... how many risks of deformities does that really leave? I would accept the consequence, anyway, and raise such a brat as my incest love child, you know. Anyway, there would be room for doubt ... as long as I fucked both of them," Mom grew very heated in her lust as she drooled over my cock.

This was NOT normal Mom behavior at all ... and it really shook me up, but not as much it might have without the pills ... and the sherry ... and the weed.

"I would love to ... fuck you right after Simon did ... both of you. Get sloppy seconds ... or fuck you on the rag or ... get my red wings... , " Darrell stunned us with further admissions of his repressed cuckold desires and hidden sissy slut past.

"Wow ... I'm gonna need a lot more sherry after this!" Mom giggled as she began playing footsie with me and so did Jessica.

"I think that he's blowing smoke up your asses, though ... I mean, really, this reads like the plot of a Lit or SOL hotwife story or something, you know. Have you been reading cuck stories, eh, Darrell? I don't doubt the desire ... but to believe that Jessica's mom married you while both of you bent over for lots of men?" I smirked while drinking my third or fourth glass of that sherry, I couldn't tell which.

That bottle had to be empty by now at this rate, right? What about the weed?

Chapter 2

"Well, I write some hotwife porn, of course ... under the name Hand Solo, a little plan on that name. I have written six stories ... all of them about ... hotwives and cuckolds. Some of that stuff is more for fan service, but some of it is actually what I've done ... wanted to do. Including a true story about my time as Angelica's sissy drag queen cuckold. It's all there," Darrell confessed now, really making our jaws drop.

"So, my loving husband ... writing hotwife stories on his computer while I slave away as a nurse during this deadly plague ... how naughty of you! Hmmm ... I'll have to think about what I think about this. Send me the link in an email, dear. That's not a request, either. Consider it a command, just to test out your ... willingness to truly submit to female authority," Mom asserted, making Jessica and me snicker a little.

"You want to read it all?" Darrell gasped a bit, but his boner was very rigid ... and not too small.

Granted, his dick wasn't in my range. Far from it. Mine was about average length, maybe a little more, but my girth was ... thick. His prick was longer and skinny, a decent length if nothing else. He defied the small penis stereotypes and cliches about cuckolds, wittols, etc. I mean, they could pretend that his cock was tiny, but it wasn't. Just thin, that was all.

"Of course, dear husband. I want to know what interests my sweet hubby. I want to see what all fantasies we can safely consider with an open mind ... to roleplay, that is. Imagine how hot it can get us in bed, you pretending to be another man, even imagining that you're Simon.

"We can even pretend that I'm Angelica or Jessica and you're one of those guys, the bullies, or something of that sort. We don't have to ... go ... that far yet ... yet," Mom dangled the hope of a more adventurous marriage in front of my stepfather, watching his cock rise to the occasion.

"Oh, dear ... get a room, please, Mom ... and Darrell. Sorry, but I definitely can't call you 'Dad' after this, you know. No offense. Wow ... but at least I like you better as a person. You're just ... you," I teased them, but all the same, accepted that the fantasies about Mom and Jessica would have to just remain the elephant in the room these days.

"Yeah, let's get to bed, dear. We can check out your ... stories ... tomorrow," Mom agreed, actually taking Darrell by the dick and leading him to the master bedroom.

From the sounds that followed, there was no doubt even through the locked door that Mom put Darrell through the paces. She wanted her ashes hauled and he must have hauled them well enough to make Jessica proud if nothing else. I certainly heard plenty of moans to make me go to bed and jack off to the noise. The sound of Mom gettin' religion was unforgettable, the way that she kept shouting God's name. If they ever went through with this cuckold/hotwife stuff, it wouldn't be due to failure to satisfy either of them.

A few hours later...

"Wake up, horndog!" I heard Jessica call me that nickname with a giggle in her voice.

"Horndog? Horndog? Is that the best put down that you can devise, sis?" I retorted as I awoke groggily to find the hour set at 5:45 am, "damn, sis, it's early as fuck, even for me!"

"Yeah, well, I slept what I could, tossing and turning, thinking about how ... I crave you ... and you desire me as well. It's just got me all turned-on, you know. I must have frigged myself to sleep from sheer exhaustion for a while there. I had the raunchiest dreams, too! Nasty, kinky dreams! Dreams of you doing all kinds of crazy, naughty things to my body, bro! Sorry to wake you, bro, when we're getting along so damn well...

"Oh, God, on top of everything else, at least Mom and Dad fucked half the night away. Wild, drunken sailor sex, too, not normal, married sex. Talk about making a hot mess out of me, trust me, bro! I just wanted to climb into bed with you and ravage your body in your sleep, too! I wanted to ride you all night long! Damn ... why do I have to be ... so ... attracted to my own beefy horndog of a stepbrother! Think of the big-ass babies we'd make together, too!" Jessica proved to me that my memories weren't kidding me.

Damn ... did I really confess my incestuous lusts for Mom, Jessica ... and even Darrell to a limited extent? Did I really admit that I wanted to butt-fuck Jessica in particular, spank her, rim her, and even motorboat her? Did Darrell really confess to that same desire, too? Did I really confess that I wanted to impregnate Mom? God, how much sherry and weed did I mix with pizza and COVID-19 pills, anyway? Wow, that stuff was intense, and I didn't know how much was booze, weed, or pills? I doubt that the pizza made it worse, if anything it would have slowed things down, but damn ... damn ... damn!

"Sis, you know that it occurs to me that there were a lot of variables last night. We ate pizza, so that would have slowed the ingestion process, but we also consumed spirits and smoked pot, you know. Maybe, just maybe, the impact of the pills would have been less without those factors, just sayin'. The gist of it, though, is that I think that we were ... drugged last night. We were influenced toward such ... confessions by a narcotic cocktail of alcohol, marijuana, and whatever you call this new coronavirus cure/prevention pill," I explained as I got up to piss and then shower.

"Yeah, well, bro, drugged or not, I can't forget what you said. It put you ... in a very new light for me. I can't just ignore or pretend to ignore the fact that you admitted that you like me that way. Not to mention how you feel about Mom ... and even Dad ... wow! Face it, bro ... you've opened a pandora's box now. You can't just close it and pretend that all is normal, 'cause it isn't.

"YOU WANT ME ... I WANT YOU! Those are facts and I won't just bury them all the way down, as you seem ready to do ... I'll just have to ... find some way for this not to drive me insane, especially being so close to me in person, in my hair constantly. I'm gonna have to deal with this somehow, but how ... how in the world can I? How in the world can we?" Jessica pouted, making her face absolutely adorable now ... especially with those sweet dimples in her cheeks.

"Well, sis ... I want us to get along ... we'll have to work something out ... I don't want to stunt the growth of our ... relationship, damage things just as they start to get better. I just ... I just don't have the answers. I mean ... incest ... and despite the lack of blood kindred, it is considered incest by many, you know. I mean, we're calling each other 'bro' and 'sis,' right? But damn ... you're a cutie, I won't deny that. I have a really hard time ignoring that ... cuteness to you, I must confess," I told Jessica while I pissed and washed hands in full view of her.

I started to run the shower and Jessica jumped into it. She pulled me in with her to soothe both of our bodies under the hot water jets. She got very ... handsy during the shower, washing me rather than letting me wash myself. Her sleek, soft, swarthy skin made an electric charge of pure sensuality as it caressed my own hairy flesh. The curves of her breasts, hips, and ass ... damn!

Some dude would get very lucky someday with her, but could that guy really be me? Should it really be me? Every taboo screamed no, and while I was not a fan of society's rules, this was a very big shibboleth to discard in a hurry. Oh, damn, every last second of her sweet touch and her embrace, her kiss ... Jessica was the epitome of the mamacita, the sultry Latina with real passion in her eyes and her face. She very much reflected her Tejana heritage, her birth in Corpus Christi, Texas to a family that had been there for ages.

The idea that someone like her ... someone that insanely sexy and beautiful, would want to surrender her body to me ... oh, God! I didn't know if she was a virgin or not. Frankly, I didn't care at this point. To feel the sheer intensity of having a feisty Latina set her mind on bedding me ... wow! I had confessed my raw animal lusts and now the object of my wild, primal desires stood before me in person, in the flesh! She was naked. She coaxed me into washing and pampering her slick and soapy skin with my own hands ... forget the puff!

The static discharge from mere contact with Jessica's delectable body just stiffened me to the point of brazen hunger or thirst, maximum horniness. My cock was at full mast ... and I just didn't have the willpower right then to fight Jessica as she knelt to take my dick into her ravenous mouth. She sucked me for several more seconds, while my knees threatened to buckle and make me topple in the shower. To make matters worse, the look of adoration in her eyes as she pleasured me was too much to resist at the moment.

I held onto Jessica's head for support, causing me to stroke her hair as I did so. She licked me enthusiastically from head to base and back. She grabbed my buns and gripped me long enough to deep-throat me and make any thought of escape from her clutches unthinkable. What a glorious creature, I thought ... absolutely ravishing, and with just one word ... she could be mine for life. All that I had to say was, "yes."

It was gonna take every fiber of my willpower not to just ... give my stepsister her way ... and right now, it wasn't looking too good. How would I even possibly summon the strength not to simply ravage Jessica on the spot and make her my slut? Every part of me screamed that she would give it all up for me ... pussy, mouth, ass, tits ... that she would serve me for life, would look the other way or condone my taking lovers ... would even bend over for someone if I asked it of her. Why should I turn down a woman who seemed to be tailor-made for me? Only Mom could give her a run for her money ... only Mom...

What kind of fool would even think of turning her down? My willpower definitely took a beating that morning ... and I had a funny feeling that this bombardment by my primordial, atavistic self wouldn't stop just yet. Strip away all of those inhibitions, taboos, hang-ups, constraints, etc. and all you had was a beast inside me ... eager to claim this delicious woman as my mate ... to rut with her, to make her my girl forever...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Poor dialogue

The concept is nice, but the dialogue is overly formal, wooden, and very choppy. It reads like you're trying to bash the reader over the head with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
My 2 cents

A good start. What a fucked up family, but there are possibilities. Please continue. Thanks for your time and imagination.

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