Cursed Ch. 05


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It was still early, and there were too many waitresses and dancers for the crowd. For the moment, there were no impatient customers, so we killed a couple of minutes chatting at the waitress station.

"Oh God, Ashley, it's like Mary Beth's curse is coming true. How did we sink so low? Everyone here is much more aggressive than at The Pink Pussycat, and the bouncers couldn't give a damn."

"Babe, I've got three hungry boys at home and a missing husband. The cheating bastard left me with maxed out credit cards and assholes calling at all hours of the day and night demanding payment. To tell the truth, I'm glad Frankie's gone and hope he never comes back. Without him constantly draining our bank account, I might be able to get out from under the debt he left me within a year."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know your finances were as screwed up as mine. At least, you and the boys are healthy."

Ashley laughed. "I'm physically healthy, but my mind is a mess. I always knew Frankie was a horndog and had the odd one night stand, but towards the end, I found out he was in love with someone else. If I'd caught the son of a bitch in the act I would have killed the two-timing bastard and his lover."

Tiffany searched her friend's face. Was her best friend aware that Frankie had paid Tony a considerable amount of money to rape her? She saw no hint of condemnation in Ashley's face. Instead, all she saw was despair under her habitually cheerful mask. She felt awful that she was the one who her best friend's husband had lusted after. Even worse, the bastard had paid her for sex with money that should have gone to feed his family.

"Oh God, Ashley, why didn't you tell me? You shouldn't have gone through that alone."

"Well, that makes us even. I wasn't there for you either when you had to borrow from a payday lender to buy medicine for your sick daughter."

Tiffany hugged Ashley and said, "You're my best friend. We've always been there for each other in the past. Let bygones be bygones. I want to be there for you in the future. Any time you need to talk, I'll be there for you."

Ashley said, "I love you, Tiffany. We can get through this. You know I've got your back. If you have problems with Carmen or Alberto, just give me a shout."

The DJ announced Ashley was up next. I immediately recognized the song "Bad Girlfriend." Even Ashley's dance numbers were raunchier than she had used at Tony's place. A cheer went up as my scantily clad friend hit the pole and flew around the hard steel. After she stopped spinning, she worked her way up the pole with a series of inversions. Our Baby Doll outfits were not designed for pole dancing. My friend's top slid to her neck, and she quickly tossed it aside. Cheers greeted the sight of her hard nipples and pert jiggling breasts. More cheers followed when she slid to the floor and did a body wave while caressing her breasts.

My rapt attention to Ashley's skilled performance was interrupted by a bartender my friend had introduced as Mike. He gave me a tray with setups for five tequila shots, a pitcher of beer, and a single mug.

Mike pointed to three young guys at a table in a dark corner at the back of the room and said, "These are for table fourteen. They already have beer mugs from their first round. They asked for you, so if you treat them right, they will tip well and become your regular customers."

I picked up the tray and started to turn toward the table, which was in a dark corner just beyond John and his construction crew.

Mike said, "Tiffany, be careful. Alberto is on the prowl, and he's watching you intently because it's your first night. Don't give him an excuse to hurt you."

"Hurt me? What do you mean? I haven't given him any reason."

"Didn't you read your contract? If you fail to please a customer, Alberto can and probably will apply corporal punishment. It's part of every waitress and dancer's contract. Sometimes he lets the offended customer punish the insubordinate employee in one of the party rooms. If you think Carmen's bar is hell, the rooms in the back are one of the darker levels in Dante's inferno. If Alberto takes you back there, he will annihilate your soul."

If anything could ruin the warm, loving feelings I felt from the Ecstasy Carmen had slipped me, it was Mike's warning. I felt my legs tremble as I carried the tray to the boys in a dark back corner of the bar. I suspected the young men had fake IDs saying they were twenty-one. Well, their money was just as good as anyone's.

One of the boys pointed to a tall, scrawny, pimple-faced youth and told me Dan was the guest of honor. He tripped over his tongue, describing how they had picked me out special from the dozen other women working the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Alberto standing a couple of tables away, laughing with John and his crew. He was talking to the burly crew chief, but his eyes were focused on me. I really was on trial tonight. I swallowed hard and forced myself to smile. I was surprised that the simple act of smiling brought back the drug-induced feeling of warmth and love I felt for everyone.

It was cute how easy it was to embarrass the birthday boy who had the place of honor against the back wall where he could watch the pole dancers. I made sure I leaned over with one hand on the table to pour his beer. His eyes bugged out as he focused on my generous exposed breasts hanging down, nipples erect a foot or so in front of him. When I finished pouring everyone's drinks, I sat on the talkative boy's lap since the table blocked access to the grinning guest of honor. I wondered how many drinks they had given their friend to render him mute.

The boy whose lap I was occupying, placed his hand on my bare waist, and stoked my overheated flesh. I squirmed around on his rough corduroy trousers trying to get comfortable. I could feel every inch of his erection pressing into my ass crack.

He said, "Hi, I'm Tom. We're engineering students at Rivervale State College. It's Dan's twenty-first birthday, and we want it to be memorable. The big guy across the table is Ralph. Everyone calls him 'Wreck-it' Ralph because he broke all the furniture in his dorm room the first day he was here. All he did was sit on it. It seems everything he touches is left battered and broken."

I smiled at Tom and said, "What's the new mug for?"

"We thought you might like to join us for a couple of shots of tequila before you gave Dan his birthday present. The cup is for your beer chaser."

Back at The Pink Pussycat, I only drank club soda with the customers. Often it was disguised as Champagne, and the customers were charged a premium, but basically, Tony had wanted us to stay sober and entertain the customers. However, this was The Dollhouse, and the only rule was to make the customer happy while emptying their wallets. If the boys wanted me to drink, then who was I to argue. Besides, the Ecstasy made me thirsty, very thirsty.

Ashley had cautioned me to stay hydrated, so I eagerly filled my mug to quench my growing thirst. One of the boys handed me the salt shaker, another gave me a lemon, and the birthday boy pushed a shot in front of me.

The boys drummed their hands on the table and shouted, "One, two, three, go!"

I licked salt from the back of my hand, threw down the shot, and bit into the lemon. I took a quick breath and chugged the beer. I sat for a moment, grinning for no good reason.

Dan held out his cell phone and showed me a video of me, giving the crew chief a lap dance. He paused the video at the moment I had an intense orgasm around John's fingers buried deep in my quivering vagina. My eyes were closed, and my face was contorted in a look of wild passion.

Dan blushed and uttered something for the first time. "That's why I chose you. You're the hottest woman in the room."

The talkative boy refilled my mug and set another shot in front of me. He gave me a squeeze high up on my thigh and left his hand on the sweaty flesh. He said, "Again."

I quickly downed the tequila and gulped the beer chaser. I was beginning to feel comfortable with the college boys. Sitting with the friendly youths reminded me of better times when I had been in college, studying to be a nurse. Tom broke the spell while I smiled at the eager young men. He counted out a pile of twenties onto the table.

"We checked the menu, and that should cover a topless dance plus tip."

"Menu? I'm sorry it's my first night at The Dollhouse. I didn't know there was a menu."

Tom said, "It's our first time here too. Dan, be a good host and hand the menu to our guest."

The birthday boy seemed to have a permanent shit-eating grin that somehow got even bigger as he offered me a small leather-bound folder that had been sitting between the napkin holder and the condiments. I opened the menu while the three boys watched for my reaction. Tom dropped a hand high on my bare thigh and stroked the soft inner flesh. I shivered as I opened the menu.

The first grease-stained page was filled with descriptions of bar food items, some of which were actually available. The next page listed a variety of specialty drinks. I shook my head and turned the page. One side had a photograph of a gorgeous long-legged topless dancer. I was shocked at the explicit descriptions of a long list of sex acts across from the picture. The Dollhouse charged more than double what I usually got for a lap dance at the now closed Pink Pussycat.

I swallowed hard when I saw the listings for fucking. The menu included oral, breasts, vagina, and anal. The last two had 'Market Price' marked with an asterisk instead of a dollar amount. The asterisk directed me to a note at the bottom of the page. It indicated that the price depended on the dancer chosen. The minimum cost was two hundred dollars. I turned the page and found a color advertisement for the party rooms that started at five hundred dollars an hour. The listed cost covered one dancer and four participants. Additional guests were a hundred dollars each. Special arrangements were available for large parties.

I hadn't expected to make much performing for a bunch of college boys, but their offer included a very generous in addition to the listed price.

I smiled as I got to my feet and said, "Shall we?"

The boys moved the table to allow me to dance between Dan's widespread thighs. I glanced at Ashley, who was still doing her set. I figured I had time to dance to one song. I also noticed Alberto was still nearby laughing with the construction crew. The DJ played Ashley's next number as I stood up. It was the old classic, "Porn Star Dancing."

I gazed into Dan's eager eyes and began moving slowly. My knees brushed against Dan's thighs as I gyrated my hips.

After the first refrain, Tom yelled, "Take it off."

The birthday boy smiled as my hands found the sides of my skimpy top. I flashed my boobs a couple of times before peeling it over my head and dropping it on the table. I noticed Tom taking a video as I slid my hands up to cup my breasts. I looked into Tom's cellphone and faked a moan when my fingers brushed over my hard pointy nipples. I started dancing faster and twisting my hips. The movement flowed up to my breasts, causing them to jiggle and shake to Dan's delight.

He grinned and said, " Lean against the wall and shake those big melons over my face."

I leaned over and put my hands on the wall behind his head. I smiled at Tom and resumed my gyrations. My nipples were bobbing around just inches from Dan's leering eyes. I should have known I was in trouble when he put his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me lower. I let out a surprised squeak when his mouth clamped onto my dangling breast. I put up a brief struggle before I remembered Alberto was watching nearby.

I moaned as Dan began suckling hard on my tender breast as if he were a newborn infant. Even when my daughter was two years old, she didn't suck as hard as the skinny college boy. If I'd been nursing, his powerful suction would have caused my milk to flow. I was afraid he would leave my poor tit bruised. His free hand began milking my other tit like I was a freaking milk cow. Dan switched his hungry mouth back and forth between my dangling breasts.

Tom laughed. "That's the way, farm boy. Strip the milk out of those gorgeous teats."

One of the other boys pressed his crotch against my butt and slid his hands around my waist. I froze at the unexpected contact. I was startled when the unknown participant slapped my scantily clad ass cheek.

I heard Ralph's voice. "Keep dancing. I want to feel your lovely ass twerking against my cock."

I was surprised when I realized there was nothing between my butt and his erection except for my thin Baby Doll bottoms. I started to protest, but Dan diverted my attention by pulling my head down to his crotch. I felt the wet tip of his skinny cock brush against my lips. Giving the birthday boy a blow job wasn't part of the bargain, and despite my awkward position, I protested.

"Wait, I only agreed to perform a topless dance."

Wreck-it Ralph began slapping my ass cheeks, alternating sides with increasing intensity. Why does everyone think they need to copy those damn Russia porn videos?

"Come on. Open your mouth for the birthday boy."

I never liked giving blowjobs and had only done it twice for my fiancee when I still loved him. I found it disgusting. My boyfriend had been disappointed when I refused to swallow. I couldn't believe this asshole wanted me to blow him in front of an audience.

Tears were flowing down my cheeks from the sharp blows raining down on my jiggling ass. I wrapped my hands around Dan's long skinny cock and opened my mouth. I pumped hard with my hands, hoping to end the embarrassing assault as fast as I could. The boys had other ideas.

The giant grinding his bare cock into the crack of my ass slid both of his hands inside my bottoms. One hand found my clit, and the other pressed a finger into my moist vagina. I doubled my efforts sucking Dan's cock as the busy fingers assaulting my sex pushed me closer and closer to an orgasm. I felt a moment's relief when Ralph's massive hands returned to my waist.

A second later, I felt my Baby Doll bottoms being pulled down. I let out a squeal muted by the long cock bumping against the back of my mouth. I reached behind me with one hand and grabbed my bottoms. I received a couple of sharp slaps on my half-exposed ass before the boy behind me grabbed my wrist and shoved my arm up behind my back. I grunted from the severe pain in my arm. I tried to twist free as my pajama bottoms were pulled lower once again. I reached back with my other hand and pulled my bottoms back up to my ass. My Pyrrhic victory resulted in both of my arms being pinned behind my back by one of my assailant's massive paws. Even worse, Dan now had nothing to prevent him from driving his long skinny cock down my throat. His hands grabbed my ponytail and forced my mouth down until my nose was buried in a curly mass of reeking pubic hair. I gagged as he began vigorously fucking my face. My mouth was drooling saliva on his cock as I fought to breathe.

I didn't even notice when my bottoms pooled at my feet. I had forgotten about the boy behind me until his heavy boot kicked my ankles apart. I felt a naked cock that felt as big as a baseball bat slide up my wet slit and rub across my hard clit. I jerked and tried to shriek despite the cock buried to the hilt in my throat. My struggles only brought pain to my awkwardly, bent arms. I couldn't breathe. I fought against gagging. I was beginning to panic from lack of air when the head of Wreck-it Ralph's fat cock popped into my vagina. The bastard didn't give me a chance to adjust before he shoved the monster all the way home and began thrusting vigorously as he continued slapping my ass cheeks.

Ralph said, "Oh God, this cunt feels fantastic. This is so much better than watching porn."

Dan groaned. "You guys are the best. This bitch could suck the spots off a leopard. I can't believe my first time is with a gorgeous stripper."

Dear God, I was being fucked by a pair of virgin nerds who though porn videos were real. They didn't know enough to let me catch my breath. I was going to die while being raped, surrounded by a hoard of predatory morons. I gagged on Dan's cock as he skull fucked me with short deep thrusts. I put up one last attempt to escape and was rewarded with searing pain in shoulders.

My vision collapsed to a narrow tunnel. I gave up fighting for my life and started moving toward the light. I was finally feeling at peace. I knew I would be with my loving parents soon. My body began shaking violently as I had the most intense orgasm in my life. My vagina squeezed Ralph's cock so hard, he grunted and began shooting his warm seed against my womb.

Suddenly, I felt Ralph's massive cock being ripped out if my pussy. He finished by spraying rope after rope of hot sticky cum across my naked ass and bare pussy lips. Whoever my savior was, they were too late to stop Dan from ejaculating deep in my throat, but at least he saved me from smothering on the bastard's cock.

I collapsed with my back against the wall, struggling to breathe as I coughed up frothy cum and drool onto my heaving breasts. I cried when I saw Ralph's cum coating my pussy and big gobs of it oozing out of my distended vagina. A complete stranger had paid to have unprotected sex with me. It had been bad enough when I'd taken money from my best friend's husband after he'd repeatedly raped me. Now, I had just been paid for sex with two horny college boys who had taken me in a crowded bar. At what point did I accept that I was the dirty whore that Mary Beth had foretold I would become when she cursed me back in seventh grade?

It took me a while to realize it was Alberto who had come to my aid. My feeling of gratitude evaporated when he yelled at the college boys that they hadn't paid enough to fuck a dancer. When they couldn't come up with enough cash, he sent them packing. He turned his attention back to me. The big black Sicilian knocked me out of my stupor with a sharp slap to my face that drove me to the hard floor.

He snarled. "You dumb fucking cunt, can't you even manage a couple of college virgins? Next time, make sure they pay for everything upfront. Now get the fuck up. You have fifteen minutes to be ready for your dance set. You should thank me for having Trixie take your turn while you entertained the college nerds."

I scrabbled around on the dirty floor for my outfit. As I stood up to put on my Baby Dolls, I noticed the flashes from several cell phones aimed at my naked body. I wondered how long it would take for the first video of my public humiliation to appear on the Web. I dropped my eyes to the littered table. My waitress training took over, and I quickly cleared the mess. As I carried the tray back to the waitress station on wobbly legs, I watched the dancer on the stage.

Trixie was a young petite Asian girl dancing nude. She had long flowing black hair that flowed across her small tits adorned with large dark nipples. Her best features were her trim legs and curvaceous ass. Her dancing skills were minimal, but she made up for it with her enthusiasm and sweet little girl smile.

After dropping off the tray, I hurried to the dressing room door behind the stage. I was shocked to see the innocent looking dancer squat on a long-necked beer bottle held by a burly sun-burnt man holding out a twenty-dollar bill. It was only 8:30, and already The Dollhouse has sunk to a level of depravity I thought reserved to stories of Sodom and Gemorrah in the Bible.

Once I was in the dressing room, I took a quick shower to wash off the repulsive cum coating my body. Fortunately, I didn't have any cum in my hair, and all I had to do was braid my long red hair again. I could barely look at myself in the all too revealing mirror. My pupils looked huge, maybe even more prominent than before. I'd never done Ecstasy, but I knew I was still fucked up on the shit that was mixed with speed. The shots of tequila with beer chasers removed any last vestiges of my strict moral upbringing.