Curses Ch. 10

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Danielle the Pirate & her Catgirl and Flapper Family.
2.5k words

Part 10 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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Chapter 10 - Danielle & Family

That evening Olivia and I reconvened in the basement. We had dressed for dinner with Grace - as in, we'd put on some clothes. But on the way down the stairs we had tossed our cheery sleeveless sundresses off without thought. Or nearly so ... I managed to tangle myself up in mine. I still needed some basic training in being a woman -- which reminded me that tomorrow I might, for variety, want to wear something else than the little teal dress or the even skimpier pirate garb.

So I went straight to Oli's closet to start poking through her collection of sexy duds. Seeing some costume stuff in there, I remembered what she'd said earlier, and called out, "So - you spent a good chunk of this morning as a cat?"

"Catgirl," corrected Olivia from close behind me. I spun around - and then looked down. "Ta-da!" she added. Her nipples and pussy (tee-hee) were as pink and inviting as ever, and she was standing upright, but otherwise she looked more cat than girl.

For a start, her frame was cat proportioned, and included four padded feline feet. Then there were the long whiskers, the fluffy tail, and the perky tufted ears which had migrated high up her head. She also had tabby-striped fur almost everywhere, although for me, it was her striking vertical pupils that completed the effect. That, and the fact she was two feet tall on her stubby hind legs.

Oh - and somehow she'd had time to put on a bejeweled collar.

I stared down, playing back in my mind her earlier catgirl quickie story, and substituting this wee beastie for the one I'd imagined.

She grinned back wickedly to show me her pointy teeth, and lifted her paws up to me. Her front toes were just long enough for her to grip my wrists when I reached down to lift her.

Once in range she bobbed forward to lick me in the mouth (and to demonstrate her scratchy tongue). My response was to roll out my own tongue, and use it to invite her to tangle them both together. That, of course, required me to hold her tightly to my chest, which put her nipples at my neck, her belly to my boobs, and her legs free to wrap around my waist. I squirmed against her soft furry body and laughed softly, until she slipped her tongue down my throat to convert my giggles into a resonant growl.

Her diminutive size and her collar signified that I was to be in charge -- and having started life as a full-time male, I felt it appropriate to grow a penis (even if it was technically a remarkably large clitoris). I used the solidly erect thing to support her bottom as I carried her over to the mattress. But, rather than deposit her there, I chose to lift her over my freshly restored cock and impale her on it.

Suitably enough she yowled rather horribly at my intrusion, until my ruby knob could be seen just behind her fangs -- and even then, wide eyed, she managed to hiss at me. On the other hand I could see the hint of a moggy smile on her lips, and felt her cunt roughly massage the full length of my tool. Mind you, I could also feel delightfully novel sensations from the muscles at the base of her spine - which she was using to her swish her tail.

Unlike a dog, a cat wagging its tail is bad news. So basically, I felt I was getting mixed messages here -- the negatives being reinforced by the claws lodged in my shoulders and butt. But her fancy collar tipped the balance, and I began to bounce her up and down on me. She yowled again, continuously now, with an air raid siren modulation that sort of gargled with every throat-filling down-stroke.

And that's when Grace started down the open stairway. She was naked, and she dropped about twenty-five years in the space of ten steps. By the time she reached the bottom, her boobs and ass had been restored to their original gravitationally-unchallenged status. While leaner than us, she could easily pass for our sister - although not just now, of course.

She didn't seem to notice us at first, or our noisy activity. Instead she stopped to gaze at herself in the mirror. Her hair was cropped into a bob, while her blond bush was a luxuriant tangle of curls. She turned sideways to examine her flanks and bum.

I suppose I was lightly stunned by this entire development, because I was still standing there, bouncing her currently furry little daughter on the length of my cock. Finally she nodded to her reflection ... and then turned toward us.

Well, that stopped me up -- but Olivia, who hadn't seen her yet, growled at me rather menacingly, by way of protesting the interruption. "Um, I said, with a hunted look. "Grace -- meet Puss-Oli."

Gracie laughed. "I see I should have come down to visit ages ago." Even from ten feet away I could see her nipples pucker and stiffen with excitement. "Don't stop on my account. But I'll want a turn at that later."

By this time Oli was trying to twist around to see her mother. Given that I was bottomed out inside her, it was up to me to help out with that. I sidled around until she finally got a look at Gracie. While she'd heard her mother's voice, the sight of the grinning young woman -- flourishing a growing clit-cock - caused her to make a mirp sound ... and her tail to go all bottle-brushy.

There was the briefest of pauses, and then - after shrugging (her go-to lately where Gracie was concerned) - the cat on my cock tried to jump-start our interrupted fuck by bouncing herself on me. I took her hint and managed to pick up where I'd left off. It didn't take long before I felt that old, familiar pressure building. When I came, my cumoplasm blasted out of her mouth. I wore a good deal of it but, on the plus side, it cut off her renewed screeching, at least briefly. The poor thing went limp, her claws no longer engaged in my flesh -- so, another bonus.

To my surprise, Gracie looked delighted by this all-the-way-through revelation. Licking her lips, she reached forward to tilt my cock, which still transfixed our temporary pet, to the horizontal. Then she gave the catgirl's cum-soaked face (and my glans) a big smoochy kiss, saying, "Hello, Polly," - presumably having misheard me -- followed by, "Who's a little cutsie wugums, then?"

'Polly' growled at that, but Gracie simply lined up her cockhead with Oli's mouth and pulled the catgirl off my cock straight onto her own waiting tool.

Both the 'wugums' thing and the kitty transfer were cringe worthy -- the latter because I dreaded those needle sharp teeth. But apparently Polly had sucked them back like vampire fangs, what with the no screams or blood. Once the pass was complete, Gracie willed her clit-wang both upright and longer, and her stripy adopted kid slid down face-first until she'd finished up with six inches of cock projecting from her very girlish cunt.

I waited until Gracie started pumping the groaning little bundle up and down, demonstrating that she was fully engaged, before circling around her to plant my now greasy tool into her unoccupied cunt.

She gave a mirp not unlike Polly had done, but didn't stop fucking her, and nor did she object to my own thrusts. She showed better staying power than I expected, for a newbie at cock-wielding, but eventually Gracie pumped a good load through the catgirl to splash onto her own chest. This encouraged me to offset her fluid loss by flooding her belly with cum. After kissing Gracie's neck in thanks, I withdrew my cock (or rather let it recede back to its only slightly over-sized clittie self).

Hugging the upside down (and still penetrated) Polly to her chest, Gracie then settled down onto the mattress. I joined them -- after finding the lovely leash I knew would be stashed nearby. This I clipped to the catgirl's collar, and then I lay back beside them -- leash in hand.

Gracie took the hint. She set her slightly woozy daughter down onto all four feet, in front of us, before dropping back to join me. "Time to clean us up, Dear," she said, reaching over to tug on the leash.

And Polly did, steadily and thoroughly lapping up the generous cum that had both splashed and leaked onto us.

* * *

Later we three were again lounging on the mattress, all tangled together - much like that same morning, before I'd joined the crew of the Venus. But not quite, naturally. Gracie was sprawled on her back, with her clit-cock projecting from the mouth of the stripy little catgirl who lay -- also face up - purring on her mom's tummy. Polly's leash lay off to one side, while the tip of her tail was twitching to the other side, presumably in sync with her cunny clenches.

For my part, I lay at right angles to them both, engaged in licking the various bodily fluids (including just a bit of residual pirate-cum) off Oli's moggie-snout and chin. As it happened, I was also sedately flexing my hand inside Gracie, which meant my arm was resting comfortably on the junction between the two of them. And all of us were using any free hands - or paws - to gently grope whatever other flesh we could reach ... including our own.

Once I had cleaned her mug to my satisfaction, I disengaged, which caused Polly to sit bolt upright on the cock inside her. I then scooched around so that I could insert the entirety of my own revived clit-cock into Gracie's face. That lovely girl began sucking my meat -- meanwhile, the catgirl spun herself around her mother's shaft so as to face the action.

Having arched my back and propped myself up with my hands, I addressed Polly face to face. "So I noticed my first two clients were physically enhanced during my visit."


"Which was way cool, but did those changes wear off right away?" I was thinking of Gracie, actually, although I didn't want come out and say that.

Polly managed to get her back feet under herself, enough at least to lift up the foot or so needed to clear her throat of dick. "Mew-sually they doo." Then, skipping any more of what she apparently considered a feline accent, she continued, "But not always. Occasionally repeat customers start to keep their upgrades. I'm not sure whether Randy is even aware that his cock wasn't always that big. And first timers sometimes manage it, too. Last year I had a gal who wanted to be a fuck-bunny -- until then, she wasn't even able to orgasm. After a round with Oliver," - she gave me a fang decorated grin to acknowledge she was the fellow in question - "well, as far as I know, she still has tall ears and a cotton tail. At least I've never seen her on the street since, without she has a roomy dress, a big hat ... and a new boyfriend."

We both stopped to listen to Gracie greedily suckling my business - I could feel the girl's chin pressed up against my mons and her nose stuffed into my pussy-crack. Polly winked, and we looked down to where we could see the bulk of my swallowed cock stretching Gracie's throat down to her chest.

"Cool," said Polly, and her mother must have heard her, because I felt a gentle scraping the base of my cock with her teeth.

"Fuck, Yes! Just like that, Gracie -- you're so great at this!"

She was, too -- I wasn't just blowing smoke. But as soon as I spoke, it occurred to me that telling a girl she sucks cock like a professional isn't always welcome. Still, as near as I could tell, she simply grunted an acknowledgement. And for all I knew, this could have been one of her trades in her youth. That is to say her first, original youth ... whenever that was. To me, her current haircut said 20's 'Flapper' -- but that proved nothing.

Gracie then settled into some meditative suckling down there, and after a while Polly said, "Remember I mentioned earlier how we have to watch we don't lose ourselves in fantasy? I've been Olivia - as my primary identity, if you like - for years now. You should probably decide on your own preferred form soon. To be honest, I really like the Caribbean pirate maiden you're still using."

I had flat out forgotten I was still in the body she had assigned me that morning. While I now shared her age, size and shape (at least when she wasn't half-ways a cat), my face was, as Olivia had also engineered, very much like my younger sister Danielle. Then there were the refinements Jumbo Jim had added: a selection of rude tattoos, a dueling scar and, of course, the long black curls and the caramel complexion to match the painted figurehead of his fantasy ship 'Venus'.

Laughing -- since she'd basically designed me -- I said, "Good point! This definitely works for me." I managed to grope one of my own tits to emphasize my decision.



"Yup." Polly laughed at my odd response. "We just got us a summons. Richard Ramsgood."

"Does he?" I could hardly turn down an opening like that.

"Yes, actually. He lives alone in a family estate near the top of Hooker Heights, three or four miles south-west of here. There's a communications tower on the top with a flashing red light."

"How do you know all this?"

Olivia laughed again. "He has a standing order, every night of the full moon. I think you'd like him."

"So - some kind of werewolf thing?"

"Nah. That's MY date for the night. Quentin Shagswell."

"And does he, as well?"

"Yes! I'll head out for that gig in a little while." I wondered if she boldly planned to go as she was - a tasty little catgirl. Regardless, her familiarity with (and appreciation for) wolfish sex was now explained. She was squirming on Gracie's cock in anticipation. "Next month we can switch," she offered.

"Sounds good," I answered. There was business at hand before extricating myself from the mostly-girl pile of which I was an integral part. I began to pump my hips to properly fuck Gracie's throat. She must have been following our conversation, because she'd already launched into a high-suction mode. It wasn't long before I was over the brink I'd been on the edge of for ages, and I started pumping cum directly into the belly of my eager cock-sucking 'mom'.

Gracie's excitement from my thrusting and discharge were enough for her to come along with me. And Polly, being phallically bound to us, couldn't help but join our orgasm-o-rama. The upshot -- as it were - was that, temporarily sated, we crowded into the little basement shower to flush off all the accumulated sweat and cum. The similarly sticky leash was helpful in encouraging our fuzzy pet to join us.

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