Curses Ch. 19

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More Head, a lusty Maître d'hôtel & a Revelation.
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Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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Chapter 19 -- More Head & the Maître d'hôtel

Oli's most recent assignment was an unusual one, possibly even by her standards. She'd come back to demonstrate that her head was now removable, with a plump pussy at the base of her neck which could swallow the fat phallus than stood tall between her shoulders. It seemed like this arrangement could crowd her brains--but, you know, magick.

Still, it was a little creepy when she followed up by removing my head. Frankly, I thought that was a bit rude. But the feel of firm flesh sliding against soft but muscular resistance was a delight. Something akin to a seriously deep blowjob, except that I could feel both sides of the exchange.

Oli had previously parked her head on Gracie's wang, and used her body to reach over and yoink off mine. Very briefly I'd thought she would wear me (she's that cheeky) but she simply handed it back to my body. Without thought, I swung it down to my crotch with the intention of licking my pussy up a storm--as one does. Nose to clit, with my shiny rings clicking together... it was great! But when the fuck did that diving-swallow tattoo on my mons--which, courtesy of Jumbo Jim, pointed down to my cunt--get topped with the helpful message 'slippery when wet'?

Hearing a deep chortle from Melody (who wasn't remotely concerned by unattached heads) I knew who was responsible, if not exactly when. She was clearly a quick learner.

I also realized that I was basically wanking. Hardly an act to which I was adverse but, given I was among friends, a little selfish. I straightened back up and, much as Oli had done, held out my head to navigate my way over to my still snickering sweetie ... and crammed it on to her knob. Twisting the thing about, I soon succeeded in sliding it on down until I could feel her horse yard exit back out my neck-cunt.

That's when I realized I'd made the same tactical error as Oli. My view was now of Melody's shaft, plus her smooth bare skin above it. Still, in spite of both my high level of arousal and my embarrassment at the goof, my first thought was that I was looking at a blank (if lightly freckled) patch of fleshy canvas. What, I wondered through my lust, could I write there? You know, as a sort of tit-for-tattoo. Pressed for time, I thought of her prodigious pony loads and settled on gifting her, stacked over her genitals, the inked words 'Warning! CUM Tsunami Zone!'

Meanwhile, Melody took the initiative and gripped my bum to pull my body toward her. Or, more exactly, my cunt-lips onto the tip of her cock, which was presently projecting from my neck. Having engaged my unoccupied but hungry pussy, she humped forward and drove herself deep. The result was that my transfixed head was sandwiched tight between us, my face mashed against her knot.

I felt her shift her grip so as to slip a few fingers into my ass, and then felt her long tongue slide around the length of the nearly forgotten new neck-dick between my shoulders ... whereupon I lost it. Not that I could do much but shudder and squirm and groan. Then, while keeping contact between her tongue and my topside pecker, Melody started to pound her yard into me.

It seemed an age, but was probably no more than two minutes when I came, my orifices clamping hard on all her bits that were inside me, and my topside phallus spurting skywards. I gripped her for the duration of my orgasm--two minutes more, maybe--before it subsided and I relaxed. And that's when Melody drove her cock forward so hard she was able to stuff her knot into my mouth, and to begin pumping her load through my head into my core.

So that was nice.

I was so spent that I simply hung there, suspended by Melody's hands and cock, and let the sensations wash over me. Over my own groaning, and the gurgling sounds down here at head level, I heard Gracie's voice: "HOLY FUCK!"

I couldn't see her, of course, but from her volume I suspected she was commenting on Olivia's ministrations rather than Melody's.

Knowing that her knot was only briefly slack enough to pull it free, Melody did just that when her flood of cum eased. Leaving the bulk of her shaft still inside me, she then left me supported on it by taking her hands off my butt and transferring them to my top-cock that was--I presumed--right in front of her face. "Feel like putting this in my pussy?"

I waved a thumbs-up and so, with yet another backflow of semen, she disengaged from my body and let me pull my head free. Hold it toward her I had a glimpse beyond of Gracie's grinning head being held high. It was the opposite of Oli's, and mine, having a big cock as its base.

Focusing back on Melody, I had an idea. "Face the pool," I ordered her. She raised an eyebrow but turned as directed. Then I carefully set my head on the picnic table, on its side in a nest of Oli's discarded clothes. That gave me a clear view of her sexy body--and of mine, which I sent to her side.

"Hang onto your hat, lover," I said, and hoisted her head free. Excellent ... like Gracie, the cock part came with it. "Now stay put!"

"I trust you have a plan," she laughed, as I carried her noggin back to the picnic table.

"Oh yeah!" And I did ... managing to seat her yang firmly into my yin.

"Whoa, yes! That feels terrific!"

And it did, even without any of the old in-and-out. I made sure we were pressed together tightly, and rolled so that we could see her body--I could hear her chuckle beside me as she spotted my handiwork: "Hah ... tsunami!"

And then I walked my own body over to hers. "Right. Now bend forward."

We watched my body following suit, so as to drive my neck-dick into the pussy fitted behind her horse-cock. From our novel point of view, it would have been a challenging target, except that she still had the mare-sized version she'd adopted back in our fantasy world. Once I'd driven home--shoulder deep, as it were--we managed to synchronize some excellent thrusting.

My orgasm, when it came (as it were), was stellar. And Melody's head-come was also amazing: she blew a pint of jizz from her noggin--which she maybe drew from another dimension--into mine until I expected it to leak out my ears. If my grasping neck hadn't held on tight, we would probably have popped apart and ended up rolling on the lawn. That would also have been novel, but less fun.

We agreed it was time for a break ... so we had our bodies sit at the table with us while we watched Oli and Grace go through some of the same permutations as us. Plus a few, I observed. "Why didn't we think of that?"

"Well, I did. But mostly I'm curious about what happens if Gracie and I swap heads? Or you and Olivia?"

"I look a lot like Oli, so not much there," I pointed out.

"No--I mean, would I control her body, or mine?"

Naturally, we had to try this out. The answer, if you're interested, was that we could control the new-to-us body ... and still feel our old one. So win-win, really. Having concluded that experiment--and a session of somewhat ribald re-assembly--we all agreed we were famished.

Having previously helped empty the fridge, I suggested pizza delivery.

Oli voted for going to town. "I've got a serious inventory of slutty clothes to deck us out, if we want to have a proper meal."

"Do we walk, take a cab, or fly?" asked Gracie, with a grin.

"We could fly. If we used a glamour, we'd just seem like a flock of birds," I said--really, I was just making this shit up as I went.

"You mean that mind-clouding mojo you folks used in Central Park?" asked Melody. She liked the idea of walking around bare-ass with nobody quite able to figure out what made us so hot (as did I, naturally).

Oli laughed. "We'd definitely save time if we skipped getting dressed, and just flew on over. The Foxtrot restaurant has a peachy rooftop terrace."

"Make it so," said Melody, as she grew back her demon-style wings.

We joined her--my wings like Melody's (although we both skipped tails and the rest) while the others went angel-style. Then Oli helped Gracie re-stow most of her perpetually turgid pecker into her pussy.

"Aerodynamics," muttered Grace, who had bent forward for ease of access.

That seemed like a good idea to Melody--she managed to take control of her own randy cock so as to retract the thing. Once that was sorted, we were off.

Oli led the way, taking a scenic route. "There's Jumbo Jim's house, where Grace spent the morning. And that place over there, with the greenhouse, is where Cat Lady lives." To me, she added, "That's where I was the morning you met Jim."

"Doing your cat-girl thing?"

"Nah. For her, I go as Tom Kat." She paused, to let us picture that. "Sometimes, after I've serviced her, she brings out her laser pointer."

I noticed Melody's wayward cock extend a foot or so as she processed this new bit of imagery. It was still bobbling in the slipstream when we swooped low over the little park where I'd met Randy. To my surprise, we got some waves from random locals below. Oli returned the greeting, while telling Melody, "You and Oli should check out Randy this afternoon. He's deeply into motorcycles."

Then she gained altitude and led us to town. Once there, we dropped back down for a barn swallow (or space-opera) style run between the buildings on Main Street, until she led us back up to our fifth-floor terrace destination. We circled above once, admiring the elegant patrons seated at glass-topped little tables scattered amongst the potted shrubberies.

There was another group jostle, as we folded our wings and exchanged kisses and gropes. Oli directed us to a prime table--a sunny spot with a view. Melody and I sat side by side, legs spread to allow room for our hooves, so that our adjacent ankles crossed. Meanwhile Gracie had to pull her dick back out of her cunnie so as to sit comfortably. Once it was clear she laid it across her knee and, companionably, mine.

A slender young woman waited patiently for us to settle. Obviously the Maître de', she was simply but elegantly dressed, with a raw silk blouse (sans bra, her petite breasts having no need for support) and a mid-thigh black skirt that clung to her hips. "Bonjour, Mistress Olivia. Tu vas bien?"

"Great thanks, Yvonne!" Oli swept her arm to us and added, with a wink, "These are my 'sisters-with-privileges' ... Gracie, Danielle and Melody."

Yvonne took the cue to switch to English for our benefit. "I am pleased to meet all of you lovely ladies. A fine day for flying, is it not? Oh, but you have the goose pimples!" She glanced to one side, where there were glass panels that could be rolled out for windbreaks. "Perhaps ..."

"Nah," said Oli. We're good. We can always huddle together if a wind comes up."

"Perhaps you will need to, when once I send out a bottle of chilled Veuve Clicquot for you," responded Yvonne with a smile. Caressing one of Oli's flight feathers, she continued, "What is your pleasure today?"

In summary, Yvonne could see us ... which, I realized, was necessary if we were going to get served. But more specifically, she could see all of our bits, naughty and otherwise. And she was totally on a first name basis with Olivia.

There was a twinkle in our hostess's eyes, and I half expected Oli to answer her question with something like, 'flying and fucking'. But instead, she lifted the hand Yvonne still rested on her wing and gave the woman's palm a kiss. "I think, to begin, we'll settle for your chef's choice of entre."

"I will do so ..." she began--but then paused to stare at the tip Oli's tongue as it ran from her palm up her arm. Her eyes lost focus as my mentor gradually rose from her seat to facilitate this lingual quest, the newly forked appendage probing onward under the short sleeve of her blouse.

Fascinated, we all watched the silk fabric ripple to mark its progress up to Yvonne's shoulder ... and then back down her perky tit to fondle her swollen nipple. Her opposite teat pushed forward a silken tent in sympathy.

"Aaahh!" The woman shivered and blushed, but her professional skills permitted her to add, "You will permit me to follow with dessert?"

Olivia reeled back about twelve inches of tongue to answer: "Abtholutely!"

After a final gasp of pleasure, Yvonne positively scurried off to sort out our meal.

"I'm a regular here, and Yvonne hath been one of my clienth for thum time," Oli cheerfully explained. Then she lifted her forked tongue in front of her eyes, examined it, and fused it back together.

"Awww," I said.

She just winked back in a promising sort of way.

It was left to Melody to ask the question I'd been mulling: "Can everybody else see us?"

"Well, our entrance wasn't very subtle. But let's ask." Oli leaned toward the next table and said, "Hiya, Cynthia, Julie. Sorry to intrude. How are you two? Still keeping yer peckers up?"

Both women blushed nearly as much as Yvonne had, but the one I guessed was Cynthia said, "Fuck, yeah!" She spread her knees and we could see the tip of one of said appendages protrude from under her skirt to waggle at us.

Glancing over to Julie, I saw that her eyes had focused on my crotch, where I'd idly begun using the firm tip of Gracie's conveniently placed pecker to spread my needy labia.

The couple at the table beyond grinned and nodded to Oli, and several folks beyond waved, so I took the answer to Melody's question to be YES. But it wasn't like they all stood up for a better view. They acted more like they had seen stuff like horny angels and demons drop out of the sky on a regular basis.

Oli simply nodded--what the townspeople in general actually saw was open to question, but this lot were probably her clients. Then she turned back to us and said, "You're probably wondering why I called this meeting."

Since we obviously weren't, we just sat and waited.

"You should see your faces," laughed Oli. "Anyhow, I've been having some thinks, lately. I came by this gig a while back--when this mysterious dame cursed me. Well, Dani here knows how that works."

She nodded to me and I recited Sheila's words, verbatim: "Should someone entertain a sexual fantasy in your vicinity in the future, you will fulfill it... until dawn, should they wish it so."

"She's maybe a demigod or wizard or demon but, whatever, she laid a heap of magic on us and let us figure it out. At first, I thought I was chosen randomly--but I began to see I had a knack for this. It turns out most people have a sort of vague aura of lust that ebbs and flows. So unless they are harboring a very specific fantasy, it's up to me to focus or even mold their desires. And, you know, deliver a 'happy ending'.

"The whole thing is both rewarding and kinda ecstatic. It's also a bit lonely, although as Dani will tell you, I've got a string of regulars. That brings me around to my idea. When Dani was cursed, I finally realized how much joy there was in sharing my experiences. Also, I was ashamed I'd been teasing Grace for so long without letting her join me."

"I never minded," said Gracie. "But then I had no idea what I was missing."

"Well, the good news is that you've soaked up a cart load of magic." Oli nodded at her impressive cock, still draped across both her thigh and mine on its way to where I was churning the knob (and half a foot more) inside me. "And you, Melody, seem to be a natural. I know it's all kind of sudden, but ..."

At which point, Yvonne personally came back with our champagne. She carefully bent forward to pour, working her way around the table such that each of us in turn could see she'd removed her panties. She served Melody last, which meant that Oli was the last to receive her teasing display of plump pussy. And this time she remained bent over, peaking over her shoulder to smile lustily at, by all appearances, her favorite customer.

Grinning back, Oli closed her hand and transformed it into a fat cockhead on a thick veiny shaft. With a flourish she then drove it elbow deep into Yvonne's snatch. The girl shrieked, but not entirely from surprise--I'd noticed that she'd had the foresight to put down the empty bottle and brace herself on Melody's shoulder.

After giving her new fist-phallus a few twists, Oli began to churn the thing in and out; each thrust splashed out another spray of girl juice (Yvonne's flashed cunny had been leaking a good deal while she, um, poured).

I glanced around the rooftop, and saw most of the patrons were enjoying the show. For my part, I started working the end of Gracie's dick deeper into my own hole, while simultaneously smearing Melody's pre-cum up and down her now fully extended shaft.

It all soon reached a climax: Gracie and I came together, Melody joined in, and Yvonne hollered, "Mon Dieu! She is filling me with her seed!"

Still rhythmically spurting bursts of her own spunk, Melody stood up to meet Oli's gaze across Yvonne's writhing body.

"I'm in," she said.

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