Curtis Woodman Ch. 02


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"The one you didn't see, because I would have to kill you, photo? Yes she is."

She dug me in the ribs. Where do women learn that?

"Becky, we have to get going baby. Plane schedules wait for no one. I promise when we get back you can stay as a sleepover on the boat okay. Curtis says that's a brilliant idea."

The bitch made it off the boat and onto the pathway before I had a chance to say anything, because by then I had a munchkin wrapped around me, squealing so loudly that I went deaf for a few minutes afterwards. I figure it's that age thing because the pitch of her scream drilled right through me.

Ashley and I watched them both walk back to the clubhouse, and then their car left the grounds a few minutes later. Freddy and JoJo turned up a minute later and I cast off while everyone sat around making drinks and chatting. Occasionally I would get a visitor, armed with a cup of something and sit for a while, then disappear back into the cabin before I found the perfect place to stop and tie-up for a while.

I climbed down below deck, grabbed a soda and proudly announced. "Okay, this meeting has now started. Please note that if you lie, or even veil a truth, thinking I may not uncover the real truth, then be aware that this is where I bury the bodies of those who don't get to finish the final interview."

Ashley was still looking uncertain while JoJo and Freddy were pointing and laughing at her.

"JoJo, how did the girl's night out go?"

"Better than mine, I was really jealous about that. All the wives love her, and subject to acceptance she's down to make pasta for the next barbeque we have."

I nodded and turned to look at Freddy.

"All good, the guys know her from before all this. They rated her then just as they do now. I've gone over her personnel file and found a couple of inconsistencies but nothing to really write home about."

The fire was noticeable in her eyes, more so when she wanted to know what he found in her file. Freddy looked at me before he answered, he waited until I nodded in agreement before he would say anything.

"You lied on your initial application form to join the army. In it you drew a line across the name of your father. You were asked about that and stated that you never knew your father in all the time you grew up. It only took me ten minutes and I can show you four photos that I downloaded with you both sharing a hug."

She continued to stare at him, it didn't faze Freddy, very little did.

"However, you had just turned twenty when you applied so the name of your father wouldn't have been an issue; however, the higher you climbed in the Army, it would mean that your own security clearance would have picked up on the missing father. Do you want me to go on?"

Ashley shook her head. Although I believe it was duly noted, don't challenge Freddy, on anything.

All three looked at me. "This is all your fault JoJo. When you got here you set a precedent."

The shocked look I was expecting. "Wow, now hold on there Sir. I seem to remember; you came to me. Not the other way around."

This time I stared directly at Ashley. "Yes, I did didn't I. I came looking for you." Ashley refused to back down and a part of me had to give her some respect for that. "So, tell me Warrant Officer Ashley Conner, why would I wish to make an exception on a rule that has held us in good stead for so many years, because you want to leave your regiment?"

The fact that we were all staring at her didn't seem to faze her at all.

"I suppose the simple answer is that I was born a woman."

I caught Freddy doing exactly what I was doing and that was staring at JoJo. All she did was shrug her shoulders.

"Please don't get me wrong, but a part of me feels like I am a man in a female body." She then held up both her hands to stop us dead in our tracks. "That does not make me a lesbian, and rank or not, if any of you call me one, I will so bust you in the mouth and take the court-martial for it."

"I love my country and as soon as I felt I could, I signed up because this is what I wanted to do." Just then her hands went to her breasts and she lifted and then let them go. Even JoJo watched as they bounced and then settled in her bra. "Then these got in the way and I'm being told that I can't do that."

For a few years she settled on being told exactly that. Then the military did the shuffle thing and moved her regiment onto the camp where we are based. We were the talk of her regiment for about a week and then were left alone, by everyone but Ashley Conner. She was discreet about it, but she made us her pet project and slowly peeled away the secrecy that surrounded us. The one thing that made up her mind was when she spotted JoJo and that's when she worked out what it was going to take to make her transfer happen.

By the time Ashley had finished talking, none of us had any questions to ask her. It still left all three of us with our own thoughts. To every man, or in JoJo's case, woman, someone walked up and asked them to join. The job was so diverse that we either left feet first or old age and fitness slowed us down to the point we could become a liability. So we took easier jobs away from the Unit or retired altogether. It never occurred to us that there were people out there looking in and wanting in.

Ashley Conner was banging on the door wanting in because she never wanted to be told, 'you can't do that' ever again.

I left them talking while I went up, untied the boat and took us back to the boat club. Freddy went home and JoJo told us she had a hot date, so she opted to leave and get changed. JoJo took Ashley back to barracks with her that evening. As for me, I told Ashley that she had left me with a lot of thinking to do, and that I needed a couple of days.

Sure enough, at ten the next morning Warrant Officer Ashley Conner marched into my office and stood the regulation paces from my desk, stopped and saluted me. This time I was expecting her and tossed a brand-new razor blade onto the desk.

"You will remove all regimental markings and rank from two uniforms. Your pay grade is now that of JoJo's, so go talk to her. Around here you will continue to hold the rank of Warrant Officer. So, adjust all your uniforms accordingly, your dress uniform will continue to hold the rank and badges of your regiment. If you have any problems admin wise, see Freddy."

Her hand was quick to take the razor blade. "Am I expecting any problems Sir."

I shrugged. "Remembering what uniform your wearing for what purpose would be one I suppose." My head nodded towards the distance. "Out there in the field and as a team we have no rank other than I'm the boss and Freddy is admin. We all have jobs that we get on with, and if I tell you to go and help whoever, you just do it and don't ever ask why."

I stood and shook her hand. "You still have a long way to go but nothing that can't be overcome with training. Your request for transfer has been approved between Colonel Franklyn and myself. I have Freddy on the paperwork. You have three days to say goodbye. We will expect you bedded down in the room you and JoJo use by Sunday afternoon. Any questions?"

The excitement in her eyes left her for just a second when she said. "I have to leave the women's quarters Sir?"

"After Sunday, you're no longer a member of your old regiment. In name only perhaps since your dress uniform will always show that. But you're mine; that makes you a member of the Unit. We don't have women's toilet in this block. You use the same as us, just as out there training or at work. We dig one hole, and we all use it when we need to."

I must admit I was wondering if I should have given this speech before handing Ashley her transfer.

"You carry just as much as everyone else because that's what we do. Along the way we will figure out what you're good at and how to adapt that into the unit. But no one this side of the wire will salute you or call you ma'am. To us, your just Ashley, one of the Unit."

She left with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.


It was also time to face the music. I changed into dress uniform and later that afternoon was gaining entrance to Chequers once again. The Prime minister couldn't help but have the chairs just like our last meeting either, so I sat there and ate crow.

"Well Curtis?" Asked the Prime Minister.

"You may be my boss, Sir, but do you have to have that 'I told you so' look on your face?"

All three burst out laughing.

General Brownlow leaned on his legs and said. "I hear you almost killed her when you took your Unit for a walk in the Brecon Beacons."

I gave my report to the three men sitting across from me, even admitting that she did seem to slot into the Team well. It was only when I stood to leave that I realized that we had been talking close to an hour on this topic. When I went to apologize for monopolizing the Prime Ministers time, he just smiled and told me that an hour was worth it, if it meant that God's Brother had a happy Unit.

How I kept a straight face while I saluted my boss I will never know. As General Brownlow and I walked to our cars he did ask if I still wanted my escape and evasion exercise? I must admit it was tempting but I needed the time to blend Ashley into the Unit now, so I declined.

When I phoned Freddy from the car he told me that he had already started the paperwork for the time we were going to be spending on ranges and training areas. I left him to it and drove back to camp. He was already gone by the time I got back, so I changed out of uniform and went to the boat club for a quiet drink and an even more peaceful nights' sleep.

I was only just on my first coffee of the morning when I got a knock on the door of my boat. JoJo and Ashley just wandered in straight after knocking, so I waited for them to grab a drink each and sit down before I said ever so loudly. "Come in."

They giggled before JoJo said. "Oh shush, you look like you could do with the company anyway."

It seems that JoJo was going to be the mouthpiece for this conversation, so I let her get on with it. I put my cup down after a minute because they had my full attention by then. They wanted to sound me out on an idea that came to both of them. With Ashley leaving the women's quarters they felt it a good idea if they rented a flat between them. When they looked around, they found a lot of very expensive flats but nothing they would be comfortable renting together.

That's when Freddy suggested renting a boat. Well, I laughed. Seems I was the only one laughing though. We were still talking an hour later when Freddy turned up and joined in. Eventually, we came to an agreement. Life for Ashley was going to get hectic for the next couple of months, so leave her in the room they use at the camp for now, since we will only be home a few days every week.

When things settled down. I'd move into the officer's mess and they would take over my boat for a couple of months to see if they could actually get on in such a confined space. The girls were ecstatic, I just thought they were nuts.

We held our first real meeting of the expanded Unit the next morning. Ashley was ripped mercilessly for a good ten minutes and then we turned to the business at hand. Freddy introduced her to what we call the combat room. Both Freddy and I sat and listened to the team when they brought the idea up the first time they mentioned it, and thought it was a great idea. He got cages built into the room; each of us has our own section of the room,

Webbing, combat boots and anything else they wanted to put into their section they could. It sure saved a lot of room at home this way. Knives were permitted but all other weaponry went into the armory. I let Freddy do a surprise kit inspection from time to time, just to drill it into them that things that go bang, don't belong in here.

I also sent the girls on a week's leave, and courtesy of JoJo's old job, Ashley now had her own Burka and with as many hidden pockets in it as her new partner in crime. She was also taught how to walk in it, without looking like a Warrant Officer in disguise.

I would say that the three months it took either on ranges, forced marches, or drilling it into her how we do things, made me thankful that JoJo was standing beside her. Her fitness wasn't much of an issue, but we still had to impress on her that this is how we do things, if she could figure a better way of doing it, we would all listen.


I had just gotten home on a week's leave, arriving the night before, and indulged myself with a lay-in, just as I was getting ready to cook dinner the boat tilted slightly and a teddy bear dropped through the open door, followed by a sleeping bag and a child's rucksack. I heard a "bye mom, love you." Then a smiling munchkin followed soon after, so I figured Ruth was making a run for it.

Becky moved her stuff around, so we didn't fall over it, then asked what we were having for dinner? When I mentioned that it would have been nice if her mother had checked to see if I was busy this weekend, Becky had one of those all-knowing smiles.

"Mom phoned Aunt Maggie before we left home. She said you didn't have anything to do this weekend other than help at the boat club, so we can do boating club stuff all weekend, while mom is shopping in London."

I was unaware I had a social secretary, I guess I didn't get the memo.

Also, acting on a hunch, I turned to Becky and said. "Hey munchkin, did you enjoy the barbeque at Aunt Maggie's?"

The smile was genuine. "It was fantastic, and I got to meet so many new friends, I even remembered all their names." Then she frowned before adding. "Well, cept for the little one that dribbled a lot. He's cute but kinda icky when he does that. I asked Momma if I did that when I was a baby and she said no. I was happy then."

Yep, didn't get the memo on that one either. Feeling a little devilment creeping into my thoughts, I picked up my phone and rang Freddy. "Hey brother, where are JoJo and Ashley this weekend?"

The sound a laughter down the phone confirmed everything. Freddy knew the game was up but told me anyway. "The wives and girls were in London shopping for the weekend courtesy of some foreign woman." I looked at a still smiling Becky who was sitting across from me, bits of cream from the cake in her hand now around her lips. "So, I guess us menfolk are babysitting this weekend then?"

More laughter rushed down the phone.

"Speak for yourself, I got the 'to do' list done this morning, so I'm feet up and working my way through a box set of movies."

I managed to add "Enjoy." Before I put the phone down.

The boat club was heading into the summer season and needed the marquee put up on the back green area they sometimes used for overflow parking. Us guys got sweaty putting it up under the directions of two of the committee. I spotted munchkin with the wives and playing with the children throughout the day. She looked just as exhausted as I did when we had finished that afternoon.

One of the wives from the committee whisked her away and she came back later in clean clothes and with smelly, sweaty clothes under one arm, and her hair still damp from her shower.

When the lady chairman asked what I had in mind for dinner for Becky and me, she sure carried a shocked look when I told her. Munchkin had a smile a mile wide, so I knew she was going to enjoy it.

So that capped off our first day together. I drove Becky to our local drive through and we put out chairs on the roof of my boat, took our shoes and socks off and had our evening meal watching the sun slowly go down over the horizon.

Ruth came back late the second day; us men folk were putting the finishing touches on everything. Becky was behind an older boy who was pulling a four wheeled buggy. They would stop at whoever was next and ask if they wanted water or a soda. The young lad would hold the buggy steady while Becky would dive into the cooler box strapped to the buggy and go looking for whatever the answer was to her question.

She was still leaning against her car watching this when I leant against it with her. "This is as normal as I ever want it to be for my daughter, Curtis. It seems to me that she eats, breathes and tries so damn hard to live boats right now."

It was also time for just a little playful revenge on my part. "Becky and I have come to an understanding about the tattoo now. She won't put it back on her arm anymore."

The relief on Ruth's face was plain to see.

"Instead, I told her that when she reaches sixteen, I know a guy that will ink it right across her shoulders. She's ticking the days off as we speak."

It took her a second for her mind to register what I said, the playful slap across the top of my shoulder will leave a bruise though. An hour later one of the wives again whisked Becky away and she came back later, again in clean clothes with her dirty ones under her arm.

Ruth thanked the wife, even hugging her as well, before turning to me, the grin wasn't missed when she said. "Junk food Curtis?"

"Well, I did say to munchkin that I would leave that up to you, so now that's your decision."

The fist pump and the mouthed "yes" from Becky didn't go unnoticed by me; fortunately, it got missed by her mother. Ruth took a moment to realize what she had said and the way she had said it had backed herself into a corner. But by then Becky had one arm, I had the other, and we both aimed her mom at my car.

A little under an hour later, my only two foldaway chairs were on the roof of my boat, I was sitting between both women. We tucked into our evening meal, watching that same evening sun make its journey towards the end of another day. Becky stayed with me that night, her mother joined us at her insistence. I enjoyed watching as that conversation grew legs. She may be eight now, but she would sure be as sharp as her mother when she got older.


I answered my phone at three the next morning. It woke Ruth and she came out of the bedroom she was sharing with her daughter and watched me get dressed into casuals.

"Does this happen often?"

I stopped so I could look directly at her, her few words carried more than she wanted them to.

"This is me Ruth. This is who I am, this was who I was when I killed everyone in that alleyway to get your daughter back. Gloves off Ruth, I'm the leader of one of the most elite units in the United Kingdom. My people and I are often sent to put fires out or stop them from going rampant."

I knew I had to stop, instead I did something I should have done before I said so much.

"You need to talk to Maggie, Ruth. When I look at Becky, she fills a hole in my heart I never thought I had. When I look at you, I think perhaps both of you could be the reason I come home at night. Money wise, what you're worth means shit to me Ruth, and if you want me to sign one of those fancy pre-nups then so be it. But you need to understand, this is what I do for a living."

Her face was just as impassive as when I started this conversation. I held my jacket in my hands and said to her. "I have to leave and I'm not sure for how long. Talk to Maggie, please Ruth. Because its fast becoming a time when you need to see what's in front of you. I'm human, Ruth. I can't keep Becky out of my heart, and I sure want you in there with her."

By the time I got to the barracks the helicopter was already down and being loaded. Colonel Franklyn seemed to decloak and stand in front of me when I got out of my car. "I'm prepping my regiment after breakfast, I've already briefed my Officers and senior NCO's, I asked for you people to act as point on this. Your admin officer has all the details I have. I'm sorry you're learning about this on the run, as it were, but this really is a time sensitive issue. Good luck Major."