CWB 7 - Married with Benefits


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With both girls on top, I had little control of anything. Josette was fucking my cock at her own speed, obviously enjoying having me in her and not trying to get off very fast. Stacy, fucking my tongue, seemed much more intent on getting off, until suddenly she rose, pulling away from me and my hands, turned around and lowered herself back to my face, her hands on my hips to steady herself as she seated her pussy to my tongue once again.

Now able to only see up her sleek back and ass, I ran my hands onto her ass cheeks, squeezing and fondling them, before sliding m hands around to her front and reaching for her breasts once again. I immediately bumped into other hands -- Josette's hands were also on her breasts. And while I couldn't see them, raising my hands to Stacy's arms, I could feel that hers were extended out and she was playing with Josette's nipples at the same time.

It wasn't possible for any of us to last long, and we didn't. Stacy came almost immediately, but she was guiding where my tongue could work on her, and with our months of experience, I knew exactly what did her good. She stayed, shudders of orgasm rippling through her body until she'd had enough, and then moved.

Josette had been fucking me slowly, but with Stacy's hands on her nipples I could feel her movements becoming erratic too. It wasn't long and just as when I'd tongued her the night before, her directed movements segued into a whole-body shuddering as she came. Her movements had been moving me closer to cumming too, but now that she had collapsed forward into a quivering mass on me and against Stacy, my impending orgasm rapidly receded. With Stacy moving away from my tongue, Josette naturally followed, my cock flopping free as she moved off of me.

"Ohh!" Josette breathed, her body relaxing now that she wasn't touching or being touched by me, "Oh my god, that was so good." A sudden convulsion ran through her body as Stacy's hand once again fondled her breast and nipple. "He's good, isn't he?"

"Oh God yes," she answered as Stacy looked sideways and smiled at me. Whether it was that she saw my cock still hard, or that there was no evidence of my orgasm, she said quizzically, "Didn't you cum?"

"No, that's ok. It was nice."

"Oh baby, I'm sorry we didn't take care of you. Do you want me to suck you off?"

"No, let me!" Josette interrupted, apparently having recovered from her orgasm as she turned and flopped onto the bed where she could attack me with her mouth.

"Did I say you could?" Stacy laughed, reaching for my cock with her hand, bending it away from Josette.

"You didn't say I couldn't," she giggled in response, also reaching over to my cock, and suddenly my two lovers were mock fighting over who got to give me a blow job. It wasn't much of a fight as Stacy ran her tongue up the shaft, and then gave in first, pushing my erection back where Josette could also lick the shaft. Back and forth, licking and caressing until Josette took me into her mouth, now causing me to groan. She sucked and licked before pulling back. "I taste different than you do," she said to Stacy, and I realized she was talking about her own juices on my cock.

"You've never tasted yourself before?"

"Uh-uh," she answered as she slipped her lips back over my cock head.

"I do sometimes. When I am masturbating and lick my fingers, I've tasted myself." Josette pulled off and pushed my cock toward Stacy who stuck out her tongue and licked up the shaft. "I like the taste of your pussy," she giggled, "and I especially like tasting it off of Ricky's cock."

The two of them were definitely not in competition for sucking my cock, willingly working together and driving me closer to completion on my first ever double blow job. I finally approached orgasm, and whether it was that my cock was now purple and swollen from the long attention or whether Stacy recognized my tells by this time, when I groaned and reached for them, neither pulled away. Instead they both leaned in at the same time, both caressing my cock with their lips and tongues from opposite sides. When my cock finally spasmed it was into the air between their lips, both coming away with my jism on their faces.


"How does this work?" I asked Stacy sometime later as we were coming out of the shower. After our morning play time, Josette had taken a shower and left, saying she had things to do before the girl's hair appointments that afternoon leaving Stacy and me alone, for the first time virtually since we'd arrived in town. Stacy and I had showered together immediately after Josette, and now were getting dressed.

"How does what work?" Stacy asked. With just her bra on, she turned to look at me as she was getting her blouse ready to put on.

"You... Me... Carrie and now Josette? We're getting married tomorrow, so what does that mean? I can't say as I ever imagined having sex my wife's friends, or my wife having sex with her friends. You seem to enjoy us doing that."

"I do," she said simply, walking around the bed and stepping up to me. I put my arms around her, and realizing she wanted to be kissed, did so. "Haven't you liked it?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't enjoyable. But what about the future? Are you going to continue to bring your friends to our bed, sharing me as a lover with them?" She pulled away, and with a glance at me reached again for her blouse, shimmying it over her head and shoulders before she turned back. She'd taken time to think through her answer, exactly what I would have hoped for. Stepping back to the bed she sat beside me where I was putting on my shoes, and took my hand, stopping me.

"No. Do you mind me being lovers with my friends?"

"I don't know. I can't say as we've got a traditional relationship. I mean, just how many guys get to marry their sexy ass cousin and she brings a couple of hotties with her for variety?" I grinned at her, but she was serious.

"I'm serious, Ricky. We're getting married, and you have a say in my love life now. If you want me to give them up and be exclusive with you, I will."

I reached up and stroked her face, turning it up towards me, thinking about it before answering. "I don't think so. I cannot dictate to you or control who you love, all I can say is that I love you. Carrie and Josette are both hotties, but if you want me to never play with them again, I won't. Carrie realized that; when you were pushing me to hook up with her she said no, not unless you were involved. She said she'd hook up with us, but not me But if I tell you what you can or can't do, eventually you'll resent me for that." I stopped for a moment, she was just looking at me, thinking about what I said. "What I'm not sure about is the future. What happens when they find someone of their own and get married? What then? Will they want to share you with their..."? I didn't need to finish and didn't; she understood.

"When they get married, will they want me to join them."

"Exactly. I'm sorry, I know it's not fair, but I don't think I want that. At least not now, with someone I don't know, someone I can't even imagine."

"Carrie and Josette have been my best friends for years. We've always shared everything. And since we've become lovers, it only seems natural for me to share you with them, and I really get hot watching you with them. I'm not interested in anyone else." I nodded, contemplating what we were negotiating.

"God, Stacy, I'm so fucking in love with you. Fucking them was hot, but if I never do that again, that's perfectly fine with me. You're more than enough woman for me."

"Hmmm," she purred, "I like that. But I like sharing you with them, too."

"Me too." That she said she was not interested in anyone else was a relief in my mind. Standing up I turned and offered her my hand. "You better hurry and get dressed, your hair appointments are in just a bit." I had to turn away as I could not keep a straight face as I added, "and I've got to meet Vickie for one last quickie this afternoon..."

Stacy didn't even rise to the bait, almost instantly she responded, "When I Lorena Bobbitt your dick, do you want me to just trash it or have it bronzed and put it on the wall?" I turned back towards her to see her give me a big grin and stick her tongue out.


"You're looking pretty hunky, bro," Ellen said quietly for just me as she stepped up to me, reached up and straightened my collar. "Pretty dapper, if I do say so." She had a small plain box in her hand as she did, and although I noticed, I did not pay any attention to it.

"You're looking pretty sexy too," I responded, raising an arm and having her slide over into my hug. "I think I like the dresses," I said, glancing down at her bare chest. The bridesmaid's dresses were all off the shoulder, bare chest, and I could see that on her and assumed that at least for Carrie, had significant cleavage showing. I had seen my sister in a bikini before which, like most bikinis, left most of her breasts bare, and I had never even thought anything of it. But in a low-cut dress which exposed the same amount of breast, the same amount of cleavage, I recognized was supposed to be sexy, and was. I had not seen Josette yet, although I knew she didn't have a lot of bust to show off, I was sure it would be equally as sexy on her.

"You always did like tits," she responded.

"Oh? How do you know that?"

"Mary... Kathy... Rebecca Hastings..." she said, listing off some of my previous girlfriends, "Stacy..."

"Ok, Ok! Alright already," I laughed, pushing away from her. "All ancient history, except for Stace."

"You'll like her dress."

"I hope so."

"Come with me," she said quietly. Taking my hand, we stepped outside, and over to an adjacent room. Stepping in, she pushed the door closed.

Her hand came up, handing me the small box. "I got you and Stacy a little present."

Opening the box, I was surprised to see just a small remote control of some kind. I did not know what it was for but as I reached to push the "on" button, I was stopped by her hand gripping mine. A "No -- wait," and Ellen giggled as she pushed my fingers away from the "on" button. "What is it?" I asked, flipping it over and looking at the plain back.

"This is the on button," Ellen said, pointing to the button that I'd already deciphered as the on/off, "Push it, it goes on, push and slide and it stays on, and this is the speed control," she said, pointing to the two arrowed buttons with up and down arrows. "But don't turn it on until you can see Stacy. It's the remote control for the vibrator in her panties." She giggled, "I recommend you don't turn it on, at least for now, unless you can see where she is. Low will let her know you are thinking naughty thoughts about her and keep her all hot and bothered, and high will bring her to her knees. Anything in between -- well, you will have to play and see how much she can take. Believe me, at least the first few times it's hard not to physically react, even on low."

"Vibrator?" I said, only slowly understanding what my sister had just given me, "you mean, like a sex toy?"

"Uh-huh, and it's absolutely the best ever." I can be slow sometimes, but suddenly I realized she was saying that she, and Dave, had played with one of these before.

"You've... uh... the first few times..." I repeated, suddenly realizing that I was about to ask my sister about her sex life, something I'd never really done before, but she had already confessed that she and her husband had played with this, or something similar.

"Uh-huh. You can tickle her clit anywhere, any time, and nobody else will know. It's Dave's and my favorite toy when we're not at home. But be careful, it really will bring her to her knees if you've got it on too high and surprise her. And don't leave it on too long unless you're wanting to get her off, just short bursts work best to start."

"Anywhere? In public?" I asked, guiltily glancing around the closed room, feeling like the world knew about this naughty little controller.

Ellen giggled, "That's the point. Dave got me off one time in church when I was sitting next to mom." She giggled again, "believe me, it was hard not to squirm."

"I guess that answers whether she'll be wearing panties under her dress?" I stated more than asked.

"She said she wasn't going to, but I think I convinced her that, in this case, it's more fun to wear something naughty than to go bare. Come on," she said, turning back to the door and stepping out. "See you in a few minutes."

The wedding was, well -- a typical wedding? For me it was a blur; I remember seeing Stacy at the back as she started up the aisle escorted by her dad. We said, "I do," "we do," and then suddenly it was over, we were now married and at the reception.

The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding in a park, followed by an open-air reception. I would have been just as happy to have gone to the courthouse and just "gotten hitched," but of course our mothers would not have any part of that, and truly the setting was beautiful. I couldn't help but think that every time I shook the hands of a relative, since most were relatives of both of us, they must have come to grips with the fact that Stacy and I were cousins, as well as that we were now "married." I only got a negative feeling from one person, and he was only a relative by marriage. I remember thinking "Fuck him!" as he walked away and didn't let it bother me in the least.

We were about half through the reception line when I reached down to scratch my leg, just rubbing it, and realized that something was in my pocket, and immediately remembered the toy controller. I glanced at Stacy, she was oblivious to me, holding the hand and talking with some unknown well-wisher, probably someone she knew, and I didn't. I slipped my hand into my pocket, arranged it, and thumbed the on button.

The response from Stacy was instantaneous; a yelp, squeezing the hand she was holding and bending forward. I immediately released the button, just a momentary buzz on her clit, but recognized immediately that if it had been on high it would have been just as Ellen said -- she'd have been on her knees.

"Are you OK, honey? What's wrong?" The unknown woman concernedly asked as Stacy turned to me. I put my arm out and she stepped into my embrace, relinquishing the woman's hand, her eyes coming across mine, an unspoken "Oh My God!" look passing between us.

"I'm... I'm OK... Just a... stomach spasm," she lied, "I think I just need some food." Returning my hug, her mouth came up by my ear and she whispered, "Oh My God! That was mean!" As Stacy turned back to the reception line, my eyes caught sight of Ellen and Dave behind a crowd of people and looking right at us, both of them laughing. They knew exactly what had happened, and while I was watching, Ellen's eyes got big and her body jerked, bending momentarily toward me. She grinned and turned to Dave, playfully slapped his arm and then gave him a big kiss on the cheek. I saw his hand coming out of his pocket and Ellen glance back at us, confirming what I thought had just happened, as they moved towards their seats. She hadn't specifically said she was wearing her vibrating panties, but just as they had been watching and known I'd just teased Stacy, I knew that Dave had just teased Ellen.

I could tell that Stacy was expecting more, but I didn't give it to her immediately. The reception line depleted, we moved on to an intimate dinner for a hundred, with Stacy and me at a table up front while Carrie and Ellen and Josette and my "assistants," sat at the table directly in front of us. I had to laugh at the "assistants" name; really all they were there for was to take me to a bachelor party and escort Stacy's bridesmaids. It was all fairly traditional, with perhaps that one naughty exception.

The second time I teased Stacy was when she was sitting down at our table. I had just pulled her chair out for her, controller unseen in my hand, and as she lowered herself to the chair, I again pressed the button. She flinched this time but, in the act of sitting down as she was, I don't think anyone noticed. She leaned over to me and whispered, "You're a brat."

"No, Ellen's the brat," I responded, and both of us looked directly at her. When she looked up at us, she knew exactly what we were thinking about and burst into a laugh. Dave looked up to see what she was laughing at, and when she whispered something to him, he also got a big grin on his face. At least they kept our naughty secret to themselves.

I don't think many of us have a real clue where "traditions" come from. We just do them because we have always done them. Tossing of the bouquet, throwing rice over the newlyweds, the first dance together, the bride dancing with her new father-in-law, the groom dancing with the new mother-in-law. Except that Stacy and I had known our new in-laws for all of our lives, it was all led by tradition.

I'd occasionally teased Stacy again all evening long, just a short burst of stimulation here and there, which always elicited a hug and quick kiss in return. At least most were short buzzes, one longer buzz was during dinner when we were seated, and I left it on for perhaps half a minute. She had done her best to not show anything. A quick jolt to her body when it turned on, and then her hands gripping the table, trying to not look like anything was happening, and then the obvious relief when I turned it off.

"Oh My God, Ricky, if you hadn't turned that off, I would have cum," she whispered into my ear.

"A hundred witnesses to your first married orgasm?" I giggled and whispered in reply, nibbling her ear and then turning her face up and kissing her outright when someone clinked their knife against their glass, another tradition met.

We walked around together after dinner, greeting all our guests. When we got back to the table with all our bridesmaids and groomsmen, I made an effort to lean in and hug each of the bridesmaids, saying thank you, until I reached Ellen. Holding the remote control hidden in my hand, I slid my hands down her arms knowing she could feel it, and when my hand reached hers, I surreptitiously slipped the controller into her hand. "When we dance, make her cum," I whispered so just she could hear. She didn't directly acknowledge that she'd heard, but when I glanced back as we walked to the dance floor, she had a twinkle in her eye.

I felt Stacy twitch in my arms, her face rising from my shoulder to look me in the face. If it had not been for the twitch, she might have hidden it, but her quiet "you stinker!" and a slight shudder through her body confirmed that Ellen was playing with the control. I could not hear a buzz, but I could feel the buzz of Stacy's body as Ellen controlled it as I had asked -- to get Stacy off. "Ha...How are you doing that?" she whispered, her body slightly shuddering in my arms.

"Doing what?" I whispered back into her ear, holding her still closer so that if she lost it, nobody would know.

"Ohhh... I'm going to..."

"Uhm-hmm," I hummed, "I know." The dance wasn't long, perhaps three minutes, but Stacy's warning of impending orgasm was needless, I could feel her body against mine, her body in my arms, and when I spun us around to where I could see Ellen, she came. I don't know whether Dave was watching, but my eye caught Ellen and I could tell she knew. Just a slight nod at her and the rigidity in Stacy's body relaxed.


"How did you do that?" Stacy said quietly, perhaps three hours later when we were in the parent provided limousine on the way to our "wedding night" hotel room. Tomorrow evening we were on our way to Tahiti, but tonight, we had the bridal suite downtown.

"Do what?" I asked, surmising that she assumed the vibrator had been controlled by me. I'd let her know at the dinner table, in the reception line, but she hadn't picked up that I'd passed it on to Ellen.