Cybercock Ch. 02


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Liz shrugged. "Same old. Marketing has been a pain in the ass. The sales website has been down about ten times in the last month. I keep telling them that the problem is in the data center in Chicago, but they seem to think that I can solve it by upgrading our network here on site. So we've had two conference calls with the CIO in the last week. He confirmed my findings and is working on getting them a new host, but I'm still getting work requests every day to look at the network. Idiots."

Liz never minced words with anyone. If she didn't like what you were doing, she would tell you right up front. If she called someone an idiot behind their back, it was only because she had already said it to their face.

"That sucks," Stacy said. "I hate when people take up your time for no reason." She felt like an ass right after she said it.

"So, at the risk of bringing up a sore subject," Liz said, putting down her fork, "I want to talk to you about Vicki Banks."

Stacy shrugged. "I told you, it's fine. When she's been in the job a while, she'll start to straighten out."

"Hmm," Liz said with a frown. She finished off her pasta and tore a piece from one of the breadsticks. She obviously had something on her mind, and Stacy gave her a minute to work it out. Finally, she said, "Stacy, honey, I don't know how else to tell you this. Vicki has been taking credit for your work."

Stacy shook her head slightly. "No. Everyone knows that I design the power systems for our buildings."

Liz had a look of pity on her face. "Do you remember about four months back, just a few weeks after you got here? They handed you a real mess of a design from that guy they fired, what was his name?"

Stacy thought back. "Stephen. No, Stephan." He'd overridden the software in several places, reducing the gauge of transmission lines and sending marginally unsafe levels of current down them. He had obviously been trying to cut costs and increase efficiency, but running his design through a risk analysis model had shown that the increased risk of fire would push insurance premiums above what the design would save in materials costs after just the first year. They had hired Stacy to replace him, and she had fixed the flaws and changed out their planned capacitor bank for a cheaper and newer model that got them the cost savings he had promised while actually increasing the safety.

"Did you ever wonder why no one from management sent you a thank you or congratulations for saving a client thirty thousand dollars?"

"Vicki took credit for that?" Stacy asked in a tone of disbelief.

"That and two other major improvements you made on projects since you've been here. The higher-ups think Vicki is the star of your team. She got a mid-year raise, and you know that never happens. There's talk that she might be up for a promotion."

Stacy stared at the remains of her food in shock that quickly turned to anger. She had been feeling a little underappreciated, but she thought that maybe her contributions just weren't all that big a deal. "That evil little, conniving. . ."

"Bitch?" Liz asked. She took a sip of her iced tea. "That's good, by the way," she said. "Is that peach?"

Stacy nodded. "I can't believe it. I never liked her, but I thought she was just kind of a twit."

"She's not dumb. She just has no imagination. She doesn't stand out. That's why she has to take credit from you." Liz looked around. "Can we go sit somewhere more comfortable while we talk?"

They both picked up their drinks and went into the living room. Liz sat on the sofa and Stacy took the chair adjacent to it. Stacy took a sip of her tea and sighed heavily. She looked at Liz. "How did you find out about this?"

"Vicki's manager, Divya, was gushing about her during the last quarterly review. I was skeptical, but kept quiet. I guess no one else found it odd that all of Vicki's amazing improvements happened to occur in your area of expertise. What I want to know now is, what are we going to do about it? I think you need to expose her. Go straight to Divya and show her."

That would destroy Vicki. The company had no tolerance for that kind of deception, nepotism or not. "I'll need to think about it first," Stacy said. "The McGowen contract is going into production now, and I don't want to disrupt that."

Liz didn't look happy about that. "Just don't wait too long. If she gets promoted before you come out with this, you're going to embarrass a lot of people, not just Divya. And use my name if you have to. No one's about to push me around. You don't mess with IT. We get to decide who lives and who dies."

Stacy laughed at that. Knowing that Liz had her back made her feel better about the whole thing.

"So, tell me," Liz said, giving her a sidelong look. "Are you really having problems with your computer?" She put her hand on Stacy's on the arm of the chair and stroked it slowly with her fingers.

"Yeah," Stacy said, taken off guard. "Well it kind of. . . I think it fixed itself or—"

"Oh, then it seems that we have the rest of the evening to spend together." She took Stacy's hand in her own, still rubbing the back of it with the fingers of her other hand.

"Uh. . ."

"You know, you've been driving me crazy since you got here. Even though we're in different departments, I thought it would look better if you made the first move. A department head initiating the relationship would cast me in suspicion. They don't teach you that in sexual harassment training modules." Liz got up from the couch and knelt on the floor in front of Stacy. She placed Stacy's hand on her cheek, closed her eyes and smiled. "I was always finding excuses to come over and talk to you, but I was starting to think you'd never work up the courage to ask me out."

"Um," Stacy said, carefully extracting her hand. She thought over the day's events at a furious pace, putting the pieces together. "I'm sorry, I think there's been a bit of a mistake."

Liz drew herself up slowly. "What do you mean?"

"I didn't ask you here as a date," Stacy said.

"You didn't?" Her tone was flat.

"No, I—I really did have a technical problem, and—"

"Oh." Liz stood up and walked a few steps away. She shook her head. "God, you must think I'm an ass."

"No!" Stacy said, standing and hurrying over. "No, I like you, I do. But I have a boyfriend and—"

"I know you have a boyfriend," Liz said, backing up a step. Her face had gone pink with embarrassment. "I also know you have an open relationship. I didn't think it was a problem. I thought you were sending me signals today. You were flushed and stammering. I thought it was so cute. You're not usually so nervous around me, so I jumped to the conclusion that you were asking me out." She grimaced and blinked a few times, apparently holding back tears. "I'm sorry, I'd better go."

She started for the door, but Stacy caught her hand. "Wait, Liz. Please, I need to apologize. This is all my fault. The reason I was all flustered and stammering today. . ." Liz watched her warily while Stacy tried to think through how and what she wanted to say. She took a deep breath. "Okay, okay. Maybe I'd better just show you." She unbuttoned and zipped down her pants, quickly, before she lost her nerve, and pushed her panties down to reveal the cybercock in its harness.

Liz stared down at her crotch, then at her face, then back down at her crotch. "Stacy, honey, I'm getting mixed signals here. You just rejected me a minute ago. And, you know, I never would have guessed that you were trans, but I guess I could handle it."

Stacy's face went so red that it was almost purple. She barely paused to take breaths as she spoke. "No, it's not that, just listen. I got this package a few days ago, and I called about it, and the guy said it was a mistake and to just throw it away. Only I got curious about it and I was kind of, you know, feeling aroused, so I decided to get it out but it was cold, and the manual said I needed to take a nano-capsule, so I did and then—"

"You grew a dick?!" Liz interjected, her eyes going wide.

Stacy looked down at the thing and back up at Liz. "What? No. This isn't real. It's in a harness, see?" She pulled the skintight fabric away from her skin, showing that the toy moved with it. "What I'm trying to say is that it's interfaced with my brain and now I can't take turn it off without getting this weird, annoying feeling. I had to wear it under my clothes all day."

Liz gestured to the sofa. "Okay, we'd better sit down and talk." Stacy sat and Liz took the cushion next to her. Stacy tucked the toy back under her clothes. "So, you put this thing on and took a nano-capsule, it interfaced with your brain, and then what?"

"Well, I didn't put it on last night, but yeah, basically. So, I, uh, played with it last night for a while. Then I switched it off and went to bed. When I woke up, I felt what I can only describe as the feeling that I had an erection. I tried turning it back on and the feeling seemed to go away, but the range is limited, so I had to wear it to work."

"Can I see it again?"

"Sure." Stacy lifted her butt and pulled her pants down enough to free the toy.

"It looks amazingly real," Liz said. "Can I touch it?"

Stacy hesitated but then shrugged. "Y-yeah, sure."

Liz grasped it around the shaft, gave it a little squeeze and a pull. She traced a finger around the glans and Stacy had to swallow back a moan, despite the low sensitivity setting. Liz stopped, looking at her curiously. "Did you feel that?"

Stacy nodded. "Yeah, that's the nanos. They hooked into my brain somehow and make me feel whatever the cybercock feels."

Liz laughed. "Cybercock?"

Stacy shrugged. "That's what it's called. The company that makes it is Funtronics."

"Well, there's a node here," Liz said. "I'm going to go in and see what I can find."

"Okay, I'll give you the password."

"Already past it," Liz said. "You really need to learn to choose better passwords. I'm looking at the main menu now. So, you wanted me to come over and cure you of these phantom erections, so now I have to ask you an important question. You're a smart girl, so I would be rather surprised if you didn't think to simply use the command here to flush the nanos from your system."

"It occurred to me," Stacy said, "but I was afraid that the sensation might not go away."

Liz nodded. "Okay, that's sensible. There should be a maintenance menu here some—ah, there we go. Okay, I see some diagnostics routines and various reports. This one looks interesting. Here, let me stream it to you."

A prompt popped up from Elizabeth Sterling. Stacy accepted the data stream, a video, and set it to play on a virtual screen. It was a rotating three-dimensional model of a human brain, with a pair of multicolored streaks situated toward the back and on both sides. "Those are your parietal lobes," Liz said. "The nanos also interface with the frontal lobes to regulate arousal, but I left that layer off. The nanos are sending sensory stimulus directly into your cerebral cortex. Hmm, I wonder if I can shut off the sensory data without cutting the link." She concentrated for a few seconds, her fingers moving in the air as she manipulated virtual objects. "There, feel any different?"

Stacy started to shake her head in negation, but stopped. She grimaced. "Yeah, the phantom hardon is back."

"Good," Liz said, but didn't elaborate for a few seconds. "There, I think I found it. There is a miscalibration in the sensory feedback loop that the nanos maintain. Normally, you should only get that feeling when you're aroused to the point that you're about to have sex. From the diagnostics, it seems like the nanos seem to be having a little trouble with your physiology. They need the sensory data from the toy to maintain the correct tactile model. I don't think I can fix it, but we might be able to set up a workaround so you don't have to keep wearing this thing at work. That is, unless you just want to flush the nanos. That will actually cure you of it."

"Uh," Stacy said, suddenly unsure. "Well, I don't know."

Liz gave her a look of amusement. "You've been having fun with this thing, haven't you? Here, I'll restore the sensory link."

As she said it, the phantom erection disappeared. "That's better."

"I figure we can modify the link to work over the internet. That way you can leave it at home and charging. There will be some latency, but that shouldn't matter. I'm going to check the event logs to get a better idea how the data packets work over the wireless." She paused. "Oh, this is interesting."


"Well, let's see. 8:49:33. Orgasm threshold reduced to 40, then again to 20. Then sensitivity increased. Then, at 8:58:14, orgasm. Then again at 8:59:22, then 9:00:08. Jesus, this says you were having orgasms every twenty to thirty seconds for like a half hour. Then the sensitivity gets changed again a few minutes after 9:30, right about the time I dropped by." Liz suddenly smiled. "Oh, my. That's just. . . that's just naughty. The threshold controls how much stimulation it takes to trigger an orgasm and sensitivity modulates the amount of stimulation coming from the cybercock. You were giving yourself dozens of mini-orgasms instead of paying attention to your training. Then, when I came along. . ."

Stacy was red-faced yet again. "Yeah, I was really bored with the training so I started fooling around with the settings. I didn't really know what I was doing—"

"But you didn't try to stop it. No wonder you were all flustered and practically reeking of sex."

"You must think I'm some kind of pervert."

"Why? Because you like sex? I would be such a hypocrite if I judged you like that. And I can see why you're reluctant to just get rid of this thing. There have been some teleconferences I've wished I could orgasm my way through. This must be the most outstanding sex toy ever devised. I think I want one."

"It's a Japanese company," Stacy said. "I'll give you the number." She sighed. "Look, I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding. I never realized you had a thing for me."

"Well, then you certainly know how to flirt without meaning to. How about that time you kissed me outside Louie's Bar?"

Stacy had to think hard to remember it. She had gone out a few times with her coworkers after work for drinks and done some pretty silly things. The incident Liz referred to had been a few weeks ago. "I was drunk," she said. "We both were. Remember, Dawn had to drive us home. And if I recall correctly, I did that on a dare."

Liz frowned. "Hmm, I remember it differently. You used your tongue."

Stacy blushed. "Hey, I was drunk."

Liz sighed heavily. "Okay, I get it. Straight as an arrow, huh?" She stood. "Guess I should be going then."

Stacy really did feel bad for misleading her best friend. "Liz, wait. Look, I'm sorry about all this. I'm a little obtuse sometimes when it comes to relationships. I do really like you, but more than that just never occurred to me. I didn't even know you were lesbian."

"Bi," Liz corrected. "Okay, I'm about seventy percent into girls, but I have enjoyed the occasional Oscar Meyer wiener."

"Well," Stacy said slowly, "maybe I'm a little bit bi too." She didn't make that admission lightly. That kiss outside Louie's really had been hot, and she was recalling details now, like how Liz hand given her butt a squeeze, that was putting the incident in a whole new light. "Maybe we can get together sometime. And we can go on a real date."

"Well, this was a real date," she said, "up until about ten minutes ago when things got weird. But I'll go if you want me to."

"Please, stay," Stacy said, feeling a little light-headed and shaky. She wasn't at all sure about this, but the prospect of an intimate relationship with another woman was exciting her more than she could have imagined. "W-what do we do next?"

"How about this?" Liz asked. She sat next to Stacy and put her arms around her, drawing her in to rest her head against her shoulder. She gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

"That's kind of nice," Stacy said.

Liz put one hand under Stacy's chin, lifted it, and gave her a long, gentle kiss. "Still feeling a little bit bi?" she asked. "It's okay to back out now, if you want to. But I like kissing you."

"No, I'm good," Stacy said. She appreciated that Liz was taking her time and giving Stacy plenty of opportunity to stop everything if she needed to. "Can I touch your boobs?"

Liz laughed. "You can touch me anywhere you want, hon'. No limits tonight and no obligation, just good friends having fun."

"No limits," Stacy repeated. She cupped a hand on one of Liz's breasts. It was smaller than her own, maybe a C-cup, but soft and warm even beneath her clothes. Stacy spread her fingers over it and squeezed. Liz put her head back and drew a ragged breath.

"Your arousal is up to 40," Liz said suddenly. Stacy hadn't realized that she was still inside the interface. "Looks like you really are bisexual."

"I've been wondering what the numbers mean," Stacy said, still rubbing and kneading Liz's breast beneath her dress.

"I've been browsing the manual here and there. It looks like 50 represents a baseline for what you would experience during sex, doubling in intensity for every 10 on the scale. Let's try putting your arousal up to 75, shall we?"

Stacy's body reacted to the change, ramping her up quickly, but the need was immediately strongest in her mind. She wanted sex so badly. She wanted to fuck and be fucked. Her pussy ached to be filled and the phantom erection was back, only now it felt natural. It felt good. Most distressing of all, the affection that she felt for her friend had suddenly blossomed into an intense attraction. Her curious arousal had become an intense lust. "Liz?"

"The sensitivity is way too low," Liz said. "65 for that."

"Ah!" Stacy cried, as sensation shot through the toy that seemed suddenly energized. Without thinking, her hands found and began to stroke the fake cock. It seemed that she could feel every little bump and ridge of her hand and it all felt incredible.

"Hmm, you're rising towards orgasm already. Let's increase your threshold up to 50. Don't want to have you blow too quickly." She felt the tightening toward orgasm retreat somewhat.

"Wow, that's pretty cool," Liz said. "I think you've had enough, though." She chuckled. "I just wanted to see how effective this thing is, since I plan to get one. I'll turn you down now."

"No," Stacy said. Somehow, through her haze of lust, Stacy had the wherewithal to change her password, ejecting Liz from the cybercock interface.

"What?" It was Liz's turn to sound surprised. "Stacy, I'm sorry. I was going to change things back. Just turn the settings back down and you'll go back to normal."

"No," Stacy repeated. She knew what she wanted, and she was going to get it. She reached over and grabbed Liz's opposite shoulder and pulled her towards herself. She mashed their lips together and thrust her tongue hungrily into the other woman's mouth, pausing only for a moment to pant before doing it again. Liz was too shocked to react for a moment, but she recovered quickly. Her hands went to work on Stacy's blouse and then the bra beneath.

"I need to fuck you," Stacy said into Liz's ear, almost growling with the intensity of it.

"Okay, okay. Just give me a moment to catch up, hon'," Liz said. "And help me out of these clothes."

They both stood and Stacy helped her wriggle out of the dress. Stacy's cock seemed to pulse in time to her heartbeat, demanding to be sheathed somewhere warm and wet. "Suck me," Stacy said, pushing the other woman down onto the couch. She grabbed the cybercock by the shaft and pressed towards Liz's lips. Liz hesitated a moment before opening her mouth. Stacy thrust forward, moaning out a "yes!" as warm wetness engulfed her cock.