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Jacinta came back, I caught a glimpse of her bare breasts, tantalisingly short with no chance to see any detail but enough to know she was topless beside me. If I had control of my cock it would be getting hard, I didn't even feel a twitch from its control.

"Why don't we know anything yet?" she asked.

"I don't know. There's a blackout for some reason."

"But where's Daddy? He can phone us here?"

"Yes, the phone's fine. Where your father is I don't know, we'll have to wait."

She leant forward, hands on the desk, from the peripheral vision I could see them hanging like round plump pomegranates, the detail was a little fuzzy but I could see the darker colouration of her areoles and the brown tip of the nipples.

My sexual arousal had nowhere to go, mentally I had a stiffy but my mental hands couldn't touch it. It continued to pay attention to the screen, watching the scrolling lines while I looked for the mental equivalent of a cold shower.

She stood up and disappeared from my view, I was both disappointed and relieved at the same time; I wanted to see more of her but trapped in an unresponsive body I was only finding it frustrating. It was a funny strange feeling being a voyeur, like watching a film and wanting the camera to pan to follow the sexy girl.

Time was getting on it was past eight, twenty hundred hours to my military mind, unless we were contacted soon we were going to have to sort out sleeping arrangements for the night. I shut down again, the boredom of the flickering screen getting to me.

I tuned in again to find it making coffee, it was alone in the kitchen as far as I could tell and it was committing the sin of adding powdered milk to the coffee, I liked mine white but it had to be milk or cream, powdered was beyond the pale.

I watched as it carried the tray back, thankfully going to the lounge and not the comm's room. Jacinta was sitting back in a lounger, it walked to the other side of the table and put the tray down, facing the door it'd come in.

I saw her in her full glory, the rosy areoles and the thin little nipples, a dark ruddy brown nub. She shifted forwards her legs astride to give me a view if the little triangular patch covering her pussy. She took the cup, leaning forwards, elbows on knees to sip at it.

It was maddening, her arms covered her breasts with the hands and cup covering the centre.

"It's funny," she said. "You're the only man who always looks me in the eyes."

She put the cup down and cupped her breasts. "I could waggle these." Delightfully she bounced them. "Under your nose all day and you wouldn't look. I bet if I took my thong off you wouldn't blink even then."

I was watching, thinking, 'test the theory' with enthusiasm.

She picked up her cup, demonstration over. "I hope my Father gets us out of here soon."

I was beginning to think the worst, either her father was holed up somewhere he couldn't make a call from or he could be in hospital seriously injured, the other possibility was that he was dead. With no news for whatever reason how long would the first two theories hold us here?

She put her coffee down again. "You're sleeping with me tonight, I don't like strange empty beds in strange places, I'd fuck you to get me to sleep and get the worries off my mind but I doubt you have an erotic though to get a boner from."

I wondered how much of that made real sense to my cohabiter, I was tempted by the kill switch for a moment, but if I did that I'd have to trigger the locator as well and the lovemaking session would last ten minutes before the choppers started landing.

She picked her cup and drank. "Oh hurry up Daddy, we haven't even got decent coffee."

I had sympathy for her, I didn't like the taste either yet it was drinking it because it was wet. I shut down while it went to the toilet, I'd sampled staying once or twice just for the experience, feeling it second hand was no fun.

I went live again as it was walking back into the lounge.

"Make me a snack will you?" she asked sitting up. "A sandwich or something if you can find bread."

I had a mental yawn and switched off again floating in my mental cloud, I'd gotten good at reliving memories, some of the recent ones I could almost picture, the older ones had me thinking sometimes, I could see the reason for the choices I'd made and could see the faulty logic behind it.

It was in the freezer when I linked back, there was a shelf of bread, rolls and buns were bagged and frozen too, it took the bread to the microwave, chipping off and warming a few. It already had a can of ham and opened the can while the bread defrosted.

When it got back with the tray she stood and, breasts bouncing, walked forward. "Wait, we'll eat it in the bedroom."

I watched as she overtook me, her buttocks bouncing with just a thin string running down into the valley. My thoughts flicked to the kill switch again, this time wondering what she would think if I exposed myself as an undercover spy in her father's organisation.

As it put the tray down in the corner of the eye I saw her roll onto the bed and put her legs in the air.

"I won't be needing these with only you around," she said as she slid her thong off.

Figuratively I was on the edge of my seat, willing it to look. It turned and offered the plate.

"There was ham, I've used that."

"Turn the TV on for me, see if there's any pr0n," she asked.

Its focus flashed around the room, looking for any remote. It homed in on the draw in the bedside table, an extension of the bed. The remote was in the one the other side. She was stoically chewing one of the dry bread sandwiches and took the remote with a glare.

"Undress then." She commanded. "Get rid of those gunbelts you won't need them in here."

Whether she meant just the gunbelts I don't know but it stripped completely while she flicked through the listings. The TV burst into sound, after a few seconds she said. "Only soft porn, damm them!"

She discarded the sandwich and noticed us standing there. "Oh, what a hot body," she said, her eyes focused down on the four inches of flaccid meat between my legs.

"Get up on the bed," she said enthusiastically.

I watched as it climbed on and sat next to her, her breasts within arm's reach, the pert little nipples she wanted sucked.

"Lie down.... No, face me."

It turned as she lay down, her breasts, not so little round mounds, tantalizingly closer. I was able to see the glands in the areoles, the fine strands of hair around them. I wondered what her pussy looked like close up.

She turned on her back, one hand taking a breast and the other streaking down out of eyesight. She was watching the film and using it to arouse herself, working on a nipple, rolling it, pulling and stretching it.

I could see her other arm working, the elbow popping in and out of sight, I so wanted it to look. I could hear her breathing getting more excited, her hand swapping from breast to breast as her head started twisting.

"Ah...." It wasn't a scream, it wasn't a sigh, it was a satisfied groan if anything. She lay still with her eyes closed, her breast rising and falling steadily. She was so still for a while that I thought she was sleeping and I wished it would lie down and sleep too, even with the red eyelids from the light on.

"No," she moaned, turning back to me. "I don't think just one's going to do it tonight."

I could see her looking down at my inert cock.

"What's the use of a man who just lies there; let's see if at least you can lick me?"

She looked at it as if she expected it to respond. "Up on your knees," she said resignedly.

She talked him to kneeling at the side of the bed while she lay with her legs splayed out in front of his face. Her sweet aroma was there, her pink lips open and he could see the darkness of her hole surrounded by the glistening skin with its wrinkles and folds.

"Lean in and lick me," she ordered. "Lick like a cat at a bowl of milk."

The taste on my tongue had me shivering mentally, it wasn't quite mechanical but it was unimaginative, the tongue sliding up and down flat, the tip brushing into her hole and also just over the hood.

The next lick up found her fingers taking control of the clit, it licked on up over them as well. I was drowning in taste and smell, I could feel my tongue but it was nothing to the feast the other senses gave me.

She came too soon for me, her bucking hips pushing the tongue away and her thighs clamping our head. I could see the landing strip of her pubes and no tan lines, I wondered if she had a sunbed. Without the hormones flooding through me it was all cerebral and the flash flood had dried up.

She rolled her legs off us and sat looking down at us. "You can do one thing well enough, get up and cuddle with me."

She directed it again till it was spooning her under the covers, hands criss crossed to cup her breasts. I could feel the warmth of her back against me, the softness of her breasts with the extra pressure of her nipples.

I lay there waiting, wondering if an idea that had flitted through my mind one time was possible. I wanted it to sleep to see if I had any control when it relinquished the levers. Jacinta had other ideas, she hooked one leg over and slid her hand through her legs to grab our cock.

Her playing with it stimulated the autonomic response, our cock started to twitch and stiffen.

"It does work," she said delightedly, turning around in the bed to face us.

"Lay on your back," she commanded.

As it complied I felt her cool hand take the semi erect cock back, beginning to stroke it. I could feel that, the pleasure of her touch stirring the hormone's into action as well. I wallowed in the thrill, anticipation doubling the pleasure she was giving me.

It looked down as she started sucking it. Her lips, as she pushed them down over my shiny head, sent a surge though me. Then her tongue flicked over my pee hole, I mentally shuddered, having a mini orgasm myself.

Within seconds our cock was rigid. Her grip tightening on it as she began to bob, figuratively I had nowhere to lay but I was on cloud nine, the rain falling upward on me to soak me in pleasure. As I approached our climax the rain became a deluge and I transcended thought to become pure ecstasy.

I opened my eyes and popped back into reality. She was knelt head on my thigh with her arm under it gently playing with my balls, her other arm was stretched down, hand hidden between her thighs. I felt like I'd conquered the universe, explored its reaches, my mind expanded a million times in a burst of real joy.

She lifted her head and her hand took my wilted shaft. "Let's get you fire up again and see if you're a good dildo."

She was back sucking it and triggering the responses, it took her longer to restore the flagpole, but restore it she did with me enjoying every second. She turned to ride me cowgirl style, easing herself down on my hard cock. I felt every vein and bump slide in, her tight hole taking my fat seven inches and squeezing it into a velvet tunnel.

The cloud was bigger, the raindrops more numerous, I tingled in parts I didn't know I had. Through the eyes I could see her breasts swinging in time to the thrills, its hands on her waist to steady her, I wondered what was passing through its mind right now, I know I was looking forward to getting mine blown again.

Stars exploding were nothing, raindrops turning to glittering diamonds and showering me with love. The surge took me to another dimension; there were no thoughts only feelings, feelings of warmth and happiness, enveloping me like the shelter of a womb.

It was a happy place I never thought existed, a place where no harm could come, the ugliness of life shut away. I felt deep regret when it started to fade and reality intrude again, a profound sadness at its loss overwhelming the joy I just had.

She was lay on top of us, still panting a little with her arms stretched up around our neck. As it plopped out she pulled herself further up and reached for the cover. This time she did sleep, and so did my companion in mind, I had a wonder to think about before I slept.

There was still no news in the morning, Jacinta was walking around with only her bra on, the shorts and top it'd washed being too scratchy. I was definitely in the back seat, the wonder of last night was etched in my mind, I got a funny tingle just trying to reimagine it.

We'd had another can each of steak chunks for breakfast and more of the adulterated coffee, why couldn't he take it black, then at least the taste would be there. Jacinta had gone back to bed while it sat and continued scanning the news, the hope of her father contacting them fading further as the day wore on.

I almost missed it, it was the picture that caught my attention, a picture of me. The headline was something about a missing agent. It had only given it cursory attention, flicking to the next article above as it scrolled down.

I was now sure the news blackout had something to do with me, I wished it had read more but I was grateful that I'd been monitoring myself, I sat back and began to think of ending the mission. I'd have to use the over-ride, get her dressed and get us above ground; there was no point to letting them bash the doors down.

With the moment at hand I felt nervous of regaining control, I could just snap the switch and I'd be in the driving seat, I'd have to do it if I was to get Jacinta dressed and outside, the easiest way would be to tell her that her father was outside waiting but I couldn't be that cruel.

I flicked the switch and felt the full weight flood back, all my senses restored and my fingers wiggling as I tried them. I scrolled desperately up, bringing the article about my disappearance back onto the screen, it was anything but flattering, claiming that I'd had a nervous breakdown and just vanished.

People were advised to look out for me but contact the authorities if they saw me because I could be armed. Funnily enough I had a gun in each of the holsters under my armpits, I wondered if it would be safe to wear them out when we went.

I got up and made my way to the bedroom, wondering what I could say to get her outside and praying for inspiration. Jacinta was dosing, lying on top of the covers, I got my first good look at her, directing my eyes as I pleased.

I stood looking, her creamy thighs with the dark landing strip leading to her flat stomach, her breasts straining against her bra as she breathed, the sex we'd had last night teasing my memory and giving me the hard on she had to suck into life to pleasure herself with.

"Jacinta," I called.

She mumbled and stirred.

"Jacinta," I called again, trying to mimic the flat voice my erstwhile cohabitant had used.

She turned to look at me, suddenly coming fully awake.

"News?" she asked, a look of hope on her face.

"No," I replied, watching the sadness and worry flood back. "We need to go shopping for fresh food."

"Oh don't bother me with that, go do it, I'll be alright here."

Her eyes fell on my crotch and noticed the bulge. "Have you got a hard on?"

She slid herself across, her hand pressing against my zip and exciting me more.

"Undress," she commanded me. "We can have a quick fuck before you go."

I was caught, I'd have to stay in character and besides that the prospect of more sex with her was an offer I couldn't refuse. Slowly my fingers worked the buckles of my shoulder holsters, I wanted to tear my clothes of and jump on her but it wouldn't have done that so I slowly followed her orders.

She watched my strip tease, her eyes widening when I dropped my pants to reveal my swollen shaft. I sat on the edge of the bed to slip my shoes off; toeing my pants as well as Jacinta curled a hand around me to grasp my throbbing cock.

"Lie down," she ordered, moving back still holding me as I eased myself onto the bed.

"You can lick me again," she said manoeuvring herself to slip her leg over me.

Her pussy looked even more enticing as I examined it with full command of my eyes, pink, shiny and wide open in front of my face, as she bent forward to lick my cock the aroma of her arousal began to permeate, delighting my senses and bringing back wonderful memories. Eagerly I bent my head to begin tonguing her.

I licked and sucked for my own enjoyment while she worked on my cock, lazily licking and stroking it as I began to get her excited. Her pleasure was such that she neither noticed my skill nor my enthusiasm but just enjoyed it as I did, riding the curve upwards as the thrill started her moaning.

I had her cum in my mouth, her thighs clamping me again as her juices seeped out to coat my tickling tongue. Even before her shivers subsided she was spinning around to mount me, holding my cock steady as her silky tunnel took it in, squeezing down on me and sending thrills throughout my body.

She rode me hard, cumming again before I was ready. She took only a few seconds to enjoy it before starting again and driving me quickly over the edge, my hips jerking as my seed pulsed into her, taking her to the top level again as her spasming tunnel milked the last drops from me.

I was fucked, metaphorically and figuratively, I lay there enjoying the sensations even as they began to fade, my heart racing and my lungs desperately sucking air in. She was lay on top of me, her hard nipples pressing against my chest with every pant, my cock slowly softening inside her.

It plopped out and she rolled to the side, happiness written on her face as she snuggled in next to me. I could see her nipple tenting the fabric of her bra; feel the warmth of her body, her soft breath wafting over my ribs. My resolve to surrender her wavered, she looked so innocent and defenceless.

I let her doze next to me, knowing that duty called. I'd taken the irrevocable step of killing my alter ego. I wearily lay back, caught in a tangle of emotions, feeling protective of the beauty lying next to me but knowing where my duty lay.

I eased myself out from next to her and off the bed, going over to the chair and picking her clothes up. I sniffed at her thong to remind me of her aroma, sparking a pleasurable memory and making her safety more important to me. She'd be safer in witness protection was my though as I turned back to her.

"Jacinta," I called to wake her again.


"Come on, get up and dressed, we're leaving we need to find out what's happening outside."

"But Daddy will expect to find me here," she complained.

"I think your father has troubles of his own, he would have contacted us by now otherwise."

"Do you think he's alright?"

"I don't know, he could be in hospital."

"He could be dead."

"Yes, that too, but staying here will get us nowhere."

"Okay, give me my clothes then."

I watched her dress, thinking this would be the last time I saw her lithe nude body.

"Ready," she said launching herself off the bed.

I led her out, triggering the beacon while regretting what I was doing, convincing myself that it was in her best interests.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
underrated writer

I loved the descriptions and concept to this story! This is one of the better if not top stories I have read on literotica.

hakdrakkenhakdrakkenover 11 years ago

I've never read a story like that before. Well imagined. Similar to a possession story, but different.

If the story continues, I'd love to see something more about the AI being a little self-aware as was mentioned. A self-discovery of some way for them to communicate would be cool, too.

DmitryDmitryover 11 years ago
love it!!!

Great twist. Please more

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