Cyborg Breeding

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To save the world, she must fuck the cyborg.
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Melanie sighed as the light came on and the chime sounded. She'd signed on for this duty. She'd even volunteered. But it did get tedious. Standing up, sliding a bookmark into her novel, Melanie waited for the chamber to open.

A month ago, she'd been a lieutenant in the Black Navy, defending the planet against off world invaders. The war had been over for five years and the threat was now minimal. But one day, the Outsiders would return. So vigilance must be maintained.

Melanie looked out the porthole, at the starfield and the planet below. The view hasn't changed much, from her duty post on the weapons deck of the Vendetta to this orbiting habitation pod. Her duties had changed a great deal, but in her own way, she was still serving the homeworld. One gunnery engineer, among thousands, in a time of peace, was an unnecessary expense in the planetary defense. Now, she was arming the future.

A thin, dark vertical line appeared in the center of the chamber cover as the lock disengaged and the seam split. With the a hiss of escaping gases, the two halves of the cover slid apart, and the newly waked Cabu stepped out.

It had the body of a seasoned warrior, broad shoulders, powerful muscles, a runner's legs. And its cock was impressive, to say the least. But the eyes were empty, void of expression. The man whose body this was had died.

Anthony Klein, his name had been. A powerful wizard from an ancient line. It had been Anthony who had finally defeated the Outsiders. He had saved the Earth but been grievously injured in the process. His brain had been mostly destroyed in a final assassination attempt from the defeated aliens.

Things were peaceful now but someday, the Outsiders would be back. And there were no known wizards left on Earth. The practice had actually been outlawed more than a century before. Anthony Klein had been a hero, but his actions had been criminal, punishable by death. If there were other witches and wizards in hiding out there, it was unlikely they'd bear any love for the society that now needed them.

But there might be another way. Sorcery was a combination of training and a blood enzyme that enabled a human to do magic. The earlier one started training, the more of the enzyme would build up in the blood. It took time. And there were some who had been born with high levels of the enzyme, but had started training too late to ever be powerful.

Melanie was one of these. Her enzyme levels were at 64%. Far beneath Anthony Klein's 99.7%, but still higher than anybody else tested.

So this incubation project had been launched. Anthony Klein's body had been preserved, kept artificially alive, and fitted with computer processors and cybernetics. Melanie had been sealed in this orbital pod with the cyborg. No other duties. No other people. Her assignment was to get the Cyber-Assisted Biological Unit, CABU for short, to inseminate her. If she couldn't be the next great wizard of Earth, she could be its mother. The great wizard's spellbooks had been located. Melanie could manage a few of the simpler spells. But she could also start the training of a new wizard while teaching him to be loyal to the planetary government.

"Ready again, Cabu? So soon? It's only been an hour since the last time." Melanie stopped out of her robe and stood naked before him. She studied his dick, watching for a reaction.

Portions of the wizard's brain remained undamaged, and sometimes, the sight of the female form was enough to trigger a natural male response. And Melanie knew she looked good to men. Smooth, cappuccino skin, high tits with rosy nipples, a narrow waist flaring out to generous hips had always attracted masculine attention. Her face was pretty enough to inspire invitations and wistful sights, although the technicians running this project were undecided whether Cabu could recognize "pretty."

The techs had nearly come to blows over Melanie's pubic hair. She had stood before the group of them, naked and embarrassed, as they fiercely debated the issue. Doctor Thomas Alexi had stood up and pointed angrily at her crotch. "The unit's rudimentary brain functions will be expecting this dark triangle and respond," he'd insisted, his finger brushing Melanie's soft hairs as he gestured.

Doctor Lysette Winter had disagreed. She had ordered Melanie to sit in a chair. Then she'd used her fingers to push the hairs away from Melanie's sex, baring her pussy lips for the techs and military advisers to see. "This is what men want. A man's primitive brain knows exactly what's hidden by the hair and he will responds to the sight of it. I'll bet every dick in this room is as hard as a rock right now."

A compromise had been reached. Melanie's pussy lips had been denuded of all hair, but a small triangular patch had been left for visibility just above her opening. She was uncomfortable being so exposed, but she would have to get used to it. There was no going back. The alteration was permanent. An actress in Montreal, with 57% of the enzyme, and an inmate in Dublin, with 54%, were being prepped for their turns in this pod. But if this breeding were successful, then Cabu would be put on ice for a few years, while his progeny learned to walk and talk, then he'd be revived to sire siblings. It would be more efficient if Melanie had remained in committee-approved pussy readiness.

But first, she had to make this breeding successful. Melanie needed to focus on the task at hand. The cyborg wasn't cooperating. The computer could make him walk around and move his arms and fingers, but the computer didn't understand sexual desire or stimulation.

Sometimes, Melanie's naked body was enough to make Cabu hard. Other times, just the sound of her voice could do it. But this time, he was hanging flaccid.

"Too soon, I think," Melanie told him. "You just fucked me an hour ago. That computer measures sperm count, but doesn't take recovery time into account." She had noted that in her log.

But there was a solution. Melanie approached the cyborg and dropped to her knees. No man alive could resist a blowjob. And though the wizard himself was dead, his penis was alive and well.

Melanie actually preferred starting this way. She had long ago learned to accept that her very presence could produce erections in men, but it took a bit longer to prepare herself for penetration. And a blowjob was extremely effective.

She rubbed her cheek against his soft cock and pressed her nose to his balls. Inhaling the musky scent started her juices flowing. She kissed the wrinkly skin, offering whispered blessings to the little swimmers inside.

"Good luck, boys. And good journey. Invade and conquer. You find that egg and make her your bitch. I am ripe for your occupation."

Down on the planet, techs, doctors, and military figures observed the habitation pod 24 hours a day. The psychologists had expressed some concern over Melanie's habit of talking to Cabu's cock and balls. They worried that it might be a sign of mental instability. Such things could be passed on, and a crazy wizard might be worse than no wizard at all.

Melanie had defended her words as being necessary to her own arousal. It was quickly pointed out that the female arousal was not required for conception. Doctor Robin Chisolm had suggested that if the situation had been reversed and it had been Melanie's brain that was damaged, this whole thing would be simpler. They could have simply kept her on life support and various males could have simply climbed on, one by one, until she was pregnant.

They could have harvested the wizard's sperm, of course, with a plastic cup and a volunteer's friendly hand, but getting the sperm where it needed to be was less easy. Artificial insemination had an unacceptably low rate of success. Too many sperm cells died before implantation. The most efficient way of getting a girl pregnant was still penis in vagina, spurt, spurt, spurt.

Melanie had argued that while Doctor Chisolm was undeniably correct; female arousal is not necessary for conception, an unlubricated vagina can cause intercourse to be painful for both male and female, which might inhibit Cabu's responses, and artificial lubrication would take extra time, and everyone on Earth was eagerly watching every clock and calendar, hoping each time that this would be the fuck that planted the seed.

Melanie had also pointed out that if female arousal was so irrelevant, there was no possibility that a project of this importance would be shut down over such a thing. With the legislature out of session, it would take six months just to get approval and funding to open the pod prematurely and send a shuttle crew up to do it. By that point, this phase would be over anyway, either with a successful conception or with a replacement female installed.

And, finally, Melanie had communicated, since it was Lieutenant Melanie Cordova's pussy on the line, and the psychologists were all safely on-world, Doctor Robin Chisolm and her colleagues could all go fuck themselves.

So Melanie continued to speak to the wizard's cock and ignored the cameras and microphones that monitored everything she did. These recordings would be studied by generations of scientists and historians. If the project were successful, her every move and word would be regarded as wise and heroic. Her bare pussy would be displayed in global network video and lauded as the doorway by which heroes had entered the world.

"Heroes," she said to the cock. "It is your duty to plant them inside me." She kissed the shaft, and licked it. She rubbed her face all over the wizard's wand, letting the scent of him be absorbed into her pores.

He smelled of masculinity and of the antiseptic rinse the machines cleaned him with between sessions. But most of all, he smelled of pussy. It is not a perfume that fades quickly, and Cabu had been dipping his dick in Melanie eight to twelve times a day for almost a month.

He was starting to thicken and grow and Melanie purred in approval. She rewarded his achievement by taking him deep into her mouth. Just the head, to start, where he was most sensitive. She tilted her head to the left, then the right, rotating her lips on the crown of his cock.

Cabu gave a soft, little grunt in response. He'd started doing that just a few days ago. The first time had scared Melanie half to death. There was nobody else on this pod. Who the hell had made that sound? But once she'd accepted that it had to be the cyborg, she'd been starting to anticipate the reaction and learned the best ways to provoke it. Perhaps the wizard wasn't as dead as science's best instruments were telling them.

Melanie took him as deep as she could, and she brought her fingers up to tickle his balls. He grunted again and she smiled around his cock. She didn't think the microphones were picking it up, and even if they did, it was doubtful they'd guess what it might mean.

Cabu was hard now. Fully aroused. Fully engorged. His cock was hot and rigid and throbbing in her mouth. He was ready to fuck. Melanie would have been content to keep him where he was, teasing and tormenting with her lips, fingers, and tongue until he exploded in her mouth, but she had a duty. His sperm were too precious to waste.

Reluctantly, she released him and stood up. She backed away slowly, letting him hold onto the visual stimulation provided by her body. She felt the carpeted step behind her heel as she retreated. Swiftly, she stepped up, turned around, and leaned forward, draping herself over the breeding table. Her ass and pussy were presented for Cabu's view and use. The table and step had been precisely engineered for Cabu's height and proportions. Melanie's pussy was perfectly positioned for deep penetration.

She stretched her arms out in front of her and gripped the provided handles, bracing herself for what was often a very rough mating. It bothered her that there were leather wrist cuffs attached to the table. They had never been used, but their presence was ominous. Melanie had volunteered for this duty. But the straps suggested that even had she refused, she would still be bent over this table, waiting for the cyborg to fuck her.

Cabu approached. Pussy was a lure few men could easily resist. Besides, the computer that controlled him was programmed for this. Once his cock was hard, the computer took over.

Melanie reached down and turned on the monitor. The techs who had put this whole program together had thoughtfully supplied her with a way to watch what was happening to her, from a variety of angles. Four separate cameras had a close-up of her pussy and would capture every moment of Breeding Attempt #239 in Super High Definition. Cameras 5 through 8 were recording her from the sides, capturing her whole body bent over the table. Melanie selected Camera 9.

Down on the planet, at least two hundred dedicated professionals were watching live, in the desperate hope that this project would succeed. Nearly ten thousand hackers had managed to access the video feeds and had cloned them for their friends, followers, and customers. According to the most recent estimates, at least 2.4 million horny viewers were staring at Melanie's pussy right at this moment.

Camera 9 recorded in fully holographic 3-D. Melanie was looking at her own naked backside as if some other girl was bending over in front of her. Her smooth, hairless pussy was inches from her face.

She felt Cabu take hold of her hips and watched in the hologram as his broad hands and long fingers gripped her smooth skin. The blunt head of his cock, wet with her own saliva, appeared before her eyes as she felt it make contact with her pussy. The wet, swollen lips parted easily. Melanie watched eagerly as the cock slid gracefully home and her cunt gratefully received him. Cabu's grunt coincided with Melanie's own sigh of pleasure.

Penetration achieved, the cyborg shifted his grip from Melanie's hips to her shoulders, effectively holding her down as he fucked her. In life, the wizard had been a large and powerful man, while Melanie had barely qualified for the Black Navy's height and weight requirements. If she were an unwilling participant, or should she change her mind, there would be absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Melanie wasn't quite sure why the cyborg's programmers had thought it necessary for him to hold her down while he took her. She assumed it was a failsafe, to make certain the project succeeded, one way or another. And she didn't really mind. Melanie loved the solid weight of a strong man pressing her down, taking away her choices. Even if she did object, it would do much good. She wasn't going anywhere for awhile, like it or not.

Melanie watched the video with rapt attention, ogling her own tight ass, savoring the sight of the dick plunging in and out of her pussy. "Come!" she urged the cyborg. "Do it. Fuck me like you always wanted to."

Melanie knew a secret about the old wizard, a secret that would have shut the whole project down had it gotten out. Doctor Jennifer Latham had tried to inform her after some of the test results had come back. "Lieutenant, there's a reason you have 64% of the magic enzyme. When I checked you for possible genetic diseases, the scans identified you as the wizard's daughter and probably his granddaughter as well.

"Shhh," Melanie had hushed her with a grin. "I know. Good old granddad fucked his daughter and I was the result. Now he's gonna fuck me and the result will save the world."

"Incest is illegal," Doctor Latham had argued.

"So is magic," Melanie had reminded her. "But the wizard has been permanently pardoned for all crimes, past and future."

"You haven't."

"I will be if this works. I'll be the mother of the future. They won't dare prosecute me. So just keep that discovery to yourself and everything will be fine. This project is far too important to shut it down over something like this. You know that. The generals and techs are ruthlessly committed to this project. You could end it with public disclosure of this information but the people in charge would never forgive you."

"There are other candidates," the doctor had ventured.

"That old wizard got around," Melanie said. "Your other candidates, the high-enzyme actress and the inmate you've got lined up after me are also his progeny. Daddy was a randy old goat. He never met a woman who refused him."

So the secret had been buried. And now Melanie and 2.4 million viewers got to watch as Daddy's cock drilled his daughter's cunt. "Come for me, Daddy," she whispered. "Come in me, Daddy."

And Melanie was quite certain her father had heard her. So long as his body was alive, the wizard's spirit would linger nearby. That's why he grunted when his daughter sucked his cock. The cyborg was possessed by its own ghost. The powerful wizard was even now casting spells to repair damaged cells and knit new flesh. His damaged brain would soon be as good as ever. CABU would be no more and Anthony Klein would train his own children to defend the planet.

And what better way to power those rejuvenating spells than in the life-giving ritual of fucking? "Come inside me, Dad," Melanie repeated over and over, "Come inside me."

She tried to hold off her own orgasm. The doctors and techs had all been correct when they'd reminded her that only the male arousal and orgasm were necessary to fertilize the female. But even the loathsome Doctor Robin Cordova had eventually admitted that if the female orgasm happens after the male's ejaculation, the odds of conception are increased. The excited spasms of the cunt will push the sperm deeper into the female.

The cyborg reached his pleasure first. And it was truly a magical climax. As Cabu pushed himself all the way into Melanie and poured into her, she knew at once that this was the one. He flooded her with his seed and one of them found its target. She had just been successfully bred. Her father and grandfather had just fathered a child upon her. And as he pumped fresh new life into the womb he had himself created, the power of that tripled life force quickened the spells he'd cast.

The sperm flowing through his own daughter's cunt was the key to open the gate. Life was entering the Universe. And his multiple connections to the new being allowed him to share in the Life force and renew his own flesh. Wires and circuits, plastic and metal, fell from his head as new brain tissue grew and programmed. His strong, but broken and aged body shed decades of wear and the scars of war.

Melanie switched her monitor to Camera 1 for a wide shot. This view, showed her from the side, getting fucked from behind on the breeding table. But the man who fucked her was no longer the mindless electronic zombie. Gone were the empty eyes and the computer hardware emerging from his bald and broken skull. The man who took her was now in the flower of his youth, with a devilish expression and a full head of wavy, jet black hair.

Anthony Klein withdrew from his daughter's pussy. His cock was still hard as iron and ready to go, but he wanted to savor the experience. No longer were they cyborg and volunteer. Now they would know each other as human to human, man to woman, father to daughter. He pulled Melanie up to a standing position and turned her to face him.

The communications buzzer was sounding its most urgent signal. The computer was chiming as e-mail after e-mail arrived in her inbox. Melanie smiled at the sound. It meant the planetary authorities were panicking at this development. The plan was to train the wizard's children, not only in magic, but also in community responsibility, loyalty, and especially obedience to the Earth's governing body. The return of the renegade wizard himself was not welcome.

Anthony Klein had been a global criminal, stealing from the wealthy and powerful, humiliating law enforcement, and embarrassing government officials by revealing their nastiest secrets. For forty years, he had waged a subversive campaign against the corruption and greed of the people in power. From the shadows, he had struck again and again, hiding so well that many in authority doubted his existence even as he undermined their influence.