Cycling Can Be Fun


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As she came down from her high I let my face bury between her breasts. I had one on each side of my face only lifting my mouth every now and then to suck on a nipple. That seemed to turn her on again and her breathing became faster with huge inhales. "Villy, I have never put a cock in my mouth. I have seen some porn movies where the girl did it but I never did. It looked to me as if the guy enjoyed it and I will do it for you if you will tell me how."

"Connie. I would love to be your first. It won't be hard. The first thing you need to do is to get me hard and you can do that by holding my cock with your hand and then letting your tongue run up and down the sides of it. You can then move your mouth to the head of it and let your tongue roll around there. There are a ton of things you could do to excite me even more but for now all you have to do is to take the head of my cock in your mouth and then see how much of the shaft you can get in. You can then let your tongue just play around the tip of it while you are sliding your mouth up and down on it. You can let a hand ride on the part of my shaft you aren't able to get into your mouth. When I am ready to come you have a choice of letting it come in your mouth or pulling your mouth off of it and then just jerking my cock until it explodes. That will be up to you."

She then twisted herself from under me and moved around until her face was directly over the head of my pulsing cock. She opened her mouth and was able to get the head in her mouth but not much of my shaft. No problem, she had her tongue working the head of my cock for all it was worth while her hand was riding my shaft up and down fast and furious. Hell, this wasn't going to last but another minute and sure enough I soon had a hand on the back of her head and pulling it down on me as deep as she could manage without choking her and that warm feeling was starting deep inside of me. I must have started moaning for she started to go at my cock even wilder than she had been. I was soon spewing a long warm stream of come down her throat with some of it filling her mouth as she let her mouth rise and fall from the head of my cock. She stayed right there and milked every drop out of me she could and as far as I could tell swallowed every drop.

"Did I do it right Villy?" she asked. "Villy, in case you are wondering I have only had sex with one other guy. He was my boyfriend all through school and we did it the night of my graduation party. We only did it once more after that before I went off to school in Stuttgart. So, I really don't have very much experience."

"You did it perfectly honey and your lack of experience is just fine."

Holy shit, I couldn't remember ever having had such a great piece of ass. Besides being drop- dead gorgeous with a body to die for, she made love as if it was going to be the last time she ever did and wanted to put her all into it.

The rest of the night went about the same. It was an absolute wonder either of us could get up in the morning. But to tell the truth, the concierge told us that check out time was eleven AM and I think we just made it with a few minutes to spare.

In the morning we dragged our bikes and ourselves downstairs and then pedaled slowly around the town. We hadn't seen much of it the previous afternoon so we took in as much of it as we could before heading out in the direction of Vienna. Our behavior during our tour of Salzburg that morning was like honeymooners strolling hand in hand anytime we were off our bikes.

Leaving Salzburg we were once again on the rural roads and the scenery was magnificent but the hills were a little tough. Perhaps it was the level of exercise of the previous night's activities that had us a little weary!

The weather left a lot to be desired over the course of the next several days. Rain, rain and more rain. We both had rain suits but it still made for some poor cycling. Each morning we hoped for the best only to see more rain. Finally, we awoke to a clear blue sky. Praise the Lord.

That afternoon had us in a lovely little valley with a stream running through it far below the level of the roadway. It was the perfect spot for stopping for the night and Connie went down closer to the stream to see if there was a decent spot to pitch the tent. Yes, 'tent' is now singular.

The camping spot was ideal. Protected by the trees and a great flat area for a small campfire with a stream close by for cleaning up. We spent a little while gathering a few armloads of kindling and larger logs for the fire and then pitched the tent and spread out the ground cloth from her smaller tent to sit on while we rehashed the day. I couldn't imagine life getting any better than this.

We decided to call it a night close to eleven and the moon was out and lighting up our camp spot as if it were a searchlight shinning down directly on only us. As I was kissing her I pulled her over on top of me to let her lower herself on my cock and ride it as deep, hard and as fast as she wanted. She positioned herself over the head of me and just lowered herself down a few inches. I could feel her pussy lips part and hear her gasp and then she almost let herself fall the entire length of my cock until it was in to the hilt. All I could hear as she was going through that was one loud long exhale as it parted the walls of her vagina deep within her. She rode me as if I were a bucking bronco at a rodeo. She had her hands resting on my chest to steady herself and then rode me hard. This time it was me who was exploding first. Damn, I wanted to wait but couldn't hold back. I squirted a long stream deep inside of her and all she could say was "Yes Villy, I could feel you shooting deep inside of me. It's my turn now." With that she began to move ever faster with me having a hand on each of her breasts and massaging her tits as she rode me. It was only a minute later when she was letting out her little wolf howl and I could feel the tightening of the walls of her vagina on my cock. Her orgasms do as much for me as they do for her.

Sleep came very easy that night but the night wasn't without excitement.

Sometime after we had dozed off I heard some voices outside of the tent. It sounded as if they were trying to be quiet but also needed to talk to each other. The campfire was still burning nicely and I could see through the screen mosquito netting on the side of the front entrance to the tent there were at least three guys out there. I covered Connie's mouth with my hand and whispered for her to dig out her cell phone and call the police. A few seconds later the flap covering the front entrance was thrown back and the light from a flashlight was probing the inside of the tent.

They let go with a string of German and Connie gasped. "Villy, they are saying they are going to rape me."

"Let the bastards try."

The leader had knelt and was reaching inside while muttering something and Connie said, "He wants you outside."

"Oh does he now? Let's see about that. Connie, I hope you have already called the police." She stammered and stuttered, "Ja, Ja, they are coming."

I gave a mighty kick and drove the asshole back out through the front flap. I scrambled after him and upon reaching the fire grabbed the cool end of a log about three inches in diameter. The other end was blazing away as I pulled it from the fire. I lunged at the guy pushing the flaming end of the log directly at his face. His beard and hair caught on fire and he screamed to high heaven. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see one of the other guys making a move on me and I made one sweeping turn and let him also taste the flaming end of the log. His screams could have been heard in Munich. The third guy turned and ran up the hill to where their car must have been and he was yelling something to his buddies. "Connie, what is he yelling?"

"He is yelling for his friends to come back to the car."

We saw the patrol car going past our spot and I reached in and got the guys flashlight and shown it in circles in the air. The cops turned and were with us in a few minutes. They had grabbed the guy getting into their car and came back down the hill and rounded up the other two. The first one I had burned was in for some serious trouble. The burning log not only burned his beard and hair but also had poked his left eye deep and had burned the whole eyeball. He was going to lose that eye and perhaps the sight of the other one as well.

"Connie, pull on some clothes." I ordered and she had a huge inhalation of breath as she had forgotten she was nude.

It took a few minutes to explain what had happened and the police couldn't have been more understanding. One of them spoke perfect English and got me aside and said, "Too bad you didn't do all three of them. We have had a problem with these guys for some time but never could catch them in the act and the victims were always too embarrassed to talk about it. We owe you."

"Sarge, let me pull on my jeans while we are talking OK?"

"I was wondering how long it was going to be before you were complaining about the cold." He joked.

He continued, "Folks, I am afraid you are going to have to appear before the judge in the morning and give him your testimony. We will have written it up just as you told us so it won't be a big deal. I feel certain he will let you get back on your tour in a few hours as long as he feels he can get in touch with you if he needs to."

"What about the guys I burned?" I asked.

"Oh, the two you connected with will be in a hospital a few minutes from now and then brought to the station with the third guy in the morning." The English-speaking policeman replied.

That morning we packed up and rode into the nearby town to the police station and met up with the officers who had been with us during the night. The courthouse, such as it was, was right next door to the police station. The English speaking one went over with us and accompanied us up to the courtroom.

The judge was just what I would have imagined for a judge in this part of the world. ... Silver white hair and a black robe with a starched white shirt under the robe. He spoke no English so we were fortunate to have the policeman with us. There was a lot of banter between the two of them and the cop told us to take a seat. He left the room to return in a little while with the prisoners. They were in handcuffs and were wearing prison jumpsuits with two of them heavily bandaged. The policeman rattled off a long string of German and the judge responded and said something directly to them. They answered him one at a time and the judge sort of clapped his hands one time. The cop told me the prisoners had admitted their part of the threatened crime and they understood why I had burned them in defense of my girlfriend. The judge gave out with another long string of German and Connie leaned over to me and whispered, "He is telling them they will be held for a sentencing session to be held next week. He has appointed a lawyer for them until they can get their own."

The policemen then ushered the two prisoners out and the judge faced us as the only three in the room. He turned to us telling us he would be requiring us to be back in the courtroom for the sentencing just in case their smart-ass lawyer wanted to dispute the confessions of his clients. He knew that Connie was German and spoke the language and told her how thankful they all were for our actions. He didn't like to see anyone blinded but there had been a half dozen rapes linked directly to these guys but at least one of them wouldn't be able to see his way around again. He was certain the other two would have serious thoughts about ever repeating their involvement with any crime like this one. They were going to get prison terms for their involvement in threatening Connie and if they were ever convicted of similar crimes when they were released from prison they would probably spend the rest of their lives behind bars. Whew! What a night!

When we were outside Connie looked at me sort of funny and asked, "Do you feel bad about blinding someone?"

"Connie, I not only don't feel bad but since they were a team who had raped other women I am only sorry I didn't get the third one too.

"Oh Villy, I don't know what to think about you."

"Would you have preferred I let them rape you rather than have me do what I did?" I asked.

"Oh NO, but I hate to think you are so vicious." She said harshly.

"Look Connie, I don't understand you at all. I am going to go back in there and tell the clerk I will call the court every few days and if they want me back here to tell me during those phone calls. They can call you on your cell phone. Take care and have a nice tour."

"But Villy ... " I heard as I jumped on my bike and rode off.

Vienna was just over one hundred miles straight ahead of me and I was pedaling harder than I had been to get the anger out of my system. I thought I saved her from a fate most women would dread and here she is complaining about me being vicious. Women are hard to figure; at least this one was.

The secondary road was fine. Unlike some of the others we had been on this one had a bicycle lane which makes all the difference in the world. It was paved smooth and I was out of the mountainous region closer to Munich so I was making great time. I needed to find a laundry to wash my clothes and found one in a little town thirty miles down the road. It was kind of late in the day to start looking for a camping spot so I went on the lookout for a decent hostel. The one I found was perfect. I was lucky enough to get a single room on the first floor so bringing my bike inside wasn't a problem. A little restaurant next door served a wonderful salad and schnitzel and with a beer or two I was set for the night.

If the roads stayed as good as the one I came into town on and the weather held I would be in Vienna the next afternoon and I was really looking forward to the sights of that historic town.

I was missing Connie a lot. Besides the sex, she was a great companion but I was still dumbfounded with her attitude about what I had done. Over the last day or so with her I was secretly entertaining the thoughts of getting far more serious with the relationship. Now, if anything is going to happen between us it is going to take some time for both of us to go through a cooling off and even that might not do it.

My camping spot that night was fantastic. It was down near a stream that I thought I could use for a quick bath, that was until I felt the temperature of the water. Damn, I thought water froze at thirty-two degrees. No, I am afraid all I could do was to wet a wash cloth and wipe myself down and then dry off inside the tent and out of the wind.

That afternoon I was only a few miles out of Vienna and the traffic was getting as bad as one would expect near a large metropolis. I knew the name and address of the hostel my biking club had recommended and headed directly for it. It was a great place and filled with others; either hikers or bikers, making their way through this part of Europe. A couple of girls traveling together got my interest but the image of Connie came roaring back as I was talking to them and I said my good-byes and left.

Riding through the streets of the city was a little treacherous but interesting. Automobiles gave way to bicycles, which was a big switch from what I was used to back in the States. I made the big tour around the Ring Road and then headed for Schönbrunn Palace. I locked my bike with my U-Bolt locking device and then also chained it to the fence surrounding the place. It is one huge palace that sits on a very large expanse of land. The guide mentioned it had over four thousand rooms and most of them are now rented out. Hell, that is a small city. As I was walking from the back of the Palace and around the end going back to the front, I was attacked. One minute I was walking along peacefully minding my own business and looking down at my guide book and the next thing I knew I had been knocked flat on my back with a face an inch away with lips pressed to mine. Holy shit, it was Connie.

'Villy, I am so sorry. Please take me back. I love you so much." She cried with the tears pouring down her face. The crowds walking past us didn't quite know what was going on but when they saw the kissing they all just laughed and kept on walking.

'How did you find me?" I asked.

"I knew you would want to see this place on your tour so I talked a couple with a van into taking me and my bike to the outskirts of town. We rode on the autobahn so we made it here a lot faster than you did and that was why I didn't see you along the highway. I got a hostel and then stayed here and rode over here each morning waiting for you to show up."

"You mean you have been here for two days just waiting for me?"

"Yes, and I wished you had ridden faster." She laughed.

"How long would you have waited here for me to come by?" I asked.

"Maybe a year or two." she answered with her cute and coy mischievous look

"Well now, where do we go from here? Are you still upset about what I did to the attackers?" I asked.

"No, No, NO. I thought a lot about it and finally realized that as much as I hate violence, I knew that if you hadn't done something like that I would have probably been raped by all three of them and after that who knows what they would have done to us."

"Thank you." I said while holding her face between my hands and looking into her bright blue eyes. "Now how about if we go back to my hostel and see if I can get a private room?"

"Never mind. I already have one. Let's ride to yours and get your stuff and then go over to mine."

"No need to do that. All my stuff is on the back of my bike and it is locked up and chained to a fence about three meters from the guard shack. Get your bike and meet me out front"

We untangled ourselves from each other and got up and I walked to where my bike was. She got hers and met me out front and we rode off to her hostel. It was still only late morning but we were headed for one place and one place only ... her bed.

The lovemaking was as sweet as one could imagine or ever hope for; nothing hurried or wild but slow, tender and with deep feelings. We started out with me spooning her and entering her from behind and holding her beautiful firm tits to pull myself even further into her. We kept that up for some time before changing to a plain old missionary position. I wanted to see her face and be able to kiss her as the love making progressed. At one point I was holding her legs in the air while I was driving my cock deep inside of her. Her lovely firm breasts were pointing at me and I finally lowered her legs so I l could let my lips play with the nipples right in front of me. Was I ever glad she had changed her mind and then had found me in such a large city!

We called the court house that afternoon and the date for our return was still a week away and that was even if they wanted us there so we settled down to see the lovely old city of Vienna. I think we blew our food budgets during the next couple of days but we certainly enjoyed every bite.

There is a small town between Vienna and Salzburg housing the site of one of WW II's biggest death factories - - Matthausen, the Nazi concentration camp. It was a good few miles out of our direct route but worth every km. It was impossible to walk through the place and not be shaken to your core with the thoughts of the viciousness that existed here so many years ago. Many of the guilty parties were brought to justice after the war but not all. Some of them just blended into German society, never to be heard about again. Connie, being a German, had heard of many of these places but this was the first time she had visited one and for that I screamed at her. Dachau concentration camp was only a short ride out of Munich and she had never taken the time to visit the place. She tearfully said she was sorry but knew she would never be able to face what some of her countrymen had done to the millions who were put to death in those places. She said that it was only because I was with her here that she was able to get through our visit without breaking down. I knew there was some truth in what she was saying because every time we walked past a spot with a particularly nasty story her hand would squeeze mine until she was hurting it. When we got away from those kinds of places her fingers would relax until the next spot. Anyway we enjoyed the visit, at least I did.